Identify a few more WRAM label uses

This commit is contained in:
Rangi 2019-04-19 18:55:04 -04:00
parent 45e3f6aca9
commit 71db95dc34
4 changed files with 28 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ DoAnimFrame:
ld a, [wcf65]
ld a, [wIntroSceneTimer]
and a
jr nz, .asm_8d645

View File

@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ BillsPC_InitRAM:
call ClearSprites
call ClearTileMap
call BillsPC_InitGFX
ld hl, wBillsPCPokemonList
ld bc, $338
ld hl, wBillsPCData
ld bc, wBillsPCDataEnd - wBillsPCData
xor a
call ByteFill
xor a

View File

@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ GiveTakePartyMonItem:
farcall DepositSellPack
ld a, [wcf66]
ld a, [wPackUsedItem]
and a
jr z, .quit
ld a, [wcf65]
cp 2
ld a, [wCurPocket]
jr z, .next
call CheckTossableItem

View File

@ -964,9 +964,23 @@ wGameboyPrinterRAMEnd::
NEXTU ; c800
; bill's pc data
; (species, box number, list index) x30
ds 3 * 30
ds 720
wBillsPC_ScrollPosition:: db
wBillsPC_CursorPosition:: db
wBillsPC_NumMonsInBox:: db
wBillsPC_NumMonsOnScreen:: db
wBillsPC_LoadedBox:: db ; 0 if party, 1 - 14 if box, 15 if active box
wBillsPC_BackupScrollPosition:: db
wBillsPC_BackupCursorPosition:: db
wBillsPC_BackupLoadedBox:: db
wBillsPC_MonHasMail:: db
ds 5
NEXTU ; c800
; Hall of Fame data
@ -980,9 +994,9 @@ wLinkDataEnd::
NEXTU ; c800
; link data members
wLinkPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
wLinkPartyCount:: db
wLinkPartyCount:: db
wLinkPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH
wLinkPartyEnd:: db ; older code doesn't check PartyCount
wLinkPartyEnd:: db ; older code doesn't check PartyCount
UNION ; c813
; time capsule party data
@ -1095,22 +1109,12 @@ wca02:: db
NEXTU ; ca00
; link data
ds 191
wcabf:: ds 79
wcabf:: ds 1
ENDU ; cb00
ds 14
wcb0e:: ds 5
wcb13:: ds 23
ENDU ; cb2a
wBillsPC_ScrollPosition:: db
wBillsPC_CursorPosition:: db
wBillsPC_NumMonsInBox:: db
wBillsPC_NumMonsOnScreen:: db
wBillsPC_LoadedBox:: db ; 0 if party, 1 - 14 if box, 15 if active box
wBillsPC_BackupScrollPosition:: db
wBillsPC_BackupCursorPosition:: db
wBillsPC_BackupLoadedBox:: db
wBillsPC_MonHasMail:: db
ds 18
wcb13:: ds 50
wcb45:: ds 20
wcb59:: ds 20
wcb6d:: ds 1
@ -1119,8 +1123,8 @@ wcb84:: ds 100
wcbe8:: dw
wLinkOTPartyMonTypes:: ds 2 * PARTY_LENGTH
ds 84
wcc4a:: ds 22
wcc60:: ds 1
wcc61:: ds 1
wcc62:: ds 2