object_const_def ; object_event constants const ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1 const ROUTE29_YOUNGSTER const ROUTE29_TEACHER1 const ROUTE29_FRUIT_TREE const ROUTE29_FISHER const ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M2 const ROUTE29_TUSCANY const ROUTE29_POKE_BALL Route29_MapScripts: db 2 ; scene scripts scene_script .DummyScene0 ; SCENE_ROUTE29_NOTHING scene_script .DummyScene1 ; SCENE_ROUTE29_CATCH_TUTORIAL db 1 ; callbacks callback MAPCALLBACK_OBJECTS, .Tuscany .DummyScene0: end .DummyScene1: end .Tuscany: checkflag ENGINE_ZEPHYRBADGE iftrue .DoesTuscanyAppear .TuscanyDisappears: disappear ROUTE29_TUSCANY return .DoesTuscanyAppear: readvar VAR_WEEKDAY ifnotequal TUESDAY, .TuscanyDisappears appear ROUTE29_TUSCANY return Route29Tutorial1: turnobject ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, UP showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, 15 applymovement ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, DudeMovementData1a turnobject PLAYER, LEFT setevent EVENT_DUDE_TALKED_TO_YOU opentext writetext CatchingTutorialIntroText yesorno iffalse Script_RefusedTutorial1 closetext follow ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, PLAYER applymovement ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, DudeMovementData1b stopfollow loadwildmon RATTATA, 5 catchtutorial BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL turnobject ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, UP opentext writetext CatchingTutorialDebriefText waitbutton closetext setscene SCENE_ROUTE29_NOTHING setevent EVENT_LEARNED_TO_CATCH_POKEMON end Route29Tutorial2: turnobject ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, UP showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, 15 applymovement ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, DudeMovementData2a turnobject PLAYER, LEFT setevent EVENT_DUDE_TALKED_TO_YOU opentext writetext CatchingTutorialIntroText yesorno iffalse Script_RefusedTutorial2 closetext follow ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, PLAYER applymovement ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, DudeMovementData2b stopfollow loadwildmon RATTATA, 5 catchtutorial BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL turnobject ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, UP opentext writetext CatchingTutorialDebriefText waitbutton closetext setscene SCENE_ROUTE29_NOTHING setevent EVENT_LEARNED_TO_CATCH_POKEMON end Script_RefusedTutorial1: writetext CatchingTutorialDeclinedText waitbutton closetext applymovement ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, DudeMovementData1b setscene SCENE_ROUTE29_NOTHING end Script_RefusedTutorial2: writetext CatchingTutorialDeclinedText waitbutton closetext applymovement ROUTE29_COOLTRAINER_M1, DudeMovementData2b setscene SCENE_ROUTE29_NOTHING end CatchingTutorialDudeScript: faceplayer opentext readvar VAR_BOXSPACE ifequal 0, .BoxFull checkevent EVENT_LEARNED_TO_CATCH_POKEMON iftrue .BoxFull checkevent EVENT_GAVE_MYSTERY_EGG_TO_ELM iffalse .BoxFull writetext CatchingTutorialRepeatText yesorno iffalse .Declined closetext loadwildmon RATTATA, 5 catchtutorial BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL opentext writetext CatchingTutorialDebriefText waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_LEARNED_TO_CATCH_POKEMON end .BoxFull: writetext CatchingTutorialBoxFullText waitbutton closetext end .Declined: writetext CatchingTutorialDeclinedText waitbutton closetext end Route29YoungsterScript: jumptextfaceplayer Route29YoungsterText Route29TeacherScript: jumptextfaceplayer Route29TeacherText Route29FisherScript: jumptextfaceplayer Route29FisherText Route29CooltrainerMScript: faceplayer opentext checktime DAY iftrue .day_morn checktime NITE iftrue .nite .day_morn writetext Route29CooltrainerMText_WaitingForNight waitbutton closetext end .nite writetext Route29CooltrainerMText_WaitingForMorning waitbutton closetext end TuscanyScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GOT_PINK_BOW_FROM_TUSCANY iftrue TuscanyTuesdayScript readvar VAR_WEEKDAY ifnotequal TUESDAY, TuscanyNotTuesdayScript checkevent EVENT_MET_TUSCANY_OF_TUESDAY iftrue .MetTuscany writetext MeetTuscanyText promptbutton setevent EVENT_MET_TUSCANY_OF_TUESDAY .MetTuscany: writetext TuscanyGivesGiftText promptbutton verbosegiveitem PINK_BOW iffalse TuscanyDoneScript setevent EVENT_GOT_PINK_BOW_FROM_TUSCANY writetext TuscanyGaveGiftText waitbutton closetext end TuscanyTuesdayScript: writetext TuscanyTuesdayText waitbutton TuscanyDoneScript: closetext end TuscanyNotTuesdayScript: writetext TuscanyNotTuesdayText waitbutton closetext end Route29Sign1: jumptext Route29Sign1Text Route29Sign2: jumptext Route29Sign2Text Route29FruitTree: fruittree FRUITTREE_ROUTE_29 Route29Potion: itemball POTION DudeMovementData1a: step UP step UP step UP step UP step RIGHT step RIGHT step_end DudeMovementData2a: step UP step UP step UP step RIGHT step RIGHT step_end DudeMovementData1b: step LEFT step LEFT step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end DudeMovementData2b: step LEFT step LEFT step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end CatchingTutorialBoxFullText: text "#MON hide in" line "the grass. Who" para "knows when they'll" line "pop outā¦" done CatchingTutorialIntroText: text "I've seen you a" line "couple times. How" para "many #MON have" line "you caught?" para "Would you like me" line "to show you how to" cont "catch #MON?" done CatchingTutorialDebriefText: text "That's how you do" line "it." para "If you weaken them" line "first, #MON are" cont "easier to catch." done CatchingTutorialDeclinedText: text "Oh. Fine, then." para "Anyway, if you" line "want to catch" para "#MON, you have" line "to walk a lot." done CatchingTutorialRepeatText: text "Huh? You want me" line "to show you how to" cont "catch #MON?" done Route29YoungsterText: text "Yo. How are your" line "#MON?" para "If they're weak" line "and not ready for" para "battle, keep out" line "of the grass." done Route29TeacherText: text "See those ledges?" line "It's scary to jump" cont "off them." para "But you can go to" line "NEW BARK without" para "walking through" line "the grass." done Route29FisherText: text "I wanted to take a" line "break, so I saved" para "to record my" line "progress." done ; unused Text_WaitingForDay: text "I'm waiting for" line "#MON that" para "appear only in the" line "daytime." done Route29CooltrainerMText_WaitingForNight: text "I'm waiting for" line "#MON that" para "appear only at" line "night." done Route29CooltrainerMText_WaitingForMorning: text "I'm waiting for" line "#MON that" para "appear only in the" line "morning." done MeetTuscanyText: text "TUSCANY: I do be-" line "lieve that this is" para "the first time" line "we've met?" para "Please allow me to" line "introduce myself." para "I am TUSCANY of" line "Tuesday." done TuscanyGivesGiftText: text "By way of intro-" line "duction, please" para "accept this gift," line "a PINK BOW." done TuscanyGaveGiftText: text "TUSCANY: Wouldn't" line "you agree that it" cont "is most adorable?" para "It strengthens" line "normal-type moves." para "I am certain it" line "will be of use." done TuscanyTuesdayText: text "TUSCANY: Have you" line "met MONICA, my" cont "older sister?" para "Or my younger" line "brother, WESLEY?" para "I am the second of" line "seven children." done TuscanyNotTuesdayText: text "TUSCANY: Today is" line "not Tuesday. That" cont "is unfortunateā¦" done Route29Sign1Text: text "ROUTE 29" para "CHERRYGROVE CITY -" line "NEW BARK TOWN" done Route29Sign2Text: text "ROUTE 29" para "CHERRYGROVE CITY -" line "NEW BARK TOWN" done Route29_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler db 1 ; warp events warp_event 27, 1, ROUTE_29_ROUTE_46_GATE, 3 db 2 ; coord events coord_event 53, 8, SCENE_ROUTE29_CATCH_TUTORIAL, Route29Tutorial1 coord_event 53, 9, SCENE_ROUTE29_CATCH_TUTORIAL, Route29Tutorial2 db 2 ; bg events bg_event 51, 7, BGEVENT_READ, Route29Sign1 bg_event 3, 5, BGEVENT_READ, Route29Sign2 db 8 ; object events object_event 50, 12, SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_M, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CatchingTutorialDudeScript, -1 object_event 27, 16, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_UP_DOWN, 0, 1, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, Route29YoungsterScript, -1 object_event 15, 11, SPRITE_TEACHER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_LEFT_RIGHT, 1, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, Route29TeacherScript, -1 object_event 12, 2, SPRITE_FRUIT_TREE, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STILL, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, Route29FruitTree, -1 object_event 25, 3, SPRITE_FISHER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, Route29FisherScript, -1 object_event 13, 4, SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_M, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, Route29CooltrainerMScript, -1 object_event 29, 12, SPRITE_TEACHER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, TuscanyScript, EVENT_ROUTE_29_TUSCANY_OF_TUESDAY object_event 48, 2, SPRITE_POKE_BALL, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STILL, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, Route29Potion, EVENT_ROUTE_29_POTION