; Boolean checks DEF FALSE EQU 0 DEF TRUE EQU 1 ; genders DEF MALE EQU 0 DEF FEMALE EQU 1 ; FlagAction arguments (see home/flag.asm) const_def const RESET_FLAG const SET_FLAG const CHECK_FLAG ; G/S version ID: 0 = Gold, 1 = Silver (used by checkver) ; Mystery Gift uses incremented values 1 and 2 DEF GS_VERSION EQU 0 ; Pokémon Pikachu 2, a step counter / virtual pet device (used by Mystery Gift) DEF POKEMON_PIKACHU_2_VERSION EQU 3 DEF RESERVED_GAME_VERSION EQU 4 ; save file corruption check values DEF SAVE_CHECK_VALUE_1 EQU 99 DEF SAVE_CHECK_VALUE_2 EQU 127 ; RTC halted check value DEF RTC_HALT_VALUE EQU $1234 ; time of day boundaries DEF MORN_HOUR EQU 4 ; 4 AM DEF DAY_HOUR EQU 10 ; 10 AM DEF NITE_HOUR EQU 18 ; 6 PM DEF NOON_HOUR EQU 12 ; 12 PM DEF MAX_DAYS EQU 36 * 7 ; 252 ; significant coins values DEF START_COINS EQU 3000 DEF MOM_COINS EQU 2300 DEF MAX_COINS EQU 999999 DEF MAX_CHIPS EQU 9999 ; link record DEF MAX_LINK_RECORD EQU 9999 ; day-care DEF MAX_DAY_CARE_EXP EQU $500000 ; hall of fame DEF HOF_MASTER_COUNT EQU 200