diff --git a/docs/develop/index.md b/docs/develop/index.md index 217d7ebe5..58ff77a0f 100755 --- a/docs/develop/index.md +++ b/docs/develop/index.md @@ -1,23 +1,32 @@ +- **SafeUpdateSprites**: Set BG map mode to 0 (disabled) and disable OAM update + UpdateSprites + enable OAM update + DelayFrame + restore original state of BG map mode and OAM update +- **UpdateSprites**: Compute state of overworld sprites to wShadowOAM. Disable OAM update while editing wShadowOAM, and restore its original state when finished +- **ApplyPals**: Copy wBGPals1 into wBGPals2 and wOBPals1 into wOBPals2. Does not request pal update during vblank by itself +- **ApplyAttrmap**: Set BG map mode to 2 (pals) and delay 4 frames, and finally restore original state BG map mode. If LCD disabled instead copy all pals at once immediately +- **ApplyTilemap**: Set BG map mode to 1 (tiles) and delay 4 frames. If wSpriteUpdatesEnabled is non-0, instead call CopyTilemapAtOnce to do it all in one frame. This delays the next vblank to LY ~$7f + - **Textbox1bpp**: TextboxBorder + TextboxPalette - **Textbox2bpp**: _OverworldTextbox + TextboxPalette - **SpeechTextbox1bpp**: Textbox1bpp with speech location and dimensions - **SpeechTextbox2bpp**: Textbox2bpp with speech location and dimensions -- **PrintText1bpp**, **FarPrintText1bpp**: SpeechTextbox1bpp + print text -- **PrintText2bpp**: SpeechTextbox2bpp + print text -- **ClearTextbox**: Clear area of a speech textbox -- **MenuBox**: Calls Textbox1bpp or Textbox2bpp, depending on the value at wMenuBoxUse2bppFrame, with menu location and dimensions. wMenuBoxUse2bppFrame is cleared (FALSE means 1bpp) by ClearMenuAndWindowData as part of menu data. +- **ClearTextbox**: Clear the inside of a speech textbox (fill with " ") +- **PrintTextboxText**: Print text in speech textbox coordinates with letter delay +- **PrintText1bpp**, **FarPrintText1bpp**: SpeechTextbox1bpp + UpdateSprites + ApplyTilemap + ClearTextbox + PrintTextboxText +- **PrintText2bpp**: SpeechTextbox2bpp + UpdateSprites + ApplyTilemap + ClearTextbox + PrintTextboxText +- **MapTextbox**: ClearTextbox + redraw tile behind cursor + SafeUpdateSprites + disable OAM update + ApplyTilemap + PrintTextboxText + enable OAM update +- **MenuBox**: Calls Textbox1bpp or Textbox2bpp, depending on the value at wMenuBoxUse2bppFrame, with menu location and dimensions. wMenuBoxUse2bppFrame, as part of menu data, is cleared (FALSE means 1bpp) by ClearMenuAndWindowData +- **OverworldTextModeSwitch**: LoadMapPart + SwapTextboxPalettes -- **OpenText1bpp**, **OpenText2bpp**: ClearMenuAndWindowData + ReanchorBGMap_NoOAMUpdate + SpeechTextbox1bpp + _OpenAndCloseMenu_HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap + Hide Window - - **OpenText1bpp**: Loads 1bpp font (LoadFont_NoOAMUpdate: LoadFrame + LoadStandardFont) +- **LoadFont_NoOAMUpdate**: LoadFrame + Hide Window + LoadStandardFont with OAM update disabled +- **LoadOverworldFont_NoOAMUpdate**: LoadOverworldFontAndFrame + hide Window with OAM update disabled + +- **OpenText1bpp**, **OpenText2bpp**: ClearMenuAndWindowData + ReanchorBGMap_NoOAMUpdate + SpeechTextbox1bpp + _OpenAndCloseMenu_HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap + hide Window + - **OpenText1bpp**: Loads 1bpp font (LoadFont_NoOAMUpdate) - **OpenText2bpp**: Doesn't load 2bpp font - **RefreshScreen**: Same as OpenText functions but doesn't call any SpeechTextbox - **Request1bpp**, **Request2bpp**: Copy 1bpp or 2bpp tiles at a rate of TILES_PER_CYCLE (8) per frame during vblank. Wait until complete - **Copy1bpp**, **Copy2bpp**: Copy 1bpp or 2bpp tiles immediately - **Get1bpp**, **Get2bpp**: Call Copy1bpp or Copy2bpp if LCD disabled. Request1bpp or Request2bpp otherwise -- **HDMATransfer1bpp**: Copy 1bpp tiles via HDMA. Maximum 16 tiles per frame. -- **HDMATransfer2bpp**: Copy 2bpp tiles via HDMA. No hardcoded limit. Timing considers 1 tile per hblank. +- **HDMATransfer1bpp**: Copy 1bpp tiles via HDMA. Maximum 16 tiles per frame +- **HDMATransfer2bpp**: Copy 2bpp tiles via HDMA. No hardcoded limit. Timing considers 1 tile per hblank - **Get1bppViaHDMA**, **Get2bppViaHDMA**: Call Copy1bpp or Copy2bpp if LCD disabled. HDMATransfer1bpp or HDMATransfer2bpp otherwise - -- **LoadFont_NoOAMUpdate**: LoadFrame + Hide Window + LoadStandardFont with OAM update disabled -- **LoadOverworldFont_NoOAMUpdate**: LoadOverworldFontAndFrame + hide Window with OAM update disabled