# Text Commands Defined in [macros/scripts/text.asm](https://github.com/pret/pokecrystal/blob/master/macros/scripts/text.asm) and [home/text.asm:TextCommands](https://github.com/pret/pokecrystal/blob/master/home/text.asm). ## `$00`: `text_start` Start writing text until `"@"`. The text can use [control characters](#control-characters). ## `$01`: text_ram address Write text from a RAM address. ## `$02`: text_bcd address, flags Write [BCD][bcd] from an address, typically RAM. [bcd]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary-coded_decimal ## `$03`: text_move address Move to a new tile. ## `$04`: text_box address, height, width Draw a box. ## `$05`: `text_low` Write text at (1, 16). ## `$06`: `text_promptbutton` Wait for button press; show arrow. ## `$07`: `text_scroll` Pushes text up two lines and sets the `bc` cursor to the border tile below the first character column of the text box. ## `$08`: `text_asm` Start interpreting assembly code. ## `$09`: text_decimal address, bytes, digits Read *bytes* bytes from *address* and print them as a *digits*-digit number. ## `$0A`: `text_pause` Pause for 30 frames unless A or B is pressed. ## `$0B`: `sound_dex_fanfare_50_79` Play `SFX_DEX_FANFARE_50_79`. ## `$0C`: text_dots n Print *n* `"…"`s, pausing for 10 frames after each; interrupt if A or B is pressed. ## `$0D`: `text_waitbutton` Wait for button press; don't show arrow. ## `$0E`: `sound_dex_fanfare_20_49` Play `SFX_DEX_FANFARE_20_49`. ## `$0F`: `sound_item` Play `SFX_ITEM`. ## `$10`: `sound_caught_mon` Play `SFX_CAUGHT_MON`. ## `$11`: `sound_dex_fanfare_80_109` Play `SFX_DEX_FANFARE_80_109`. ## `$12`: `sound_fanfare` Play `SFX_FANFARE`. ## `$13`: `sound_slot_machine_start` Play `SFX_SLOT_MACHINE_START`. ## `$14`: text_buffer id Write text from one of the following addresses (listed in [data/text_buffers.asm](https://github.com/pret/pokecrystal/blob/master/data/text_buffers.asm)): 0. `wStringBuffer3` 1. `wStringBuffer4` 2. `wStringBuffer5` 3. `wStringBuffer2` 4. `wStringBuffer1` 5. `wEnemyMonNickname` 6. `wBattleMonNickname` ## `$15`: `text_today` Print the weekday. ## `$16`: text_far address Write text from a different bank. ## `$50`: `text_end` Stops processing text commands. # Control characters These get interpreted in the context of printing regular text. Macros exist to conveniently place the control characters. ## `$00`: text text Start writing text until `"@"`. (Not actually a control character, but shorter than `text_start` followed by `db`.) ## `$4E`, `""`: next text Move a line down. ## `$4F`, `""`: line text Start writing at the bottom line. ## `$50`, `"@"`: page text Start a new Pokédex page. ## `$51`, `""`: para text Start a new paragraph. ## `$55`, `""`: cont text Scroll to the next line. ## `$57`, `""`: `done` End a text box. ## `$58`, `""`: `prompt` Prompt the player to end a text box (initiating some other event).