BattleCore: ; Core components of the battle engine. Function3c000: ; 3c000 xor a ld [wc664], a ld [wc6fc], a ld [wd0ec], a ld [BattleEnded], a inc a ld [wd264], a ld hl, OTPartyMon1HP ld bc, OTPartyMon2 - (OTPartyMon1 + 1) ld d, NUM_MOVES - 1 .asm_3c019 inc d ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .asm_3c021 add hl, bc jr .asm_3c019 .asm_3c021 ld a, d ld [wBattleAction], a ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3c031 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $2 jr z, .asm_3c04c .asm_3c031 ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr z, .asm_3c047 xor a ld [wc718], a call NewEnemyMonStatus call ResetEnemyStatLevels call BreakAttraction call Function3d4e1 .asm_3c047 ld c, 40 call DelayFrames .asm_3c04c call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call CheckPlayerPartyForFitPkmn ld a, d and a jp z, LostBattle call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_DEBUG jp z, .asm_3c0e2 cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL jp z, .asm_3c0e2 xor a ld [CurPartyMon], a .asm_3c06b call CheckIfPartyHasPkmnToBattleWith jr nz, .asm_3c076 ld hl, CurPartyMon inc [hl] jr .asm_3c06b .asm_3c076 ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [LastPlayerMon], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurBattleMon], a inc a ld hl, PartySpecies - 1 ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a hlcoord 1, 5 ld a, $9 call Function3d490 call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call Function3d57a call Function3da0d call ResetPlayerStatLevels call SendOutPkmnText call NewBattleMonStatus call BreakAttraction call Function3db5f call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call SetPlayerTurn call SpikesDamage ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3c0df ld a, [$ffcb] cp $2 jr nz, .asm_3c0df xor a ld [wc718], a call NewEnemyMonStatus call ResetEnemyStatLevels call BreakAttraction call Function3d4e1 call SetEnemyTurn call SpikesDamage .asm_3c0df jp Function3c12f .asm_3c0e2 jp BattleMenu ; 3c0e5 WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled: ; 3c0e5 call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap ld a, [wBattleResult] and $c0 add $2 ld [wBattleResult], a ld a, [wLinkMode] and a ld hl, BattleText_WildFled jr z, .asm_3c115 ld a, [wBattleResult] and $c0 ld [wBattleResult], a ld hl, BattleText_EnemyFled call Function3d2e0 jr nc, .asm_3c115 ld hl, wcd2a bit 4, [hl] jr nz, .asm_3c118 ld hl, BattleText_LinkErrorBattleCanceled .asm_3c115 call StdBattleTextBox .asm_3c118 call StopDangerSound call Function3d2e0 jr c, .asm_3c126 ld de, SFX_RUN call PlaySFX .asm_3c126 call SetPlayerTurn ld a, 1 ld [BattleEnded], a ret ; 3c12f Function3c12f: ; 3c12f .loop call Function3c1bf call Function3c3f5 jp c, .quit xor a ld [wPlayerIsSwitching], a ld [wEnemyIsSwitching], a ld [wd264], a ld [wc73f], a ld [wc740], a ld [CurDamage], a ld [CurDamage + 1], a call Function3c27c call UpdateBattleMonInParty callba AIChooseMove call IsMobileBattle jr nz, .not_disconnected callba Function100da5 callba Function100641 callba Function100dd8 jp c, .quit .not_disconnected call Function3c410 jr c, .asm_3c18a .asm_3c179 call BattleMenu jr c, .quit ld a, [BattleEnded] and a jr nz, .quit ld a, [wd232] ; roared/whirlwinded/teleported and a jr nz, .quit .asm_3c18a call Function3c434 jr nz, .asm_3c179 call Function3c300 jr c, .quit call Function3c314 jr c, .asm_3c19e call Function3c5fe jr .asm_3c1a1 .asm_3c19e call Function3c664 .asm_3c1a1 call Function3d2e0 jr c, .quit ld a, [wd232] and a jr nz, .quit ld a, [BattleEnded] and a jr nz, .quit call Function3c1d6 ld a, [BattleEnded] and a jr nz, .quit jp .loop .quit ret ; 3c1bf Function3c1bf: ; 3c1bf ret ; 3c1c0 Function3c1c0: ; 3c1c0 ld a, $5 call GetSRAMBank ld hl, $a89b inc [hl] jr nz, .asm_3c1d2 dec hl inc [hl] jr nz, .asm_3c1d2 dec [hl] inc hl dec [hl] .asm_3c1d2 call CloseSRAM ret ; 3c1d6 Function3c1d6: ; 3c1d6 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .CheckEnemyFirst call CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy ret c call Function3ca26 call CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy ret c call HandleWeather call CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy ret c call Function3c874 call CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy ret c call Function3c801 call CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy ret c jr .NoMoreFaintingConditions .CheckEnemyFirst call CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer ret c call Function3ca26 call CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer ret c call HandleWeather call CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer ret c call Function3c874 call CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer ret c call Function3c801 call CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer ret c .NoMoreFaintingConditions call Function3c8eb call Function3c93c call HanleDefrost call HandleSafeguard call HandleScreens call Function3de97 call Function3dcf9 call UpdateBattleMonInParty call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap jp Function3c4df ; 3c23c CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy: ; 3c23c call HasPlayerFainted jr nz, .PlayerNotFainted call HandlePlayerMonFaint ld a, [BattleEnded] and a jr nz, .BattleIsOver .PlayerNotFainted call HasEnemyFainted jr nz, .BattleContinues call HandleEnemyMonFaint ld a, [BattleEnded] and a jr nz, .BattleIsOver .BattleContinues and a ret .BattleIsOver scf ret ; 3c25c CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer: ; 3c25c call HasEnemyFainted jr nz, .EnemyNotFainted call HandleEnemyMonFaint ld a, [BattleEnded] and a jr nz, .BattleIsOver .EnemyNotFainted call HasPlayerFainted jr nz, .BattleContinues call HandlePlayerMonFaint ld a, [BattleEnded] and a jr nz, .BattleIsOver .BattleContinues and a ret .BattleIsOver scf ret ; 3c27c Function3c27c: ; 3c27c ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .reverse call .player jr .enemy .reverse call .enemy ; jr .player .player call SetPlayerTurn ld de, PartyMon1Item ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld b, a jr .go .enemy call SetEnemyTurn ld de, OTPartyMon1Item ld a, [CurOTMon] ld b, a ; jr .go .go push de push bc callab GetUserItem ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a sub BERSERK_GENE pop bc pop de ret nz ld [hl], a ld h, d ld l, e ld a, b call GetPartyLocation xor a ld [hl], a ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS3 call GetBattleVarAddr push af set SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, [hl] ld a, BATTLE_VARS_MOVE_ANIM call GetBattleVarAddr push hl push af xor a ld [hl], a ld [AttackMissed], a ld [EffectFailed], a callba BattleCommand77 pop af pop hl ld [hl], a call GetItemName ld hl, BattleText_UsersStringBuffer1Activated call StdBattleTextBox callab BattleCommand8c pop af bit SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, a ret nz xor a ld [wcfca], a ld de, ANIM_CONFUSED call Function3ee0f call SwitchTurnCore ld hl, BecameConfusedText jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3c300 Function3c300: ; 3c300 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3c30d ld a, [wBattleAction] cp $f jr z, .asm_3c30f .asm_3c30d and a ret .asm_3c30f call WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled scf ret ; 3c314 Function3c314: ; 3c314 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3c35b ld a, [wBattleAction] cp $e jr z, .asm_3c35b cp $d jr z, .asm_3c35b sub NUM_MOVES jr c, .asm_3c35b ld a, [wd0ec] cp $2 jr nz, .asm_3c34c ld a, [$ffcb] cp $2 jr z, .asm_3c341 call BattleRandom cp 1 + (50 percent) jp c, .asm_3c3f1 jp Function3c3f3 .asm_3c341 call BattleRandom cp 1 + (50 percent) jp c, Function3c3f3 jp .asm_3c3f1 .asm_3c34c callab AI_Switch call SetEnemyTurn call SpikesDamage jp Function3c3f3 .asm_3c35b ld a, [wd0ec] and a jp nz, .asm_3c3f1 call CompareMovePriority jr z, .asm_3c36d jp c, .asm_3c3f1 jp Function3c3f3 .asm_3c36d call SetPlayerTurn callab GetUserItem push bc callab GetOpponentItem pop de ld a, d cp HELD_QUICK_CLAW jr nz, .asm_3c391 ld a, b cp HELD_QUICK_CLAW jr z, .asm_3c39f call BattleRandom cp e jr nc, .asm_3c3c5 jp .asm_3c3f1 .asm_3c391 ld a, b cp HELD_QUICK_CLAW jr nz, .asm_3c3c5 call BattleRandom cp c jr nc, .asm_3c3c5 jp Function3c3f3 .asm_3c39f ld a, [$ffcb] cp $2 jr z, .asm_3c3b5 call BattleRandom cp c jp c, Function3c3f3 call BattleRandom cp e jp c, .asm_3c3f1 jr .asm_3c3c5 .asm_3c3b5 call BattleRandom cp e jp c, .asm_3c3f1 call BattleRandom cp c jp c, Function3c3f3 jr .asm_3c3c5 .asm_3c3c5 ld de, BattleMonSpeed ld hl, EnemyMonSpeed ld c, $2 call StringCmp jr z, .asm_3c3d8 jp nc, .asm_3c3f1 jp Function3c3f3 .asm_3c3d8 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $2 jr z, .asm_3c3e9 call BattleRandom cp 1 + (50 percent) jp c, .asm_3c3f1 jp Function3c3f3 .asm_3c3e9 call BattleRandom cp 1 + (50 percent) jp c, Function3c3f3 .asm_3c3f1 scf ret ; 3c3f3 Function3c3f3: ; 3c3f3 and a ret ; 3c3f5 Function3c3f5: ; 3c3f5 ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_CONTEST jr nz, .asm_3c40e ld a, [wdc79] and a jr nz, .asm_3c40e ld a, [wBattleResult] and $c0 add $2 ld [wBattleResult], a scf ret .asm_3c40e and a ret ; 3c410 Function3c410: ; 3c410 ld a, [PlayerSubStatus4] and 1 << SUBSTATUS_RECHARGE jp nz, .quit ld hl, EnemySubStatus3 res SUBSTATUS_FLINCHED, [hl] ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3 res SUBSTATUS_FLINCHED, [hl] ld a, [hl] and 1 << SUBSTATUS_CHARGED | 1 << SUBSTATUS_RAMPAGE jp nz, .quit ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1 bit SUBSTATUS_ROLLOUT, [hl] jp nz, .quit and a ret .quit scf ret ; 3c434 Function3c434: ; 3c434 call Function3c410 jp c, .asm_3c4ba ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5 bit SUBSTATUS_ENCORED, [hl] jr z, .asm_3c449 ld a, [LastPlayerMove] ld [CurPlayerMove], a jr .asm_3c47c .asm_3c449 ld a, [wd0ec] cp $2 jr z, .asm_3c4ce and a jr nz, .asm_3c4b5 ld a, [PlayerSubStatus3] and 1 << SUBSTATUS_BIDE jr nz, .asm_3c4ba xor a ld [wd235], a inc a ; POUND ld [FXAnimIDLo], a call MoveSelectionScreen push af call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap call UpdateBattleHuds ld a, [CurPlayerMove] cp STRUGGLE jr z, .asm_3c476 call PlayClickSFX .asm_3c476 ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a pop af ret nz .asm_3c47c call SetPlayerTurn callab UpdateMoveData xor a ld [wc732], a ld a, [wPlayerMoveStruct + MOVE_EFFECT] cp EFFECT_FURY_CUTTER jr z, .asm_3c494 xor a ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a .asm_3c494 ld a, [wPlayerMoveStruct + MOVE_EFFECT] cp EFFECT_RAGE jr z, .asm_3c4a4 ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4 res SUBSTATUS_RAGE, [hl] xor a ld [wc72b], a .asm_3c4a4 ld a, [wPlayerMoveStruct + MOVE_EFFECT] cp EFFECT_PROTECT jr z, .asm_3c4c9 cp EFFECT_ENDURE jr z, .asm_3c4c9 xor a ld [PlayerProtectCount], a jr .asm_3c4c9 .asm_3c4b5 ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3 res SUBSTATUS_BIDE, [hl] .asm_3c4ba xor a ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a ld [PlayerProtectCount], a ld [wc72b], a ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4 res SUBSTATUS_RAGE, [hl] .asm_3c4c9 call Function3e7c1 xor a ret .asm_3c4ce xor a ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a ld [PlayerProtectCount], a ld [wc72b], a ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4 res SUBSTATUS_RAGE, [hl] xor a ret ; 3c4df Function3c4df: ; 3c4df ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3c4ea call .asm_3c4ed jr .asm_3c518 .asm_3c4ea call .asm_3c518 .asm_3c4ed ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5 bit SUBSTATUS_ENCORED, [hl] ret z ld a, [PlayerEncoreCount] dec a ld [PlayerEncoreCount], a jr z, .asm_3c50a ld hl, BattleMonPP ld a, [CurMoveNum] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and $3f ret nz .asm_3c50a ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5 res SUBSTATUS_ENCORED, [hl] call SetEnemyTurn ld hl, BattleText_TargetsEncoreEnded jp StdBattleTextBox .asm_3c518 ld hl, EnemySubStatus5 bit SUBSTATUS_ENCORED, [hl] ret z ld a, [EnemyEncoreCount] dec a ld [EnemyEncoreCount], a jr z, .asm_3c535 ld hl, EnemyMonPP ld a, [CurEnemyMoveNum] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and $3f ret nz .asm_3c535 ld hl, EnemySubStatus5 res SUBSTATUS_ENCORED, [hl] call SetPlayerTurn ld hl, BattleText_TargetsEncoreEnded jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3c543 Function3c543: ; 3c543 ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .Stay ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_CANT_RUN, a jr nz, .Stay ld a, [wc731] and a jr nz, .Stay ld a, [EnemyMonStatus] and 1 << FRZ | SLP jr nz, .Stay ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld de, 1 ld hl, AlwaysFleeMons call IsInArray jr c, .Flee call BattleRandom ld b, a cp 1 + (50 percent) jr nc, .Stay push bc ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld de, 1 ld hl, OftenFleeMons call IsInArray pop bc jr c, .Flee ld a, b cp 1 + (10 percent) jr nc, .Stay ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld de, 1 ld hl, SometimesFleeMons call IsInArray jr c, .Flee .Stay and a ret .Flee scf ret ; 3c59a FleeMons: SometimesFleeMons: ; 3c59a db MAGNEMITE db GRIMER db TANGELA db MR__MIME db EEVEE db PORYGON db DRATINI db DRAGONAIR db TOGETIC db UMBREON db UNOWN db SNUBBULL db HERACROSS db -1 OftenFleeMons: ; 3c5a8 db CUBONE db ARTICUNO db ZAPDOS db MOLTRES db QUAGSIRE db DELIBIRD db PHANPY db TEDDIURSA db -1 AlwaysFleeMons: ; 3c5b1 db RAIKOU db ENTEI ; db SUICUNE db -1 ; 3c5b4 CompareMovePriority: ; 3c5b4 ; Compare the priority of the player and enemy's moves. ; Return carry if the player goes first, or z if they match. ld a, [CurPlayerMove] call GetMovePriority ld b, a push bc ld a, [CurEnemyMove] call GetMovePriority pop bc cp b ret ; 3c5c5 GetMovePriority: ; 3c5c5 ; Return the priority (0-3) of move a. ld b, a ; Vital throw goes last. cp VITAL_THROW ld a, 0 ret z call GetMoveEffect ld hl, MoveEffectPriorities .loop ld a, [hli] cp b jr z, .done inc hl cp -1 jr nz, .loop ld a, 1 ret .done ld a, [hl] ret ; 3c5df MoveEffectPriorities: ; 3c5df db EFFECT_PROTECT, 3 db EFFECT_ENDURE, 3 db EFFECT_PRIORITY_HIT, 2 db EFFECT_WHIRLWIND, 0 db EFFECT_COUNTER, 0 db EFFECT_MIRROR_COAT, 0 db -1 ; 3c5ec GetMoveEffect: ; 3c5ec ld a, b dec a ld hl, Moves + MOVE_EFFECT ld bc, MOVE_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, BANK(Moves) call GetFarByte ld b, a ret ; 3c5fe Function3c5fe: ; 3c5fe call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call Function3c543 jp c, WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled call SetEnemyTurn ld a, $1 ld [wc70f], a callab AI_SwitchOrTryItem jr c, .asm_3c62f call Function3c6de call Function3d2e0 ret c ld a, [wd232] and a ret nz call HasPlayerFainted jp z, HandlePlayerMonFaint call HasEnemyFainted jp z, HandleEnemyMonFaint .asm_3c62f call SetEnemyTurn call ResidualDamage jp z, HandleEnemyMonFaint call RefreshBattleHuds call Function3c6cf call Function3d2e0 ret c ld a, [wd232] and a ret nz call HasEnemyFainted jp z, HandleEnemyMonFaint call HasPlayerFainted jp z, HandlePlayerMonFaint call SetPlayerTurn call ResidualDamage jp z, HandlePlayerMonFaint call RefreshBattleHuds xor a ld [wd0ec], a ret ; 3c664 Function3c664: ; 3c664 xor a ld [wc70f], a call SetEnemyTurn callab AI_SwitchOrTryItem push af call Function3c6cf pop bc ld a, [wd232] and a ret nz call Function3d2e0 ret c call HasEnemyFainted jp z, HandleEnemyMonFaint call HasPlayerFainted jp z, HandlePlayerMonFaint push bc call SetPlayerTurn call ResidualDamage pop bc jp z, HandlePlayerMonFaint push bc call RefreshBattleHuds pop af jr c, .asm_3c6be call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call Function3c543 jp c, WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled call Function3c6de call Function3d2e0 ret c ld a, [wd232] and a ret nz call HasPlayerFainted jp z, HandlePlayerMonFaint call HasEnemyFainted jp z, HandleEnemyMonFaint .asm_3c6be call SetEnemyTurn call ResidualDamage jp z, HandleEnemyMonFaint call RefreshBattleHuds xor a ld [wd0ec], a ret ; 3c6cf Function3c6cf: ; 3c6cf call SetPlayerTurn call Function3c6fe callab DoPlayerTurn jp Function3c6ed ; 3c6de Function3c6de: ; 3c6de call SetEnemyTurn call Function3c6fe callab DoEnemyTurn jp Function3c6ed ; 3c6ed Function3c6ed: ; 3c6ed ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS1_OPP call GetBattleVarAddr res SUBSTATUS_PROTECT, [hl] res SUBSTATUS_ENDURE, [hl] ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS5_OPP call GetBattleVarAddr res SUBSTATUS_DESTINY_BOND, [hl] ret ; 3c6fe Function3c6fe: ; 3c6fe ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS5 call GetBattleVarAddr res SUBSTATUS_DESTINY_BOND, [hl] ret ; 3c706 HasUserFainted: ; 3c706 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, HasPlayerFainted HasEnemyFainted: ; 3c70b ld hl, EnemyMonHP jr CheckIfHPIsZero HasPlayerFainted: ; 3c710 ld hl, BattleMonHP CheckIfHPIsZero: ; 3c713 ld a, [hli] or [hl] ret ; 3c716 ResidualDamage: ; 3c716 ; Return z if the user fainted before ; or as a result of residual damage. ; For Sandstorm damage, see HandleWeather. call HasUserFainted ret z ld a, BATTLE_VARS_STATUS call GetBattleVar and 1 << PSN | 1 << BRN jr z, .did_psn_brn ld hl, HurtByPoisonText ld de, ANIM_PSN and 1 << BRN jr z, .got_anim ld hl, HurtByBurnText ld de, ANIM_BRN .got_anim push de call StdBattleTextBox pop de xor a ld [wcfca], a call Function3ee0f call GetEighthMaxHP ld de, PlayerToxicCount ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3c74d ld de, EnemyToxicCount .asm_3c74d ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS5 call GetBattleVar bit SUBSTATUS_TOXIC, a jr z, .did_toxic call GetSixteenthMaxHP ld a, [de] inc a ld [de], a ld hl, 0 .add add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .add ld b, h ld c, l .did_toxic call Function3cc3f .did_psn_brn call HasUserFainted jp z, .fainted ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS4 call GetBattleVarAddr bit SUBSTATUS_LEECH_SEED, [hl] jr z, .asm_3c7a1 call SwitchTurnCore xor a ld [wcfca], a ld de, ANIM_SAP ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS3_OPP call GetBattleVar and 1 << SUBSTATUS_FLYING | 1 << SUBSTATUS_UNDERGROUND call z, Function3ee0f call SwitchTurnCore call GetEighthMaxHP call Function3cc3f ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a call Function3ccef ld hl, LeechSeedSapsText call StdBattleTextBox .asm_3c7a1 call HasUserFainted jr z, .fainted ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS1 call GetBattleVarAddr bit SUBSTATUS_NIGHTMARE, [hl] jr z, .asm_3c7c5 xor a ld [wcfca], a ld de, ANIM_IN_NIGHTMARE call Function3ee0f call GetQuarterMaxHP call Function3cc3f ld hl, HasANightmareText call StdBattleTextBox .asm_3c7c5 call HasUserFainted jr z, .fainted ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS1 call GetBattleVarAddr bit SUBSTATUS_CURSE, [hl] jr z, .asm_3c7e9 xor a ld [wcfca], a ld de, ANIM_IN_NIGHTMARE call Function3ee0f call GetQuarterMaxHP call Function3cc3f ld hl, HurtByCurseText call StdBattleTextBox .asm_3c7e9 ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3c7f4 ld hl, EnemyMonHP .asm_3c7f4 ld a, [hli] or [hl] ret nz .fainted call RefreshBattleHuds ld c, 20 call DelayFrames xor a ret ; 3c801 Function3c801: ; 3c801 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3c813 call SetPlayerTurn call .asm_3c81c call SetEnemyTurn jp .asm_3c81c .asm_3c813 call SetEnemyTurn call .asm_3c81c call SetPlayerTurn .asm_3c81c ld hl, PlayerPerishCount ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3c827 ld hl, EnemyPerishCount .asm_3c827 ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS1 call GetBattleVar bit SUBSTATUS_PERISH, a ret z dec [hl] ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a push af ld hl, PerishCountText call StdBattleTextBox pop af ret nz ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS1 call GetBattleVarAddr res SUBSTATUS_PERISH, [hl] ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr nz, .asm_3c85c ld hl, BattleMonHP xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld hl, PartyMon1HP ld a, [CurBattleMon] call GetPartyLocation xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ret .asm_3c85c ld hl, EnemyMonHP xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a ret z ld hl, OTPartyMon1HP ld a, [CurOTMon] call GetPartyLocation xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ret ; 3c874 Function3c874: ; 3c874 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3c886 call SetPlayerTurn call .asm_3c88f call SetEnemyTurn jp .asm_3c88f .asm_3c886 call SetEnemyTurn call .asm_3c88f call SetPlayerTurn .asm_3c88f ld hl, wc730 ld de, wc72e ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3c8a0 ld hl, wc731 ld de, wc72f .asm_3c8a0 ld a, [hl] and a ret z ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS4 call GetBattleVar bit SUBSTATUS_SUBSTITUTE, a ret nz ld a, [de] ld [wd265], a ld [FXAnimIDLo], a call GetMoveName dec [hl] jr z, .asm_3c8de ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS3 call GetBattleVar and 1 << SUBSTATUS_FLYING | 1 << SUBSTATUS_UNDERGROUND jr nz, .asm_3c8d3 call SwitchTurnCore xor a ld [wcfca], a ld [FXAnimIDHi], a predef PlayBattleAnim call SwitchTurnCore .asm_3c8d3 call GetSixteenthMaxHP call Function3cc3f ld hl, BattleText_UsersHurtByStringBuffer1 jr .asm_3c8e1 .asm_3c8de ld hl, BattleText_UserWasReleasedFromStringBuffer1 .asm_3c8e1 jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3c8e4 SwitchTurnCore: ; 3c8e4 ld a, [hBattleTurn] xor 1 ld [hBattleTurn], a ret ; 3c8eb Function3c8eb: ; 3c8eb ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3c8fd call SetPlayerTurn call .asm_3c906 call SetEnemyTurn jp .asm_3c906 .asm_3c8fd call SetEnemyTurn call .asm_3c906 call SetPlayerTurn .asm_3c906 callab GetUserItem ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a call GetItemName ld a, b cp HELD_LEFTOVERS ret nz ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3c922 ld hl, EnemyMonHP .asm_3c922 ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [hli] ld c, a ld a, [hli] cp b jr nz, .asm_3c92d ld a, [hl] cp c ret z .asm_3c92d call GetSixteenthMaxHP call SwitchTurnCore call Function3ccef ld hl, BattleText_0x80880 jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3c93c Function3c93c: ; 3c93c ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3c94e call SetPlayerTurn call .asm_3c957 call SetEnemyTurn jp .asm_3c957 .asm_3c94e call SetEnemyTurn call .asm_3c957 call SetPlayerTurn .asm_3c957 callab GetUserItem ld a, b cp HELD_RESTORE_PP jr nz, .asm_3c9ae ld hl, PartyMon1PP ld a, [CurBattleMon] call GetPartyLocation ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld a, [CurBattleMon] call GetPartyLocation ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3c99b ld de, wc739 ld hl, wc735 ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr z, .asm_3c99b ld hl, OTPartyMon1PP ld a, [CurOTMon] call GetPartyLocation ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, OTPartyMon1Moves ld a, [CurOTMon] call GetPartyLocation .asm_3c99b ld c, $0 .asm_3c99d ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .asm_3c9ae ld a, [de] and $3f jr z, .asm_3c9af inc hl inc de inc c ld a, c cp NUM_MOVES jr nz, .asm_3c99d .asm_3c9ae ret .asm_3c9af ; lousy hack ld a, [hl] cp SKETCH ld b, 1 jr z, .asm_3c9b8 ld b, 5 .asm_3c9b8 ld a, [de] add b ld [de], a push bc push bc ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a ld de, BattleMonMoves - 1 ld hl, BattleMonPP ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3c9d2 ld de, EnemyMonMoves - 1 ld hl, EnemyMonPP .asm_3c9d2 inc de pop bc ld b, 0 add hl, bc push hl ld h, d ld l, e add hl, bc pop de pop bc ld a, [wd265] cp [hl] jr nz, .asm_3c9f5 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5] jr z, .asm_3c9ee ld a, [EnemySubStatus5] .asm_3c9ee bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a jr nz, .asm_3c9f5 ld a, [de] add b ld [de], a .asm_3c9f5 callab GetUserItem ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a xor a ld [hl], a call Function3df12 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3ca12 ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr z, .asm_3ca14 call Function3df1f .asm_3ca12 xor a ld [hl], a .asm_3ca14 call GetItemName call SwitchTurnCore call Function3ddc8 call SwitchTurnCore ld hl, BattleText_UserRecoveredPPUsing jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3ca26 Function3ca26: ; 3ca26 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3ca38 call SetPlayerTurn call .asm_3ca41 call SetEnemyTurn jp .asm_3ca41 .asm_3ca38 call SetEnemyTurn call .asm_3ca41 call SetPlayerTurn .asm_3ca41 ld hl, wc71d ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3ca4c ld hl, wc71e .asm_3ca4c ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec a ld [hl], a cp $1 ret nz ld hl, BattleText_0x808b6 call StdBattleTextBox ld a, BATTLE_VARS_MOVE call GetBattleVarAddr push af ld a, FUTURE_SIGHT ld [hl], a callab UpdateMoveData xor a ld [AttackMissed], a ld [AlreadyDisobeyed], a ld a, 10 ld [TypeModifier], a callab DoMove xor a ld [CurDamage], a ld [CurDamage + 1], a ld a, BATTLE_VARS_MOVE call GetBattleVarAddr pop af ld [hl], a call UpdateBattleMonInParty jp UpdateEnemyMonInParty ; 3ca8f HanleDefrost: ; 3ca8f ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3ca9a call .asm_3ca9d jr .asm_3cac9 .asm_3ca9a call .asm_3cac9 .asm_3ca9d ld a, [BattleMonStatus] bit FRZ, a ret z ld a, [wc73f] and a ret nz call BattleRandom cp 10 percent ret nc xor a ld [BattleMonStatus], a ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld hl, PartyMon1Status call GetPartyLocation ld [hl], 0 call UpdateBattleHuds call SetEnemyTurn ld hl, DefrostedOpponentText jp StdBattleTextBox .asm_3cac9 ld a, [EnemyMonStatus] bit FRZ, a ret z ld a, [wc740] and a ret nz call BattleRandom cp 10 percent ret nc xor a ld [EnemyMonStatus], a ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr z, .asm_3caef ld a, [CurOTMon] ld hl, OTPartyMon1Status call GetPartyLocation ld [hl], 0 .asm_3caef call UpdateBattleHuds call SetPlayerTurn ld hl, DefrostedOpponentText jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3cafb HandleSafeguard: ; 3cafb ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3cb06 call .asm_3cb09 jr .asm_3cb1c .asm_3cb06 call .asm_3cb1c .asm_3cb09 ld a, [PlayerScreens] bit SCREENS_SAFEGUARD, a ret z ld hl, PlayerSafeguardCount dec [hl] ret nz res SCREENS_SAFEGUARD, a ld [PlayerScreens], a xor a jr .asm_3cb2e .asm_3cb1c ld a, [EnemyScreens] bit SCREENS_SAFEGUARD, a ret z ld hl, EnemySafeguardCount dec [hl] ret nz res SCREENS_SAFEGUARD, a ld [EnemyScreens], a ld a, $1 .asm_3cb2e ld [hBattleTurn], a ld hl, BattleText_SafeguardFaded jp StdBattleTextBox HandleScreens: ; 3cb36 ld a, [$ffcb] cp 1 jr z, .Both call .CheckPlayer jr .CheckEnemy .Both call .CheckEnemy .CheckPlayer call SetPlayerTurn ld de, .Your call .Copy ld hl, PlayerScreens ld de, PlayerLightScreenCount jr .FadeScreens .CheckEnemy call SetEnemyTurn ld de, .Enemy call .Copy ld hl, EnemyScreens ld de, EnemyLightScreenCount .FadeScreens bit SCREENS_LIGHT_SCREEN, [hl] call nz, FadeLightScreen bit SCREENS_REFLECT, [hl] call nz, FadeReflect ret .Copy ld hl, StringBuffer1 jp CopyName2 ; 3cb75 .Your db "Your@" .Enemy db "Enemy@" ; 3cb80 FadeLightScreen: ; 3cb80 ld a, [de] dec a ld [de], a ret nz res SCREENS_LIGHT_SCREEN, [hl] push hl push de ld hl, BattleText_PkmnnLightScreenFell call StdBattleTextBox pop de pop hl ret ; 3cb91 FadeReflect: ; 3cb91 inc de ld a, [de] dec a ld [de], a ret nz res SCREENS_REFLECT, [hl] ld hl, BattleText_0x80905 jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3cb9e HandleWeather: ; 3cb9e ld a, [Weather] cp WEATHER_NONE ret z ld hl, WeatherCount dec [hl] jr z, .ended ld hl, .WeatherMessages call .PrintWeatherMessage ld a, [Weather] cp WEATHER_SANDSTORM ret nz ld a, [$ffcb] cp 1 jr z, .enemy_first .player_first call SetPlayerTurn call .SandstormDamage call SetEnemyTurn jr .SandstormDamage .enemy_first call SetEnemyTurn call .SandstormDamage call SetPlayerTurn .SandstormDamage ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS3 call GetBattleVar bit SUBSTATUS_UNDERGROUND, a ret nz ld hl, BattleMonType1 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .ok ld hl, EnemyMonType1 .ok ld a, [hli] cp ROCK ret z cp GROUND ret z cp STEEL ret z ld a, [hl] cp ROCK ret z cp GROUND ret z cp STEEL ret z call SwitchTurnCore xor a ld [wcfca], a ld de, ANIM_IN_SANDSTORM call Call_PlayBattleAnim call SwitchTurnCore call GetEighthMaxHP call Function3cc3f ld hl, SandstormHitsText jp StdBattleTextBox .ended ld hl, .WeatherEndedMessages call .PrintWeatherMessage xor a ld [Weather], a ret .PrintWeatherMessage ld a, [Weather] dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 rept 2 add hl, bc endr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3cc2d .WeatherMessages dw BattleText_RainContinuesToFall dw BattleText_TheSunlightIsStrong dw BattleText_TheSandstormRages .WeatherEndedMessages dw BattleText_TheRainStopped dw BattleText_TheSunlightFaded dw BattleText_TheSandstormSubsided ; 3cc39 Function3cc39: ; 3cc39 call Function3cc45 jp Function3cd3c ; 3cc3f Function3cc3f: ; 3cc3f ; Subtract HP from Pkmn call Function3cc45 jp Function3cd36 ; 3cc45 Function3cc45: ; 3cc45 ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .ok ld hl, EnemyMonHP .ok inc hl ld a, [hl] ld [wd1ec], a sub c ld [hld], a ld [wd1ee], a ld a, [hl] ld [wd1ed], a sbc b ld [hl], a ld [wd1ef], a ret nc ld a, [wd1ec] ld c, a ld a, [wd1ed] ld b, a xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld [wd1ee], a ld [wd1ef], a ret ; 3cc76 GetSixteenthMaxHP: ; 3cc76 call GetQuarterMaxHP ; quarter result srl c srl c ; round up ld a, c and a jr nz, .ok inc c .ok ret ; 3cc83 GetEighthMaxHP: ; 3cc83 ; output: bc call GetQuarterMaxHP ; assumes nothing can have 1024 or more hp ; halve result srl c ; round up ld a, c and a jr nz, .end inc c .end ret ; 3cc8e GetQuarterMaxHP: ; 3cc8e ; output: bc call GetMaxHP ; quarter result srl b rr c srl b rr c ; assumes nothing can have 1024 or more hp ; round up ld a, c and a jr nz, .end inc c .end ret ; 3cc9f GetHalfMaxHP: ; 3cc9f ; output: bc call GetMaxHP ; halve result srl b rr c ; floor = 1 ld a, c or b jr nz, .end inc c .end ret ; 3ccac GetMaxHP: ; 3ccac ; output: bc, Buffer1-2 ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .ok ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP .ok ld a, [hli] ld [Buffer2], a ld b, a ld a, [hl] ld [Buffer1], a ld c, a ret ; 3ccc2 Function3ccc2: ; 3ccc2 ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .ok ld hl, EnemyMonHP .ok ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [hli] ld c, a srl b rr c ld a, [hli] ld [Buffer2], a ld a, [hl] ld [Buffer1], a ret ; 3ccde Function3ccde: ; 3ccde ld hl, BattleMonHP + 1 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .ok ld hl, EnemyMonHP + 1 .ok ld a, c sub [hl] dec hl ld a, b sbc [hl] ret ; 3ccef Function3ccef: ; 3ccef ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .ok ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP .ok ld a, [hli] ld [Buffer1 + 1], a ld a, [hld] ld [Buffer1 + 0], a dec hl ld a, [hl] ld [Buffer1 + 2], a add c ld [hld], a ld [Buffer1 + 4], a ld a, [hl] ld [Buffer1 + 3], a adc b ld [hli], a ld [Buffer1 + 5], a ld a, [Buffer1] ld c, a ld a, [hld] sub c ld a, [Buffer2] ld b, a ld a, [hl] sbc b jr c, .asm_3cd2d ld a, b ld [hli], a ld [Buffer1 + 5], a ld a, c ld [hl], a ld [Buffer1 + 4], a .asm_3cd2d call SwitchTurnCore call Function3cd36 jp SwitchTurnCore ; 3cd36 Function3cd36: ; 3cd36 call Function3cd3c jp UpdateBattleHuds ; 3cd3c Function3cd3c: ; 3cd3c hlcoord 10, 9 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a ld a, 1 jr z, .ok hlcoord 2, 2 xor a .ok push bc ld [wd10a], a predef Functionc6e0 pop bc ret ; 3cd55 HandleEnemyMonFaint: ; 3cd55 call FaintEnemyPokemon ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] call z, FaintYourPokemon xor a ld [wc6f7], a call Function3ce01 call CheckPlayerPartyForFitPkmn ld a, d and a jp z, LostBattle ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] call nz, UpdatePlayerHUD ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ld c, 60 call DelayFrames ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .trainer ld a, 1 ld [BattleEnded], a ret .trainer call CheckEnemyTrainerDefeated jp z, WinTrainerBattle ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .asm_3cdba call Function3d1f8 jr nc, .asm_3cda4 ld a, 1 ld [BattleEnded], a ret .asm_3cda4 call Function3d227 call Function3d2e0 jp c, WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled ld a, $1 ld [wd0ec], a call Function3cf4a jp z, WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled jr Function3cdca .asm_3cdba ld a, $1 ld [wd0ec], a call Function3cf4a jp z, WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled xor a ld [wd0ec], a ret ; 3cdca Function3cdca: ; 3cdca ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3cde6 call ClearSprites hlcoord 1, 0 lb bc, 4, 10 call ClearBox call Function3d2b3 ld a, $1 call EnemyPartyMonEntrance jr .asm_3cdfc .asm_3cde6 ld a, [CurPartyMon] push af ld a, $1 call EnemyPartyMonEntrance call ClearSprites call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap pop af ld [CurPartyMon], a call Function3d2b3 .asm_3cdfc xor a ld [wd0ec], a ret ; 3ce01 Function3ce01: ; 3ce01 call UpdateBattleMonInParty ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr z, .asm_3ce16 ld a, [CurOTMon] ld hl, OTPartyMon1HP call GetPartyLocation xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a .asm_3ce16 ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3 res SUBSTATUS_IN_LOOP, [hl] xor a ld hl, EnemyDamageTaken ld [hli], a ld [hl], a call NewEnemyMonStatus call BreakAttraction ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr z, .asm_3ce2f jr .asm_3ce37 .asm_3ce2f call StopDangerSound ld a, $1 ld [wc6fd], a .asm_3ce37 ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .asm_3ce47 ld a, [wc6f7] and a jr nz, .asm_3ce47 call Function3d1aa .asm_3ce47 call CheckPlayerPartyForFitPkmn ld a, d and a ret z ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a call z, PlayVictoryMusic call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap ld a, [wBattleResult] and $c0 ld [wBattleResult], a call ShareExperiencePoints jr z, .asm_3ce72 ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats ld b, $7 .asm_3ce6c srl [hl] inc hl dec b jr nz, .asm_3ce6c .asm_3ce72 ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats ld de, wc720 ld bc, $0007 call CopyBytes xor a ld [wc71f], a call GiveExperiencePoints call ShareExperiencePoints ret z ld a, [wc664] push af ld a, d ld [wc664], a ld hl, wc720 ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats ld bc, $0007 call CopyBytes ld a, $1 ld [wc71f], a call GiveExperiencePoints pop af ld [wc664], a ret ; 3ceaa ShareExperiencePoints: ; 3ceaa ld a, [PartyCount] ld b, a ld hl, PartyMon1 ld c, 1 ld d, 0 .asm_3ceb5 push hl push bc ld bc, PartyMon1HP - PartyMon1 add hl, bc ld a, [hli] or [hl] pop bc pop hl jr z, .asm_3ced1 push hl push bc ld bc, PartyMon1Item - PartyMon1 add hl, bc pop bc ld a, [hl] pop hl cp EXP_SHARE jr nz, .asm_3ced1 ld a, d or c ld d, a .asm_3ced1 sla c push de ld de, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 add hl, de pop de dec b jr nz, .asm_3ceb5 ld a, d ld e, 0 ld b, PARTY_LENGTH .asm_3cee1 srl a jr nc, .asm_3cee6 inc e .asm_3cee6 dec b jr nz, .asm_3cee1 ld a, e and a ret ; 3ceec StopDangerSound: ; 3ceec xor a ld [Danger], a ret ; 3cef1 FaintYourPokemon: ; 3cef1 call StopDangerSound call WaitSFX ld a, $f0 ld [CryTracks], a ld a, [BattleMonSpecies] call PlayStereoCry call PlayerMonFaintedAnimation hlcoord 9, 7 lb bc, 5, 11 call ClearBox ld hl, BattleText_PkmnFainted jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3cf14 FaintEnemyPokemon: ; 3cf14 call WaitSFX ld de, SFX_KINESIS call PlaySFX call EnemyMonFaintedAnimation ld de, SFX_FAINT call PlaySFX hlcoord 1, 0 lb bc, 4, 10 call ClearBox ld hl, BattleText_EnemyPkmnFainted jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3cf35 CheckEnemyTrainerDefeated: ; 3cf35 ld a, [OTPartyCount] ld b, a xor a ld hl, OTPartyMon1HP ld de, PartyMon2 - PartyMon1 .loop or [hl] inc hl or [hl] dec hl add hl, de dec b jr nz, .loop and a ret ; 3cf4a Function3cf4a: ; 3cf4a ld hl, EnemyHPPal ld e, HP_BAR_LENGTH_PX call Function3e12e call WaitBGMap callba Function2c012 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3cf6d call Function3e8e4 ld a, [wBattleAction] cp $f ret z call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap .asm_3cf6d ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] ld a, $0 jr nz, EnemyPartyMonEntrance inc a ret ; 3cf78 EnemyPartyMonEntrance: ; 3cf78 push af xor a ld [wc718], a call NewEnemyMonStatus call ResetEnemyStatLevels call BreakAttraction pop af and a jr nz, .asm_3cf8f call Function3d4e1 jr .asm_3cf92 .asm_3cf8f call Function3d517 .asm_3cf92 call Function3d57a call SetEnemyTurn call SpikesDamage xor a ld [wEnemyMoveStruct + MOVE_ANIM], a ld [wd0ec], a inc a ret ; 3cfa4 WinTrainerBattle: ; 3cfa4 ; Player won the battle call StopDangerSound ld a, $1 ld [wc6fd], a ld [BattleEnded], a ld a, [wLinkMode] and a ld a, b call z, PlayVictoryMusic callab Battle_GetTrainerName ld hl, BattleText_EnemyWasDefeated call StdBattleTextBox call IsMobileBattle jr z, .asm_3cff5 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a ret nz ld a, [InBattleTowerBattle] bit 0, a jr nz, .asm_3d006 call Function3ebd8 ld c, $28 call DelayFrames ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_CANLOSE jr nz, .asm_3cfe8 predef HealParty .asm_3cfe8 ld a, [wc2cc] bit 0, a jr nz, .asm_3cff2 call Function3718 .asm_3cff2 jp Function3d02b .asm_3cff5 call Function3ebd8 ld c, $28 call DelayFrames ld c, $4 callba Function4ea0a ret .asm_3d006 call Function3ebd8 ld c, $28 call DelayFrames call EmptyBattleTextBox ld c, $3 callba StoreText call Functiona80 ld hl, wPayDayMoney ld a, [hli] or [hl] inc hl or [hl] ret nz call ClearTileMap call WhiteBGMap ret ; 3d02b Function3d02b: ; 3d02b ld a, [wc73d] and a call nz, Function3d099 call Function3d0b1 push af ld a, $0 jr nc, .asm_3d044 ld a, [wMomSavingMoney] and $7 cp $3 jr nz, .asm_3d044 inc a .asm_3d044 ld b, a ld c, $4 .asm_3d047 ld a, b and a jr z, .asm_3d052 call Function3d081 dec c dec b jr .asm_3d047 .asm_3d052 ld a, c and a jr z, .asm_3d05c call Function3d08d dec c jr .asm_3d052 .asm_3d05c call Function3d099 call Function3d099 pop af jr nc, .KeepItAll ld a, [wMomSavingMoney] and $7 jr z, .KeepItAll ld hl, SentToMomTexts dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 rept 2 add hl, bc endr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp StdBattleTextBox .KeepItAll ld hl, GotMoneyForWinningText jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3d081 Function3d081: ; 3d081 push bc ld hl, wc688 ld de, wMomsMoney + 2 call Function3d0be pop bc ret ; 3d08d Function3d08d: ; 3d08d push bc ld hl, wc688 ld de, Money + 2 call Function3d0be pop bc ret ; 3d099 Function3d099: ; 3d099 ld hl, wc688 sla [hl] dec hl rl [hl] dec hl rl [hl] ret nc ld a, $ff rept 2 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a ret ; 3d0ab SentToMomTexts: ; 3d0ab dw SentSomeToMomText dw SentHalfToMomText dw SentAllToMomText ; 3d0b1 Function3d0b1: ; 3d0b1 ld hl, wMomsMoney + 2 ld a, [hld] cp 999999 % $100 ld a, [hld] sbc 999999 / $100 % $100 ld a, [hl] sbc 999999 / $10000 % $100 ret ; 3d0be Function3d0be: ; 3d0be ld c, $3 and a push de push hl push bc ld b, h ld c, l callba MobileFn_106008 pop bc pop hl .asm_3d0ce ld a, [de] adc [hl] ld [de], a dec de dec hl dec c jr nz, .asm_3d0ce pop hl ld a, [hld] cp 999999 % $100 ld a, [hld] sbc 999999 / $100 % $100 ld a, [hl] sbc 999999 / $10000 % $100 ret c ld [hl], 999999 / $10000 % $100 inc hl ld [hl], 999999 / $100 % $100 inc hl ld [hl], 999999 % $100 ret ; 3d0ea PlayVictoryMusic: ; 3d0ea push de ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic call DelayFrame ld de, MUSIC_WILD_VICTORY ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .asm_3d113 push de call ShareExperiencePoints pop de jr nz, .asm_3d11e ld hl, wPayDayMoney ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .asm_3d11e ld a, [wc664] and a jr z, .asm_3d121 jr .asm_3d11e .asm_3d113 ld de, MUSIC_GYM_VICTORY call IsJohtoGymLeader jr c, .asm_3d11e ld de, MUSIC_TRAINER_VICTORY .asm_3d11e call PlayMusic .asm_3d121 pop de ret ; 3d123 ; These functions check if the current opponent is a gym leader or one of a ; few other special trainers. ; Note: KantoGymLeaders is a subset of JohtoGymLeaders. If you wish to ; differentiate between the two, call IsKantoGymLeader first. ; The Lance and Red entries are unused for music checks; those trainers are ; accounted for elsewhere. IsKantoGymLeader: ; 0x3d123 ld hl, KantoGymLeaders jr IsGymLeaderCommon IsJohtoGymLeader: ; 0x3d128 ld hl, JohtoGymLeaders IsGymLeaderCommon: push de ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] ld de, $0001 call IsInArray pop de ret ; 0x3d137 JohtoGymLeaders: db FALKNER db WHITNEY db BUGSY db MORTY db PRYCE db JASMINE db CHUCK db CLAIR db WILL db BRUNO db KAREN db KOGA ; fallthrough ; these two entries are unused db CHAMPION db RED ; fallthrough KantoGymLeaders: db BROCK db MISTY db LT_SURGE db ERIKA db JANINE db SABRINA db BLAINE db BLUE db -1 HandlePlayerMonFaint: ; 3d14e call FaintYourPokemon ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] call z, FaintEnemyPokemon ld a, $1 ld [wc6f7], a call Function3d1aa call CheckPlayerPartyForFitPkmn ld a, d and a jp z, LostBattle ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .notfainted call Function3ce01 ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .trainer ld a, $1 ld [BattleEnded], a ret .trainer call CheckEnemyTrainerDefeated jp z, WinTrainerBattle .notfainted call Function3d1f8 jr nc, .asm_3d190 ld a, $1 ld [BattleEnded], a ret .asm_3d190 call Function3d227 call Function3d2e0 jp c, WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled ld a, c and a ret nz ld a, $1 ld [wd0ec], a call Function3cf4a jp z, WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled jp Function3cdca ; 3d1aa Function3d1aa: ; 3d1aa ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld c, a ld hl, wc664 ld b, $0 predef FlagPredef ld hl, EnemySubStatus3 res SUBSTATUS_IN_LOOP, [hl] xor a ld [Danger], a ld hl, PlayerDamageTaken ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld [BattleMonStatus], a call UpdateBattleMonInParty ld c, HAPPINESS_FAINTED ; If TheirLevel > (YourLevel + 30), use a different parameter ld a, [BattleMonLevel] add 30 ld b, a ld a, [EnemyMonLevel] cp b jr c, .asm_3d1dc ld c, HAPPINESS_BEATENBYSTRONGFOE .asm_3d1dc ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [CurPartyMon], a callab ChangeHappiness ld a, [wBattleResult] and %11000000 add $1 ld [wBattleResult], a ld a, [wc6f7] and a ret z ret ; 3d1f8 Function3d1f8: ; 3d1f8 call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap ld a, [wBattleMode] and a dec a ret nz ld hl, BattleText_UseNextMon call StdBattleTextBox .asm_3d20a lb bc, 1, 7 call PlaceYesNoBox ld a, [wcfa9] jr c, .asm_3d217 and a ret .asm_3d217 ld a, [wcfa9] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3d20a ld hl, PartyMon1Speed ld de, EnemyMonSpeed jp TryToRunAwayFromBattle ; 3d227 Function3d227: ; 3d227 call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 call Function3d2f7 call ForcePickPartyMonInBattle ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3d241 ld a, $1 ld [wd0ec], a call Function3e8e4 .asm_3d241 xor a ld [wd0ec], a call Function3d2e0 jr c, .asm_3d251 ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .asm_3d26c .asm_3d251 call ClearSprites call WhiteBGMap call Function3eda6 call ExitMenu call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call WaitBGMap call ClearSGB call SetPalettes xor a ld c, a ret .asm_3d26c call ClearSprites ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [LastPlayerMon], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurBattleMon], a call Function3d581 call Function3da0d call ResetPlayerStatLevels call ClearPalettes call DelayFrame call Function3eda6 call WriteBackup call ClearSGB call SetPalettes call SendOutPkmnText call NewBattleMonStatus call BreakAttraction call Function3db5f call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call SetPlayerTurn call SpikesDamage ld a, $1 and a ld c, a ret ; 3d2b3 Function3d2b3: ; 3d2b3 ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [LastPlayerMon], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurBattleMon], a call Function3d581 call Function3da0d call ResetPlayerStatLevels call SendOutPkmnText call NewBattleMonStatus call BreakAttraction call Function3db5f call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call SetPlayerTurn jp SpikesDamage ; 3d2e0 Function3d2e0: ; 3d2e0 ld a, [wLinkMode] cp LINK_MOBILE jr nz, .asm_3d2ef ; It's not a mobile battle ld a, [wcd2b] and a jr z, .asm_3d2ef ; We have a mobile battle and something else happened scf ret .asm_3d2ef xor a ret ; 3d2f1 IsMobileBattle: ; 3d2f1 ld a, [wLinkMode] cp LINK_MOBILE ret ; 3d2f7 Function3d2f7: ; 3d2f7 call WhiteBGMap Function3d2fa: ; 3d2fa callba Function5004f callba Function50405 callba Function8e85 callba Function503e0 ret ; 3d313 Function3d313: ; 3d313 callba WritePartyMenuTilemap callba PrintPartyMenuText call WaitBGMap call SetPalettes call DelayFrame ret ; 3d329 Function3d329: ; 3d329 call IsMobileBattle jr z, .mobile callba PartyMenuSelect ret .mobile callba Function100cb5 ret ; 3d33c PickPartyMonInBattle: ; 3d33c .loop ld a, $2 ; Which PKMN? ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call Function3d313 call Function3d329 ret c call CheckIfPartyHasPkmnToBattleWith jr z, .loop xor a ret ; 3d34f SwitchMonAlreadyOut: ; 3d34f ld hl, CurBattleMon ld a, [CurPartyMon] cp [hl] jr nz, .notout ld hl, BattleText_PkmnIsAlreadyOut call StdBattleTextBox scf ret .notout xor a ret ; 3d362 ForcePickPartyMonInBattle: ; 3d362 ; Can't back out. .pick call PickPartyMonInBattle ret nc call Function3d2e0 ret c ld de, SFX_WRONG call PlaySFX call WaitSFX jr .pick ; 3d375 PickSwitchMonInBattle: ; 3d375 .pick call PickPartyMonInBattle ret c call SwitchMonAlreadyOut jr c, .pick xor a ret ; 3d380 ForcePickSwitchMonInBattle: ; 3d380 ; Can't back out. .pick call ForcePickPartyMonInBattle call Function3d2e0 ret c call SwitchMonAlreadyOut jr c, .pick xor a ret ; 3d38e LostBattle: ; 3d38e ld a, 1 ld [BattleEnded], a ld a, [InBattleTowerBattle] bit 0, a jr nz, .asm_3d3bd ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_CANLOSE jr nz, .asm_3d3e3 ; Remove the enemy from the screen. hlcoord 0, 0 lb bc, 8, 21 call ClearBox call Function3ebd8 ld c, 40 call DelayFrames ld a, [wc2cc] bit 0, a jr nz, .asm_3d3bc call Function3718 .asm_3d3bc ret .asm_3d3bd ; Remove the enemy from the screen. hlcoord 0, 0 lb bc, 8, 21 call ClearBox call Function3ebd8 ld c, 40 call DelayFrames call EmptyBattleTextBox ld c, 2 callba StoreText call Functiona80 call ClearTileMap call WhiteBGMap ret .asm_3d3e3 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .LostLinkBattle ; Greyscale ld b, 0 call GetSGBLayout call SetPalettes jr .end .LostLinkBattle call UpdateEnemyMonInParty call CheckEnemyTrainerDefeated jr nz, .asm_3d40a ld hl, TiedAgainstText ld a, [wBattleResult] and $c0 add 2 ld [wBattleResult], a jr .text .asm_3d40a ld hl, LostAgainstText call IsMobileBattle jr z, .asm_3d417 .text call StdBattleTextBox .end scf ret .asm_3d417 ; Remove the enemy from the screen. hlcoord 0, 0 lb bc, 8, 21 call ClearBox call Function3ebd8 ld c, 40 call DelayFrames ld c, $3 callba Function4ea0a scf ret ; 3d432 EnemyMonFaintedAnimation: ; 3d432 hlcoord 12, 5 decoord 12, 6 jp MonFaintedAnimation ; 3d43b PlayerMonFaintedAnimation: ; 3d43b hlcoord 1, 10 decoord 1, 11 jp MonFaintedAnimation ; 3d444 MonFaintedAnimation: ; 3d444 ld a, [wcfbe] push af set 6, a ld [wcfbe], a ld b, 7 .OuterLoop push bc push de push hl ld b, 6 .InnerLoop push bc push hl push de ld bc, 7 call CopyBytes pop de pop hl ld bc, -SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, bc push hl ld h, d ld l, e add hl, bc ld d, h ld e, l pop hl pop bc dec b jr nz, .InnerLoop ld bc, 20 add hl, bc ld de, .Spaces call PlaceString ld c, 2 call DelayFrames pop hl pop de pop bc dec b jr nz, .OuterLoop pop af ld [wcfbe], a ret ; 3d488 .Spaces db " @" ; 3d490 Function3d490: ; 3d490 ld [hConnectionStripLength], a ld c, a .asm_3d493 push bc push hl ld b, $7 .asm_3d497 push hl call Function3d4ae pop hl ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, de dec b jr nz, .asm_3d497 ld c, 2 call DelayFrames pop hl pop bc dec c jr nz, .asm_3d493 ret ; 3d4ae Function3d4ae: ; 3d4ae ld a, [hConnectionStripLength] ld c, a cp $8 jr nz, .back .forward ld a, [hli] ld [hld], a dec hl dec c jr nz, .forward ret .back ld a, [hld] ld [hli], a inc hl dec c jr nz, .back ret ; 3d4c3 Function3d4c3: ; 3d4c3 call ResetEnemyBattleVars ld a, [wc718] dec a ld b, a call LoadEnemyPkmnToSwitchTo call Function3d7a0 call NewEnemyMonStatus call ResetEnemyStatLevels call Function_SetEnemyPkmnAndSendOutAnimation call BreakAttraction call Function3d57a ret ; 3d4e1 Function3d4e1: ; 3d4e1 call Function3d714 jr nc, Function3d517 call ResetEnemyBattleVars call Function3d533 jr c, .asm_3d4f1 call FindPkmnInOTPartyToSwitchIntoBattle .asm_3d4f1 call LoadEnemyPkmnToSwitchTo call Function3d74b push af call Function3d7a0 call Function_BattleTextEnemySentOut call Function_SetEnemyPkmnAndSendOutAnimation pop af ret c xor a ld [wc664], a ld [wc6fc], a ld [wd0ec], a inc a ld [wEnemyIsSwitching], a call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap jp Function3e3ad ; 3d517 Function3d517: ; 3d517 call ResetEnemyBattleVars call Function3d533 jr c, .asm_3d522 call FindPkmnInOTPartyToSwitchIntoBattle .asm_3d522 ; 'b' contains the PartyNr of the Pkmn the AI will switch to call LoadEnemyPkmnToSwitchTo ld a, 1 ld [wEnemyIsSwitching], a call Function3d7a0 call Function_BattleTextEnemySentOut jp Function_SetEnemyPkmnAndSendOutAnimation ; 3d533 Function3d533: ; 3d533 ; returns carry if: ??? ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3d541 ld a, [wBattleAction] sub NUM_MOVES ld b, a jr .asm_3d555 .asm_3d541 ld a, [wc718] and a jr z, .asm_3d54b dec a ld b, a jr .asm_3d555 .asm_3d54b ld a, [wd264] and a ld b, $0 jr nz, .asm_3d555 and a ret .asm_3d555 scf ret ; 3d557 ResetEnemyBattleVars: ; 3d557 ; and draw empty TextBox xor a ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a ld [LastEnemyMove], a ld [CurEnemyMove], a dec a ld [wc6e6], a xor a ld [wc730], a hlcoord 18, 0 ld a, $8 call Function3d490 call EmptyBattleTextBox jp LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 ; 3d57a Function3d57a: ; 3d57a xor a ld [wc664], a ld [wc6fc], a Function3d581: ; 3d581 ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld c, a ld hl, wc664 ld b, SET_FLAG push bc predef FlagPredef pop bc ld hl, wc6fc predef_jump FlagPredef ; 3d599 FindPkmnInOTPartyToSwitchIntoBattle: ; 3d599 ld b, $ff ld a, $1 ld [Buffer1], a ld [Buffer2], a .asm_3d5a3 ld hl, Buffer1 sla [hl] inc hl sla [hl] inc b ld a, [OTPartyCount] cp b jp z, Function3d672 ld a, [CurOTMon] cp b jr z, .asm_3d5d0 ld hl, OTPartyMon1HP push bc ld a, b call GetPartyLocation ld a, [hli] ld c, a ld a, [hl] or c pop bc jr z, .asm_3d5d0 call LookUpTheEffectivenessOfEveryMove call IsThePlayerPkmnTypesEffectiveAgainstOTPkmn jr .asm_3d5a3 .asm_3d5d0 ld hl, Buffer2 set 0, [hl] jr .asm_3d5a3 ; 3d5d7 LookUpTheEffectivenessOfEveryMove: ; 3d5d7 push bc ld hl, OTPartyMon1Moves ld a, b call GetPartyLocation pop bc ld e, NUM_MOVES + 1 .loop dec e jr z, .done ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .done push hl push de push bc dec a ld hl, Moves ld bc, MOVE_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld de, wEnemyMoveStruct ld a, BANK(Moves) call FarCopyBytes call SetEnemyTurn callab HowEffectiveIsTheMovetypeAgainstTheEnemyPkmn pop bc pop de pop hl ld a, [wd265] ; Get The Effectiveness Modifier cp 10 + 1 ; 1.0 + 0.1 jr c, .loop ld hl, Buffer1 set 0, [hl] ret .done ret ; 3d618 IsThePlayerPkmnTypesEffectiveAgainstOTPkmn: ; 3d618 ; Calculates the effectiveness of the types of the PlayerPkmn ; against the OTPkmn push bc ld hl, OTPartyCount ld a, b inc a ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] dec a ld hl, BaseData + 7 ; type ld bc, $20 call AddNTimes ld de, EnemyMonType ld bc, 2 ld a, BANK(BaseData) call FarCopyBytes ld a, [BattleMonType1] ld [wPlayerMoveStruct + MOVE_TYPE], a call SetPlayerTurn callab HowEffectiveIsTheMovetypeAgainstTheEnemyPkmn ld a, [wd265] cp 10 + 1 ; 1.0 + 0.1 jr nc, .asm_3d663 ld a, [BattleMonType2] ld [wPlayerMoveStruct + MOVE_TYPE], a callab HowEffectiveIsTheMovetypeAgainstTheEnemyPkmn ld a, [wd265] cp 10 + 1 ; 1.0 + 0.1 jr nc, .asm_3d663 pop bc ret .asm_3d663 pop bc ld hl, Buffer1 bit 0, [hl] jr nz, .asm_3d66f inc hl set 0, [hl] ret .asm_3d66f res 0, [hl] ret ; 3d672 Function3d672: ; 3d672 .asm_3d672 ld hl, Buffer1 sla [hl] inc hl sla [hl] jr nc, .asm_3d672 ld a, [OTPartyCount] ld b, a ld c, [hl] .asm_3d681 sla c jr nc, .asm_3d68a dec b jr z, .asm_3d6a7 jr .asm_3d681 .asm_3d68a ld a, [Buffer1] and a jr z, .asm_3d69a ld b, $ff ld c, a .asm_3d693 inc b sla c jr nc, .asm_3d693 jr .asm_3d6c9 .asm_3d69a ld b, $ff ld a, [Buffer2] ld c, a .asm_3d6a0 inc b sla c jr c, .asm_3d6a0 jr .asm_3d6c9 .asm_3d6a7 ld a, [OTPartyCount] ld b, a call BattleRandom and $7 cp b jr nc, .asm_3d6a7 ld b, a ld a, [CurOTMon] cp b jr z, .asm_3d6a7 ld hl, OTPartyMon1HP push bc ld a, b call GetPartyLocation pop bc ld a, [hli] ld c, a ld a, [hl] or c jr z, .asm_3d6a7 .asm_3d6c9 ret ; 3d6ca LoadEnemyPkmnToSwitchTo: ; 3d6ca ; 'b' contains the PartyNr of the Pkmn the AI will switch to ld a, b ld [CurPartyMon], a ld hl, OTPartyMon1Level call GetPartyLocation ld a, [hl] ld [CurPartyLevel], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] inc a ld hl, OTPartyCount ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a ld [CurPartySpecies], a call LoadEnemyMon ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp UNOWN jr nz, .asm_3d708 ld a, [wdef4] and a jr nz, .asm_3d708 ld hl, EnemyMonDVs predef GetUnownLetter ld a, [UnownLetter] ld [wdef4], a .asm_3d708 ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] ld [wc6ea], a ld a, [hl] ld [wc6eb], a ret ; 3d714 Function3d714: ; 3d714 ld a, [wd264] dec a jp z, .asm_3d749 ld a, [PartyCount] dec a jp z, .asm_3d749 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jp nz, .asm_3d749 ld a, [Options] bit BATTLE_SHIFT, a jr nz, .asm_3d749 ld a, [CurPartyMon] push af ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [CurPartyMon], a callba Functione538 pop bc ld a, b ld [CurPartyMon], a jr c, .asm_3d749 scf ret .asm_3d749 and a ret ; 3d74b Function3d74b: ; 3d74b ld a, [CurPartyMon] push af callab Battle_GetTrainerName ld hl, BattleText_EnemyIsAboutToUseWillPlayerChangePkmn call StdBattleTextBox lb bc, 1, 7 call PlaceYesNoBox ld a, [wcfa9] dec a jr nz, .asm_3d79a call Function3d2f7 call PickSwitchMonInBattle jr c, .asm_3d791 ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [LastPlayerMon], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurBattleMon], a call ClearPalettes call DelayFrame call Function3eda6 pop af ld [CurPartyMon], a xor a ld [CurEnemyMove], a ld [CurPlayerMove], a and a ret .asm_3d791 call ClearPalettes call DelayFrame call Function3eda6 .asm_3d79a pop af ld [CurPartyMon], a scf ret ; 3d7a0 Function3d7a0: ; 3d7a0 xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call ExitMenu call ClearSprites hlcoord 1, 0 lb bc, 4, 10 call ClearBox call WaitBGMap jp Function3ee27 ; 3d7b8 Function_BattleTextEnemySentOut: ; 3d7b8 callab Battle_GetTrainerName ld hl, BattleText_EnemySentOut call StdBattleTextBox jp WaitBGMap ; 3d7c7 Function_SetEnemyPkmnAndSendOutAnimation: ; 3d7c7 ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld [CurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld a, OTPARTYMON ld [MonType], a predef CopyPkmnToTempMon call Function3f47c xor a ld [wcfca], a ld [wc689], a call SetEnemyTurn ld de, ANIM_SEND_OUT_MON call Call_PlayBattleAnim call Function3da79 jr nc, .asm_3d800 ld a, 1 ; shiny anim ld [wc689], a ld de, ANIM_SEND_OUT_MON call Call_PlayBattleAnim .asm_3d800 ld bc, TempMonSpecies callba Function4e53f jr c, .asm_3d82c callba CheckBattleScene jr c, .asm_3d821 hlcoord 12, 0 ld d, $0 ld e, $0 predef Functiond008e jr .asm_3d82c .asm_3d821 ld a, $f ld [CryTracks], a ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] call PlayStereoCry .asm_3d82c call UpdateEnemyHUD ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ret ; 3d834 NewEnemyMonStatus: ; 3d834 xor a ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a ld [LastEnemyMove], a ld hl, EnemySubStatus1 rept 4 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a ld [EnemyDisableCount], a ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a ld [EnemyProtectCount], a ld [wc72c], a ld [EnemyDisabledMove], a ld [wc6fa], a ld [wc730], a ld [wc731], a ld [EnemyTurnsTaken], a ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5 res SUBSTATUS_CANT_RUN, [hl] ret ; 3d867 ResetEnemyStatLevels: ; 3d867 ld a, 7 ld b, 8 ld hl, EnemyStatLevels .loop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ret ; 3d873 CheckPlayerPartyForFitPkmn: ; 3d873 ; Has the player any Pkmn in his Party that can fight? ld a, [PartyCount] ld e, a xor a ld hl, PartyMon1HP ld bc, PartyMon2 - (PartyMon1 + 1) .asm_3d87e or [hl] inc hl or [hl] add hl, bc dec e jr nz, .asm_3d87e ld d, a ret ; 3d887 CheckIfPartyHasPkmnToBattleWith: ; 3d887 ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, PartyMon1HP call GetPartyLocation ld a, [hli] or [hl] ret nz ld a, [wd264] and a jr nz, .asm_3d8b1 ld hl, PartySpecies ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp EGG ld hl, BattleText_AnEGGCantBattle jr z, .asm_3d8ae ld hl, BattleText_TheresNoWillToBattle .asm_3d8ae call StdBattleTextBox .asm_3d8b1 xor a ret ; 3d8b3 TryToRunAwayFromBattle: ; 3d8b3 ; Run away from battle, with or without item ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_DEBUG jp z, .asm_3d9a2 cp BATTLETYPE_CONTEST jp z, .asm_3d9a2 cp BATTLETYPE_TRAP jp z, .asm_3d98d cp BATTLETYPE_CELEBI jp z, .asm_3d98d cp BATTLETYPE_SHINY jp z, .asm_3d98d cp BATTLETYPE_SUICUNE jp z, .asm_3d98d ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jp nz, .asm_3d9a2 ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jp nz, .asm_3d992 ld a, [EnemySubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_CANT_RUN, a jp nz, .asm_3d98d ld a, [wc730] and a jp nz, .asm_3d98d push hl push de ld a, [BattleMonItem] ld [wd265], a ld b, a callab GetItem ld a, b cp HELD_ESCAPE pop de pop hl jr nz, .asm_3d916 call SetPlayerTurn call GetItemName ld hl, BattleText_UserFledUsingAStringBuffer1 call StdBattleTextBox jp .asm_3d9a2 .asm_3d916 ld a, [wd267] inc a ld [wd267], a ld a, [hli] ld [hStringCmpString2 + 0], a ld a, [hl] ld [hStringCmpString2 + 1], a ld a, [de] inc de ld [hStringCmpString1 + 0], a ld a, [de] ld [hStringCmpString1 + 1], a call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap ld de, hStringCmpString2 ld hl, hStringCmpString1 ld c, $2 call StringCmp jr nc, .asm_3d9a2 xor a ld [hMultiplicand], a ld a, $20 ld [hMultiplier], a call Multiply ld a, [hProduct + 2] ld [hDividend + 0], a ld a, [hProduct + 3] ld [hDividend + 1], a ld a, [$ffb1] ld b, a ld a, [$ffb2] srl b rr a srl b rr a and a jr z, .asm_3d9a2 ld [hDivisor], a ld b, $2 call Divide ld a, [hQuotient + 1] and a jr nz, .asm_3d9a2 ld a, [wd267] ld c, a .asm_3d96c dec c jr z, .asm_3d97a ld b, $1e ld a, [hQuotient + 2] add b ld [$ffb6], a jr c, .asm_3d9a2 jr .asm_3d96c .asm_3d97a call BattleRandom ld b, a ld a, [$ffb6] cp b jr nc, .asm_3d9a2 ld a, $1 ld [wd0ec], a ld hl, BattleText_CantEscape2 jr .asm_3d995 .asm_3d98d ld hl, BattleText_CantEscape jr .asm_3d995 .asm_3d992 ld hl, BattleText_TheresNoEscapeFromTrainerBattle .asm_3d995 call StdBattleTextBox ld a, $1 ld [wd266], a call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap and a ret .asm_3d9a2 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a ld a, $2 jr z, .asm_3d9cf call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap xor a ld [wd0ec], a ld a, $f ld [CurMoveNum], a xor a ld [CurPlayerMove], a call Function3e8e4 call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap call Function3d2e0 jr c, .asm_3d9f5 ; Got away safely ld a, [wBattleAction] cp $f ld a, $2 jr z, .asm_3d9cf dec a .asm_3d9cf ld b, a ld a, [wBattleResult] and $c0 add b ld [wBattleResult], a call StopDangerSound push de ld de, SFX_RUN call WaitPlaySFX pop de call WaitSFX ld hl, BattleText_GotAwaySafely call StdBattleTextBox call WaitSFX call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap scf ret .asm_3d9f5 call StopDangerSound ld hl, wcd2a bit 4, [hl] jr nz, .asm_3da05 ld hl, BattleText_LinkErrorBattleCanceled call StdBattleTextBox .asm_3da05 call WaitSFX call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap scf ret ; 3da0d Function3da0d: ; 3da0d ld a, PartyMon1Species - PartyMon1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld de, BattleMonSpecies ld bc, 1 + 1 + NUM_MOVES ; species, item, moves ; BattleMonDVs - BattleMonSpecies call CopyBytes ld bc, PartyMon1DVs - (PartyMon1Species + 1 + 1 + NUM_MOVES) add hl, bc ld de, BattleMonDVs ld bc, 2 + NUM_MOVES + 1 ; DVs, PP, happiness ; BattleMonLevel - BattleMonDVs call CopyBytes rept 3 inc hl endr ld de, BattleMonLevel ld bc, 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 * 6 ; level, status, unused, stats call CopyBytes ld a, [BattleMonSpecies] ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld [CurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld a, [BaseType1] ld [BattleMonType1], a ld a, [BaseType2] ld [BattleMonType2], a ld hl, PartyMonNicknames ld a, [CurBattleMon] call SkipNames ld de, BattleMonNick ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld hl, BattleMonAttack ld de, PlayerStats ld bc, 2 * 5 call CopyBytes call Function3ec2c call BadgeStatBoosts ret ; 3da74 Function3da74: ; 3da74 call Function3da85 jr Function3da7c Function3da79: ; 3da79 call Function3da97 Function3da7c: ; 3da7c ld b, h ld c, l callab CheckShininess ret ; 3da85 Function3da85: ; 3da85 ld hl, BattleMonDVs ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a ret z ld hl, PartyMon1DVs ld a, [CurBattleMon] jp GetPartyLocation ; 3da97 Function3da97: ; 3da97 ld hl, EnemyMonDVs ld a, [EnemySubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a ret z ld hl, wc6f2 ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a ret z ld hl, OTPartyMon1DVs ld a, [CurOTMon] jp GetPartyLocation ; 3dab1 ResetPlayerStatLevels: ; 3dab1 ld a, 7 ld b, 8 ld hl, PlayerStatLevels .loop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ret ; 3dabd Function3dabd: ; 3dabd ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, OTPartyMon1Species call GetPartyLocation ld de, EnemyMonSpecies ld bc, 1 + 1 + NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes ld bc, OTPartyMon1DVs - (OTPartyMon1Species + 1 + 1 + NUM_MOVES) add hl, bc ld de, EnemyMonDVs ld bc, 2 + NUM_MOVES + 1 call CopyBytes rept 3 inc hl endr ld de, EnemyMonLevel ld bc, 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 * 6 call CopyBytes ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies] ld [CurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld hl, OTPartyMonNicknames ld a, [CurPartyMon] call SkipNames ld de, EnemyMonNick ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld hl, EnemyMonAttack ld de, EnemyStats ld bc, 2 * 5 call CopyBytes call Function3ec30 ld hl, BaseType1 ld de, EnemyMonType1 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ld hl, BaseStats ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats ld b, 5 .asm_3db25 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec b jr nz, .asm_3db25 ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurOTMon], a ret ; 3db32 Function3db32: ; 3db32 call ClearSprites ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [LastPlayerMon], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurBattleMon], a call Function3d581 call Function3da0d call ResetPlayerStatLevels call NewBattleMonStatus call BreakAttraction call Function3db5f call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] ret ; 3db5f Function3db5f: ; 3db5f ld hl, BattleMonDVs predef GetUnownLetter hlcoord 1, 5 ld b, 7 ld c, 8 call ClearBox call WaitBGMap xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call Function3f43d xor a ld [$ffad], a ld [wd0d2], a ld [CurMoveNum], a ld [TypeModifier], a ld [wPlayerMoveStruct + MOVE_ANIM], a ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a ld [LastPlayerMove], a call CheckAmuletCoin call Function3ee27 xor a ld [wc731], a call SetPlayerTurn xor a ld [wcfca], a ld [wc689], a ld de, ANIM_SEND_OUT_MON call Call_PlayBattleAnim call Function3da74 jr nc, .asm_3dbbc ld a, $1 ld [wc689], a ld de, ANIM_SEND_OUT_MON call Call_PlayBattleAnim .asm_3dbbc ld a, PartyMon1Species - PartyMon1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld b, h ld c, l callba Function4e53f jr c, .asm_3dbd6 ld a, $f0 ld [CryTracks], a ld a, [CurPartySpecies] call PlayStereoCry .asm_3dbd6 call UpdatePlayerHUD ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ret ; 3dbde NewBattleMonStatus: ; 3dbde xor a ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a ld [LastPlayerMove], a ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1 rept 4 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a ld hl, PlayerUsedMoves rept 3 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a ld [PlayerDisableCount], a ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a ld [PlayerProtectCount], a ld [wc72b], a ld [DisabledMove], a ld [wc6fe], a ld [wc731], a ld [wc730], a ld [PlayerTurnsTaken], a ld hl, EnemySubStatus5 res SUBSTATUS_CANT_RUN, [hl] ret ; 3dc18 BreakAttraction: ; 3dc18 ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1 res SUBSTATUS_IN_LOVE, [hl] ld hl, EnemySubStatus1 res SUBSTATUS_IN_LOVE, [hl] ret ; 3dc23 SpikesDamage: ; 3dc23 ld hl, PlayerScreens ld de, BattleMonType ld bc, UpdatePlayerHUD ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .ok ld hl, EnemyScreens ld de, EnemyMonType ld bc, UpdateEnemyHUD .ok bit SCREENS_SPIKES, [hl] ret z ; Flying-types aren't affected by Spikes. ld a, [de] cp FLYING ret z inc de ld a, [de] cp FLYING ret z push bc ld hl, BattleText_UserHurtBySpikes ; "hurt by SPIKES!" call StdBattleTextBox call GetEighthMaxHP call Function3cc39 pop hl call .hl jp WaitBGMap .hl jp [hl] ; 3dc5b Function3dc5b: ; 3dc5b ld a, BATTLE_VARS_MOVE call GetBattleVar ld b, a call GetMoveEffect ld a, b cp EFFECT_PURSUIT jr nz, .asm_3dce4 ld a, [CurBattleMon] push af ld hl, DoPlayerTurn ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3dc7e ld hl, DoEnemyTurn ld a, [LastPlayerMon] ld [CurBattleMon], a .asm_3dc7e ld a, BANK(DoPlayerTurn) rst FarCall ld a, BATTLE_VARS_MOVE call GetBattleVarAddr ld a, $ff ld [hl], a pop af ld [CurBattleMon], a ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3dcc0 ld a, [LastPlayerMon] call UpdateBattleMon ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .asm_3dce4 ld a, $f0 ld [CryTracks], a ld a, [BattleMonSpecies] call PlayStereoCry ld a, [wc71a] ld c, a ld hl, wc664 ld b, $0 predef FlagPredef call PlayerMonFaintedAnimation ld hl, BattleText_PkmnFainted jr .asm_3dcdf .asm_3dcc0 ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .asm_3dce4 ld de, SFX_KINESIS call PlaySFX call WaitSFX ld de, SFX_FAINT call PlaySFX call WaitSFX call EnemyMonFaintedAnimation ld hl, BattleText_EnemyPkmnFainted .asm_3dcdf call StdBattleTextBox scf ret .asm_3dce4 and a ret ; 3dce6 Function3dce6: ; 3dce6 ld a, [hBattleTurn] push af xor a ld [hBattleTurn], a ld [wcfca], a ld de, ANIM_RETURN_MON call Call_PlayBattleAnim pop af ld [hBattleTurn], a ret ; 3dcf9 Function3dcf9: ; 3dcf9 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3dd17 call SetPlayerTurn call Function3dd2f call Function3dde9 call Function3de51 call SetEnemyTurn call Function3dd2f call Function3dde9 jp Function3de51 .asm_3dd17 call SetEnemyTurn call Function3dd2f call Function3dde9 call Function3de51 call SetPlayerTurn call Function3dd2f call Function3dde9 jp Function3de51 ; 3dd2f Function3dd2f: ; 3dd2f callab GetOpponentItem ld a, b cp $1 ret nz ld de, EnemyMonHP + 1 ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3dd4a ld de, BattleMonHP + 1 ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP .asm_3dd4a push bc ld a, [de] ld [wd1ec], a add a ld c, a dec de ld a, [de] inc de ld [wd1ed], a adc a ld b, a ld a, b cp [hl] ld a, c pop bc jr z, .asm_3dd62 jr c, .asm_3dd66 ret .asm_3dd62 inc hl cp [hl] dec hl ret nc .asm_3dd66 call Function3ddc8 ld a, [hli] ld [Buffer2], a ld a, [hl] ld [Buffer1], a ld a, [de] add c ld [wd1ee], a ld c, a dec de ld a, [de] adc $0 ld [wd1ef], a ld b, a ld a, [hld] cp c ld a, [hl] sbc b jr nc, .asm_3dd8d ld a, [hli] ld [wd1ef], a ld a, [hl] ld [wd1ee], a .asm_3dd8d ld a, [wd1ef] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [wd1ee] ld [de], a ld a, [hBattleTurn] ld [wd10a], a and a hlcoord 2, 2 jr z, .asm_3dda4 hlcoord 10, 9 .asm_3dda4 ld [wd10a], a predef Functionc6e0 Function3ddac: call RefreshBattleHuds callab GetOpponentItem ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a call GetItemName callab Function27192 ld hl, RecoveredUsingText jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3ddc8 Function3ddc8: ; 3ddc8 push hl push de push bc call EmptyBattleTextBox ld a, RECOVER ld [FXAnimIDLo], a call SwitchTurnCore xor a ld [wcfca], a ld [FXAnimIDHi], a predef PlayBattleAnim call SwitchTurnCore pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3dde9 Function3dde9: ; 3dde9 callab GetOpponentItem ld hl, .Statuses .asm_3ddf2 ld a, [hli] cp $ff ret z inc hl cp b jr nz, .asm_3ddf2 dec hl ld b, [hl] ld a, BATTLE_VARS_STATUS_OPP call GetBattleVarAddr and b ret z xor a ld [hl], a push bc call UpdateOpponentInParty pop bc ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS5_OPP call GetBattleVarAddr and [hl] res SUBSTATUS_TOXIC, [hl] ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS1_OPP call GetBattleVarAddr and [hl] res SUBSTATUS_NIGHTMARE, [hl] ld a, b cp $7f jr nz, .asm_3de26 ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS3_OPP call GetBattleVarAddr res SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, [hl] .asm_3de26 ld hl, Function365fd ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3de31 ld hl, Function365d7 .asm_3de31 call SwitchTurnCore ld a, BANK(Function365fd) rst FarCall call SwitchTurnCore call Function3ddc8 call Function3ddac ld a, $1 and a ret ; 3de44 .Statuses ; 3de44 db HELD_HEAL_POISON, 1 << PSN db HELD_HEAL_FREEZE, 1 << FRZ db HELD_HEAL_BURN, 1 << BRN db HELD_HEAL_SLEEP, SLP db HELD_HEAL_PARALYZE, 1 << PAR db HELD_HEAL_STATUS, 1 << PSN | 1 << FRZ | 1 << BRN | SLP | 1 << PAR db $ff ; 3de51 Function3de51: ; 3de51 ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS3_OPP call GetBattleVar bit SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, a ret z callab GetOpponentItem ld a, b cp HELD_HEAL_CONFUSION jr z, .asm_3de67 cp HELD_HEAL_STATUS ret nz .asm_3de67 ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS3_OPP call GetBattleVarAddr res SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, [hl] call GetItemName call Function3ddc8 ld hl, BattleText_0x80dab call StdBattleTextBox ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr nz, .asm_3de90 call Function3df1f xor a ld [bc], a ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a ret z ld [hl], $0 ret .asm_3de90 call Function3df12 xor a ld [bc], a ld [hl], a ret ; 3de97 Function3de97: ; 3de97 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3dea3 call Function3dea9 jp Function3deb1 .asm_3dea3 call Function3deb1 jp Function3dea9 ; 3dea9 Function3dea9: ; 3dea9 call Function3df12 ld a, $0 jp Function3deb6 ; 3deb1 Function3deb1: ; 3deb1 call Function3df1f ld a, $1 Function3deb6: ; 3deb6 ld [hBattleTurn], a ld d, h ld e, l push de push bc ld a, [bc] ld b, a callab GetItem ld hl, .data_3defc .asm_3dec7 ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .asm_3def9 rept 2 inc hl endr cp b jr nz, .asm_3dec7 pop bc ld a, [bc] ld [wd265], a push bc rept 2 dec hl endr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, BANK(BattleCommand70) rst FarCall pop bc pop de ld a, [FailedMessage] and a ret nz xor a ld [bc], a ld [de], a call GetItemName ld hl, BattleText_UsersStringBuffer1Activated call StdBattleTextBox callab BattleCommand8c ret .asm_3def9 pop bc pop de ret ; 3defc .data_3defc dbw HELD_ATTACK_UP, BattleCommand70 dbw HELD_DEFENSE_UP, BattleCommand71 dbw HELD_SPEED_UP, BattleCommand72 dbw HELD_SP_ATTACK_UP, BattleCommand73 dbw HELD_SP_DEFENSE_UP, BattleCommand74 dbw HELD_ACCURACY_UP, BattleCommand75 dbw HELD_EVASION_UP, BattleCommand76 db $ff ; 3df12 Function3df12: ; 3df12 ld hl, PartyMon1Item ld a, [CurBattleMon] call GetPartyLocation ld bc, BattleMonItem ret ; 3df1f Function3df1f: ; 3df1f ld hl, OTPartyMon1Item ld a, [CurOTMon] call GetPartyLocation ld bc, EnemyMonItem ret ; 3df2c Function3df2c: ; 3df2c push hl push de push bc call DrawPlayerHUD ld hl, PlayerHPPal call SetHPPal call CheckDanger call DrawEnemyHUD ld hl, EnemyHPPal call SetHPPal pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3df48 UpdatePlayerHUD:: ; 3df48 push hl push de push bc call DrawPlayerHUD call UpdatePlayerHPPal call CheckDanger pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3df58 DrawPlayerHUD: ; 3df58 xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a ; Clear the area hlcoord 9, 7 lb bc, 5, 11 call ClearBox callba DrawPlayerExpBar hlcoord 18, 9 ld [hl], $73 ; vertical bar call PrintPlayerHUD ; HP bar hlcoord 10, 9 ld b, 1 xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a predef DrawPlayerHP ; Exp bar push de ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld hl, PartyMon1Exp + 2 call GetPartyLocation ld d, h ld e, l hlcoord 10, 11 ld a, [TempMonLevel] ld b, a call FillInExpBar pop de ret ; 3df98 UpdatePlayerHPPal: ; 3df98 ld hl, PlayerHPPal jp Function3e12e ; 3df9e CheckDanger: ; 3df9e ld hl, BattleMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr z, .no_danger ld a, [wc6fd] and a jr nz, .done ld a, [PlayerHPPal] cp HP_RED jr z, .danger .no_danger ld hl, Danger res 7, [hl] jr .done .danger ld hl, Danger set 7, [hl] .done ret ; 3dfbf PrintPlayerHUD: ; 3dfbf ld de, BattleMonNick hlcoord 10, 7 call Function3e138 call PlaceString push bc ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld hl, PartyMon1DVs call GetPartyLocation ld de, TempMonDVs ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ld hl, BattleMonLevel ld de, TempMonLevel ld bc, $0011 call CopyBytes ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld hl, PartyMon1Species call GetPartyLocation ld a, [hl] ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld [CurSpecies], a call GetBaseData pop hl dec hl ld a, BREEDMON ld [MonType], a callab GetGender ld a, " " jr c, .asm_3e013 ld a, "♂" jr nz, .asm_3e013 ld a, "♀" .asm_3e013 hlcoord 17, 8 ld [hl], a hlcoord 14, 8 push af push hl ld de, BattleMonStatus predef Function50d2e pop hl pop bc ret nz ld a, b cp " " jr nz, .asm_3e02d dec hl .asm_3e02d ld a, [BattleMonLevel] ld [TempMonLevel], a jp PrintLevel ; 3e036 UpdateEnemyHUD:: ; 3e036 push hl push de push bc call DrawEnemyHUD call UpdateEnemyHPPal pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3e043 DrawEnemyHUD: ; 3e043 xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 1, 0 lb bc, 4, 11 call ClearBox callba Function2c0c5 ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld [CurSpecies], a ld [CurPartySpecies], a call GetBaseData ld de, EnemyMonNick hlcoord 1, 0 call Function3e138 call PlaceString ld h, b ld l, c dec hl ld hl, EnemyMonDVs ld de, TempMonDVs ld a, [EnemySubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a jr z, .ok ld hl, wc6f2 .ok ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ld a, BREEDMON ld [MonType], a callab GetGender ld a, " " jr c, .asm_3e09a ld a, "♂" jr nz, .asm_3e09a ld a, "♀" .asm_3e09a hlcoord 9, 1 ld [hl], a hlcoord 6, 1 push af push hl ld de, EnemyMonStatus predef Function50d2e pop hl pop bc jr nz, .asm_3e0be ld a, b cp " " jr nz, .asm_3e0b5 dec hl .asm_3e0b5 ld a, [EnemyMonLevel] ld [TempMonLevel], a call PrintLevel .asm_3e0be ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] ld [hMultiplicand + 1], a ld a, [hld] ld [hMultiplicand + 2], a or [hl] jr nz, .asm_3e0d1 ld c, a ld e, a ld d, HP_BAR_LENGTH jp .asm_3e11a .asm_3e0d1 xor a ld [hMultiplicand], a ld a, HP_BAR_LENGTH_PX ld [hMultiplier], a call Multiply ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [hl] ld [hMultiplier], a ld a, b and a jr z, .asm_3e105 ld a, [hMultiplier] srl b rr a srl b rr a ld [hDivisor], a ld a, [hProduct + 2] ld b, a srl b ld a, [hProduct + 3] rr a srl b rr a ld [$ffb6], a ld a, b ld [$ffb5], a .asm_3e105 ld a, [$ffb5] ld [hDividend + 0], a ld a, [$ffb6] ld [hDividend + 1], a ld a, $2 ld b, a call Divide ld a, [hQuotient + 2] ld e, a ld a, HP_BAR_LENGTH ld d, a ld c, a .asm_3e11a xor a ld [wd10a], a hlcoord 2, 2 ld b, 0 call DrawHPBar ret ; 3e127 UpdateEnemyHPPal: ; 3e127 ld hl, EnemyHPPal call Function3e12e ret ; 3e12e Function3e12e: ; 3e12e ld b, [hl] call SetHPPal ld a, [hl] cp b ret z jp Function3ee27 ; 3e138 Function3e138: ; 3e138 ret ; 3e139 BattleMenu: ; 3e139 xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call LoadTempTileMapToTileMap ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_DEBUG jr z, .ok cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL jr z, .ok call EmptyBattleTextBox call UpdateBattleHuds call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap .ok .loop ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_CONTEST jr nz, .not_contest callba ContestBattleMenu jr .next .not_contest ; Auto input: choose "ITEM" ld a, [InputType] or a jr z, .asm_3e171 callba _DudeAutoInput_DownA .asm_3e171 call LoadBattleMenu2 ret c .next ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ld a, [wd0d2] cp $1 jp z, BattleMenu_Fight cp $3 jp z, BattleMenu_Pack cp $2 jp z, BattleMenu_PKMN cp $4 jp z, BattleMenu_Run jr .loop ; 3e192 BattleMenu_Fight: ; 3e192 xor a ld [wd267], a call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap and a ret ; 3e19b LoadBattleMenu2: ; 3e19b call IsMobileBattle jr z, .mobile callba LoadBattleMenu and a ret .mobile callba Function100b12 ld a, [wcd2b] and a ret z ld hl, wcd2a bit 4, [hl] jr nz, .error ld hl, BattleText_LinkErrorBattleCanceled call StdBattleTextBox ld c, 60 call DelayFrames .error scf ret ; 3e1c7 BattleMenu_Pack: ; 3e1c7 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jp nz, ItemsCantBeUsed ld a, [InBattleTowerBattle] and a jp nz, ItemsCantBeUsed call LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL jr z, .tutorial cp BATTLETYPE_CONTEST jr z, .contest callba BattlePack ld a, [wd0ec] and a jr z, .asm_3e20d jr .asm_3e209 .tutorial callba Function107bb ld a, POKE_BALL ld [CurItem], a call DoItemEffect jr .asm_3e209 .contest ld a, PARK_BALL ld [CurItem], a call DoItemEffect .asm_3e209 call Function3e234 ret .asm_3e20d call ClearPalettes call DelayFrame call Function3ed9f call Function3f43d call Function3f47c call ExitMenu call WaitBGMap call Function3ee27 call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap jp BattleMenu ; 3e22b ItemsCantBeUsed: ; 3e22b ld hl, BattleText_ItemsCantBeUsedHere call StdBattleTextBox jp BattleMenu ; 3e234 Function3e234: ; 3e234 ld a, [wc64e] and a jr nz, .asm_3e279 callab CheckItemPocket ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] cp $3 jr z, .asm_3e24a call WhiteBGMap .asm_3e24a xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call Function3ed9f call ClearSprites ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL jr z, .asm_3e25d call Function3f43d .asm_3e25d call Function3f47c ld a, $1 ld [wcfa9], a call ExitMenu call Function3df2c call WaitBGMap call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call ResetTextRelatedRAM call Function3ee27 and a ret .asm_3e279 xor a ld [wc64e], a ld a, [wBattleResult] and $c0 ld [wBattleResult], a call ResetTextRelatedRAM call SetPalettes scf ret ; 3e28d BattleMenu_PKMN: ; 3e28d call LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 Function3e290: call ExitMenu call LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 call WhiteBGMap Function3e299: call Function3d2fa xor a ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call Function3d313 call Function3d329 jr c, .asm_3e2da .asm_3e2a8 callba Function8ea4a call Function3e2f5 jr c, .asm_3e2c8 call Function1bee ld a, [wcfa9] cp $1 jp z, Function3e358 cp $2 jr z, .asm_3e2cf cp $3 jr z, .asm_3e2da jr .asm_3e2a8 .asm_3e2c8 call Function3d2e0 jr c, .asm_3e2da jr Function3e299 .asm_3e2cf call Function3e308 call Function3d2e0 jr c, .asm_3e2da jp Function3e290 .asm_3e2da call ClearSprites call ClearPalettes call DelayFrame call Function3eda6 call WriteBackup call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call ClearSGB call SetPalettes jp BattleMenu ; 3e2f5 Function3e2f5: ; 3e2f5 call IsMobileBattle jr z, .asm_3e301 callba Function24e99 ret .asm_3e301 callba Function100d22 ret ; 3e308 Function3e308: ; 3e308 call DisableLCD ld hl, VTiles2 tile $31 ld de, VTiles0 ld bc, $0110 call CopyBytes ld hl, VTiles2 ld de, VTiles0 tile $11 ld bc, $0310 call CopyBytes call EnableLCD call ClearSprites call LowVolume xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a callba Function4dc7b call MaxVolume call DisableLCD ld hl, VTiles0 ld de, VTiles2 tile $31 ld bc, $0110 call CopyBytes ld hl, VTiles0 tile $11 ld de, VTiles2 ld bc, $0310 call CopyBytes call EnableLCD ret ; 3e358 Function3e358: ; 3e358 ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld d, a ld a, [CurPartyMon] cp d jr nz, .asm_3e36b ld hl, BattleText_PkmnIsAlreadyOut call StdBattleTextBox jp Function3e299 .asm_3e36b ld a, [wc730] and a jr nz, .asm_3e378 ld a, [EnemySubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_CANT_RUN, a jr z, .asm_3e381 .asm_3e378 ld hl, BattleText_PkmnCantBeRecalled call StdBattleTextBox jp Function3e299 .asm_3e381 call CheckIfPartyHasPkmnToBattleWith jp z, Function3e299 ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [LastPlayerMon], a ld a, $2 ld [wd0ec], a call ClearPalettes call DelayFrame call ClearSprites call Function3eda6 call WriteBackup call ClearSGB call SetPalettes ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurBattleMon], a ; fallthrough ; 3e3ad Function3e3ad: ; 3e3ad ld a, 1 ld [wPlayerIsSwitching], a ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3e3c1 call LoadMenuDataHeader_0x1d75 call Function3e8e4 call WriteBackup .asm_3e3c1 call Function3e7c1 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .asm_3e3cf .asm_3e3ca call BattleMonEntrance and a ret .asm_3e3cf ld a, [wBattleAction] cp $e jp z, .asm_3e3ca cp $d jp z, .asm_3e3ca cp NUM_MOVES jp c, .asm_3e3ca cp $f jr nz, .asm_3e3e9 call WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled ret .asm_3e3e9 ld a, [$ffcb] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3e3f7 call BattleMonEntrance call Function3e3ff and a ret .asm_3e3f7 call Function3e3ff call BattleMonEntrance and a ret ; 3e3ff Function3e3ff: ; 3e3ff callab AI_Switch call SetEnemyTurn jp SpikesDamage ; 3e40b BattleMonEntrance: ; 3e40b call BattleMonNickComma_TextBox ld c, 50 call DelayFrames ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4 res SUBSTATUS_RAGE, [hl] call SetEnemyTurn call Function3dc5b jr c, .ok call Function3dce6 .ok hlcoord 9, 7 lb bc, 5, 11 call ClearBox ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [CurPartyMon], a call Function3d581 call Function3da0d call ResetPlayerStatLevels call SendOutPkmnText call NewBattleMonStatus call BreakAttraction call Function3db5f call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call SetPlayerTurn call SpikesDamage ld a, $2 ld [wcfa9], a ret ; 3e459 PassedBattleMonEntrance: ; 3e459 ld c, 50 call DelayFrames hlcoord 9, 7 lb bc, 5, 11 call ClearBox ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurBattleMon], a call Function3d581 call Function3da0d xor a ld [wd265], a call ApplyStatLevelMultiplierOnAllStats call Function3db5f call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap call SetPlayerTurn jp SpikesDamage ; 3e489 BattleMenu_Run: ; 3e489 call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap ld a, $3 ld [wcfa9], a ld hl, BattleMonSpeed ld de, EnemyMonSpeed call TryToRunAwayFromBattle ld a, $0 ld [wd266], a ret c ld a, [wd0ec] and a ret nz jp BattleMenu ; 3e4a8 CheckAmuletCoin: ; 3e4a8 ld a, [BattleMonItem] ld b, a callab GetItem ld a, b cp HELD_AMULET_COIN ret nz ld a, 1 ld [wc73d], a ret ; 3e4bc MoveSelectionScreen: ; 3e4bc call IsMobileBattle jr nz, .asm_3e4c8 callba Function100b9f ret .asm_3e4c8 ld hl, EnemyMonMoves ld a, [wd235] dec a jr z, .asm_3e4e2 dec a jr z, .asm_3e4dd call Function3e786 ret z ld hl, BattleMonMoves jr .asm_3e4e2 .asm_3e4dd ld a, PartyMon1Moves - PartyMon1 call GetPartyParamLocation .asm_3e4e2 ld de, wListMoves_MoveIndicesBuffer ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 4, 17 - NUM_MOVES - 1 ld b, 4 ld c, 14 ld a, [wd235] cp $2 jr nz, .asm_3e503 hlcoord 4, 17 - NUM_MOVES - 1 - 4 ld b, 4 ld c, 14 .asm_3e503 call TextBox hlcoord 6, 17 - NUM_MOVES ld a, [wd235] cp $2 jr nz, .asm_3e513 hlcoord 6, 17 - NUM_MOVES - 4 .asm_3e513 ld a, SCREEN_WIDTH ld [Buffer1], a predef ListMoves ld b, 5 ld a, [wd235] cp $2 ld a, 17 - NUM_MOVES jr nz, .asm_3e52c ld b, 5 ld a, 17 - NUM_MOVES - 4 .asm_3e52c ld [wcfa1], a ld a, b ld [wcfa2], a ld a, [wd235] cp $1 jr z, .asm_3e53e ld a, [CurMoveNum] inc a .asm_3e53e ld [wcfa9], a ld a, $1 ld [wcfaa], a ld a, [wd0eb] inc a ld [wcfa3], a ld a, $1 ld [wcfa4], a ld c, $2c ld a, [wd235] dec a ld b, $c1 jr z, .asm_3e569 dec a ld b, $c3 jr z, .asm_3e569 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .asm_3e569 ld b, $c7 .asm_3e569 ld a, b ld [wcfa8], a ld a, c ld [wcfa5], a xor a ld [wcfa6], a ld a, $10 ld [wcfa7], a .asm_3e57a ld a, [wd235] and a jr z, .asm_3e58e dec a jr nz, .asm_3e5a3 hlcoord 11, 14 ld de, .string_3e61c call PlaceString jr .asm_3e5a3 .asm_3e58e call MoveInfoBox ld a, [wd0e3] and a jr z, .asm_3e5a3 hlcoord 5, 13 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH dec a call AddNTimes ld [hl], "▷" .asm_3e5a3 ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a call Function1bd3 bit 6, a ; D_UP jp nz, .asm_3e61d bit 7, a ; D_DOWN jp nz, .asm_3e62e bit 2, a ; B_BUTTON jp nz, .asm_3e643 bit 1, a ; A_BUTTON push af xor a ld [wd0e3], a ld a, [wcfa9] dec a ld [wcfa9], a ld b, a ld a, [wd235] dec a jr nz, .asm_3e5d0 pop af ret .asm_3e5d0 dec a ld a, b ld [CurMoveNum], a jr nz, .asm_3e5d9 pop af ret .asm_3e5d9 pop af ret nz ld hl, BattleMonPP ld a, [wcfa9] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and $3f jr z, .asm_3e610 ld a, [PlayerDisableCount] swap a and $f dec a cp c jr z, .asm_3e60b ld a, [wc6e1] and a jr nz, .asm_3e606 ld a, [wcfa9] ld hl, BattleMonMoves ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] .asm_3e606 ld [CurPlayerMove], a xor a ret .asm_3e60b ld hl, BattleText_TheMoveIsDisabled jr .asm_3e613 .asm_3e610 ld hl, BattleText_TheresNoPPLeftForThisMove .asm_3e613 call StdBattleTextBox call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap jp MoveSelectionScreen ; 3e61c .string_3e61c ; 3e61c db "@" ; 3e61d .asm_3e61d ld a, [wcfa9] and a jp nz, .asm_3e57a ld a, [wd0eb] inc a ld [wcfa9], a jp .asm_3e57a ; 3e62e .asm_3e62e ; 3e62e ld a, [wcfa9] ld b, a ld a, [wd0eb] rept 2 inc a endr cp b jp nz, .asm_3e57a ld a, $1 ld [wcfa9], a jp .asm_3e57a ; 3e643 .asm_3e643 ; 3e643 ld a, [wd0e3] and a jr z, .asm_3e6bf ld hl, BattleMonMoves call .asm_3e6a5 ld hl, BattleMonPP call .asm_3e6a5 ld hl, PlayerDisableCount ld a, [hl] swap a and $f ld b, a ld a, [wcfa9] cp b jr nz, .asm_3e671 ld a, [hl] and $f ld b, a ld a, [wd0e3] swap a add b ld [hl], a jr .asm_3e682 .asm_3e671 ld a, [wd0e3] cp b jr nz, .asm_3e682 ld a, [hl] and $f ld b, a ld a, [wcfa9] swap a add b ld [hl], a .asm_3e682 ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a jr nz, .asm_3e69e ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld a, [CurBattleMon] call GetPartyLocation push hl call .asm_3e6a5 pop hl ld bc, PartyMon1PP - PartyMon1Moves add hl, bc call .asm_3e6a5 .asm_3e69e xor a ld [wd0e3], a jp MoveSelectionScreen .asm_3e6a5 push hl ld a, [wd0e3] dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld d, h ld e, l pop hl ld a, [wcfa9] dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [de] ld b, [hl] ld [hl], a ld a, b ld [de], a ret .asm_3e6bf ld a, [wcfa9] ld [wd0e3], a jp MoveSelectionScreen ; 3e6c8 MoveInfoBox: ; 3e6c8 xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 0, 8 ld b, 3 ld c, 9 call TextBox call MobileTextBorder ld a, [PlayerDisableCount] and a jr z, .asm_3e6f4 swap a and $f ld b, a ld a, [wcfa9] cp b jr nz, .asm_3e6f4 hlcoord 1, 10 ld de, .Disabled call PlaceString jr .done .asm_3e6f4 ld hl, wcfa9 dec [hl] call SetPlayerTurn ld hl, BattleMonMoves ld a, [wcfa9] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [CurPlayerMove], a ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [CurPartyMon], a ld a, WILDMON ld [MonType], a callab Functionf8ec ld hl, wcfa9 ld c, [hl] inc [hl] ld b, 0 ld hl, BattleMonPP add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and $3f ld [StringBuffer1], a call Function3e75f hlcoord 1, 9 ld de, .Type call PlaceString hlcoord 7, 11 ld [hl], "/" callab UpdateMoveData ld a, [wPlayerMoveStruct + MOVE_ANIM] ld b, a hlcoord 2, 10 predef PrintMoveType .done ret ; 3e74f .Disabled db "Disabled!@" .Type db "TYPE/@" ; 3e75f Function3e75f: ; 3e75f hlcoord 5, 11 ld a, [wLinkMode] ; What's the point of this check? cp LINK_MOBILE jr c, .ok hlcoord 5, 11 .ok push hl ld de, StringBuffer1 lb bc, 1, 2 call PrintNum pop hl rept 2 inc hl endr ld [hl], "/" inc hl ld de, wNamedObjectIndexBuffer lb bc, 1, 2 call PrintNum ret ; 3e786 Function3e786: ; 3e786 ld a, STRUGGLE ld [CurPlayerMove], a ld a, [PlayerDisableCount] and a ld hl, BattleMonPP jr nz, .asm_3e79f ld a, [hli] or [hl] inc hl or [hl] inc hl or [hl] and $3f ret nz jr .asm_3e7b4 .asm_3e79f swap a and $f ld b, a ld d, $5 xor a .asm_3e7a7 dec d jr z, .asm_3e7b2 ld c, [hl] inc hl dec b jr z, .asm_3e7a7 or c jr .asm_3e7a7 .asm_3e7b2 and a ret nz .asm_3e7b4 ld hl, BattleText_PkmnHasNoMovesLeft call StdBattleTextBox ld c, 60 call DelayFrames xor a ret ; 3e7c1 Function3e7c1: ; 3e7c1 ld a, [wEnemyIsSwitching] and a ret nz ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3e817 call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap ld a, [wd0ec] and a call z, Function3e8e4 call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap ld a, [wBattleAction] cp $e jp z, .asm_3e8bd cp $d jp z, .asm_3e82c cp NUM_MOVES jp nc, ResetVarsForSubstatusRage ld [CurEnemyMoveNum], a ld c, a ld a, [EnemySubStatus1] bit SUBSTATUS_ROLLOUT, a jp nz, .asm_3e882 ld a, [EnemySubStatus3] and 1 << SUBSTATUS_CHARGED | 1 << SUBSTATUS_RAMPAGE | 1 << SUBSTATUS_BIDE jp nz, .asm_3e882 ld hl, EnemySubStatus5 bit SUBSTATUS_ENCORED, [hl] ld a, [LastEnemyMove] jp nz, .asm_3e87f ld hl, EnemyMonMoves ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] jp .asm_3e87f .asm_3e817 ld hl, EnemySubStatus5 bit SUBSTATUS_ENCORED, [hl] jr z, .asm_3e824 ld a, [LastEnemyMove] jp .asm_3e87f .asm_3e824 call CheckSubstatus_RechargeChargedRampageBideRollout jp nz, ResetVarsForSubstatusRage jr .asm_3e830 .asm_3e82c ld a, $ff jr .asm_3e87f .asm_3e830 ld hl, EnemyMonMoves ld de, EnemyMonPP ld b, NUM_MOVES .asm_3e838 ld a, [hl] and a jp z, .asm_3e8bd ld a, [EnemyDisabledMove] cp [hl] jr z, .asm_3e848 ld a, [de] and $3f jr nz, .asm_3e84f .asm_3e848 inc hl inc de dec b jr nz, .asm_3e838 jr .asm_3e8bd .asm_3e84f ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .asm_3e882 .asm_3e855 ld hl, EnemyMonMoves call BattleRandom and 3 ; TODO factor in NUM_MOVES ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [EnemyDisableCount] swap a and $f dec a cp c jr z, .asm_3e855 ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .asm_3e855 ld hl, EnemyMonPP add hl, bc ld b, a ld a, [hl] and $3f jr z, .asm_3e855 ld a, c ld [CurEnemyMoveNum], a ld a, b .asm_3e87f ld [CurEnemyMove], a .asm_3e882 call SetEnemyTurn callab UpdateMoveData call CheckSubstatus_RechargeChargedRampageBideRollout jr nz, .asm_3e894 xor a ld [wc733], a .asm_3e894 ld a, [wEnemyMoveStruct + MOVE_EFFECT] cp EFFECT_FURY_CUTTER jr z, .asm_3e89f xor a ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a .asm_3e89f ld a, [wEnemyMoveStruct + MOVE_EFFECT] cp EFFECT_RAGE jr z, .asm_3e8af ld hl, EnemySubStatus4 res SUBSTATUS_RAGE, [hl] xor a ld [wc72c], a .asm_3e8af ld a, [wEnemyMoveStruct + MOVE_EFFECT] cp EFFECT_PROTECT ret z cp EFFECT_ENDURE ret z xor a ld [EnemyProtectCount], a ret .asm_3e8bd ld a, STRUGGLE jr .asm_3e87f ; 3e8c1 ResetVarsForSubstatusRage: ; 3e8c1 xor a ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a ld [EnemyProtectCount], a ld [wc72c], a ld hl, EnemySubStatus4 res SUBSTATUS_RAGE, [hl] ret ; 3e8d1 CheckSubstatus_RechargeChargedRampageBideRollout: ; 3e8d1 ld a, [EnemySubStatus4] and 1 << SUBSTATUS_RECHARGE ret nz ld hl, EnemySubStatus3 ld a, [hl] and 1 << SUBSTATUS_CHARGED | 1 << SUBSTATUS_RAMPAGE | 1 << SUBSTATUS_BIDE ret nz ld hl, EnemySubStatus1 bit SUBSTATUS_ROLLOUT, [hl] ret ; 3e8e4 Function3e8e4: ; 3e8e4 callba Function100a09 ret ; 3e8eb LoadEnemyMon: ; 3e8eb ; Initialize enemy monster parameters ; To do this we pull the species from TempEnemyMonSpecies ; Notes: ; BattleRandom is used to ensure sync between Game Boys ; Clear the whole EnemyMon struct xor a ld hl, EnemyMonSpecies ld bc, EnemyMonEnd - EnemyMon call ByteFill ; We don't need to be here if we're in a link battle ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jp nz, Function3dabd ; and also not in a BattleTower-Battle ld a, [InBattleTowerBattle] ; ???? bit 0, a jp nz, Function3dabd ; Make sure everything knows what species we're working with ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld [EnemyMonSpecies], a ld [CurSpecies], a ld [CurPartySpecies], a ; Grab the BaseData for this species call GetBaseData ; Let's get the item: ; Is the item predetermined? ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr z, .WildItem ; If we're in a trainer battle, the item is in the party struct ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, OTPartyMon1Item call GetPartyLocation ; bc = PartyMon[CurPartyMon] - PartyMons ld a, [hl] jr .UpdateItem .WildItem ; In a wild battle, we pull from the item slots in BaseData ; Force Item1 ; Used for Ho-Oh, Lugia and Snorlax encounters ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_FORCEITEM ld a, [BaseItems] jr z, .UpdateItem ; Failing that, it's all up to chance ; Effective chances: ; 75% None ; 23% Item1 ; 2% Item2 ; 25% chance of getting an item call BattleRandom cp a, 1 + (75 percent) ld a, NO_ITEM jr c, .UpdateItem ; From there, an 8% chance for Item2 call BattleRandom cp a, 8 percent ; 8% of 25% = 2% Item2 ld a, [BaseItems] jr nc, .UpdateItem ld a, [BaseItems+1] .UpdateItem ld [EnemyMonItem], a ; Initialize DVs ; If we're in a trainer battle, DVs are predetermined ld a, [wBattleMode] and a jr z, .InitDVs ld a, [EnemySubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a jr z, .InitDVs ; Unknown ld hl, wc6f2 ld de, EnemyMonDVs ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a jp .Happiness .InitDVs ; Trainer DVs ; All trainers have preset DVs, determined by class ; See GetTrainerDVs for more on that callba GetTrainerDVs ; These are the DVs we'll use if we're actually in a trainer battle ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .UpdateDVs ; Wild DVs ; Here's where the fun starts ; Roaming monsters (Entei, Raikou) work differently ; They have their own structs, which are shorter than normal ld a, [BattleType] cp a, BATTLETYPE_ROAMING jr nz, .NotRoaming ; Grab HP call GetRoamMonHP ld a, [hl] ; Check if the HP has been initialized and a ; We'll do something with the result in a minute push af ; Grab DVs call GetRoamMonDVs inc hl ld a, [hld] ld c, a ld b, [hl] ; Get back the result of our check pop af ; If the RoamMon struct has already been initialized, we're done jr nz, .UpdateDVs ; If it hasn't, we need to initialize the DVs ; (HP is initialized at the end of the battle) call GetRoamMonDVs inc hl call BattleRandom ld [hld], a ld c, a call BattleRandom ld [hl], a ld b, a ; We're done with DVs jr .UpdateDVs .NotRoaming ; Register a contains BattleType ; Forced shiny battle type ; Used by Red Gyarados at Lake of Rage cp a, BATTLETYPE_SHINY jr nz, .GenerateDVs ld b, ATKDEFDV_SHINY ; $ea ld c, SPDSPCDV_SHINY ; $aa jr .UpdateDVs .GenerateDVs ; Generate new random DVs call BattleRandom ld b, a call BattleRandom ld c, a .UpdateDVs ; Input DVs in register bc ld hl, EnemyMonDVs ld a, b ld [hli], a ld [hl], c ; We've still got more to do if we're dealing with a wild monster ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .Happiness ; Species-specfic: ; Unown ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] cp a, UNOWN jr nz, .Magikarp ; Get letter based on DVs ld hl, EnemyMonDVs predef GetUnownLetter ; Can't use any letters that haven't been unlocked ; If combined with forced shiny battletype, causes an infinite loop call CheckUnownLetter jr c, .GenerateDVs ; try again .Magikarp ; Skimming this part recommended ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] cp a, MAGIKARP jr nz, .Happiness ; Get Magikarp's length ld de, EnemyMonDVs ld bc, PlayerID callab CalcMagikarpLength ; We're clear if the length is < 1536 ld a, [MagikarpLength] cp a, $06 ; $600 = 1536 jr nz, .CheckMagikarpArea ; 5% chance of skipping size checks call Random cp a, $0c ; / $100 jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea ; Try again if > 1614 ld a, [MagikarpLength + 1] cp a, $50 jr nc, .GenerateDVs ; 20% chance of skipping this check call Random cp a, $32 ; / $100 jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea ; Try again if > 1598 ld a, [MagikarpLength + 1] cp a, $40 jr nc, .GenerateDVs .CheckMagikarpArea ; The z checks are supposed to be nz ; Instead, all maps in GROUP_LAKE_OF_RAGE (mahogany area) ; and routes 20 and 44 are treated as Lake of Rage ; This also means Lake of Rage Magikarp can be smaller than ones ; caught elsewhere rather than the other way around ; Intended behavior enforces a minimum size at Lake of Rage ; The real behavior prevents size flooring in the Lake of Rage area ld a, [MapGroup] cp a, GROUP_LAKE_OF_RAGE jr z, .Happiness ld a, [MapNumber] cp a, MAP_LAKE_OF_RAGE jr z, .Happiness ; 40% chance of not flooring call Random cp a, $64 ; / $100 jr c, .Happiness ; Floor at length 1024 ld a, [MagikarpLength] cp a, 1024 >> 8 jr c, .GenerateDVs ; try again ; Finally done with DVs .Happiness ; Set happiness ld a, BASE_HAPPINESS ld [EnemyMonHappiness], a ; Set level ld a, [CurPartyLevel] ld [EnemyMonLevel], a ; Fill stats ld de, EnemyMonMaxHP ld b, $00 ld hl, LinkBattleRNs + 7 ; ? predef CalcPkmnStats ; If we're in a trainer battle, ; get the rest of the parameters from the party struct ld a, [wBattleMode] cp a, TRAINER_BATTLE jr z, .OpponentParty ; If we're in a wild battle, check wild-specific stuff and a jr z, .TreeMon ld a, [EnemySubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a jp nz, .Moves .TreeMon ; If we're headbutting trees, some monsters enter battle asleep call CheckSleepingTreeMon ld a, SLP ; Asleep for 7 turns jr c, .UpdateStatus ; Otherwise, no status xor a .UpdateStatus ld hl, EnemyMonStatus ld [hli], a ; Unused byte xor a ld [hli], a ; Full HP... ld a, [EnemyMonMaxHP] ld [hli], a ld a, [EnemyMonMaxHP + 1] ld [hl], a ; ...unless it's a RoamMon ld a, [BattleType] cp a, BATTLETYPE_ROAMING jr nz, .Moves ; Grab HP call GetRoamMonHP ld a, [hl] ; Check if it's been initialized again and a jr z, .InitRoamHP ; Update from the struct if it has ld a, [hl] ld [EnemyMonHP + 1], a jr .Moves .InitRoamHP ; HP only uses the lo byte in the RoamMon struct since ; Raikou/Entei/Suicune will have < 256 hp at level 40 ld a, [EnemyMonHP + 1] ld [hl], a jr .Moves .OpponentParty ; Get HP from the party struct ld hl, (OTPartyMon1HP + 1) ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetPartyLocation ld a, [hld] ld [EnemyMonHP + 1], a ld a, [hld] ld [EnemyMonHP], a ; Make sure everything knows which monster the opponent is using ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld [CurOTMon], a ; Get status from the party struct dec hl ld a, [hl] ; OTPartyMonStatus ld [EnemyMonStatus], a .Moves ld hl, BaseType1 ld de, EnemyMonType1 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ; Get moves ld de, EnemyMonMoves ; Are we in a trainer battle? ld a, [wBattleMode] cp a, TRAINER_BATTLE jr nz, .WildMoves ; Then copy moves from the party struct ld hl, OTPartyMon1Moves ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetPartyLocation ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes jr .PP .WildMoves ; Clear EnemyMonMoves xor a ld h, d ld l, e rept 3 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a ; Make sure the predef knows this isn't a partymon ld [MagikarpLength], a ; Fill moves based on level predef FillMoves .PP ; Trainer battle? ld a, [wBattleMode] cp a, TRAINER_BATTLE jr z, .TrainerPP ; Fill wild PP ld hl, EnemyMonMoves ld de, EnemyMonPP predef FillPP jr .Finish .TrainerPP ; Copy PP from the party struct ld hl, OTPartyMon1PP ld a, [CurPartyMon] call GetPartyLocation ld de, EnemyMonPP ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes .Finish ; Only the first five base stats are copied... ld hl, BaseStats ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats ld b, BaseSpecialDefense - BaseStats .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec b jr nz, .loop ld a, [BaseCatchRate] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [BaseExp] ld [de], a ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld [wd265], a call GetPokemonName ; Did we catch it? ld a, [wBattleMode] and a ret z ; Update enemy nick ld hl, StringBuffer1 ld de, EnemyMonNick ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ; Caught this mon ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] dec a ld c, a ld b, 1 ; set ld hl, PokedexSeen predef FlagPredef ld hl, EnemyMonStats ld de, EnemyStats ld bc, EnemyMonStatsEnd - EnemyMonStats call CopyBytes ret ; 3eb38 CheckSleepingTreeMon: ; 3eb38 ; Return carry if species is in the list ; for the current time of day ; Don't do anything if this isn't a tree encounter ld a, [BattleType] cp a, BATTLETYPE_TREE jr nz, .NotSleeping ; Get list for the time of day ld hl, .Morn ld a, [TimeOfDay] cp a, DAY jr c, .Check ld hl, .Day jr z, .Check ld hl, .Nite .Check ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld de, 1 ; length of species id call IsInArray ; If it's a match, the opponent is asleep ret c .NotSleeping and a ret .Nite db CATERPIE db METAPOD db BUTTERFREE db WEEDLE db KAKUNA db BEEDRILL db SPEAROW db EKANS db EXEGGCUTE db LEDYBA db AIPOM db -1 ; end .Day db VENONAT db HOOTHOOT db NOCTOWL db SPINARAK db HERACROSS db -1 ; end .Morn db VENONAT db HOOTHOOT db NOCTOWL db SPINARAK db HERACROSS db -1 ; end ; 3eb75 CheckUnownLetter: ; 3eb75 ; Return carry if the Unown letter hasn't been unlocked yet ld a, [UnlockedUnowns] ld c, a ld de, 0 .loop ; Don't check this set unless it's been unlocked srl c jr nc, .next ; Is our letter in the set? ld hl, .LetterSets add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a push de ld a, [UnownLetter] ld de, 1 push bc call IsInArray pop bc pop de jr c, .match .next ; Make sure we haven't gone past the end of the table rept 2 inc e endr ld a, e cp a, .Set1 - .LetterSets jr c, .loop ; Hasn't been unlocked, or the letter is invalid scf ret .match ; Valid letter and a ret .LetterSets dw .Set1 dw .Set2 dw .Set3 dw .Set4 .Set1 ; A B C D E F G H I J K db 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, $ff .Set2 ; L M N O P Q R db 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, $ff .Set3 ; S T U V W db 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, $ff .Set4 ; X Y Z db 24, 25, 26, $ff ; 3ebc7 Function3ebc7: ; 3ebc7 push bc ld a, [BattleMonLevel] ld b, a ld a, [EnemyMonLevel] ld [BattleMonLevel], a ld a, b ld [EnemyMonLevel], a pop bc ret ; 3ebd8 Function3ebd8: ; 3ebd8 xor a ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a call Function3ee27 ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] ld [TrainerClass], a ld de, VTiles2 callab GetTrainerPic hlcoord 19, 0 ld c, $0 .outer_loop inc c ld a, c cp $7 ret z xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a ld [hBGMapThird], a ld d, $0 push bc push hl .inner_loop call Function3ec1a inc hl ld a, $7 add d ld d, a dec c jr nz, .inner_loop ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ld c, $4 call DelayFrames pop hl pop bc dec hl jr .outer_loop ; 3ec1a Function3ec1a: ; 3ec1a push hl push de push bc ld e, $7 .loop ld [hl], d ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, bc inc d dec e jr nz, .loop pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; 3ec2c Function3ec2c: ; 3ec2c ld a, 1 jr Function3ec31 ; 3ec30 Function3ec30: ; 3ec30 xor a ; 3ec31 Function3ec31: ; 3ec31 ld [hBattleTurn], a call Function3ec39 jp Function3ec76 ; 3ec39 Function3ec39: ; 3ec39 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3ec5a ld a, [BattleMonStatus] and 1 << PAR ret z ld hl, BattleMonSpeed + 1 ld a, [hld] ld b, a ld a, [hl] srl a rr b srl a rr b ld [hli], a or b jr nz, .asm_3ec58 ld b, $1 .asm_3ec58 ld [hl], b ret .asm_3ec5a ld a, [EnemyMonStatus] and 1 << PAR ret z ld hl, EnemyMonSpeed + 1 ld a, [hld] ld b, a ld a, [hl] srl a rr b srl a rr b ld [hli], a or b jr nz, .asm_3ec74 ld b, $1 .asm_3ec74 ld [hl], b ret ; 3ec76 Function3ec76: ; 3ec76 ld a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr z, .asm_3ec93 ld a, [BattleMonStatus] and 1 << BRN ret z ld hl, BattleMonAttack + 1 ld a, [hld] ld b, a ld a, [hl] srl a rr b ld [hli], a or b jr nz, .asm_3ec91 ld b, $1 .asm_3ec91 ld [hl], b ret .asm_3ec93 ld a, [EnemyMonStatus] and 1 << BRN ret z ld hl, EnemyMonAttack + 1 ld a, [hld] ld b, a ld a, [hl] srl a rr b ld [hli], a or b jr nz, .asm_3eca9 ld b, $1 .asm_3eca9 ld [hl], b ret ; 3ecab ApplyStatLevelMultiplierOnAllStats: ; 3ecab ; Apply StatLevelMultipliers on all 5 Stats ld c, 0 .asm_3ecad call ApplyStatLevelMultiplier inc c ld a, c cp 5 jr nz, .asm_3ecad ret ; 3ecb7 ApplyStatLevelMultiplier: ; 3ecb7 push bc push bc ld a, [wd265] and a ld a, c ld hl, BattleMonAttack ld de, PlayerStats ld bc, PlayerAtkLevel jr z, .asm_3ecd2 ld hl, EnemyMonAttack ld de, EnemyStats ld bc, EnemyAtkLevel .asm_3ecd2 add c ld c, a jr nc, .asm_3ecd7 inc b .asm_3ecd7 ld a, [bc] pop bc ld b, a push bc sla c ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, c add e ld e, a jr nc, .asm_3ece6 inc d .asm_3ece6 pop bc push hl ld hl, .StatLevelMultipliers dec b sla b ld c, b ld b, 0 add hl, bc xor a ld [hMultiplicand + 0], a ld a, [de] ld [hMultiplicand + 1], a inc de ld a, [de] ld [hMultiplicand + 2], a ld a, [hli] ld [hMultiplier], a call Multiply ld a, [hl] ld [hDivisor], a ld b, $4 call Divide pop hl ; Cap at 999. ld a, [hQuotient + 2] sub 999 % $100 ld a, [hQuotient + 1] sbc 999 / $100 jp c, .asm_3ed1e ld a, 999 / $100 ld [$ffb5], a ld a, 999 % $100 ld [$ffb6], a .asm_3ed1e ld a, [$ffb5] ld [hli], a ld b, a ld a, [$ffb6] ld [hl], a or b jr nz, .asm_3ed29 inc [hl] .asm_3ed29 pop bc ret ; 3ed2b .StatLevelMultipliers ; / db 25, 100 ; 25% db 28, 100 ; 28% db 33, 100 ; 33% db 40, 100 ; 40% db 50, 100 ; 50% db 66, 100 ; 66% db 1, 1 ; 100% db 15, 10 ; 150% db 2, 1 ; 200% db 25, 10 ; 250% db 3, 1 ; 300% db 35, 10 ; 350% db 4, 1 ; 400% ; 3ed45 BadgeStatBoosts: ; 3ed45 ; Raise BattleMon stats depending on which badges have been obtained. ; Every other badge boosts a stat, starting from the first. ; ZephyrBadge: Attack ; PlainBadge: Speed ; MineralBadge: Defense ; GlacierBadge: Special Attack ; RisingBadge: Special Defense ; The boosted stats are in order, except PlainBadge and MineralBadge's boosts are swapped. ld a, [wLinkMode] and a ret nz ld a, [InBattleTowerBattle] and a ret nz ld a, [JohtoBadges] ; Swap badges 3 (PlainBadge) and 5 (MineralBadge). ld d, a and %00000100 rept 2 add a endr ld b, a ld a, d and %00010000 rrca rrca ld c, a ld a, d and %11101011 or b or c ld b, a ld hl, BattleMonAttack ld c, 4 .CheckBadge ld a, b srl b call c, BoostStat rept 2 inc hl endr ; Check every other badge. srl b dec c jr nz, .CheckBadge ; And the last one (RisingBadge) too. srl a call c, BoostStat ret ; 3ed7c BoostStat: ; 3ed7c ; Raise stat at hl by 1/8. ld a, [hli] ld d, a ld e, [hl] srl d rr e srl d rr e srl d rr e ld a, [hl] add e ld [hld], a ld a, [hl] adc d ld [hli], a ; Cap at 999. ld a, [hld] sub 999 % $100 ld a, [hl] sbc 999 / $100 ret c ld a, 999 / $100 ld [hli], a ld a, 999 % $100 ld [hld], a ret ; 3ed9f Function3ed9f: ; 3ed9f callab Functionfb4f2 ret ; 3eda6 Function3eda6: ; 3eda6 callab Functionfb50d ret ; 3edad Function3edad: ; 3edad ld de, GFX_f8ac0 ld hl, VTiles2 tile $6c lb bc, BANK(GFX_f8ac0), 4 call Get1bpp ld de, GFX_f8ae0 ld hl, VTiles2 tile $73 lb bc, BANK(GFX_f8ae0), 6 call Get1bpp ld de, GFX_f8b10 ld hl, VTiles2 tile $55 lb bc, BANK(GFX_f8b10), 8 jp Get2bpp ; 3edd1 EmptyBattleTextBox: ; 3edd1 ld hl, .empty jp BattleTextBox .empty db "@" ; 3edd8 _BattleRandom:: ; 3edd8 ; If the normal RNG is used in a link battle it'll desync. ; To circumvent this a shared PRNG is used instead. ; But if we're in a non-link battle we're safe to use it ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jp z, Random ; The PRNG operates in streams of 10 values. ; Which value are we trying to pull? push hl push bc ld a, [LinkBattleRNCount] ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, LinkBattleRNs add hl, bc inc a ld [LinkBattleRNCount], a ; If we haven't hit the end yet, we're good cp 10 - 1 ; Exclude last value. See the closing comment ld a, [hl] pop bc pop hl ret c ; If we have, we have to generate new pseudorandom data ; Instead of having multiple PRNGs, ten seeds are used push hl push bc push af ; Reset count to 0 xor a ld [LinkBattleRNCount], a ld hl, LinkBattleRNs ld b, 10 ; number of seeds ; Generate next number in the sequence for each seed ; The algorithm takes the form *5 + 1 % 256 .loop ; get last # ld a, [hl] ; a * 5 + 1 ld c, a rept 2 add a endr add c inc a ; update # ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ; This has the side effect of pulling the last value first, ; then wrapping around. As a result, when we check to see if ; we've reached the end, we check the one before it. pop af pop bc pop hl ret ; 3ee0f Function3ee0f: ; 3ee0f ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS3 call GetBattleVar and 1 << SUBSTATUS_FLYING | 1 << SUBSTATUS_UNDERGROUND ret nz ; 3ee17 Call_PlayBattleAnim: ; 3ee17 ld a, e ld [FXAnimIDLo], a ld a, d ld [FXAnimIDHi], a call WaitBGMap predef_jump PlayBattleAnim ; 3ee27 Function3ee27: ; 3ee27 push af push bc push de push hl ld b, $1 call GetSGBLayout call SetPalettes call DelayFrame pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ret ; 3ee3b GiveExperiencePoints: ; 3ee3b ; Give experience. ld a, [wLinkMode] and a ret nz ld a, [InBattleTowerBattle] bit 0, a ret nz call Function3f0d4 xor a ld [CurPartyMon], a ld bc, PartyMon1Species .asm_3ee50 ld hl, $0022 add hl, bc ld a, [hli] or [hl] jp z, .asm_3f0b9 push bc ld hl, wc664 ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld c, a ld b, $2 ld d, $0 predef FlagPredef ld a, c and a pop bc jp z, .asm_3f0b9 ld hl, $000c add hl, bc ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats - 1 push bc ld c, $5 .asm_3ee7c inc hl ld a, [de] add [hl] ld [de], a jr nc, .asm_3ee89 dec de ld a, [de] inc a jr z, .asm_3eea4 ld [de], a inc de .asm_3ee89 push hl push bc ld a, PartyMon1PokerusStatus - PartyMon1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] and a pop bc pop hl jr z, .asm_3eea9 ld a, [de] add [hl] ld [de], a jr nc, .asm_3eea9 dec de ld a, [de] inc a jr z, .asm_3eea4 ld [de], a inc de jr .asm_3eea9 .asm_3eea4 ld a, $ff ld [de], a inc de ld [de], a .asm_3eea9 rept 2 inc de endr dec c jr nz, .asm_3ee7c xor a ld [hMultiplicand + 0], a ld [hMultiplicand + 1], a ld a, [EnemyMonBaseExp] ld [hMultiplicand + 2], a ld a, [EnemyMonLevel] ld [hMultiplier], a call Multiply ld a, $7 ld [hDivisor], a ld b, $4 call Divide pop bc ld hl, $0006 add hl, bc ld a, [PlayerID] cp [hl] jr nz, .asm_3eedd inc hl ld a, [PlayerID + 1] cp [hl] ld a, $0 jr z, .asm_3eee2 .asm_3eedd call DoubleExp ld a, $1 .asm_3eee2 ld [StringBuffer2 + 2], a ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a call nz, DoubleExp push bc ld a, PartyMon1Item - PartyMon1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] cp LUCKY_EGG call z, DoubleExp ld a, [$ffb6] ld [StringBuffer2 + 1], a ld a, [$ffb5] ld [StringBuffer2], a ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, PartyMonNicknames call GetNick ld hl, Text_PkmnGainedExpPoint call BattleTextBox ld a, [StringBuffer2 + 1] ld [$ffb6], a ld a, [StringBuffer2] ld [$ffb5], a pop bc call Function3f136 push bc call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap pop bc ld hl, $000a add hl, bc ld d, [hl] ld a, [$ffb6] add d ld [hld], a ld d, [hl] ld a, [$ffb5] adc d ld [hl], a jr nc, .asm_3ef3d dec hl inc [hl] jr nz, .asm_3ef3d ld a, $ff rept 2 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a .asm_3ef3d ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, PartySpecies add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [CurSpecies], a call GetBaseData push bc ld d, MAX_LEVEL callab Function50e47 pop bc ld hl, $000a add hl, bc push bc ld a, [hMultiplicand] ld b, a ld a, [$ffb5] ld c, a ld a, [$ffb6] ld d, a ld a, [hld] sub d ld a, [hld] sbc c ld a, [hl] sbc b jr c, .asm_3ef74 ld a, b ld [hli], a ld a, c ld [hli], a ld a, d ld [hld], a .asm_3ef74 xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a predef CopyPkmnToTempMon callab Function50e1b pop bc ld hl, PartyMon1Level - PartyMon1 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp MAX_LEVEL jp nc, .asm_3f0b9 cp d jp z, .asm_3f0b9 ld [wc719], a ld a, [CurPartyLevel] push af ld a, d ld [CurPartyLevel], a ld [hl], a ld hl, PartyMon1Species - PartyMon1 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [CurSpecies], a ld [wd265], a call GetBaseData ld hl, $0025 add hl, bc ld a, [hld] ld e, a ld d, [hl] push de ld hl, $0024 add hl, bc ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, $000a add hl, bc push bc ld b, $1 predef CalcPkmnStats pop bc pop de ld hl, $0025 add hl, bc ld a, [hld] sub e ld e, a ld a, [hl] sbc d ld d, a dec hl ld a, [hl] add e ld [hld], a ld a, [hl] adc d ld [hl], a ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld d, a ld a, [CurPartyMon] cp d jr nz, .asm_3f035 ld de, BattleMonHP ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a ld de, BattleMonMaxHP push bc ld bc, $000c call CopyBytes pop bc ld hl, $001f add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [BattleMonLevel], a ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a jr nz, .asm_3f012 ld hl, $0026 add hl, bc ld de, PlayerStats ld bc, $000a call CopyBytes .asm_3f012 xor a ld [wd265], a call ApplyStatLevelMultiplierOnAllStats callab Function3ec2c callab BadgeStatBoosts callab UpdatePlayerHUD call EmptyBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a .asm_3f035 callba LevelUpHappinessMod ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld b, a ld a, [CurPartyMon] cp b jr z, .asm_3f057 ld de, SFX_HIT_END_OF_EXP_BAR call PlaySFX call WaitSFX ld hl, BattleText_StringBuffer1GrewToLevel call StdBattleTextBox call LoadTileMapToTempTileMap .asm_3f057 xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a predef CopyPkmnToTempMon hlcoord 9, 0 ld b, $a ld c, $9 call TextBox hlcoord 11, 1 ld bc, $0004 predef PrintTempMonStats ld c, $1e call DelayFrames call Functiona80 call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a ld a, [CurSpecies] ld [wd265], a ld a, [CurPartyLevel] push af ld c, a ld a, [wc719] ld b, a .asm_3f093 inc b ld a, b ld [CurPartyLevel], a push bc predef LearnLevelMoves pop bc ld a, b cp c jr nz, .asm_3f093 pop af ld [CurPartyLevel], a ld hl, EvolvableFlags ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld c, a ld b, $1 predef FlagPredef pop af ld [CurPartyLevel], a .asm_3f0b9 ld a, [PartyCount] ld b, a ld a, [CurPartyMon] inc a cp b jr z, .asm_3f0d1 ld [CurPartyMon], a ld a, PartyMon1Species - PartyMon1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld b, h ld c, l jp .asm_3ee50 .asm_3f0d1 jp Function3d57a ; 3f0d4 Function3f0d4: ; 3f0d4 ld a, [wc664] ld b, a ld c, $6 ld d, $0 .asm_3f0dc xor a srl b adc d ld d, a dec c jr nz, .asm_3f0dc cp $2 ret c ld [wd265], a ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats ld c, $7 .asm_3f0ef xor a ld [hDividend + 0], a ld a, [hl] ld [hDividend + 1], a ld a, [wd265] ld [hDivisor], a ld b, $2 call Divide ld a, [hQuotient + 2] ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .asm_3f0ef ret ; 3f106 DoubleExp: ; 3f106 push bc ld a, [$ffb5] ld b, a ld a, [$ffb6] ld c, a srl b rr c add c ld [$ffb6], a ld a, [$ffb5] adc b ld [$ffb5], a pop bc ret ; 3f11b Text_PkmnGainedExpPoint: ; 3f11b text_jump Text_Gained start_asm ld hl, TextJump_StringBuffer2ExpPoints ld a, [StringBuffer2 + 2] ; IsTradedMon and a ret z ld hl, TextJump_ABoostedStringBuffer2ExpPoints ret ; 3f12c TextJump_ABoostedStringBuffer2ExpPoints: ; 3f12c text_jump Text_ABoostedStringBuffer2ExpPoints db "@" ; 3f131 TextJump_StringBuffer2ExpPoints: ; 3f131 text_jump Text_StringBuffer2ExpPoints db "@" ; 3f136 Function3f136: ; 3f136 push bc ld hl, CurPartyMon ld a, [CurBattleMon] cp [hl] jp nz, .asm_3f219 ld a, [BattleMonLevel] cp MAX_LEVEL jp nc, .asm_3f219 ld a, [$ffb6] ld [wd004], a push af ld a, [$ffb5] ld [wd003], a push af xor a ld [DefaultFlypoint], a xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a predef CopyPkmnToTempMon ld a, [TempMonLevel] ld b, a ld e, a push de ld de, TempMonExp + 2 call Function3f39c push bc ld hl, TempMonExp + 2 ld a, [wd004] add [hl] ld [hld], a ld a, [wd003] adc [hl] ld [hld], a jr nc, .asm_3f186 inc [hl] jr nz, .asm_3f186 ld a, $ff rept 2 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a .asm_3f186 ld d, MAX_LEVEL callab Function50e47 ld a, [hMultiplicand] ld b, a ld a, [$ffb5] ld c, a ld a, [$ffb6] ld d, a ld hl, TempMonExp + 2 ld a, [hld] sub d ld a, [hld] sbc c ld a, [hl] sbc b jr c, .asm_3f1a8 ld a, b ld [hli], a ld a, c ld [hli], a ld a, d ld [hld], a .asm_3f1a8 callab Function50e1b ld a, d pop bc pop de ld d, a cp e jr nc, .asm_3f1b7 ld a, e ld d, a .asm_3f1b7 ld a, e cp MAX_LEVEL jr nc, .asm_3f1ff cp d jr z, .asm_3f1ff inc a ld [TempMonLevel], a ld [CurPartyLevel], a ld [BattleMonLevel], a push de call Function3f21b ld c, $40 call Function3f22c call PrintPlayerHUD ld hl, BattleMonNick ld de, StringBuffer1 ld bc, $000b call CopyBytes call Function3dfe ld de, SFX_HIT_END_OF_EXP_BAR call PlaySFX callba Function8e79d call WaitSFX ld hl, BattleText_StringBuffer1GrewToLevel call StdBattleTextBox pop de inc e ld b, $0 jr .asm_3f1b7 .asm_3f1ff push bc ld b, d ld de, TempMonExp + 2 call Function3f39c ld a, b pop bc ld c, a call Function3f21b call Function3f22c call Function3dfe pop af ld [$ffb5], a pop af ld [$ffb6], a .asm_3f219 pop bc ret ; 3f21b Function3f21b: ; 3f21b push bc call WaitSFX ld de, SFX_EXP_BAR call PlaySFX ld c, 10 call DelayFrames pop bc ret ; 3f22c Function3f22c: ; 3f22c ld d, $3 dec b .asm_3f22f inc b push bc push de hlcoord 17, 11 call Function3f41c pop de ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ld c, d call DelayFrames xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a pop bc ld a, c cp b jr z, .asm_3f268 inc b push bc push de hlcoord 17, 11 call Function3f41c pop de ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ld c, d call DelayFrames xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a dec d jr nz, .asm_3f263 ld d, $1 .asm_3f263 pop bc ld a, c cp b jr nz, .asm_3f22f .asm_3f268 ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ret SendOutPkmnText: ; 3f26d ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .asm_3f27c ld hl, JumpText_GoPkmn ; If we're in a LinkBattle print just "Go " ld a, [wd264] ; besides this variable is set. which stands for ??? and a jr nz, .asm_3f2ce .asm_3f27c ; Depending on the HP of the enemy Pkmn, the game prints a different text ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] or [hl] ld hl, JumpText_GoPkmn jr z, .asm_3f2ce xor a ld [hMultiplicand + 0], a ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld a, [hli] ld [wc6ea], a ld [hMultiplicand + 1], a ld a, [hl] ld [wc6eb], a ld [hMultiplicand + 2], a ld a, $19 ld [hMultiplier], a call Multiply ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP ld a, [hli] ld b, [hl] srl a rr b srl a rr b ld a, b ld b, $4 ld [hDivisor], a call Divide ld a, [hQuotient + 2] ld hl, JumpText_GoPkmn cp $46 jr nc, .asm_3f2ce ld hl, JumpText_DoItPkmn cp $28 jr nc, .asm_3f2ce ld hl, JumpText_GoForItPkmn cp $a jr nc, .asm_3f2ce ld hl, JumpText_YourFoesWeakGetmPkmn .asm_3f2ce jp BattleTextBox ; 3f2d1 JumpText_GoPkmn: ; 3f2d1 text_jump Text_GoPkmn start_asm jr Function_TextJump_BattleMonNick01 ; 3f2d6 JumpText_DoItPkmn: ; 3f2d8 text_jump Text_DoItPkmn start_asm jr Function_TextJump_BattleMonNick01 ; 3f2dd JumpText_GoForItPkmn: ; 3f2df text_jump Text_GoForItPkmn start_asm jr Function_TextJump_BattleMonNick01 ; 3f2e4 JumpText_YourFoesWeakGetmPkmn: ; 3f2e6 text_jump Text_YourFoesWeakGetmPkmn start_asm ; 3f2eb Function_TextJump_BattleMonNick01: ; 3f2eb ld hl, TextJump_BattleMonNick01 ret ; 3f2ef TextJump_BattleMonNick01: ; 3f2ef text_jump Text_BattleMonNick01 db "@" ; 3f2f4 BattleMonNickComma_TextBox: ; 3f2f4 ld hl, TextJump_BattleMonNickComma jp BattleTextBox ; 3f2fa TextJump_BattleMonNickComma: ; 3f2fa text_jump Text_BattleMonNickComma start_asm ; 3f2ff Function3f2ff: ; 3f2ff ; Print text to withdraw Pkmn ; depending on HP the message is different push de push bc ld hl, EnemyMonHP + 1 ld de, wc6eb ld b, [hl] dec hl ld a, [de] sub b ld [hMultiplicand + 2], a dec de ld b, [hl] ld a, [de] sbc b ld [hMultiplicand + 1], a ld a, $19 ld [hMultiplier], a call Multiply ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP ld a, [hli] ld b, [hl] srl a rr b srl a rr b ld a, b ld b, $4 ld [hDivisor], a call Divide pop bc pop de ld a, [hQuotient + 2] ld hl, TextJump_ThatsEnoughComeBack and a ret z ld hl, TextJump_ComeBack cp $1e ret c ld hl, TextJump_OKComeBack cp $46 ret c ld hl, TextJump_GoodComeBack ret ; 3f348 TextJump_ThatsEnoughComeBack: ; 3f348 text_jump Text_ThatsEnoughComeBack db "@" ; 3f34d TextJump_OKComeBack: ; 3f34d text_jump Text_OKComeBack db "@" ; 3f352 TextJump_GoodComeBack: ; 3f352 text_jump Text_GoodComeBack db "@" ; 3f357 Function_TextJump_ComeBack: ; 3f357 ; this function doesn't seem to be used ld hl, TextJump_ComeBack ret ; 3f35b TextJump_ComeBack: ; 3f35b text_jump Text_ComeBack db "@" ; 3f360 Function3f360: ; 3f360 ld hl, wc6f0 ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .asm_3f36d dec [hl] ld hl, BattleText_WildPkmnIsEating jr .asm_3f388 .asm_3f36d dec hl ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] ld hl, BattleText_WildPkmnIsAngry jr nz, .asm_3f388 push hl ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies] ld [CurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld a, [BaseCatchRate] ld [EnemyMonCatchRate], a pop hl .asm_3f388 push hl call Call_LoadTempTileMapToTileMap pop hl jp StdBattleTextBox ; 3f390 FillInExpBar: ; 3f390 push hl call Function3f39c pop hl ld de, $0007 add hl, de jp Function3f41c ; 3f39c Function3f39c: ; 3f39c push de ld d, b push de callab Function50e47 pop de ld hl, hMultiplicand ld a, [hli] push af ld a, [hli] push af ld a, [hl] push af inc d callab Function50e47 ld hl, $ffb6 ld a, [hl] ld [$ffba], a pop bc sub b ld [hld], a ld a, [hl] ld [$ffb9], a pop bc sbc b ld [hld], a ld a, [hl] ld [hMathBuffer], a pop bc sbc b ld [hl], a pop de ld hl, $ffb5 ld a, [hli] push af ld a, [hl] push af ld a, [de] dec de ld c, a ld a, [$ffba] sub c ld [hld], a ld a, [de] dec de ld b, a ld a, [$ffb9] sbc b ld [hld], a ld a, [de] ld c, a ld a, [hMathBuffer] sbc c ld [hld], a xor a ld [hl], a ld a, $40 ld [hMultiplier], a call Multiply pop af ld c, a pop af ld b, a .asm_3f3f4 ld a, b and a jr z, .asm_3f40c srl b rr c ld hl, hProduct srl [hl] inc hl rr [hl] inc hl rr [hl] inc hl rr [hl] jr .asm_3f3f4 .asm_3f40c ld a, c ld [hDivisor], a ld b, $4 call Divide ld a, [hQuotient + 2] ld b, a ld a, $40 sub b ld b, a ret ; 3f41c Function3f41c: ; 3f41c ld c, $8 .asm_3f41e ld a, b sub $8 jr c, .asm_3f42c ld b, a ld a, $6a ld [hld], a dec c jr z, .asm_3f43c jr .asm_3f41e .asm_3f42c add $8 jr z, .asm_3f434 add $54 jr .asm_3f436 .asm_3f434 ld a, $62 .asm_3f436 ld [hld], a ld a, $62 dec c jr nz, .asm_3f434 .asm_3f43c ret ; 3f43d Function3f43d: ; 3f43d ld a, [PlayerSubStatus4] bit SUBSTATUS_SUBSTITUTE, a ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_DD jr nz, Function3f46f Function3f447: ; 3f447 ld a, [wc6fe] and a ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_E2 jr nz, Function3f46f ld a, [CurPartySpecies] push af ld a, [BattleMonSpecies] ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld hl, BattleMonDVs predef GetUnownLetter ld de, VTiles2 tile $31 predef GetBackpic pop af ld [CurPartySpecies], a ret ; 3f46f Function3f46f: ; 3f46f ld a, [hBattleTurn] push af xor a ld [hBattleTurn], a ld a, BANK(BattleAnimCommands) rst FarCall pop af ld [hBattleTurn], a ret ; 3f47c Function3f47c: ; 3f47c ld a, [EnemySubStatus4] bit SUBSTATUS_SUBSTITUTE, a ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_DD jr nz, Function3f4b4 Function3f486: ; 3f486 ld a, [wc6fa] and a ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_E2 jr nz, Function3f4b4 ld a, [CurPartySpecies] push af ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies] ld [CurSpecies], a ld [CurPartySpecies], a call GetBaseData ld hl, EnemyMonDVs predef GetUnownLetter ld de, VTiles2 predef Function5108b pop af ld [CurPartySpecies], a ret ; 3f4b4 Function3f4b4: ; 3f4b4 ld a, [hBattleTurn] push af call SetEnemyTurn ld a, BANK(BattleAnimCommands) rst FarCall pop af ld [hBattleTurn], a ret ; 3f4c1 StartBattle: ; 3f4c1 ; This check prevents you from entering a battle without any Pokemon. ; Those using walk-through-walls to bypass getting a Pokemon experience ; the effects of this check. ld a, [PartyCount] and a ret z ld a, [TimeOfDayPal] push af call Function3f4dd call Function3c000 call Function3f69e pop af ld [TimeOfDayPal], a scf ret ; 3f4d9 Function3f4d9: ; 3f4d9 call Function3c000 ret ; 3f4dd Function3f4dd: ; 3f4dd callba MobileFn_106050 ; mobile call LoadTrainerOrWildMonPic xor a ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a ld [wd0d2], a xor a ld [$ffde], a callba PlayBattleMusic callba ShowLinkBattleParticipants callba FindFirstAliveMon call DisableSpriteUpdates callba ClearBattleRAM call Function3f55e call Function3f568 ld b, $0 call GetSGBLayout ld hl, rLCDC res 6, [hl] call Function3fb6c call BattleStartMessage ld hl, rLCDC set 6, [hl] xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a call EmptyBattleTextBox hlcoord 9, 7 ld bc, 5 << 8 + 11 call ClearBox hlcoord 1, 0 ld bc, 4 << 8 + 10 call ClearBox call ClearSprites ld a, [wBattleMode] cp $1 call z, UpdateEnemyHUD ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ret ; 3f54e LoadTrainerOrWildMonPic: ; 3f54e ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] and a jr nz, .Trainer ld a, [TempWildMonSpecies] ld [CurPartySpecies], a .Trainer ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a ret ; 3f55e Function3f55e: ; 3f55e ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] and a jp nz, Function3f594 ; trainer jp Function3f607 ; wild ; 3f568 Function3f568: ; 3f568 ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $6 ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, w6_d000 ld bc, $400 ld a, $2 call ByteFill ld a, [rVBK] push af ld a, $1 ld [rVBK], a ld de, w6_d000 ld hl, VBGMap0 ld bc, $0f40 call Request2bpp pop af ld [rVBK], a pop af ld [rSVBK], a ret ; 3f594 Function3f594: ; 3f594 ld [TrainerClass], a callba MobileFn_10606a xor a ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a callab Function3957b callab ReadTrainerParty ld a, [TrainerClass] cp RIVAL1 jr nz, .ok xor a ld [OTPartyMon1Item], a .ok ld de, VTiles2 callab GetTrainerPic xor a ld [$ffad], a dec a ld [wc6e6], a hlcoord 12, 0 lb bc, 7, 7 predef FillBox ld a, -1 ld [CurOTMon], a ld a, TRAINER_BATTLE ld [wBattleMode], a call IsJohtoGymLeader jr nc, .done xor a ld [CurPartyMon], a ld a, [PartyCount] ld b, a .partyloop push bc ld a, PartyMon1HP - PartyMon1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr z, .skipfaintedmon ld c, HAPPINESS_GYMBATTLE callab ChangeHappiness .skipfaintedmon pop bc dec b jr z, .done ld hl, CurPartyMon inc [hl] jr .partyloop .done ret ; 3f607 Function3f607: ; 3f607 ld a, $1 ld [wBattleMode], a callba MobileFn_10605d call LoadEnemyMon ld hl, EnemyMonMoves ld de, wc735 ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes ld hl, EnemyMonPP ld de, wc739 ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes ld hl, EnemyMonDVs predef GetUnownLetter ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp UNOWN jr nz, .asm_3f648 ld a, [wdef4] and a jr nz, .asm_3f648 ld a, [UnownLetter] ld [wdef4], a .asm_3f648 ld de, VTiles2 predef Function5108b xor a ld [TrainerClass], a ld [$ffad], a hlcoord 12, 0 lb bc, 7, 7 predef FillBox ret ; 3f662 Function3f662: ; 3f662 ld hl, EnemyMonMoves ld de, wListMoves_MoveIndicesBuffer ld b, NUM_MOVES .loop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a and a jr z, .clearpp push bc push hl push hl dec a ld hl, Moves + MOVE_PP ld bc, MOVE_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, BANK(Moves) call GetFarByte pop hl ld bc, EnemyMonPP - (EnemyMonMoves + 1) add hl, bc ld [hl], a pop hl pop bc dec b jr nz, .loop ret .clear xor a ld [hli], a .clearpp push bc push hl ld bc, EnemyMonPP - (EnemyMonMoves + 1) add hl, bc xor a ld [hl], a pop hl pop bc dec b jr nz, .clear ret ; 3f69e Function3f69e: ; 3f69e call Function3f6a5 call Function3f6d0 ret ; 3f6a5 Function3f6a5: ; 3f6a5 ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr z, .not_linked call Function3f759 ld c, 150 call DelayFrames call Function3f77c ret .not_linked ld a, [wBattleResult] and $f ret nz call Function3f71d xor a ld [wd1e9], a predef Function421e6 callba Function2ed44 ret ; 3f6d0 Function3f6d0: ; 3f6d0 call Function3f998 xor a ld [Danger], a ld [wBattleMode], a ld [BattleType], a ld [AttackMissed], a ld [TempWildMonSpecies], a ld [OtherTrainerClass], a ld [wd266], a ld [wd267], a ld [wd232], a ld [wd0d8], a ld [wKeyItemsPocketCursor], a ld [wItemsPocketCursor], a ld [wd0d2], a ld [CurMoveNum], a ld [wBallsPocketCursor], a ld [wd0d6], a ld [wd0e4], a ld [wd0e0], a ld [wd0df], a ld [wd0e1], a ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1 ld b, $18 .loop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop call WaitSFX ret ; 3f71d Function3f71d: ; 3f71d ld hl, wPayDayMoney ld a, [hli] or [hl] inc hl or [hl] ret z ld a, [wc73d] and a jr z, .asm_3f73d ld hl, wPayDayMoney + 2 sla [hl] dec hl rl [hl] dec hl rl [hl] jr nc, .asm_3f73d ld a, $ff rept 2 ld [hli], a endr ld [hl], a .asm_3f73d ld hl, wPayDayMoney + 2 ld de, Money + 2 call Function3d0be ld hl, BattleText_PlayerPickuedUpPayDayMoney call StdBattleTextBox ld a, [InBattleTowerBattle] bit 0, a ret z call ClearTileMap call WhiteBGMap ret ; 3f759 Function3f759: ; 3f759 callba MobileFn_1060df callba Function106187 ld a, [CurOTMon] ld hl, OTPartyMon1Status call GetPartyLocation ld a, [EnemyMonStatus] ld [hl], a call ClearTileMap callba _ShowLinkBattleParticipants ret ; 3f77c Function3f77c: ; 3f77c callba Function3d2e0 jp c, Function3f80f call Function3f830 jr nz, .asm_3f797 ld hl, wcd2a bit 4, [hl] jr z, .asm_3f797 callba Function2b930 .asm_3f797 ld a, [wBattleResult] and $f cp $1 jr c, .asm_3f7ad jr z, .asm_3f7b8 callba MobileFn_106107 ld de, .Draw jr .asm_3f7c3 .asm_3f7ad callba MobileFn_1060fb ld de, .Win jr .asm_3f7c3 .asm_3f7b8 callba MobileFn_106101 ld de, .Lose jr .asm_3f7c3 .asm_3f7c3 hlcoord 6, 8 call PlaceString callba Function106187 ld c, $c8 call DelayFrames ld a, BANK(sLinkBattleStats) call GetSRAMBank call Function3fa42 call Function3f85f call CloseSRAM call Function3f830 jr z, .asm_3f7ee call Functiona80 call ClearTileMap ret .asm_3f7ee ld c, $c8 call DelayFrames call ClearTileMap ret ; 3f7f7 .Win db "YOU WIN@" .Lose db "YOU LOSE@" .Draw db " DRAW@" ; 3f80f Function3f80f: ; 3f80f hlcoord 6, 8 ld de, .Invalid call PlaceString ld c, $c8 call DelayFrames call ClearTileMap ret ; 3f821 .Invalid db "INVALID BATTLE@" ; 3f830 Function3f830: ; 3f830 ld a, [wLinkMode] cp LINK_MOBILE ret ; 3f836 Function3f836: ; 3f836 ld a, BANK(sLinkBattleStats) call GetSRAMBank call Function3f85f call CloseSRAM hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap xor a ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT call ByteFill call Function3200 ld b, $8 call GetSGBLayout call SetPalettes ld c, $8 call DelayFrames call Functiona80 ret ; 3f85f Function3f85f: ; 3f85f call ClearTileMap call ClearSprites call .asm_3f8e0 hlcoord 0, 8 ld b, $5 ld de, sLinkBattleStats + $8 .asm_3f870 push bc push hl push de ld a, [de] and a jr z, .asm_3f8c9 ld a, [wSavedAtLeastOnce] and a jr z, .asm_3f8c9 push hl push hl ld h, d ld l, e ld de, DefaultFlypoint ld bc, $000a call CopyBytes ld a, $50 ld [de], a inc de ld bc, $0006 call CopyBytes ld de, DefaultFlypoint pop hl call PlaceString pop hl ld de, $001a add hl, de push hl ld de, wd00d lb bc, 2, 4 call PrintNum pop hl ld de, $0005 add hl, de push hl ld de, wd00f lb bc, 2, 4 call PrintNum pop hl ld de, $0005 add hl, de ld de, wd011 lb bc, 2, 4 call PrintNum jr .asm_3f8cf .asm_3f8c9 ld de, .Format call PlaceString .asm_3f8cf pop hl ld bc, $0012 add hl, bc ld d, h ld e, l pop hl ld bc, $0028 add hl, bc pop bc dec b jr nz, .asm_3f870 ret .asm_3f8e0 hlcoord 1, 0 ld de, .Record call PlaceString hlcoord 0, 6 ld de, .Result call PlaceString hlcoord 0, 2 ld de, .Total call PlaceString hlcoord 6, 4 ld de, sLinkBattleWins call .asm_3f92b jr c, .asm_3f92a lb bc, 2, 4 call PrintNum hlcoord 11, 4 ld de, sLinkBattleLosses call .asm_3f92b lb bc, 2, 4 call PrintNum hlcoord 16, 4 ld de, sLinkBattleDraws call .asm_3f92b lb bc, 2, 4 call PrintNum .asm_3f92a ret .asm_3f92b ld a, [wSavedAtLeastOnce] and a ret nz ld de, .Scores call PlaceString scf ret ; 3f938 .Scores db " 0 0 0@" ; 3f947 .Format ; 3f947 db " --- - - -@" .Record ; 3f964 db "'s RECORD@" .Result ; 3f96e db "RESULT WIN LOSE DRAW@" .Total ; 3f983 db "TOTAL WIN LOSE DRAW@" ; 3f998 Function3f998: ; 3f998 ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_ROAMING jr nz, .asm_3f9c4 ld a, [wBattleResult] and $f jr z, .asm_3f9af call GetRoamMonHP ld a, [EnemyMonHP + 1] ld [hl], a jr .asm_3f9ca .asm_3f9af call GetRoamMonHP ld [hl], $0 call GetRoamMonMapGroup ld [hl], $ff call GetRoamMonMapNumber ld [hl], $ff call GetRoamMonSpecies ld [hl], $0 ret .asm_3f9c4 call BattleRandom and $f ret nz .asm_3f9ca callab UpdateRoamMons ret ; 3f9d1 GetRoamMonMapGroup: ; 3f9d1 ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld b, a ld a, [wRoamMon1Species] cp b ld hl, wRoamMon1MapGroup ret z ld a, [wRoamMon2Species] cp b ld hl, wRoamMon2MapGroup ret z ld hl, wRoamMon3MapGroup ret ; 3f9e9 GetRoamMonMapNumber: ; 3f9e9 ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld b, a ld a, [wRoamMon1Species] cp b ld hl, wRoamMon1MapNumber ret z ld a, [wRoamMon2Species] cp b ld hl, wRoamMon2MapNumber ret z ld hl, wRoamMon3MapNumber ret ; 3fa01 GetRoamMonHP: ; 3fa01 ; output: hl = wRoamMonHP ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld b, a ld a, [wRoamMon1Species] cp b ld hl, wRoamMon1HP ret z ld a, [wRoamMon2Species] cp b ld hl, wRoamMon2HP ret z ld hl, wRoamMon3HP ret ; 3fa19 GetRoamMonDVs: ; 3fa19 ; output: hl = wRoamMonDVs ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld b, a ld a, [wRoamMon1Species] cp b ld hl, wRoamMon1DVs ret z ld a, [wRoamMon2Species] cp b ld hl, wRoamMon2DVs ret z ld hl, wRoamMon3DVs ret ; 3fa31 GetRoamMonSpecies: ; 3fa31 ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld hl, wRoamMon1Species cp [hl] ret z ld hl, wRoamMon2Species cp [hl] ret z ld hl, wRoamMon3Species ret ; 3fa42 Function3fa42: ; 3fa42 ld hl, wd276 ld de, StringBuffer1 ld bc, $0002 call CopyBytes ld hl, wd26b ld bc, $000a call CopyBytes ld hl, $b254 call Function3faa0 ld hl, $b266 ld d, $5 .asm_3fa62 push hl rept 2 inc hl endr ld a, [hl] rept 2 dec hl endr and a jr z, .asm_3fa85 push de ld bc, $000c ld de, StringBuffer1 call CompareLong pop de pop hl jr c, .asm_3fa99 ld bc, $0012 add hl, bc dec d jr nz, .asm_3fa62 ld bc, $ffee add hl, bc push hl .asm_3fa85 ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, StringBuffer1 ld bc, $000c call CopyBytes ld b, $6 xor a .asm_3fa93 ld [de], a inc de dec b jr nz, .asm_3fa93 pop hl .asm_3fa99 call Function3faa0 call Function3fac8 ret ; 3faa0 Function3faa0: ; 3faa0 ld a, [wBattleResult] and $f cp $1 ld bc, $000d jr c, .asm_3fab4 ld bc, $000f jr z, .asm_3fab4 ld bc, $0011 .asm_3fab4 add hl, bc call Function3fabe ret nc inc [hl] ret nz dec hl inc [hl] ret ; 3fabe Function3fabe: ; 3fabe dec hl ld a, [hl] inc hl cp $27 ret c ld a, [hl] cp $f ret ; 3fac8 Function3fac8: ; 3fac8 ld b, $5 ld hl, $b277 ld de, DefaultFlypoint .asm_3fad0 push bc push de push hl call Function3fb54 pop hl ld a, e pop de ld [de], a inc de ld a, b ld [de], a inc de ld a, c ld [de], a inc de ld bc, $0012 add hl, bc pop bc dec b jr nz, .asm_3fad0 ld b, $0 ld c, $1 .asm_3faed ld a, b rept 2 add b endr ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, DefaultFlypoint add hl, de push hl ld a, c rept 2 add c endr ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, DefaultFlypoint add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l pop hl push bc ld c, $3 call StringCmp pop bc jr z, .asm_3fb10 jr nc, .asm_3fb1f .asm_3fb10 inc c ld a, c cp $5 jr nz, .asm_3faed inc b ld c, b inc c ld a, b cp $4 jr nz, .asm_3faed ret .asm_3fb1f push bc ld a, b ld bc, $0012 ld hl, $b266 call AddNTimes push hl ld de, DefaultFlypoint ld bc, $0012 call CopyBytes pop hl pop bc push hl ld a, c ld bc, $0012 ld hl, $b266 call AddNTimes pop de push hl ld bc, $0012 call CopyBytes ld hl, DefaultFlypoint ld bc, $0012 pop de call CopyBytes ret ; 3fb54 Function3fb54: ; 3fb54 ld e, $0 ld a, [hld] ld c, a ld a, [hld] ld b, a ld a, [hld] add c ld c, a ld a, [hld] adc b ld b, a jr nc, .asm_3fb63 inc e .asm_3fb63 ld a, [hld] add c ld c, a ld a, [hl] adc b ld b, a ret nc inc e ret ; 3fb6c Function3fb6c: ; 3fb6c call Function3fbf8 hlcoord 0, 12 ld b, $4 ld c, $12 call TextBox callba MobileTextBorder hlcoord 1, 5 ld bc, $0307 call ClearBox call Functione51 call Function3ed9f call Function3fbd6 xor a ld [$ffde], a ld [hSCY], a ld a, $90 ld [hWY], a ld [rWY], a call WaitBGMap xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a callba Function4e980 ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ld a, $31 ld [$ffad], a hlcoord 2, 6 ld bc, $0606 predef FillBox xor a ld [hWY], a ld [rWY], a call WaitBGMap call HideSprites ld b, $1 call GetSGBLayout call SetPalettes ld a, $90 ld [hWY], a xor a ld [hSCX], a ret ; 3fbd6 Function3fbd6: ; 3fbd6 ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $6 ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, w6_d000 ld bc, $400 ld a, $7f call ByteFill ld de, w6_d000 ld hl, VBGMap0 lb bc, BANK(Function3fbd6), $40 call Request2bpp pop af ld [rSVBK], a ret ; 3fbf8 Function3fbf8: ; 3fbf8 call GetBattleBackpic call Function3fc30 ret ; 3fbff GetBattleBackpic: ; 3fbff ; Load the player character's backpic (6x6) into VRAM starting from $9310. ; Special exception for Dude. ld b, BANK(DudeBackpic) ld hl, DudeBackpic ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL jr z, .Decompress ; What gender are we? ld a, [wPlayerSpriteSetupFlags] bit 2, a jr nz, .Chris ld a, [PlayerGender] bit 0, a jr z, .Chris ; It's a girl. callba GetKrisBackpic ret .Chris ; It's a boy. ld b, BANK(ChrisBackpic) ld hl, ChrisBackpic .Decompress ld de, VTiles2 tile $31 ld c, $31 predef DecompressPredef ret ; 3fc30 Function3fc30: ; 3fc30 ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, $6 ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, VTiles0 ld de, VTiles2 tile $31 ld a, [hROMBank] ld b, a ld c, $31 call Get2bpp pop af ld [rSVBK], a call Function3fc5b ld a, $31 ld [$ffad], a hlcoord 2, 6 ld bc, $0606 predef FillBox ret ; 3fc5b Function3fc5b: ; 3fc5b ld hl, Sprites xor a ld [hConnectionStripLength], a ld b, $6 ld e, $a8 .asm_3fc65 ld c, $3 ld d, $40 .asm_3fc69 ld [hl], d inc hl ld [hl], e inc hl ld a, [hConnectionStripLength] ld [hli], a inc a ld [hConnectionStripLength], a ld a, $1 ld [hli], a ld a, d add $8 ld d, a dec c jr nz, .asm_3fc69 ld a, [hConnectionStripLength] add $3 ld [hConnectionStripLength], a ld a, e add $8 ld e, a dec b jr nz, .asm_3fc65 ret ; 3fc8b BattleStartMessage: ; 3fc8b ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr z, .asm_3fcaa ld de, SFX_SHINE call PlaySFX call WaitSFX ld c, 20 call DelayFrames callba Battle_GetTrainerName ld hl, WantsToBattleText jr .asm_3fd0e .asm_3fcaa call Function3da79 jr nc, .asm_3fcc2 xor a ld [wcfca], a ld a, 1 ld [hBattleTurn], a ld a, 1 ld [wc689], a ld de, ANIM_SEND_OUT_MON call Call_PlayBattleAnim .asm_3fcc2 callba CheckSleepingTreeMon jr c, .asm_3fceb callba CheckBattleScene jr c, .asm_3fce0 hlcoord 12, 0 ld d, $0 ld e, $1 predef Functiond008e jr .asm_3fceb .asm_3fce0 ld a, $0f ld [CryTracks], a ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] call PlayStereoCry .asm_3fceb ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_FISH jr nz, .asm_3fcfd callba MobileFn_106086 ld hl, HookedPokemonAttackedText jr .asm_3fd0e .asm_3fcfd ld hl, PokemonFellFromTreeText cp BATTLETYPE_TREE jr z, .asm_3fd0e ld hl, WildCelebiAppearedText cp BATTLETYPE_CELEBI jr z, .asm_3fd0e ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText .asm_3fd0e push hl callba Function2c000 pop hl call StdBattleTextBox call Function3f830 ret nz ld c, $2 callba Function4ea0a ret ; 3fd26