comment defrost move effect asm

This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2013-09-08 22:30:10 -04:00
parent 7a1951528d
commit b4d37c675f

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@ -9457,22 +9457,30 @@ BattleCommand52: ; 37536
BattleCommand53: ; 37563
; defrost
; Thaw the user.
call GetBattleVarPair
bit 5, [hl]
bit FRZ, [hl]
ret z
res 5, [hl]
res FRZ, [hl]
; Don't update the enemy's party struct in a wild battle.
ld a, [hBattleTurn]
and a
jr z, .asm_37578 ; 37570 $6
jr z, .party
ld a, [IsInBattle]
dec a
jr z, .asm_3757f ; 37576 $7
ld a, $20
jr z, .done
ld a, PartyMon1Status - PartyMon1
call UserPartyAttr
res 5, [hl]
res FRZ, [hl]
call RefreshBattleHuds
ld hl, WasDefrostedText
jp StdBattleTextBox