GetEmote2bpp: ; 1412a ld a, $1 ld [rVBK], a call Get2bpp xor a ld [rVBK], a ret ; 14135 _ReplaceKrisSprite:: ; 14135 call GetPlayerSprite ld a, [UsedSprites] ld [hUsedSpriteIndex], a ld a, [UsedSprites + 1] ld [hUsedSpriteTile], a call GetUsedSprite ret ; 14146 Function14146: ; mobile ld hl, wSpriteFlags ld a, [hl] push af res 7, [hl] set 6, [hl] call MapCallbackSprites_LoadUsedSpritesGFX pop af ld [wSpriteFlags], a ret ; 14157 Function14157: ; mobile ld hl, wSpriteFlags ld a, [hl] push af set 7, [hl] res 6, [hl] call MapCallbackSprites_LoadUsedSpritesGFX pop af ld [wSpriteFlags], a ret ; 14168 RefreshSprites:: ; 14168 call .Refresh call MapCallbackSprites_LoadUsedSpritesGFX ret ; 1416f .Refresh: ; 1416f xor a ld bc, UsedSpritesEnd - UsedSprites ld hl, UsedSprites call ByteFill call GetPlayerSprite call AddMapSprites call LoadAndSortSprites ret ; 14183 GetPlayerSprite: ; 14183 ; Get Chris or Kris's sprite. ld hl, .Chris ld a, [wPlayerSpriteSetupFlags] bit 2, a jr nz, .go ld a, [PlayerGender] bit 0, a jr z, .go ld hl, .Kris .go ld a, [PlayerState] ld c, a .loop ld a, [hli] cp c jr z, .good inc hl cp $ff jr nz, .loop ; Any player state not in the array defaults to Chris's sprite. xor a ; ld a, PLAYER_NORMAL ld [PlayerState], a ld a, SPRITE_CHRIS jr .finish .good ld a, [hl] .finish ld [UsedSprites + 0], a ld [PlayerSprite], a ld [PlayerObjectSprite], a ret .Chris: db PLAYER_NORMAL, SPRITE_CHRIS db PLAYER_BIKE, SPRITE_CHRIS_BIKE db PLAYER_SURF, SPRITE_SURF db PLAYER_SURF_PIKA, SPRITE_SURFING_PIKACHU db $ff .Kris: db PLAYER_NORMAL, SPRITE_KRIS db PLAYER_BIKE, SPRITE_KRIS_BIKE db PLAYER_SURF, SPRITE_SURF db PLAYER_SURF_PIKA, SPRITE_SURFING_PIKACHU db $ff ; 141c9 AddMapSprites: ; 141c9 call GetMapPermission call CheckOutdoorMap jr z, .outdoor call AddIndoorSprites ret .outdoor call AddOutdoorSprites ret ; 141d9 AddIndoorSprites: ; 141d9 ld hl, Map1ObjectSprite ld a, 1 .loop push af ld a, [hl] call AddSpriteGFX ld de, OBJECT_LENGTH add hl, de pop af inc a cp NUM_OBJECTS jr nz, .loop ret ; 141ee AddOutdoorSprites: ; 141ee ld a, [MapGroup] dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, OutdoorSprites add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld c, MAX_OUTDOOR_SPRITES .loop push bc ld a, [hli] call AddSpriteGFX pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop ret ; 14209 MapCallbackSprites_LoadUsedSpritesGFX: ; 14209 ld a, MAPCALLBACK_SPRITES call RunMapCallback call GetUsedSprites call .LoadMiscTiles ret ; 14215 .LoadMiscTiles: ; 14215 ld a, [wSpriteFlags] bit 6, a ret nz ld c, EMOTE_SHADOW callba LoadEmote call GetMapPermission call CheckOutdoorMap ld c, EMOTE_GRASS_RUSTLE jr z, .outdoor ld c, EMOTE_BOULDER_DUST .outdoor callba LoadEmote ret ; 14236 SafeGetSprite: ; 14236 push hl call GetSprite pop hl ret ; 1423c GetSprite: ; 1423c call GetMonSprite ret c ld hl, SpriteHeaders ; address dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld a, 6 call AddNTimes ; load the address into de ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a ; load the length into c ld a, [hli] swap a ld c, a ; load the sprite bank into both b and h ld b, [hl] ld a, [hli] ; load the sprite type into l ld l, [hl] ld h, a ret ; 14259 GetMonSprite: ; 14259 ; Return carry if a monster sprite was loaded. cp SPRITE_POKEMON jr c, .Normal cp SPRITE_DAY_CARE_MON_1 jr z, .wBreedMon1 cp SPRITE_DAY_CARE_MON_2 jr z, .wBreedMon2 cp SPRITE_VARS jr nc, .Variable jr .Icon .Normal: and a ret .Icon: sub SPRITE_POKEMON ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, SpriteMons add hl, de ld a, [hl] jr .Mon .wBreedMon1 ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] jr .Mon .wBreedMon2 ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] .Mon: ld e, a and a jr z, .NoBreedmon callba LoadOverworldMonIcon ld l, 1 ld h, 0 scf ret .Variable: sub SPRITE_VARS ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, VariableSprites add hl, de ld a, [hl] and a jp nz, GetMonSprite .NoBreedmon: ld a, 1 ld l, 1 ld h, 0 and a ret ; 142a7 _DoesSpriteHaveFacings:: ; 142a7 ; Checks to see whether we can apply a facing to a sprite. ; Returns carry unless the sprite is a Pokemon or a Still Sprite. cp SPRITE_POKEMON jr nc, .only_down push hl push bc ld hl, SpriteHeaders + SPRITEHEADER_TYPE ; type dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld a, NUM_SPRITEHEADER_FIELDS call AddNTimes ld a, [hl] pop bc pop hl cp STILL_SPRITE jr nz, .only_down scf ret .only_down and a ret ; 142c4 _GetSpritePalette:: ; 142c4 ld a, c call GetMonSprite jr c, .is_pokemon ld hl, SpriteHeaders + 5 ; palette dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld a, 6 call AddNTimes ld c, [hl] ret .is_pokemon xor a ld c, a ret ; 142db LoadAndSortSprites: ; 142db call LoadSpriteGFX call SortUsedSprites call ArrangeUsedSprites ret ; 142e5 AddSpriteGFX: ; 142e5 ; Add any new sprite ids to a list of graphics to be loaded. ; Return carry if the list is full. push hl push bc ld b, a ld hl, UsedSprites + 2 ld c, SPRITE_GFX_LIST_CAPACITY - 1 .loop ld a, [hl] cp b jr z, .exists and a jr z, .new inc hl inc hl dec c jr nz, .loop pop bc pop hl scf ret .exists pop bc pop hl and a ret .new ld [hl], b pop bc pop hl and a ret ; 14306 LoadSpriteGFX: ; 14306 ; Bug: b is not preserved, so ; it's useless as a next count. ld hl, UsedSprites ld b, SPRITE_GFX_LIST_CAPACITY .loop ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .done push hl call .LoadSprite pop hl ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop .done ret .LoadSprite: call GetSprite ld a, l ret ; 1431e SortUsedSprites: ; 1431e ; Bubble-sort sprites by type. ; Run backwards through UsedSprites to find the last one. ld c, SPRITE_GFX_LIST_CAPACITY ld de, UsedSprites + (SPRITE_GFX_LIST_CAPACITY - 1) * 2 .FindLastSprite: ld a, [de] and a jr nz, .FoundLastSprite dec de dec de dec c jr nz, .FindLastSprite .FoundLastSprite: dec c jr z, .quit ; If the length of the current sprite is ; higher than a later one, swap them. inc de ld hl, UsedSprites + 1 .CheckSprite: push bc push de push hl .CheckFollowing: ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr nc, .loop ; Swap the two sprites. ld b, a ld a, [hl] ld [hl], b ld [de], a dec de dec hl ld a, [de] ld b, a ld a, [hl] ld [hl], b ld [de], a inc de inc hl ; Keep doing this until everything's in order. .loop dec de dec de dec c jr nz, .CheckFollowing pop hl inc hl inc hl pop de pop bc dec c jr nz, .CheckSprite .quit ret ; 14355 ArrangeUsedSprites: ; 14355 ; Get the length of each sprite and space them out in VRAM. ; Crystal introduces a second table in VRAM bank 0. ld hl, UsedSprites ld c, SPRITE_GFX_LIST_CAPACITY ld b, 0 .FirstTableLength: ; Keep going until the end of the list. ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .quit ld a, [hl] call GetSpriteLength ; Spill over into the second table after $80 tiles. add b cp $80 jr z, .loop jr nc, .SecondTable .loop ld [hl], b inc hl ld b, a ; Assumes the next table will be reached before c hits 0. dec c jr nz, .FirstTableLength .SecondTable: ; The second tile table starts at tile $80. ld b, $80 dec hl .SecondTableLength: ; Keep going until the end of the list. ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .quit ld a, [hl] call GetSpriteLength ; There are only two tables, so don't go any further than that. add b jr c, .quit ld [hl], b ld b, a inc hl dec c jr nz, .SecondTableLength .quit ret ; 14386 GetSpriteLength: ; 14386 ; Return the length of sprite type a in tiles. cp WALKING_SPRITE jr z, .AnyDirection cp STANDING_SPRITE jr z, .AnyDirection cp STILL_SPRITE jr z, .OneDirection ld a, 12 ret .AnyDirection: ld a, 12 ret .OneDirection: ld a, 4 ret ; 1439b GetUsedSprites: ; 1439b ld hl, UsedSprites ld c, SPRITE_GFX_LIST_CAPACITY .loop ld a, [wSpriteFlags] res 5, a ld [wSpriteFlags], a ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .done ld [hUsedSpriteIndex], a ld a, [hli] ld [hUsedSpriteTile], a bit 7, a jr z, .dont_set ld a, [wSpriteFlags] set 5, a ; load VBank0 ld [wSpriteFlags], a .dont_set push bc push hl call GetUsedSprite pop hl pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop .done ret ; 143c8 GetUsedSprite: ; 143c8 ld a, [hUsedSpriteIndex] call SafeGetSprite ld a, [hUsedSpriteTile] call .GetTileAddr push hl push de push bc ld a, [wSpriteFlags] bit 7, a jr nz, .skip call .CopyToVram .skip pop bc ld l, c ld h, $0 rept 4 add hl, hl endr pop de add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l pop hl ld a, [wSpriteFlags] bit 5, a jr nz, .done bit 6, a jr nz, .done ld a, [hUsedSpriteIndex] call _DoesSpriteHaveFacings jr c, .done ld a, h add $8 ld h, a call .CopyToVram .done ret ; 14406 .GetTileAddr: ; 14406 ; Return the address of tile (a) in (hl). and $7f ld l, a ld h, 0 rept 4 add hl, hl endr ld a, l add VTiles0 % $100 ld l, a ld a, h adc VTiles0 / $100 ld h, a ret ; 14418 .CopyToVram: ; 14418 ld a, [rVBK] push af ld a, [wSpriteFlags] bit 5, a ld a, $1 jr z, .bankswitch ld a, $0 .bankswitch ld [rVBK], a call Get2bpp pop af ld [rVBK], a ret ; 1442f LoadEmote:: ; 1442f ; Get the address of the pointer to emote c. ld a, c ld bc, 6 ld hl, EmotesPointers call AddNTimes ; Load the emote address into de ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] ; load the length of the emote (in tiles) into c inc hl ld c, [hl] swap c ; load the emote pointer bank into b inc hl ld b, [hl] ; load the VRAM destination into hl inc hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; if the emote has a length of 0, do not proceed (error handling) ld a, c and a ret z call GetEmote2bpp ret ; 1444d EmotesPointers: ; 144d INCLUDE "data/emote_headers.asm" ; 14495 SpriteMons: ; 14495 INCLUDE "data/sprite_mons.asm" ; 144b8 INCLUDE "data/outdoor_sprites.asm" SpriteHeaders: ; 14736 INCLUDE "gfx/sprite_headers.asm" ; 1499a