INCLUDE "includes.asm" SECTION "Events", ROMX, BANK[EVENTS] OverworldLoop:: ; 966b0 xor a ld [MapStatus], a .loop ld a, [MapStatus] ld hl, .jumps rst JumpTable ld a, [MapStatus] cp 3 ; done jr nz, .loop .done ret .jumps dw StartMap dw EnterMap dw HandleMap dw .done ; 966cb ClearAllScriptFlags3: ; 966cb xor a ld [ScriptFlags3], a ret ; 966d0 SetAll_ScriptFlags3:: ; 966d0 ld a, $ff ld [ScriptFlags3], a ret ; 966d6 CheckBit5_ScriptFlags3: ; 966d6 ld hl, ScriptFlags3 bit 5, [hl] ret ; 966dc ResetBit2_ScriptFlags3: ; 966dc ld hl, ScriptFlags3 res 2, [hl] ret ; 966e2 ResetBit1_ScriptFlags3: ; 966e2 ld hl, ScriptFlags3 res 1, [hl] ret ; 966e8 ResetBit0_ScriptFlags3: ; 966e8 ld hl, ScriptFlags3 res 0, [hl] ret ; 966ee ResetBit4_ScriptFlags3: ; 966ee ld hl, ScriptFlags3 res 4, [hl] ret ; 966f4 SetBit2_ScriptFlags3: ; 966f4 ld hl, ScriptFlags3 set 2, [hl] ret ; 966fa SetBit1_ScriptFlags3: ; 966fa ld hl, ScriptFlags3 set 1, [hl] ret ; 96700 SetBit0_ScriptFlags3: ; 96700 ld hl, ScriptFlags3 set 0, [hl] ret ; 96706 SetBit4_ScriptFlags3: ; 96706 ld hl, ScriptFlags3 set 4, [hl] ret ; 9670c CheckBit2_ScriptFlags3: ; 9670c ld hl, ScriptFlags3 bit 2, [hl] ret ; 96712 CheckBit1_ScriptFlags3: ; 96712 ld hl, ScriptFlags3 bit 1, [hl] ret ; 96718 CheckBit0_ScriptFlags3: ; 96718 ld hl, ScriptFlags3 bit 0, [hl] ret ; 9671e CheckBit4_ScriptFlags3: ; 9671e ld hl, ScriptFlags3 bit 4, [hl] ret ; 96724 StartMap: ; 96724 xor a ld [ScriptVar], a xor a ld [ScriptRunning], a ld hl, MapStatus ld bc, $3e ; 62 call ByteFill callba InitCallReceiveDelay call ClearJoypad ; fallthrough ; 9673e EnterMap: ; 9673e xor a ld [wd453], a ld [wd454], a call SetUpFiveStepWildEncounterCooldown callba RunMapSetupScript call ClearAllScriptFlags3 ld a, [hMapEntryMethod] cp MAPSETUP_07 jr nz, .dontset call SetAll_ScriptFlags3 .dontset ld a, [hMapEntryMethod] cp MAPSETUP_RELOADMAP jr nz, .dontresetpoison xor a ld [PoisonStepCount], a .dontresetpoison xor a ; end map entry ld [hMapEntryMethod], a ld a, 2 ; HandleMap ld [MapStatus], a ret ; 9676d Function9676d: ; 9676d ld c, 30 call DelayFrames ret ; 96773 HandleMap: ; 96773 call ResetOverworldDelay call Function967c1 callba Function97e08 call MapEvents ; Not immediately entering a connected map will cause problems. ld a, [MapStatus] cp 2 ; HandleMap ret nz call Function967d1 call NextOverworldFrame call Function967e1 call Function967f4 ret ; 96795 MapEvents: ; 96795 ld a, [MapEventStatus] ld hl, .jumps rst JumpTable ret .jumps dw .events dw .no_events ; 967a1 .events ; 967a1 call PlayerEvents call ClearAllScriptFlags3 callba ScriptEvents ret ; 967ae .no_events ; 967ae ret ; 967af MaxOverworldDelay: ; 967af db 2 ; 967b0 ResetOverworldDelay: ; 967b0 ld a, [MaxOverworldDelay] ld [OverworldDelay], a ret ; 967b7 NextOverworldFrame: ; 967b7 ld a, [OverworldDelay] and a ret z ld c, a call DelayFrames ret ; 967c1 Function967c1: ; 967c1 ld a, [MapEventStatus] cp 1 ; no events ret z call UpdateTime call GetJoypad call TimeOfDayPals ret ; 967d1 Function967d1: ; 967d1 callba Function576a callba Functiond497 call Function96812 ret ; 967e1 Function967e1: ; 967e1 callba RefreshMapAppearDisappear callba Functiond4d2 callba Functionb8098 ret ; 967f4 Function967f4: ; 967f4 ld a, [wd150] bit 5, a jr z, .events bit 6, a jr z, .noevents bit 4, a jr nz, .noevents call SetAll_ScriptFlags3 .events ld a, 0 ; events ld [MapEventStatus], a ret .noevents ld a, 1 ; no events ld [MapEventStatus], a ret ; 96812 Function96812: ; 96812 ld hl, wd150 bit 6, [hl] ret z callba Function81ca ret ; 9681f PlayerEvents: ; 9681f xor a ; If there's already a player event, don't interrupt it. ld a, [ScriptRunning] and a ret nz call Dummy_CheckScriptFlags3Bit5 ; This is a waste of time call CheckTrainerBattle3 jr c, .ok call CheckTileEvent jr c, .ok call RunMemScript jr c, .ok call DoMapTrigger jr c, .ok call CheckTimeEvents jr c, .ok call OWPlayerInput jr c, .ok xor a ret .ok push af callba EnableScriptMode pop af ld [ScriptRunning], a call DoPlayerEvent ld a, [ScriptRunning] cp 4 jr z, .ok2 cp 9 jr z, .ok2 xor a ld [wc2da], a .ok2 scf ret ; 96867 CheckTrainerBattle3: ; 96867 nop nop call CheckTrainerBattle2 jr nc, .nope ld a, 1 scf ret .nope xor a ret ; 96874 CheckTileEvent: ; 96874 ; Check for warps, tile triggers or wild battles. call CheckBit2_ScriptFlags3 jr z, .bit2 callba CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap jr c, .return4 call CheckWarpTile jr c, .return6 .bit2 call CheckBit1_ScriptFlags3 jr z, .bit1 call CheckCurrentMapXYTriggers jr c, .movement .bit1 call CheckBit0_ScriptFlags3 jr z, .bit0 call CountStep ret c .bit0 call CheckBit4_ScriptFlags3 jr z, .ok call RandomEncounter ret c jr .ok ; pointless .ok xor a ret .return4 ld a, 4 scf ret .return6 ld a, [StandingTile] call CheckPitTile jr nz, .pittile ld a, 6 scf ret .pittile ld a, 5 scf ret .movement ld hl, MovementAnimation ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptHeaderBank call CallScript ret ; 968c7 CheckWildEncounterCooldown:: ; 968c7 ld hl, wWildEncounterCooldown ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] ret z scf ret ; 968d1 SetUpFiveStepWildEncounterCooldown: ; 968d1 ld a, 5 ld [wWildEncounterCooldown], a ret ; 968d7 ret_968d7: ; 968d7 ret ;968d8 SetMinTwoStepWildEncounterCooldown: ; 968d8 ld a, [wWildEncounterCooldown] cp 2 ret nc ld a, 2 ld [wWildEncounterCooldown], a ret ; 968e4 Dummy_CheckScriptFlags3Bit5: ; 968e4 call CheckBit5_ScriptFlags3 ret z call ret_2f3e ret ; 968ec DoMapTrigger: ; 968ec ld a, [wCurrMapTriggerCount] and a jr z, .nope ld c, a call CheckTriggers cp c jr nc, .nope ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wCurrMapTriggerHeaderPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a rept 4 add hl,de endr call GetMapScriptHeaderBank call GetFarHalfword call GetMapScriptHeaderBank call CallScript ld hl, ScriptFlags res 3, [hl] callba EnableScriptMode callba ScriptEvents ld hl, ScriptFlags bit 3, [hl] jr z, .nope ld hl, ScriptDelay + 2 ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [ScriptDelay + 1] call CallScript scf ret .nope xor a ret ; 9693a CheckTimeEvents: ; 9693a ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .nothing ld hl, StatusFlags2 bit 2, [hl] jr z, .do_daily callba CheckBugContestTimer jr c, .end_bug_contest xor a ret .do_daily callba CheckDailyResetTimer callba CheckPokerusTrick callba CheckPhoneCall ret c .nothing xor a ret .end_bug_contest ld a, BANK(BugCatchingContestOverScript) ld hl, BugCatchingContestOverScript call CallScript scf ret ; 96970 .unused ; 96970 ld a, 8 scf ret ; 96974 OWPlayerInput: ; 96974 call PlayerMovement ret c and a jr nz, .NoAction ; Can't perform button actions while sliding on ice. callba Function80404 jr c, .NoAction call CheckAPressOW jr c, .Action call CheckMenuOW jr c, .Action .NoAction xor a ret .Action push af callba Function80422 pop af scf ret ; 96999 CheckAPressOW: ; 96999 ld a, [hJoyPressed] and A_BUTTON ret z call TryObjectEvent ret c call TryReadSign ret c call CheckFacingTileEvent ret c xor a ret ; 969ac PlayTalkObject: ; 969ac push de ld de, SFX_READ_TEXT_2 call PlaySFX pop de ret ; 969b5 TryObjectEvent: ; 969b5 callba CheckFacingObject jr c, .IsObject xor a ret .IsObject call PlayTalkObject ld a, [hConnectedMapWidth] call GetObjectStruct ld hl, OBJECT_MAP_OBJECT_INDEX add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [hLastTalked], a ld a, [hLastTalked] call GetMapObject ld hl, MAPOBJECT_COLOR add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and %00001111 ; Bug: If IsInArray returns nc, data at bc will be executed as code. push bc ld de, 3 ld hl, .pointers call IsInArray jr nc, .nope_bugged pop bc inc hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] .nope_bugged xor a ret .pointers dbw 0, .zero dbw 1, .one dbw 2, .two dbw 3, .three dbw 4, .four dbw 5, .five dbw 6, .six db -1 ; 96a04 .zero ; 96a04 ld hl, MAPOBJECT_SCRIPT_POINTER add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptHeaderBank call CallScript ; ld a, -1 ret ; 96a12 .one ; 96a12 ld hl, MAPOBJECT_SCRIPT_POINTER add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptHeaderBank ld de, EngineBuffer1 ld bc, 2 call FarCopyBytes ld a, 3 scf ret ; 96a29 .two ; 96a29 call Function3674 ld a, 2 scf ret ; 96a30 .three ; 96a30 xor a ret ; 96a32 .four ; 96a32 xor a ret ; 96a34 .five ; 96a34 xor a ret ; 96a36 .six ; 96a36 xor a ret ; 96a38 TryReadSign: ; 96a38 call CheckFacingSign jr c, .IsSign xor a ret .IsSign ld a, [wd040] ld hl, .signs rst JumpTable ret .signs dw .read dw .up dw .down dw .right dw .left dw .ifset dw .ifnotset dw .itemifset dw .copy ; 96a59 .up ld b, UP << 2 jr .checkdir .down ld b, DOWN << 2 jr .checkdir .right ld b, RIGHT << 2 jr .checkdir .left ld b, LEFT << 2 jr .checkdir .checkdir ld a, [PlayerDirection] and %1100 cp b jp nz, .dontread .read call PlayTalkObject ld hl, wd041 ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptHeaderBank call CallScript scf ret .itemifset call CheckSignFlag jp nz, .dontread call PlayTalkObject call GetMapScriptHeaderBank ld de, EngineBuffer1 ld bc, 3 call FarCopyBytes ld a, BANK(SignpostItemScript) ld hl, SignpostItemScript call CallScript scf ret .copy call CheckSignFlag jr nz, .dontread call GetMapScriptHeaderBank ld de, EngineBuffer1 ld bc, 3 call FarCopyBytes jr .dontread .ifset call CheckSignFlag jr z, .dontread jr .thenread .ifnotset call CheckSignFlag jr nz, .dontread .thenread push hl call PlayTalkObject pop hl rept 2 inc hl endr call GetMapScriptHeaderBank call GetFarHalfword call GetMapScriptHeaderBank call CallScript scf ret .dontread xor a ret ; 96ad8 CheckSignFlag: ; 96ad8 ld hl, wd041 ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a push hl call GetMapScriptHeaderBank call GetFarHalfword ld e, l ld d, h ld b, $2 ; check call EventFlagAction ld a, c and a pop hl ret ; 96af0 PlayerMovement: ; 96af0 callba DoPlayerMovement ld a, c ld hl, .pointers rst JumpTable ld a, c ret ; 96afd .pointers dw .zero dw .one dw .two dw .three dw .four dw .five dw .six dw .seven .zero .four ; 96b0d xor a ld c, a ret ; 96b10 .seven ; 96b10 call ret_968d7 ; mobile xor a ld c, a ret ; 96b16 .one ; 96b16 ld a, 5 ld c, a scf ret ; 96b1b .two ; 96b1b ld a, 9 ld c, a scf ret ; 96b20 .three ; 96b20 ; force the player to move in some direction ld a, BANK(Script_ForcedMovement) ld hl, Script_ForcedMovement call CallScript ; ld a, -1 ld c, a scf ret ; 96b2b .five .six ; 96b2b ld a, -1 ld c, a and a ret ; 96b30 CheckMenuOW: ; 96b30 xor a ld [hMenuReturn], a ld [$ffa1], a ld a, [hJoyPressed] bit 2, a ; SELECT jr nz, .Select bit 3, a ; START jr z, .NoMenu ld a, BANK(StartMenuScript) ld hl, StartMenuScript call CallScript scf ret .NoMenu xor a ret .Select call PlayTalkObject ld a, BANK(SelectMenuScript) ld hl, SelectMenuScript call CallScript scf ret ; 96b58 StartMenuScript: ; 96b58 callasm StartMenu jump StartMenuCallback ; 96b5f SelectMenuScript: ; 96b5f callasm SelectMenu jump SelectMenuCallback ; 96b66 StartMenuCallback: SelectMenuCallback: ; 96b66 copybytetovar hMenuReturn if_equal HMENURETURN_SCRIPT, .Script if_equal HMENURETURN_ASM, .Asm end ; 96b72 .Script ; 96b72 ptjump wd0e8 ; 96b75 .Asm ; 96b75 ptcallasm wd0e8 end ; 96b79 CountStep: ; 96b79 ; Don't count steps in link communication rooms. ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .done ; If there is a special phone call, don't count the step. callba CheckSpecialPhoneCall jr c, .doscript ; If Repel wore off, don't count the step. call DoRepelStep jr c, .doscript ; Count the step for poison and total steps ld hl, PoisonStepCount inc [hl] ld hl, StepCount inc [hl] ; Every 256 steps, increase the happiness of all your Pokemon. jr nz, .skip_happiness callba StepHappiness .skip_happiness ; Every 256 steps, offset from the happiness incrementor by 128 steps, ; decrease the hatch counter of all your eggs until you reach the first ; one that is ready to hatch. ld a, [StepCount] cp $80 jr nz, .skip_egg callba DoEggStep jr nz, .hatch .skip_egg ; Increase the EXP of (both) DayCare Pokemon by 1. callba DaycareStep ; Every four steps, deal damage to all Poisoned Pokemon ld hl, PoisonStepCount ld a, [hl] cp 4 jr c, .skip_poison ld [hl], 0 callba DoPoisonStep jr c, .doscript .skip_poison callba DoBikeStep .done xor a ret .doscript ld a, -1 scf ret .hatch ld a, 8 scf ret ; 96bd3 .unreferenced: ; 96bd3 ld a, 7 scf ret ; 96bd7 DoRepelStep: ; 96bd7 ld a, [wRepelEffect] and a ret z dec a ld [wRepelEffect], a ret nz ld a, BANK(RepelWoreOffScript) ld hl, RepelWoreOffScript call CallScript scf ret ; 96beb DoPlayerEvent: ; 96beb ld a, [ScriptRunning] and a ret z cp -1 ; run script ret z cp 10 ret nc ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, ScriptPointers96c0c rept 3 add hl,bc endr ld a, [hli] ld [ScriptBank], a ld a, [hli] ld [ScriptPos], a ld a, [hl] ld [ScriptPos + 1], a ret ; 96c0c ScriptPointers96c0c: ; 96c0c dba Invalid_0x96c2d dba SeenByTrainerScript dba TalkToTrainerScript dba FindItemInBallScript dba UnknownScript_0x96c4d dba WarpToNewMapScript dba FallIntoMapScript dba UnknownScript_0x124c8 dba HatchEggScript dba UnknownScript_0x96c4f dba Invalid_0x96c2d ; 96c2d Invalid_0x96c2d: ; 96c2d end ; 96c2e UnknownScript_0x96c2e: ; 96c2e end ; 96c2f HatchEggScript: ; 96c2f callasm OverworldHatchEgg end ; 96c34 WarpToNewMapScript: ; 96c34 warpsound newloadmap MAPSETUP_05 end ; 96c38 FallIntoMapScript: ; 96c38 newloadmap MAPSETUP_06 playsound SFX_KINESIS applymovement PLAYER, MovementData_0x96c48 playsound SFX_STRENGTH scall LandAfterPitfallScript end ; 96c48 MovementData_0x96c48: ; 96c48 skyfall step_end ; 96c4a LandAfterPitfallScript: ; 96c4a earthquake 16 end ; 96c4d UnknownScript_0x96c4d: ; 96c4d reloadandreturn $f7 ; 96c4f UnknownScript_0x96c4f: ; 96c4f deactivatefacing $3 callasm SetBit4_ScriptFlags3 end ; 96c56 INCLUDE "engine/scripting.asm" INCLUDE "engine/events_2.asm"