Merge commit 'ec77075a' into merge-mrwint

This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2013-10-25 16:04:31 -04:00
commit b8603ecb92

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@ -86879,32 +86879,45 @@ Function97d23: ; 97d23
; 97d31
Function97d31: ; 97d31
; Pick a random mon out of ContestMons.
call Random
cp 100 << 1
jr nc, .asm_97d31
srl a
ld hl, Table97d87
ld de, 4
sub [hl]
jr c, .asm_97d46
add hl, de
jr .asm_97d40
ld hl, ContestMons
ld de, 4
sub [hl]
jr c, .GotMon
add hl, de
jr .CheckMon
inc hl
; Species
ld a, [hli]
ld [$d22e], a
; Min level
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
ld a, [hl]
sub d
jr nz, .asm_97d54
ld a, d
jr .asm_97d5f
; Max level
ld a, [hl]
sub d
jr nz, .RandomLevel
; If min and max are the same.
ld a, d
jr .GotLevel
; Get a random level between the min and max.
ld c, a
inc c
call Random
@ -86912,8 +86925,9 @@ Function97d31: ; 97d31
call SimpleDivide
add d
ld [CurPartyLevel], a
xor a
; 97d64
@ -86937,18 +86951,19 @@ Function97d64: ; 97d64
; 97d87
Table97d87: ; 97d87
db 20, $0a, $07, $12
db 20, $0d, $07, $12
db 10, $0b, $09, $12
db 10, $0e, $09, $12
db 5, $0c, $0c, $0f
db 5, $0f, $0c, $0f
db 10, $30, $0a, $10
db 10, $2e, $0a, $11
db 5, $7b, $0d, $0e
db 5, $7f, $0d, $0e
db -1, $31, $1e, $28
ContestMons: ; 97d87
; %, species, min, max
db 20, CATERPIE, 7, 18
db 20, WEEDLE, 7, 18
db 10, METAPOD, 9, 18
db 10, KAKUNA, 9, 18
db 5, BUTTERFREE, 12, 15
db 5, BEEDRILL, 12, 15
db 10, VENONAT, 10, 16
db 10, PARAS, 10, 17
db 5, SCYTHER, 13, 14
db 5, PINSIR, 13, 14
db -1, VENOMOTH, 30, 40
; 97db3
Function97db3: ; 97db3