const_def const MARTTEXT_HOW_MANY const MARTTEXT_COSTS_THIS_MUCH const MARTTEXT_NOT_ENOUGH_COINS const MARTTEXT_BAG_FULL const MARTTEXT_HERE_YOU_GO const MARTTEXT_SOLD_OUT OpenMartDialog:: call GetMart ld a, c ld [wMartType], a call LoadMartPointer ld a, [wMartType] ld hl, .dialogs rst JumpTable ret .dialogs dw MartDialog dw HerbShop dw BargainShop dw Pharmacist dw RooftopSale MartDialog: ld a, MARTTYPE_STANDARD ld [wMartType], a xor a ; STANDARDMART_HOWMAYIHELPYOU ld [wMartJumptableIndex], a call StandardMart ret HerbShop: call FarReadMart call LoadStandardMenuHeader ld hl, HerbShopLadyIntroText call MartTextbox call BuyMenu ld hl, HerbalLadyComeAgainText call MartTextbox ret BargainShop: ld b, BANK(BargainShopData) ld de, BargainShopData call LoadMartPointer call ReadMart call LoadStandardMenuHeader ld hl, BargainShopIntroText call MartTextbox call BuyMenu ld hl, wBargainShopFlags ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr z, .skip_set ld hl, wDailyFlags1 set DAILYFLAGS1_GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND_BARGAIN_F, [hl] .skip_set ld hl, BargainShopComeAgainText call MartTextbox ret Pharmacist: call FarReadMart call LoadStandardMenuHeader ld hl, PharmacyIntroText call MartTextbox call BuyMenu ld hl, PharmacyComeAgainText call MartTextbox ret RooftopSale: ld b, BANK(RooftopSaleMart1) ld de, RooftopSaleMart1 ld hl, wStatusFlags bit STATUSFLAGS_HALL_OF_FAME_F, [hl] jr z, .ok ld b, BANK(RooftopSaleMart2) ld de, RooftopSaleMart2 .ok call LoadMartPointer call ReadMart call LoadStandardMenuHeader ld hl, MartWelcomeText call MartTextbox call BuyMenu ld hl, MartComeAgainText call MartTextbox ret INCLUDE "data/items/rooftop_sale.asm" LoadMartPointer: ld a, b ld [wMartPointerBank], a ld a, e ld [wMartPointer], a ld a, d ld [wMartPointer + 1], a ld hl, wCurMartCount assert wCurMartCount + 1 == wCurMartItems xor a ld bc, 16 call ByteFill xor a ; STANDARDMART_HOWMAYIHELPYOU ld [wMartJumptableIndex], a ld [wBargainShopFlags], a ld [wFacingDirection], a ret GetMart: ld a, e cp NUM_MARTS jr c, .IsAMart ld b, BANK(DefaultMart) ld de, DefaultMart ret .IsAMart: ld hl, Marts add hl, de add hl, de ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] ld b, BANK(Marts) ret ; StandardMart.MartFunctions indexes const_def const STANDARDMART_HOWMAYIHELPYOU ; 0 const STANDARDMART_TOPMENU ; 1 const STANDARDMART_BUY ; 2 const STANDARDMART_SELL ; 3 const STANDARDMART_QUIT ; 4 const STANDARDMART_ANYTHINGELSE ; 5 DEF STANDARDMART_EXIT EQU -1 StandardMart: .loop ld a, [wMartJumptableIndex] ld hl, .MartFunctions rst JumpTable ld [wMartJumptableIndex], a cp STANDARDMART_EXIT jr nz, .loop ret .MartFunctions: ; entries correspond to STANDARDMART_* constants dw .HowMayIHelpYou dw .TopMenu dw .Buy dw .Sell dw .Quit dw .AnythingElse .HowMayIHelpYou: call LoadStandardMenuHeader ld hl, MartWelcomeText call PrintText1bpp ld a, STANDARDMART_TOPMENU ret .TopMenu: ld hl, MenuHeader_BuySell call CopyMenuHeader call VerticalMenu jr c, .quit ld a, [wMenuCursorY] cp $1 jr z, .buy cp $2 jr z, .sell .quit ld a, STANDARDMART_QUIT ret .buy ld a, STANDARDMART_BUY ret .sell ld a, STANDARDMART_SELL ret .Buy: call ExitMenu call FarReadMart call BuyMenu and a ld a, STANDARDMART_ANYTHINGELSE ret .Sell: call ExitMenu call SellMenu ld a, STANDARDMART_ANYTHINGELSE ret .Quit: call ExitMenu ld hl, MartComeAgainText call MartTextbox ld a, STANDARDMART_EXIT ret .AnythingElse: call LoadStandardMenuHeader ld hl, MartAskMoreText call PrintText1bpp ld a, STANDARDMART_TOPMENU ret FarReadMart: ld hl, wMartPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, wCurMartCount .CopyMart: ld a, [wMartPointerBank] call GetFarByte ld [de], a inc hl inc de cp -1 jr nz, .CopyMart ld hl, wMartItem1BCD ld de, wCurMartItems .ReadMartItem: ld a, [de] inc de cp -1 jr z, .done push de call GetMartItemPrice pop de jr .ReadMartItem .done ret GetMartItemPrice: ; Return the price of item a in BCD at hl and in tiles at wStringBuffer1. push hl ld [wCurItem], a farcall GetItemPrice pop hl GetMartPrice: ; Return price de in BCD at hl and in tiles at wStringBuffer1. push hl ld a, d ld [wStringBuffer2], a ld a, e ld [wStringBuffer2 + 1], a ld hl, wStringBuffer1 ld de, wStringBuffer2 lb bc, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 2, 6 ; 6 digits call PrintNum pop hl ld de, wStringBuffer1 ld c, 6 / 2 ; 6 digits .loop call .CharToNybble swap a ld b, a call .CharToNybble or b ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .loop ret .CharToNybble: ld a, [de] inc de cp " " jr nz, .not_space ld a, "0" .not_space sub "0" ret ReadMart: ; Load the mart pointer. Mart data is local (no need for bank). ld hl, wMartPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a push hl ; set hl to the first item inc hl ld bc, wMartItem1BCD ld de, wCurMartItems .loop ; copy the items to wCurMartItems ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ; -1 is the terminator cp -1 jr z, .done push de ; copy the price to de ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a ; convert the price to 3-byte BCD at [bc] push hl ld h, b ld l, c call GetMartPrice ld b, h ld c, l pop hl pop de jr .loop .done pop hl ld a, [hl] ld [wCurMartCount], a ret INCLUDE "data/items/bargain_shop.asm" BuyMenu: call FadeToMenu farcall BlankScreen xor a ld [wMenuScrollPositionBackup], a ld a, 1 ld [wMenuCursorPositionBackup], a .loop call BuyMenuLoop ; menu loop jr nc, .loop call CloseSubmenu ret LoadBuyMenuText: ; load text from a nested table ; which table is in wMartType ; which entry is in register a push af call GetMartDialogGroup ; gets a pointer from GetMartDialogGroup.MartTextFunctionPointers ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a pop af ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call PrintText1bpp ret MartAskPurchaseQuantity: call GetMartDialogGroup ; gets a pointer from GetMartDialogGroup.MartTextFunctionPointers inc hl inc hl ld a, [hl] and a jp z, StandardMartAskPurchaseQuantity cp 1 jp z, BargainShopAskPurchaseQuantity jp RooftopSaleAskPurchaseQuantity GetMartDialogGroup: ld a, [wMartType] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .MartTextFunctionPointers add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de ret .MartTextFunctionPointers: dwb .StandardMartPointers, 0 dwb .HerbShopPointers, 0 dwb .BargainShopPointers, 1 dwb .PharmacyPointers, 0 dwb .StandardMartPointers, 2 .StandardMartPointers: dw MartHowManyText dw MartFinalPriceText dw MartNoCoinsText dw MartPackFullText dw MartThanksText dw BuyMenuLoop .HerbShopPointers: dw HerbalLadyHowManyText dw HerbalLadyFinalPriceText dw HerbalLadyNoCoinsText dw HerbalLadyPackFullText dw HerbalLadyThanksText dw BuyMenuLoop .BargainShopPointers: dw BuyMenuLoop dw BargainShopFinalPriceText dw BargainShopNoFundsText dw BargainShopPackFullText dw BargainShopThanksText dw BargainShopSoldOutText .PharmacyPointers: dw PharmacyHowManyText dw PharmacyFinalPriceText dw PharmacyNoCoinsText dw PharmacyPackFullText dw PharmacyThanksText dw BuyMenuLoop BuyMenuLoop: farcall PlaceCoinsTopRight call UpdateSprites ld hl, MenuHeader_Buy call CopyMenuHeader ld a, [wMenuCursorPositionBackup] ld [wMenuCursorPosition], a ld a, [wMenuScrollPositionBackup] ld [wMenuScrollPosition], a call ScrollingMenu ld a, [wMenuScrollPosition] ld [wMenuScrollPositionBackup], a ld a, [wMenuCursorY] ld [wMenuCursorPositionBackup], a call SpeechTextbox1bpp ld a, [wMenuJoypad] cp B_BUTTON jr z, .set_carry cp A_BUTTON jr z, .useless_pointer .useless_pointer call MartAskPurchaseQuantity jr c, .cancel call MartConfirmPurchase jr c, .cancel ld de, wCoins ld bc, hCoinsTemp ld a, 3 ; useless load call CompareCoins jr c, .insufficient_funds ld hl, wNumItems call ReceiveItem jr nc, .insufficient_bag_space ld a, [wMartItemID] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld b, SET_FLAG ld hl, wBargainShopFlags call FlagAction call PlayTransactionSound ld de, wCoins ld bc, hCoinsTemp call TakeCoins ld a, MARTTEXT_HERE_YOU_GO call LoadBuyMenuText call JoyWaitAorB .cancel call SpeechTextbox1bpp and a ret .set_carry scf ret .insufficient_bag_space ld a, MARTTEXT_BAG_FULL call LoadBuyMenuText call JoyWaitAorB and a ret .insufficient_funds ld a, MARTTEXT_NOT_ENOUGH_COINS call LoadBuyMenuText call JoyWaitAorB and a ret StandardMartAskPurchaseQuantity: ld a, MAX_ITEM_STACK ld [wItemQuantity], a ld a, MARTTEXT_HOW_MANY call LoadBuyMenuText farcall SelectQuantityToBuy call ExitMenu ret MartConfirmPurchase: predef PartyMonItemName ld a, MARTTEXT_COSTS_THIS_MUCH call LoadBuyMenuText call YesNoBox ret BargainShopAskPurchaseQuantity: ld a, 1 ld [wItemQuantityChange], a ld a, [wMartItemID] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld b, CHECK_FLAG ld hl, wBargainShopFlags call FlagAction ld a, c and a jr nz, .SoldOut ld a, [wMartItemID] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wMartPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a inc hl add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de inc hl ld a, [hli] ldh [hCoinsTemp + 2], a ld a, [hl] ldh [hCoinsTemp + 1], a xor a ldh [hCoinsTemp], a and a ret .SoldOut: ld a, MARTTEXT_SOLD_OUT call LoadBuyMenuText call JoyWaitAorB scf ret RooftopSaleAskPurchaseQuantity: ld a, MARTTEXT_HOW_MANY call LoadBuyMenuText call .GetSalePrice ld a, MAX_ITEM_STACK ld [wItemQuantity], a farcall RooftopSale_SelectQuantityToBuy call ExitMenu ret .GetSalePrice: ld a, [wMartItemID] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wMartPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a inc hl add hl, de add hl, de add hl, de inc hl ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] ret MartHowManyText: text_far _MartHowManyText text_end MartFinalPriceText: text_far _MartFinalPriceText text_end MenuHeader_Buy: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 1, 3, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, TEXTBOX_Y - 1 dw .MenuData db 1 ; default option .MenuData db SCROLLINGMENU_DISPLAY_ARROWS | SCROLLINGMENU_ENABLE_FUNCTION3 ; flags db 4, 8 ; rows, columns db SCROLLINGMENU_ITEMS_NORMAL ; item format dbw 0, wCurMartCount dba PlaceMenuItemName dba .PrintBCDPrices dba UpdateItemDescription .PrintBCDPrices: ld a, [wScrollingMenuCursorPosition] ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, wMartItem1BCD add hl, bc add hl, bc add hl, bc push de ld d, h ld e, l pop hl ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, bc ld c, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | PRINTNUM_COINS | 3 call PrintBCDNumber ret HerbShopLadyIntroText: text_far _HerbShopLadyIntroText text_end HerbalLadyHowManyText: text_far _HerbalLadyHowManyText text_end HerbalLadyFinalPriceText: text_far _HerbalLadyFinalPriceText text_end HerbalLadyThanksText: text_far _HerbalLadyThanksText text_end HerbalLadyPackFullText: text_far _HerbalLadyPackFullText text_end HerbalLadyNoCoinsText: text_far _HerbalLadyNoCoinsText text_end HerbalLadyComeAgainText: text_far _HerbalLadyComeAgainText text_end BargainShopIntroText: text_far _BargainShopIntroText text_end BargainShopFinalPriceText: text_far _BargainShopFinalPriceText text_end BargainShopThanksText: text_far _BargainShopThanksText text_end BargainShopPackFullText: text_far _BargainShopPackFullText text_end BargainShopSoldOutText: text_far _BargainShopSoldOutText text_end BargainShopNoFundsText: text_far _BargainShopNoFundsText text_end BargainShopComeAgainText: text_far _BargainShopComeAgainText text_end PharmacyIntroText: text_far _PharmacyIntroText text_end PharmacyHowManyText: text_far _PharmacyHowManyText text_end PharmacyFinalPriceText: text_far _PharmacyFinalPriceText text_end PharmacyThanksText: text_far _PharmacyThanksText text_end PharmacyPackFullText: text_far _PharmacyPackFullText text_end PharmacyNoCoinsText: text_far _PharmacyNoCoinsText text_end PharmacyComeAgainText: text_far _PharmacyComeAgainText text_end SellMenu: call DisableSpriteUpdates farcall DepositSellInitPackBuffers .loop farcall DepositSellPack ld a, [wPackUsedItem] and a jp z, .quit call .TryToSellItem jr .loop .quit call ReturnToMapWithSpeechTextbox and a ret .NothingToSell: ; unreferenced ld hl, .NothingToSellText call MenuTextboxBackup and a ret .NothingToSellText: text_far _NothingToSellText text_end .TryToSellItem: farcall CheckItemMenu ld a, [wItemAttributeValue] ld hl, .dw rst JumpTable ret .dw dw .try_sell dw .cant_buy dw .cant_buy dw .cant_buy dw .try_sell dw .try_sell dw .try_sell .cant_buy ret .try_sell farcall _CheckTossableItem ld a, [wItemAttributeValue] and a jr z, .okay_to_sell ld hl, MartCantBuyText call PrintText1bpp and a ret .okay_to_sell ld hl, MartSellHowManyText call PrintText1bpp farcall PlaceCoinsAtTopLeftOfTextbox farcall SelectQuantityToSell call ExitMenu jr c, .declined hlcoord 1, 14 lb bc, 3, 18 call ClearBox ld hl, MartSellPriceText call PrintTextboxText call YesNoBox jr c, .declined ld de, wCoins ld bc, hCoinsTemp call GiveCoins ld a, [wMartItemID] ld hl, wNumItems call TossItem predef PartyMonItemName hlcoord 1, 14 lb bc, 3, 18 call ClearBox ld hl, MartBoughtText call PrintTextboxText call PlayTransactionSound farcall PlaceCoinsBottomLeft call JoyWaitAorB .declined call ExitMenu and a ret MartSellHowManyText: text_far _MartSellHowManyText text_end MartSellPriceText: text_far _MartSellPriceText text_end MartWelcomeText: text_far _MartWelcomeText text_end MenuHeader_BuySell: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 0, 0, 7, 8 dw .MenuData db 1 ; default option .MenuData db STATICMENU_CURSOR ; strings db 3 ; items db "BUY@" db "SELL@" db "QUIT@" MartThanksText: text_far _MartThanksText text_end MartNoCoinsText: text_far _MartNoCoinsText text_end MartPackFullText: text_far _MartPackFullText text_end MartCantBuyText: text_far _MartCantBuyText text_end MartComeAgainText: text_far _MartComeAgainText text_end MartAskMoreText: text_far _MartAskMoreText text_end MartBoughtText: text_far _MartBoughtText text_end PlayTransactionSound: call WaitSFX ld de, SFX_TRANSACTION call PlaySFX ret MartTextbox: call MenuTextbox call JoyWaitAorB call ExitMenu ret