evasionup, accdown, whirlwind, haze

This commit is contained in:
xCrystal 2014-10-22 14:47:33 +02:00
parent 7cbec0d52a
commit bf60a6b690

@ -612,17 +612,22 @@ AIScoring_DreamEater: ; 388ca
AIScoring_EvasionUp: ; 388d4
; Dismiss this move if enemy's evasion can't raise anymore.
ld a, [EnemyEvaLevel]
cp $d
jp nc, AIDiscourageMove
; If enemy's HP is full...
call AICheckEnemyMaxHP
jr nc, .asm_388f2
; ...greatly encourage this move if player is badly poisoned.
ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
jr nz, .asm_388ef
; ...70% chance to greatly encourage this move if player is not badly poisoned.
call Random
cp $b2
jr nc, .asm_38911
@ -633,21 +638,27 @@ AIScoring_EvasionUp: ; 388d4
; Greatly discourage this move if enemy's HP is below 25%.
call AICheckEnemyQuarterHP
jr nc, .asm_3890f
; If enemy's HP is above 25% but not full, 4% chance to greatly encourage this move.
call Random
cp $a
jr c, .asm_388ef
; If enemy's HP is between 25% and 50%,...
call AICheckEnemyHalfHP
jr nc, .asm_3890a
; If enemy's HP is above 50% but not full, 20% chance to greatly encourage this move.
call Function39521
jr c, .asm_388ef
jr .asm_38911
; ...50% chance to greatly discourage this move.
call Function39527
jr c, .asm_38911
@ -655,6 +666,11 @@ AIScoring_EvasionUp: ; 388d4
inc [hl]
inc [hl]
; 30% chance to end up here if enemy's HP is full and player is not badly poisoned.
; 77% chance to end up here if enemy's HP is above 50% but not full.
; 96% chance to end up here if enemy's HP is between 25% and 50%.
; 100% chance to end up here if enemy's HP is below 25%.
; In other words, we only end up here if the move has not been encouraged or dismissed.
ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
@ -664,12 +680,14 @@ AIScoring_EvasionUp: ; 388d4
jr nz, .asm_38941
; Discourage this move if enemy's evasion level is higher than player's accuracy level.
ld a, [EnemyEvaLevel]
ld b, a
ld a, [PlayerAccLevel]
cp b
jr c, .asm_38936
; Greatly encourage this move if the player is in the middle of Fury Cutter or Rollout.
ld a, [PlayerFuryCutterCount]
and a
jr nz, .asm_388ef
@ -683,6 +701,9 @@ AIScoring_EvasionUp: ; 388d4
inc [hl]
; Player is badly poisoned.
; 80% chance to greatly encourage this move.
; This would counter any previous discouragement.
call Random
cp $50
@ -691,6 +712,9 @@ AIScoring_EvasionUp: ; 388d4
dec [hl]
; Player is seeded.
; 50% chance to encourage this move.
; This would partly counter any previous discouragement.
call Function39527
ret c
@ -767,16 +791,21 @@ AIScoring_MirrorMove: ; 3895b
AIScoring_AccuracyDown: ; 38985
; If player's HP is full...
call AICheckPlayerMaxHP
jr nc, .asm_389a0
; ...and enemy's HP is above 50%...
call AICheckEnemyHalfHP
jr nc, .asm_389a0
; ...greatly encourage this move if player is badly poisoned.
ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
jr nz, .asm_3899d
; ...70% chance to greatly encourage this move if player is not badly poisoned.
call Random
cp $b2
jr nc, .asm_389bf
@ -787,20 +816,26 @@ AIScoring_AccuracyDown: ; 38985
; Greatly discourage this move if player's HP is below 25%.
call AICheckPlayerQuarterHP
jr nc, .asm_389bd
; If player's HP is above 25% but not full, 4% chance to greatly encourage this move.
call Random
cp $a
jr c, .asm_3899d
; If player's HP is between 25% and 50%,...
call AICheckPlayerHalfHP
jr nc, .asm_389b8
; If player's HP is above 50% but not full, 20% chance to greatly encourage this move.
call Function39521
jr c, .asm_3899d
jr .asm_389bf
; ...50% chance to greatly discourage this move.
call Function39527
jr c, .asm_389bf
@ -809,6 +844,7 @@ AIScoring_AccuracyDown: ; 38985
inc [hl]
inc [hl]
; We only end up here if the move has not been already encouraged.
ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
@ -818,12 +854,14 @@ AIScoring_AccuracyDown: ; 38985
jr nz, .asm_389ef
; Discourage this move if enemy's evasion level is higher than player's accuracy level.
ld a, [EnemyEvaLevel]
ld b, a
ld a, [PlayerAccLevel]
cp b
jr c, .asm_389e4
; Greatly encourage this move if the player is in the middle of Fury Cutter or Rollout.
ld a, [PlayerFuryCutterCount]
and a
jr nz, .asm_3899d
@ -836,6 +874,9 @@ AIScoring_AccuracyDown: ; 38985
inc [hl]
; Player is badly poisoned.
; 80% chance to greatly encourage this move.
; This would counter any previous discouragement.
call Random
cp $50
@ -844,6 +885,9 @@ AIScoring_AccuracyDown: ; 38985
dec [hl]
; Player is seeded.
; 50% chance to encourage this move.
; This would partly counter any previous discouragement.
call Function39527
ret c
@ -854,6 +898,8 @@ AIScoring_AccuracyDown: ; 38985
AIScoring_Haze: ; 389f5
; 85% chance to encourage this move if any of enemy's stat levels is lower than -2.
push hl
ld hl, EnemyAtkLevel
ld c, $8
@ -865,6 +911,7 @@ AIScoring_Haze: ; 389f5
jr c, .asm_38a12
jr .asm_389fb
; 85% chance to encourage this move if any of player's stat levels is higher than +2.
ld hl, PlayerAtkLevel
ld c, $8
@ -883,6 +930,9 @@ AIScoring_Haze: ; 389f5
dec [hl]
; Discourage this move if neither:
; Any of enemy's stat levels is lower than -2.
; Any of player's stat levels is higher than +2.
pop hl
inc [hl]
@ -904,6 +954,10 @@ AIScoring_Bide: ; 38a1e
AIScoring_Whirlwind: ; 38a2a
; Discourage this move if the player has not shown
; a super-effective move against the enemy.
; Consider player's type if its moves are unknown.
push hl
callab Function3484e
ld a, [$c716]