Merge pull request #265 from Bradley-Plus/master

Clean up
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Bishop 2014-11-12 11:27:00 -06:00
commit 6ca56ab45a

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ VirtualBox. Follow these steps:
* Follow the instructions to [download and install VirtualBox](
* Run these commands:
vagrant box add pokecrystal
mkdir vagrantbox
cd vagrantbox
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ VirtualBox. Follow these steps:
vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant && git clone git://"
vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant/pokecrystal && git submodule init && git submodule update"
vagrant ssh
Running "vagrant ssh" will give you a shell to type commands into for compiling
the source code. The the "virtualbox" directory on the host appears as a shared