Add lots of phone call texts.

This commit is contained in:
IIMarckus 2013-01-10 18:31:06 -07:00
parent f2fd544e20
commit 4ee88cd762
7 changed files with 1926 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
.SUFFIXES: .asm .tx .o .gbc
TEXTFILES = text/sweethoney.tx
TEXTFILES = text/sweethoney.tx \
text/phone/bill.tx \
text/phone/elm.tx \
text/phone/mom.tx \
text/phone/trainers1.tx \
all: pokecrystal.gbc
pokecrystal.o: pokecrystal.asm main.tx constants.asm wram.asm ${TEXTFILES}
pokecrystal.o: pokecrystal.asm constants.asm wram.asm ${TEXTFILES}
rgbasm -o pokecrystal.o pokecrystal.asm

View File

@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ callba: MACRO
rst $08
db 1
dw \1
db $16
dw \1
@ -3330,4 +3335,4 @@ NUM_SRAM_BANKS EQU 4
Unkn1Pals EQU $d000 ; 8 4-color palettes little endian)
Unkn2Pals EQU $d040 ; 8 4-color palettes little endian)
BGPals EQU $d080 ; 8 4-color palettes little endian)
OBPals EQU $d0c0 ; 8 4-color palettes little endian)
OBPals EQU $d0c0 ; 8 4-color palettes little endian)

View File

@ -130743,7 +130743,10 @@ Route10North_MapEventHeader: ; 0x1b2099
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1B4000,$4000
INCLUDE "text/phone/mom.tx"
INCLUDE "text/phone/bill.tx"
INCLUDE "text/phone/elm.tx"
INCLUDE "text/phone/trainers1.tx"

text/phone/bill.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
UnknownText_0x1b4427: ; 0x1b4427
db $0, "Good morning!", $51
db "This is the #-", $4f
db "SERVICE.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4470: ; 0x1b4470
db $0, "Good day!", $51
db "This is the #-", $4f
db "SERVICE.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b44b5: ; 0x1b44b5
db $0, "Good evening!", $51
db "This is the #-", $4f
db "SERVICE.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b44fe: ; 0x1b44fe
db $0, "Who's calling?", $51
db $14, ", is it?", $4f
db "Hang on a sec…", $51
db $56, $4f
db $56, $57
UnknownText_0x1b452a: ; 0x1b452a
db $0, "Thanks for", $4f
db "waiting!", $51
db $14, ", your BOX", $4f
db "has room for @"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, $55
db "more #MON.", $51
db "Get out there and", $4f
db "fill it up!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4587: ; 0x1b4587
db $0, "Thanks for", $4f
db "waiting!", $51
db $14, ", your BOX", $4f
db "has room for only", $55
db "@"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, " more #MON.", $51
db "Maybe you should", $4f
db "switch your BOX.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b45ed: ; 0x1b45ed
db $0, "Thanks for", $4f
db "waiting!", $51
db $14, ", your BOX", $4f
db "is full!", $51
db "You'll have to", $4f
db "switch BOXES if", $51
db "you want to catch", $4f
db "more #MON.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4652: ; 0x1b4652
db $0, "Hi, ", $14, "?", $4f
db "It's me, BILL!", $51
db "Thanks for using", $4f
db "my STORAGE SYSTEM.", $51
db "That last #MON", $4f
db "you sent filled", $55
db "your BOX up.", $51
db "You'll have to", $4f
db "switch BOXES if", $51
db "you want to catch", $4f
db "more #MON.", $51
db "Bye now!", $57

text/phone/elm.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
UnknownText_0x1b46fc: ; 0x1b46fc
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "Try not to overdo", $4f
db "it.", $51
db "Be sure to heal", $4f
db "your #MON if", $55
db "they are hurt.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4749: ; 0x1b4749
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "Did you meet MR.", $4f
db "#MON? Great!", $55
db "Come back safely!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4784: ; 0x1b4784
db $0, $14, "? I'm very", $4f
db "upset now.", $51
db "We had a #MON", $4f
db "stolen from here.", $51
db "How could anyone", $4f
db "do that?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b47d5: ; 0x1b47d5
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "We're checking the", $4f
db "EGG now. It does", $51
db "appear to be a", $4f
db "#MON EGG.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b481c: ; 0x1b481c
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "Did you see my", $4f
db "assistant? He's at", $51
db "the #MON CENTER", $4f
db "in VIOLET CITY.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4868: ; 0x1b4868
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "How's the EGG? Has", $4f
db "anything changed?", $51
db "If anything hap-", $4f
db "pens, please call.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b48bb: ; 0x1b48bb
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $4f
db "How is the EGG?", $51
db "What? It hatched?", $4f
db "Wow! What kind of", $55
db "#MON is it?", $51
db "Please come show", $4f
db "me now!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b491f: ; 0x1b491f
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "I just made a new", $4f
db "discovery.", $51
db "The time it takes", $4f
db "for an EGG to", $51
db "hatch depends on", $4f
db "the #MON.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4982: ; 0x1b4982
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "It's still a", $4f
db "mystery what kinds", $51
db "of moves hatched", $4f
db "#MON have.", $51
db "We're investigat-", $4f
db "ing that now.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b49e7: ; 0x1b49e7
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "I discovered an", $4f
db "odd thing.", $51
db "Apparently there's", $4f
db "something called", $51
db "#RUS that in-", $4f
db "fects #MON.", $51
db "Yes, it's like a", $4f
db "virus, so it's", $55
db "called #RUS.", $51
db "It multiplies fast", $4f
db "and infects other", $51
db "#MON too. But", $4f
db "that's all.", $51
db "It doesn't seem to", $4f
db "do anything, and", $51
db "it goes away over", $4f
db "time.", $51
db "I guess it's", $4f
db "nothing to worry", $55
db "about. Bye!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4b17: ; 0x1b4b17
db $0, "H-hello? ", $14, "?", $4f
db "It's a disaster!", $51
db "Uh, um, it's just", $4f
db "terrible!", $51
db "What should I do?", $4f
db "It… Oh, no…", $51
db "Please get back", $4f
db "here now!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4b87: ; 0x1b4b87
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "? We", $4f
db "discovered some-", $51
db "thing about the", $4f
db "EGG!", $51
db "My assistant is at", $4f
db "the #MON CENTER", $51
db "in VIOLET CITY. ", $4f
db "Could you talk to", $55
db "him?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4c06: ; 0x1b4c06
db $0, $14, ", how are", $4f
db "things going?", $51
db "I called because", $4f
db "something weird is", $51
db "happening with the", $4f
db "radio broadcasts.", $51
db "They were talking", $4f
db "about TEAM ROCKET.", $51
db $14, ", do you", $4f
db "know anything", $55
db "about it?", $51
db "Maybe TEAM ROCKET", $4f
db "has returned. No,", $51
db "that just can't", $4f
db "be true.", $51
db "Sorry to bug you.", $4f
db "Take care!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4d09: ; 0x1b4d09
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $51
db "I have something", $4f
db "here for you.", $51
db "Could you swing by", $4f
db "my LAB?", $51
db "See you later!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4d5d: ; 0x1b4d5d
db $0, "Hello, ", $14, "?", $4f
db "How's it going?", $51
db "I got ahold of", $4f
db "something neat.", $51
db "Swing by my LAB", $4f
db "and pick it up!", $51
db "See you later!", $57

text/phone/mom.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
UnknownText_0x1b4000: ; 0x1b4000
db $0, "Hello?", $51
db "Oh, hi, ", $52, "!", $4f
db "Working hard?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4021: ; 0x1b4021
db $0, "Oh, so you're in", $4f
db "@"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, "…", $51
db "Isn't that where", $4f
db "@"
TX_RAM $d0ac
db $0, $51
db "is? Did you go", $4f
db "take a look?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b406b: ; 0x1b406b
db $0, "Really, you're in", $4f
db "@"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, "?", $51
db "I've never gone", $4f
db "there. That's kind", $55
db "of neat, ", $52, ".", $57
UnknownText_0x1b40b1: ; 0x1b40b1
db $0, "What? You're in", $4f
db "@"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, "?", $51
db "Come see your MOM", $4f
db "sometime!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b40e4: ; 0x1b40e4
db $0, "You're visiting", $4f
db "@"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, "?", $51
db "How about coming", $4f
db "home for a bit?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b411c: ; 0x1b411c
db $0, "Wow, you're in", $4f
db "@"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, "?", $51
db "Good luck on your", $4f
db "#MON quest!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4150: ; 0x1b4150
db $0, "That sounds really", $4f
db "tough.", $51
db "But, ", $52, ", I", $4f
db "know you're really", $51
db "determined. You'll", $4f
db "be OK, right?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b41a7: ; 0x1b41a7
db $0, "By the way, you've", $4f
db "saved up ¥@"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, ".", $51
db "Do you want to", $4f
db "keep on saving?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b41ea: ; 0x1b41ea
db $0, "It's important to", $4f
db "save your money.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b420d: ; 0x1b420d
db $0, "Oh, ", $52, ",", $4f
db "you're not saving", $51
db "any money. Would", $4f
db "you like to save?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4249: ; 0x1b4249
db $0, "By the way, you've", $4f
db "saved up ¥@"
TX_RAM $d099
db $0, ".", $51
db "Want to start", $4f
db "saving again?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b4289: ; 0x1b4289
db $0, "OK. I'll save your", $4f
db "money.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b42a3: ; 0x1b42a3
db $0, "OK. I won't save", $4f
db "your money.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b42c0: ; 0x1b42c0
db $0, $52, ", keep it", $4f
db "up! I'm rooting", $55
db "for you, baby!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b42ea: ; 0x1b42ea
db $0, "Hello?", $51
db "Oh, hi, ", $52, "!", $4f
db "Wasn't PROF.ELM", $55
db "waiting for you?", $57
UnknownText_0x1b431d: ; 0x1b431d
db $0, "Hello?", $51
db "Oh, hi, ", $52, "!", $4f
db "You're on a big", $51
db "mission for PROF.", $4f
db "ELM? Be good!", $57
UnknownText_0x1b435f: ; 0x1b435f
db $0, "Hello?", $51
db "Hi, ", $52, "! If", $4f
db "you're done with", $51
db "your errand come", $4f
db "on home, dear.", $57
UnknownText_0x1b43a1: ; 0x1b43a1
db $0, "Hello?", $51
db "…… ", $52, "?", $4f
db "I heard from PROF.", $51
db "ELM that you went", $4f
db "on a long trip.", $51
db "I wish you would", $4f
db "have told me…", $51
db "What about money?", $4f
db "Should I save it?", $57

text/phone/trainers1.asm Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff