RGB fade engine (#14)

This commit is contained in:
xCrystal 2023-08-25 23:09:42 +02:00
parent f067112be6
commit 4855dd9b70
2 changed files with 262 additions and 0 deletions

engine/gfx/rgb_fade.asm Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
; at normal speed:
; each color takes around 3.2 scanlines to fade
; up to 10 (11?) colors can be faded per frame
push de
push bc
call FadeStepColorToBlack
pop bc
pop de
inc de
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .loop
; decrease rgb channels of a color by 2 points each
; input
; c: number of consecutive colors to fade
; de: pointer to c long array of 2-byte rgb colors to fade
; hl: pointer to c long array of 2-byte rgb colors with cap values for each channel
push hl
push de
push bc
call FadeStepColorToDarker
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
inc de
inc de
inc hl
inc hl
dec c
jr nz, .loop
ld hl, BlackRGB
; fallthrough
; decrease rgb channels of a color by 2 points each
; input
; de: pointer to 2-byte rgb color to fade
; hl: pointer to 2-byte rgb color with cap values for each channel
push de
; convert source and cap colors to channels
push hl
ld hl, hRGBFadeSourceChannels
call RGBColorToChannels
pop de
ld hl, hRGBFadeCapChannels
call RGBColorToChannels
; apply fading to source channels accounting for caps
ldh a, [hRGBFadeCapRChannel]
ld b, a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeSourceRChannel]
sub 2
jr c, .nok1
cp b
jr nc, .ok1
ld a, b
ldh [hRGBFadeSourceRChannel], a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeCapGChannel]
ld b, a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeSourceGChannel]
sub 2
jr c, .nok2
cp b
jr nc, .ok2
ld a, b
ldh [hRGBFadeSourceGChannel], a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeCapBChannel]
ld b, a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeSourceBChannel]
sub 2
jr c, .nok3
cp b
jr nc, .ok3
ld a, b
ldh [hRGBFadeSourceBChannel], a
; convert faded source channels to color
pop de
ld hl, hRGBFadeSourceChannels
call RGBChannelsToColor
ld hl, WhiteRGB
push de
push bc
call FadeStepColorToWhite
pop bc
pop de
inc de
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .loop
; increase rgb channels of a color by 2 points each
; input
; c: number of consecutive colors to fade
; de: pointer to c long array of 2-byte rgb colors to fade
; hl: pointer to c long array of 2-byte rgb colors with cap values for each channel
push hl
push de
push bc
call FadeStepColorToLighter
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
inc de
inc de
inc hl
inc hl
dec c
jr nz, .loop
ld hl, WhiteRGB
; fallthrough
; increase rgb channels of a color by 2 points each
; input
; de: pointer to 2-byte rgb color to fade
; hl: pointer to 2-byte rgb color with cap values for each channel
push de
; convert source and cap colors to channels
push hl
ld hl, hRGBFadeSourceChannels
call RGBColorToChannels
pop de
ld hl, hRGBFadeCapChannels
call RGBColorToChannels
; apply fading to source channels accounting for caps
ldh a, [hRGBFadeCapRChannel]
ld b, a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeSourceRChannel]
add 2
cp b
jr c, .ok1
ld a, b
ldh [hRGBFadeSourceRChannel], a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeCapGChannel]
ld b, a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeSourceGChannel]
add 2
cp b
jr c, .ok2
ld a, b
ldh [hRGBFadeSourceGChannel], a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeCapBChannel]
ld b, a
ldh a, [hRGBFadeSourceBChannel]
add 2
cp b
jr c, .ok3
ld a, b
ldh [hRGBFadeSourceBChannel], a
; convert faded source channels to color
pop de
ld hl, hRGBFadeSourceChannels
call RGBChannelsToColor
; convert 2-byte rgb color at de to rgb channels into hl
; red channel
ld a, [de]
ld c, a
and %00011111
ld [hli], a
; green channel
inc de
ld a, [de]
and %00000011
swap a
srl a
ld b, a ; 000gg000
ld a, c
and %11100000
swap a
srl a ; 00000ggg
add b
ld [hli], a
; blue channel
ld a, [de]
and %01111100
srl a
srl a
ld [hl], a
; convert rgb channels at hl to 2-byte rgb color into de
; first byte: gggrrrrr
ld a, [hli]
ld c, a
ld a, [hl]
and %00000111
swap a
sla a
add c
ld [de], a
; second byte: 0bbbbbgg
inc de
ld a, [hli]
and %00011000
srl a
srl a
srl a
ld c, a
ld a, [hl]
sla a
sla a
add c
ld [de], a
RGB 00, 00, 00
RGB 31, 31, 31

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@ -65,6 +65,18 @@ hMathBuffer:: ds 5
; PrintNum scratch space
hPrintNumBuffer:: ds 10
; engine/gfx/rgb_fade.asm
hRGBFadeSourceRChannel:: db
hRGBFadeSourceGChannel:: db
hRGBFadeSourceBChannel:: db
hRGBFadeCapRChannel:: db
hRGBFadeCapGChannel:: db
hRGBFadeCapBChannel:: db