Unused title screen code, graphics, tilemaps, palettes.

At 43:4000 (UnusedTitleScreen) is a semi-functional title screen.
It's never used, and appears in the Japanese version at the same offset.

Notably, a portion of the logo is cut out and used as OAM.
The final title screen instead uses BG priority to avoid this.
This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2014-04-10 15:53:09 -04:00
parent 0eb49d5941
commit 93cbbaf49d
3 changed files with 561 additions and 5 deletions

gfx/title/old_bg.2bpp Normal file

Binary file not shown.

gfx/title/old_fg.2bpp Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -5237,7 +5237,7 @@ Function64db: ; 64db
ld [rSVBK], a ld [rSVBK], a
ld a, $60 ld a, $60
ld hl, $d000 ld hl, $d000
ld bc, VBlank5 ld bc, $400
call ByteFill call ByteFill
ld a, $d0 ld a, $d0
ld [rHDMA1], a ld [rHDMA1], a
@ -57485,7 +57485,7 @@ Function4e881: ; 4e881
call Functione51 call Functione51
call Functione58 call Functione58
ld hl, VBGMap0 ld hl, VBGMap0
ld bc, VBlank5 ld bc, $400
ld a, $7f ld a, $7f
call ByteFill call ByteFill
ld hl, AttrMap ld hl, AttrMap
@ -57514,7 +57514,7 @@ Function4e8c2: ; 4e8c2
call Functione51 call Functione51
call Functione58 call Functione58
ld hl, VBGMap0 ld hl, VBGMap0
ld bc, VBlank5 ld bc, $400
ld a, $7f ld a, $7f
call ByteFill call ByteFill
ld hl, AttrMap ld hl, AttrMap
@ -57545,7 +57545,7 @@ Function4e906: ; 4e906
ld a, $6 ld a, $6
ld [rSVBK], a ld [rSVBK], a
ld hl, $d000 ld hl, $d000
ld bc, VBlank5 ld bc, $400
ld a, $7f ld a, $7f
call ByteFill call ByteFill
ld hl, VBGMap0 ld hl, VBGMap0
@ -96732,7 +96732,563 @@ INCBIN "gfx/intro/logo.2bpp.lz"
SECTION "bank43", ROMX, BANK[$43] SECTION "bank43", ROMX, BANK[$43]
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$10c000,$10ed67 - $10c000 UnusedTitleScreen: ; 10c000
call WhiteBGMap
call ClearTileMap
call DisableLCD
xor a
ld [hBGMapMode], a
ld hl, $cf63
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], a
ld hl, UnusedTitleBG_GFX
ld de, VTiles2
ld bc, $800
call CopyBytes
ld hl, UnusedTitleBG_GFX + $800
ld de, VTiles1
ld bc, $800
call CopyBytes
ld hl, UnusedTitleFG_GFX
ld de, VTiles0
ld bc, $800
call CopyBytes
ld hl, UnusedTitleBG_Tilemap
ld de, VBGMap0
ld bc, 32 * 32
ld a, 0
ld [rVBK], a
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
ld a, 1
ld [rVBK], a
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
dec bc
ld a, b
or c
jr nz, .copy
ld hl, UnusedTitleFG_OAM
ld de, Sprites
ld bc, $a0
call CopyBytes
call EnableLCD
ld a, [rLCDC]
set 1, a
set 2, a
ld [rLCDC], a
call DelayFrame
ld a, [rSVBK]
push af
ld a, $5
ld [rSVBK], a
ld hl, UnsuedTitleBG_Palettes
ld de, Unkn1Pals
ld bc, $40
call CopyBytes
ld hl, UnsuedTitleFG_Palettes
ld de, Unkn2Pals
ld bc, $40
call CopyBytes
ld hl, UnsuedTitleBG_Palettes
ld de, BGPals
ld bc, $40
call CopyBytes
ld hl, UnsuedTitleFG_Palettes
ld de, OBPals
ld bc, $40
call CopyBytes
pop af
ld [rSVBK], a
ld a, $1
ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a
call PlayMusic
; 10c0b1
UnusedTitleBG_GFX: ; 10c0b1
INCBIN "gfx/title/old_bg.2bpp"
; 10d0b1
UnusedTitleBG_Tilemap: ; 10d0b1
; 32x32 (tile, attributes)
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $01,$00, $02,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $03,$00, $04,$00, $05,$01, $06,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $07,$05, $08,$05, $09,$05, $0a,$05, $0b,$00, $0c,$00, $0d,$00, $0e,$00, $0f,$01, $10,$01, $11,$01, $12,$01, $13,$05, $14,$05, $15,$05, $16,$05, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $17,$04, $18,$04, $19,$04, $1a,$04, $1b,$00, $1c,$00, $1d,$02, $1e,$02, $1f,$07, $20,$07, $21,$01, $22,$01, $23,$04, $24,$04, $25,$04, $26,$04, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $27,$04, $28,$04, $29,$04, $2a,$04, $2b,$00, $2c,$00, $2d,$03, $2e,$01, $2f,$01, $30,$01, $31,$01, $32,$01, $33,$04, $34,$04, $35,$04, $36,$04, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $37,$04, $38,$04, $39,$04, $3a,$04, $3b,$00, $3c,$00, $3d,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $3e,$07, $3f,$01, $40,$01, $41,$04, $42,$04, $43,$04, $44,$04, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $45,$04, $46,$04, $47,$04, $48,$04, $49,$00, $3c,$00, $4a,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $4b,$07, $3f,$01, $4c,$01, $4d,$06, $4e,$06, $4f,$06, $50,$06, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $51,$04, $52,$06, $53,$06, $54,$06, $55,$00, $3c,$00, $56,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $57,$07, $58,$01, $59,$01, $5a,$06, $5b,$06, $5c,$06, $5d,$06, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $5e,$06, $5f,$06, $60,$06, $61,$06, $62,$00, $63,$00, $64,$03, $65,$01, $66,$01, $67,$07, $68,$01, $69,$01, $26,$04, $6a,$06, $26,$04, $26,$04, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $6b,$00, $6c,$05, $6d,$05, $6e,$05, $6f,$00, $70,$02, $71,$02, $72,$01, $73,$00, $74,$02, $75,$01, $76,$01, $77,$05, $78,$05, $79,$05, $6b,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $7a,$00, $7b,$00, $7c,$00, $7d,$00, $0f,$01, $7e,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $a2,$00, $80,$00, $81,$00, $82,$00, $83,$00, $84,$07, $85,$01, $86,$01, $87,$01, $88,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $89,$00, $8a,$00, $8b,$00, $8c,$07, $8d,$01, $8e,$01, $8f,$01, $90,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $91,$01, $92,$01, $93,$01, $94,$01, $95,$01, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $96,$05, $97,$05, $98,$05, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $99,$05, $9a,$05, $9b,$05, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $9c,$05, $9d,$05, $9e,$05, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $9f,$05, $a0,$05, $a1,$05, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $6b,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
db $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00, $00,$00
; 10d8b1
UnsuedTitleBG_Palettes: ; 10d8b1
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 25, 15, 28
RGB 22, 11, 28
RGB 19, 08, 26
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 17, 07, 22
RGB 13, 07, 16
RGB 19, 08, 26
RGB 25, 15, 28
RGB 22, 11, 28
RGB 19, 08, 26
RGB 17, 07, 22
RGB 22, 11, 28
RGB 19, 08, 26
RGB 17, 07, 22
RGB 13, 07, 16
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 16, 16, 24
RGB 02, 13, 21
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 20, 20, 20
RGB 12, 12, 12
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 01, 11, 23
RGB 16, 16, 24
RGB 02, 13, 21
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 22, 10, 31
RGB 19, 08, 26
RGB 17, 07, 22
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 20, 04, 20
RGB 16, 08, 16
RGB 24, 00, 24
rept 54
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
; 10dab1
UnusedTitleFG_GFX: ; 10dab1
INCBIN "gfx/title/old_fg.2bpp"
; 10eab1
UnsuedTitleFG_Palettes: ; 10eab1
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 16, 16, 24
RGB 02, 13, 21
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 20, 20, 20
RGB 12, 12, 12
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 01, 11, 23
RGB 16, 16, 24
RGB 02, 13, 21
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 22, 00
RGB 31, 27, 00
RGB 31, 31, 00
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 16, 16, 24
RGB 02, 13, 21
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 20, 20, 20
RGB 12, 12, 12
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 01, 11, 23
RGB 16, 16, 24
RGB 02, 13, 21
RGB 16, 31, 00
RGB 22, 31, 00
RGB 27, 31, 00
RGB 31, 31, 00
RGB 31, 00, 18
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 16, 16, 24
RGB 02, 13, 21
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 20, 20, 20
RGB 12, 12, 12
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 01, 11, 23
RGB 16, 16, 24
RGB 02, 13, 21
RGB 16, 31, 00
RGB 22, 31, 00
RGB 27, 31, 00
RGB 31, 31, 00
RGB 24, 18, 31
RGB 31, 31, 00
RGB 31, 31, 01
RGB 31, 31, 03
RGB 31, 31, 05
RGB 31, 31, 08
RGB 31, 31, 10
RGB 31, 31, 12
RGB 31, 31, 14
RGB 31, 31, 16
RGB 31, 31, 18
RGB 31, 31, 20
RGB 31, 31, 22
RGB 31, 31, 25
RGB 31, 31, 27
RGB 31, 31, 29
RGB 24, 06, 06
RGB 01, 01, 01
RGB 03, 03, 03
RGB 05, 05, 05
RGB 08, 08, 08
RGB 10, 10, 10
RGB 12, 12, 12
RGB 14, 14, 14
RGB 16, 16, 16
RGB 18, 18, 18
RGB 20, 20, 20
RGB 22, 22, 22
RGB 25, 25, 25
RGB 27, 27, 27
RGB 29, 29, 29
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 18, 24, 18
RGB 31, 29, 01
RGB 31, 27, 03
RGB 31, 25, 05
RGB 31, 22, 08
RGB 31, 20, 10
RGB 31, 18, 12
RGB 31, 16, 14
RGB 31, 14, 16
RGB 31, 12, 18
RGB 31, 10, 20
RGB 31, 08, 22
RGB 31, 05, 25
RGB 31, 03, 27
RGB 31, 01, 29
RGB 31, 00, 31
RGB 18, 06, 31
RGB 00, 31, 31
RGB 00, 31, 29
RGB 00, 31, 27
RGB 00, 31, 25
RGB 00, 31, 22
RGB 00, 31, 20
RGB 00, 31, 18
RGB 00, 31, 16
RGB 00, 31, 14
RGB 00, 31, 12
RGB 00, 31, 10
RGB 00, 31, 08
RGB 00, 31, 05
RGB 00, 31, 03
RGB 00, 31, 01
RGB 12, 31, 06
RGB 00, 00, 31
RGB 00, 01, 31
RGB 00, 03, 31
RGB 00, 05, 31
RGB 00, 08, 31
RGB 00, 10, 31
RGB 00, 12, 31
RGB 00, 14, 31
RGB 00, 16, 31
RGB 00, 18, 31
RGB 00, 20, 31
RGB 00, 22, 31
RGB 00, 25, 31
RGB 00, 27, 31
RGB 00, 29, 31
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 06, 00, 04
RGB 19, 02, 09
RGB 28, 04, 11
RGB 31, 07, 16
RGB 31, 17, 23
RGB 31, 26, 30
RGB 07, 05, 10
RGB 14, 10, 18
RGB 20, 20, 25
RGB 25, 27, 31
RGB 09, 05, 06
RGB 23, 16, 13
RGB 30, 23, 22
RGB 31, 28, 28
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 06, 31, 31
RGB 04, 00, 04
RGB 11, 02, 04
RGB 17, 02, 04
RGB 24, 05, 04
RGB 28, 07, 04
RGB 31, 11, 04
RGB 02, 01, 15
RGB 04, 11, 22
RGB 12, 25, 25
RGB 20, 31, 31
RGB 09, 04, 03
RGB 22, 11, 08
RGB 27, 19, 16
RGB 30, 28, 26
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 06, 18, 06
RGB 04, 04, 02
RGB 07, 07, 02
RGB 18, 18, 04
RGB 24, 24, 06
RGB 27, 27, 11
RGB 31, 31, 20
RGB 02, 03, 10
RGB 04, 05, 13
RGB 06, 10, 25
RGB 08, 15, 31
RGB 04, 00, 06
RGB 11, 07, 14
RGB 21, 16, 23
RGB 29, 26, 31
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 06, 00, 18
RGB 00, 04, 03
RGB 02, 09, 05
RGB 11, 19, 07
RGB 16, 24, 08
RGB 22, 31, 09
RGB 24, 31, 18
RGB 03, 01, 03
RGB 10, 04, 10
RGB 20, 08, 20
RGB 31, 17, 31
RGB 01, 03, 06
RGB 05, 09, 10
RGB 15, 21, 21
RGB 23, 25, 25
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 00, 18, 31
RGB 00, 05, 07
RGB 00, 08, 13
RGB 00, 12, 17
RGB 01, 20, 24
RGB 04, 27, 31
RGB 14, 31, 31
RGB 04, 02, 02
RGB 15, 01, 03
RGB 26, 04, 07
RGB 31, 13, 16
RGB 00, 05, 02
RGB 01, 11, 03
RGB 06, 21, 06
RGB 13, 31, 16
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 00, 06, 06
RGB 00, 01, 08
RGB 00, 05, 14
RGB 00, 08, 19
RGB 02, 14, 26
RGB 04, 21, 31
RGB 06, 26, 31
RGB 13, 00, 00
RGB 27, 07, 00
RGB 31, 17, 05
RGB 31, 25, 16
RGB 02, 04, 00
RGB 07, 11, 03
RGB 17, 19, 05
RGB 27, 31, 16
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 02, 00, 00
RGB 04, 01, 06
RGB 11, 03, 14
RGB 16, 04, 19
RGB 20, 07, 22
RGB 26, 12, 27
RGB 26, 20, 31
RGB 04, 07, 00
RGB 16, 20, 07
RGB 24, 28, 15
RGB 29, 31, 24
RGB 05, 02, 02
RGB 15, 04, 02
RGB 24, 11, 10
RGB 31, 22, 20
RGB 31, 31, 31
RGB 00, 00, 14
RGB 12, 00, 00
RGB 27, 05, 00
RGB 31, 15, 05
RGB 31, 26, 13
RGB 31, 30, 21
RGB 05, 07, 16
RGB 04, 16, 20
RGB 04, 24, 26
RGB 08, 31, 31
RGB 23, 31, 31
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 05, 05, 05
RGB 17, 17, 15
RGB 28, 28, 24
RGB 31, 31, 31
; 10ecb1
UnusedTitleFG_OAM: ; 10ecb1
db $18, $38, $00, $01, $18, $40, $02, $01, $18, $48, $04, $01, $18, $50, $06, $01
db $18, $58, $08, $01, $18, $60, $0a, $01, $18, $68, $0c, $01, $18, $70, $0e, $01
db $28, $38, $10, $00, $28, $40, $12, $00, $28, $48, $14, $00, $28, $50, $16, $00
db $28, $58, $18, $00, $28, $60, $1a, $00, $28, $68, $1c, $00, $28, $70, $1e, $00
db $38, $38, $20, $00, $38, $40, $22, $00, $38, $48, $24, $00, $38, $50, $26, $00
db $38, $58, $28, $00, $38, $60, $2a, $00, $38, $68, $2c, $00, $38, $70, $2e, $00
db $48, $38, $30, $02, $48, $40, $32, $02, $48, $48, $34, $02, $48, $50, $36, $02
db $48, $58, $38, $02, $48, $60, $3a, $02, $48, $68, $3c, $02, $48, $70, $3e, $02
db $58, $38, $40, $01, $58, $40, $42, $01, $58, $48, $44, $01, $58, $50, $46, $01
db $58, $58, $48, $01, $58, $60, $4a, $01, $58, $68, $4c, $01, $58, $70, $4e, $01
; 10ed51
Function10ed51: ; 10ed51
call _TitleScreen
call Functiona57
ld a, [$ffa9]
ld b, a
and 1
jr nz, .done
call Function10eea7
call DelayFrame
jr .loop
; 10ed67
INCLUDE "engine/title.asm" INCLUDE "engine/title.asm"