Identify some more WRAM labels

This commit is contained in:
Rangi 2019-04-19 11:35:27 -04:00
parent d5f5e6d5db
commit 45e3f6aca9
13 changed files with 47 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -1669,8 +1669,8 @@ MusicF9:
; sets some flag
; seems to be unused
; params: 0
ld a, 1
ld [wc2b5], a
ld a, TRUE
ld [wUnusedMusicF9Flag], a
@ -2345,7 +2345,7 @@ _PlayMusic::
dec a
jr nz, .loop
xor a
ld [wc2b5], a
ld [wUnusedMusicF9Flag], a
ld [wChannel1JumpCondition], a
ld [wChannel2JumpCondition], a
ld [wChannel3JumpCondition], a

View File

@ -263,7 +263,9 @@ If <code><i>item_id</i></code> = `USE_SCRIPT_VAR`, then it uses `[wScriptVar]` i
## `$49`: `closetext`
## `$4A`: <code>loadbytec2cf <i>byte</i></code>
## `$4A`: <code>writeunusedbytebuffer <i>byte</i></code>
<code>[<i>wUnusedScriptByteBuffer</i>] = <i>byte</i></code>
## `$4B`: <code>farwritetext <i>text_pointer</i></code>

View File

@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ FixDataForLinkTransfer:
ld [hli], a
dec b
jr nz, .loop3
ld hl, wTimeCapsulePartyMon1 - 1 + 6
ld hl, wTimeCapsulePartyMon1 - 1 + PARTY_LENGTH
ld de, wc612
lb bc, 0, 0

View File

@ -1836,7 +1836,7 @@ Function5000: ; unscripted?
ld hl, wMovementDataPointer
ld hl, wMovementDataBank
call _GetMovementByte

View File

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ ScriptCommandTable:
dw Script_opentext ; 47
dw Script_refreshscreen ; 48
dw Script_closetext ; 49
dw Script_loadbytec2cf ; 4a
dw Script_writeunusedbytebuffer ; 4a
dw Script_farwritetext ; 4b
dw Script_writetext ; 4c
dw Script_repeattext ; 4d
@ -2636,12 +2636,12 @@ Script_refreshscreen:
call GetScriptByte
; script command 0x4a
; parameters: byte
call GetScriptByte
ld [wc2cf], a
ld [wUnusedScriptByteBuffer], a
db closetext_command ; unused

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
call ClearUnusedC7E8
call ClearUnusedMapBuffer
call ResetMapBufferEventFlags
call ResetFlashIfOutOfCave
call GetCurrentMapSceneID

View File

@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ HatchEggs:
ld [wCurSpecies], a
call GetPokemonName
xor a
ld [wd26b], a
ld [wUnusedEggHatchFlag], a
call GetBaseData
ld a, [wCurPartyMon]
ld hl, wPartyMon1
@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ HatchEggs:
pop de
jr c, .nonickname
ld a, $1
ld [wd26b], a
ld a, TRUE
ld [wUnusedEggHatchFlag], a
xor a
ld [wMonType], a
push de

View File

@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ Unreferenced_Function3d9f::
xor a
ld [wVirtualOAMSprite38Attributes], a
ld [wVirtualOAMSprite39Attributes], a
ld a, [wc296]
ld a, [wUnusedBCDNumber]
cp 100
jr nc, .max
add 1

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
; Functions dealing with rendering and interacting with maps.
ld hl, wUnusedC7E8
ld bc, wUnusedC7E8End - wUnusedC7E8
ld hl, wUnusedMapBuffer
ld bc, wUnusedMapBufferEnd - wUnusedMapBuffer
ld a, 0
call ByteFill

View File

@ -395,11 +395,11 @@ LoadMovementDataPointer::
; Load the movement data pointer for object a.
ld [wMovementObject], a
ldh a, [hROMBank]
ld [wMovementDataPointer], a
ld [wMovementDataBank], a
ld a, l
ld [wMovementDataPointer + 1], a
ld [wMovementDataAddress], a
ld a, h
ld [wMovementDataPointer + 2], a
ld [wMovementDataAddress + 1], a
ld a, [wMovementObject]
call CheckObjectVisibility
ret c

View File

@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ givepokeitem EQUS "givepokemail"
checkpokeitem EQUS "checkpokemail"
passtoengine EQUS "autoinput"
verbosegiveitem2 EQUS "verbosegiveitemvar"
loadbytec2cf EQUS "writeunusedbytebuffer"
; macros/scripts/maps.asm

View File

@ -489,9 +489,9 @@ closetext: MACRO
db closetext_command
enum loadbytec2cf_command ; $4a
loadbytec2cf: MACRO
db loadbytec2cf_command
enum writeunusedbytebuffer_command ; $4a
writeunusedbytebuffer: MACRO
db writeunusedbytebuffer_command
db \1 ; byte

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ wChannel8:: channel_struct wChannel8 ; c25f
wCurTrackDuty:: db
wCurTrackIntensity:: db
wCurTrackFrequency:: dw
wc296:: db ; BCD value, dummied out
wUnusedBCDNumber:: db ; BCD value, dummied out
wCurNoteDuration:: db ; used in MusicE0 and LoadNote
wCurMusicByte:: db ; c298
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ wCryPitch:: dw ; c2b0
wCryLength:: dw ; c2b2
wLastVolume:: db ; c2b4
wc2b5:: db ; c2b5
wUnusedMusicF9Flag:: db ; c2b5
wSFXPriority:: ; c2b6
; if nonzero, turn off music when playing sfx
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ wDebugFlags:: db
wGameLogicPaused:: db ; c2cd
wSpriteUpdatesEnabled:: db
wc2cf:: db ; ????
wUnusedScriptByteBuffer:: db
wMapTimeOfDay:: db
@ -171,7 +171,8 @@ wPlayerMovement:: db
wMovementDataPointer:: ds 3 ; dba
wMovementDataBank:: db
wMovementDataAddress:: dw
wc2e6:: ds 4
wMovementByteWasControlSwitch:: db
wMovementPointer:: dw ; c2eb
@ -909,8 +910,10 @@ ENDU ; c7e8
ENDU ; c7e8
wUnusedC7E8:: ds 24
; This was a buffer for map-related pointers in the 1997 G/S prototype.
; See wMapBuffer in pokegold-spaceworld's wram.asm.
wUnusedMapBuffer:: ds 24
SECTION "Overworld Map", WRAM0
@ -954,7 +957,7 @@ wPrinterTileMapBuffer:: ds SCREEN_HEIGHT * SCREEN_WIDTH ; ca90
wPrinterStatus:: db ; cbf8
ds 1
wcbfa:: ds 1
wcbfa:: db
wGBPrinterSettings:: db
ds 16
@ -2259,22 +2262,23 @@ wTimeOfDay:: db ; d269
SECTION "Enemy Party", WRAMX
UNION ; d26b
wPokedexShowPointerAddr:: dw
wPokedexShowPointerBank:: db
ds 3
wd271:: ds 5
wd271:: dw ; mobile
NEXTU ; d26b
wUnusedEggHatchFlag:: db
NEXTU ; d26b
; enemy party
wOTPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d26b
ENDU ; d276
wOTPlayerID:: dw ; d276
ds 8
wOTPartyCount:: db ; d280
wOTPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH ; d281
wOTPartyEnd:: db ; older code doesn't check PartyCount
ENDU ; d276
UNION ; d288
; ot party mons
@ -2309,10 +2313,10 @@ wDudeBallsEnd:: db ; d2af
ENDU ; d430
wd430:: ; mobile
wBattleAction:: db ; d430
wd431:: db
wd431:: db ; mobile
wMapStatus:: db ; d432
wMapEventStatus:: db ; d433
@ -2778,8 +2782,10 @@ wKenjiBreakTimer:: ds 2 ; Kenji
wYanmaMapGroup:: db ; dc5a
wYanmaMapNumber:: db
wPlayerMonSelection:: ds 3
wdc5f:: ds 1
wdc60:: ds 19
wdc5f:: db
wdc60:: db
ds 18
wStepCount:: db ; dc73
wPoisonStepCount:: db ; dc74