split out tests into a separate file

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Bishop 2013-01-27 07:22:31 -06:00
parent a826951adb
commit 35682de426
2 changed files with 999 additions and 935 deletions

View File

@ -9,17 +9,6 @@ import random
# for capwords # for capwords
import string import string
# for testing all this crap
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
# Check for things we need in unittest.
if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'setUpClass'):
sys.stderr.write("The unittest2 module or Python 2.7 is required to run this script.")
if not hasattr(json, "dumps"): if not hasattr(json, "dumps"):
json.dumps = json.write json.dumps = json.write
@ -7792,924 +7781,6 @@ def scan_for_predefined_labels(debug=False):
write_all_labels(all_labels) write_all_labels(all_labels)
return all_labels return all_labels
#### generic testing ####
class TestCram(unittest.TestCase):
"this is where i cram all of my unit tests together"
def setUpClass(cls):
global rom
cls.rom = direct_load_rom()
rom = cls.rom
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.rom
def test_generic_useless(self):
"do i know how to write a test?"
self.assertEqual(1, 1)
def test_map_name_cleaner(self):
name = "hello world"
cleaned_name = map_name_cleaner(name)
self.assertNotEqual(name, cleaned_name)
self.failUnless(" " not in cleaned_name)
name = "Some Random Pokémon Center"
cleaned_name = map_name_cleaner(name)
self.assertNotEqual(name, cleaned_name)
self.failIf(" " in cleaned_name)
self.failIf("é" in cleaned_name)
def test_grouper(self):
data = range(0, 10)
groups = grouper(data, count=2)
self.assertEquals(len(groups), 5)
data = range(0, 20)
groups = grouper(data, count=2)
self.assertEquals(len(groups), 10)
self.assertNotEqual(data, groups)
self.assertNotEqual(len(data), len(groups))
def test_direct_load_rom(self):
rom = self.rom
self.assertEqual(len(rom), 2097152)
self.failUnless(isinstance(rom, RomStr))
def test_load_rom(self):
global rom
rom = None
self.failIf(rom == None)
rom = RomStr(None)
self.failIf(rom == RomStr(None))
def test_load_asm(self):
asm = load_asm()
joined_lines = "\n".join(asm)
self.failUnless("SECTION" in joined_lines)
self.failUnless("bank" in joined_lines)
self.failUnless(isinstance(asm, AsmList))
def test_rom_file_existence(self):
"ROM file must exist"
self.failUnless("baserom.gbc" in os.listdir("../"))
def test_rom_md5(self):
"ROM file must have the correct md5 sum"
rom = self.rom
correct = "9f2922b235a5eeb78d65594e82ef5dde"
md5 = hashlib.md5()
md5sum = md5.hexdigest()
self.assertEqual(md5sum, correct)
def test_bizarre_http_presence(self):
rom_segment = self.rom[0x112116:0x112116+8]
self.assertEqual(rom_segment, "HTTP/1.0")
def test_rom_interval(self):
address = 0x100
interval = 10
correct_strings = ['0x0', '0xc3', '0x6e', '0x1', '0xce',
'0xed', '0x66', '0x66', '0xcc', '0xd']
byte_strings = rom_interval(address, interval, strings=True)
self.assertEqual(byte_strings, correct_strings)
correct_ints = [0, 195, 110, 1, 206, 237, 102, 102, 204, 13]
ints = rom_interval(address, interval, strings=False)
self.assertEqual(ints, correct_ints)
def test_rom_until(self):
address = 0x1337
byte = 0x13
bytes = rom_until(address, byte, strings=True)
self.failUnless(len(bytes) == 3)
self.failUnless(bytes[0] == '0xd5')
bytes = rom_until(address, byte, strings=False)
self.failUnless(len(bytes) == 3)
self.failUnless(bytes[0] == 0xd5)
def test_how_many_until(self):
how_many = how_many_until(chr(0x13), 0x1337)
self.assertEqual(how_many, 3)
def test_calculate_bank(self):
self.failUnless(calculate_bank(0x8000) == 2)
self.failUnless(calculate_bank("0x9000") == 2)
self.failUnless(calculate_bank(0) == 0)
for address in [0x4000, 0x5000, 0x6000, 0x7000]:
self.assertRaises(Exception, calculate_bank, address)
def test_calculate_pointer(self):
# for offset <= 0x4000
self.assertEqual(calculate_pointer(0x0000), 0x0000)
self.assertEqual(calculate_pointer(0x3FFF), 0x3FFF)
# for 0x4000 <= offset <= 0x7FFFF
self.assertEqual(calculate_pointer(0x430F, bank=5), 0x1430F)
# for offset >= 0x7FFF
self.assertEqual(calculate_pointer(0x8FFF, bank=6), calculate_pointer(0x8FFF, bank=7))
def test_calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self):
addr1 = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(0x100, bank=False)
self.assertEqual(addr1, 0xc300)
addr2 = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(0x100, bank=True)
self.assertEqual(addr2, 0x2ec3)
def test_rom_text_at(self):
self.assertEquals(rom_text_at(0x112116, 8), "HTTP/1.0")
def test_translate_command_byte(self):
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x0) == 0x0)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x10) == 0x10)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x40) == 0x40)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x0) == 0x0)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x10) == 0x10)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x40) == 0x40)
self.assertEqual(translate_command_byte(gold=0x0), translate_command_byte(crystal=0x0))
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x52) == 0x53)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x53) == 0x54)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x53) == 0x52)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x52) == None)
self.assertRaises(Exception, translate_command_byte, None, gold=0xA4)
def test_pksv_integrity(self):
"does pksv_gs look okay?"
self.assertEqual(pksv_gs[0x00], "2call")
self.assertEqual(pksv_gs[0x2D], "givepoke")
self.assertEqual(pksv_gs[0x85], "waitbutton")
self.assertEqual(pksv_crystal[0x00], "2call")
self.assertEqual(pksv_crystal[0x86], "waitbutton")
self.assertEqual(pksv_crystal[0xA2], "credits")
def test_chars_integrity(self):
self.assertEqual(chars[0x80], "A")
self.assertEqual(chars[0xA0], "a")
self.assertEqual(chars[0xF0], "¥")
self.assertEqual(jap_chars[0x44], "")
def test_map_names_integrity(self):
def map_name(map_group, map_id): return map_names[map_group][map_id]["name"]
self.assertEqual(map_name(2, 7), "Mahogany Town")
self.assertEqual(map_name(3, 0x34), "Ilex Forest")
self.assertEqual(map_name(7, 0x11), "Cerulean City")
def test_load_map_group_offsets(self):
addresses = load_map_group_offsets()
self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 26, msg="there should be 26 map groups")
addresses = load_map_group_offsets()
self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 26, msg="there should still be 26 map groups")
self.assertIn(0x94034, addresses)
for address in addresses:
self.assertGreaterEqual(address, 0x4000)
self.failIf(0x4000 <= address <= 0x7FFF)
self.failIf(address <= 0x4000)
def test_index(self):
self.assertTrue(index([1,2,3,4], lambda f: True) == 0)
self.assertTrue(index([1,2,3,4], lambda f: f==3) == 2)
def test_get_pokemon_constant_by_id(self):
x = get_pokemon_constant_by_id
self.assertEqual(x(1), "BULBASAUR")
self.assertEqual(x(151), "MEW")
self.assertEqual(x(250), "HO_OH")
def test_find_item_label_by_id(self):
x = find_item_label_by_id
self.assertEqual(x(249), "HM_07")
self.assertEqual(x(173), "BERRY")
self.assertEqual(x(45), None)
def test_generate_item_constants(self):
x = generate_item_constants
r = x()
self.failUnless("HM_07" in r)
self.failUnless("EQU" in r)
def test_get_label_for(self):
global all_labels
temp = copy(all_labels)
# this is basd on the format defined in get_labels_between
all_labels = [{"label": "poop", "address": 0x5,
"offset": 0x5, "bank": 0,
"line_number": 2
self.assertEqual(get_label_for(5), "poop")
all_labels = temp
def test_generate_map_constant_labels(self):
ids = generate_map_constant_labels()
self.assertEqual(ids[0]["label"], "OLIVINE_POKECENTER_1F")
self.assertEqual(ids[1]["label"], "OLIVINE_GYM")
def test_get_id_for_map_constant_label(self):
global map_internal_ids
map_internal_ids = generate_map_constant_labels()
self.assertEqual(get_id_for_map_constant_label("OLIVINE_GYM"), 1)
self.assertEqual(get_id_for_map_constant_label("OLIVINE_POKECENTER_1F"), 0)
def test_get_map_constant_label_by_id(self):
global map_internal_ids
map_internal_ids = generate_map_constant_labels()
self.assertEqual(get_map_constant_label_by_id(0), "OLIVINE_POKECENTER_1F")
self.assertEqual(get_map_constant_label_by_id(1), "OLIVINE_GYM")
def test_is_valid_address(self):
addresses = [random.randrange(0,2097153) for i in range(0, 9+1)]
for address in addresses:
class TestIntervalMap(unittest.TestCase):
def test_intervals(self):
i = IntervalMap()
first = "hello world"
second = "testing 123"
i[0:5] = first
i[5:10] = second
self.assertEqual(i[0], first)
self.assertEqual(i[1], first)
self.assertNotEqual(i[5], first)
self.assertEqual(i[6], second)
i[3:10] = second
self.assertEqual(i[3], second)
self.assertNotEqual(i[4], first)
def test_items(self):
i = IntervalMap()
first = "hello world"
second = "testing 123"
i[0:5] = first
i[5:10] = second
results = list(i.items())
self.failUnless(len(results) == 2)
self.assertEqual(results[0], ((0, 5), "hello world"))
self.assertEqual(results[1], ((5, 10), "testing 123"))
class TestRomStr(unittest.TestCase):
"""RomStr is a class that should act exactly like str()
except that it never shows the contents of it string
unless explicitly forced"""
sample_text = "hello world!"
sample = None
def setUp(self):
if self.sample == None:
self.__class__.sample = RomStr(self.sample_text)
def test_equals(self):
"check if RomStr() == str()"
self.assertEquals(self.sample_text, self.sample)
def test_not_equal(self):
"check if RomStr('a') != RomStr('b')"
self.assertNotEqual(RomStr('a'), RomStr('b'))
def test_appending(self):
"check if RomStr()+'a'==str()+'a'"
self.assertEquals(self.sample_text+'a', self.sample+'a')
def test_conversion(self):
"check if RomStr() -> str() works"
self.assertEquals(str(self.sample), self.sample_text)
def test_inheritance(self):
self.failUnless(issubclass(RomStr, str))
def test_length(self):
self.assertEquals(len(self.sample_text), len(self.sample))
self.assertEquals(len(self.sample_text), self.sample.length())
self.assertEquals(len(self.sample), self.sample.length())
def test_rom_interval(self):
global rom
address = 0x100
interval = 10
correct_strings = ['0x0', '0xc3', '0x6e', '0x1', '0xce',
'0xed', '0x66', '0x66', '0xcc', '0xd']
byte_strings = rom.interval(address, interval, strings=True)
self.assertEqual(byte_strings, correct_strings)
correct_ints = [0, 195, 110, 1, 206, 237, 102, 102, 204, 13]
ints = rom.interval(address, interval, strings=False)
self.assertEqual(ints, correct_ints)
def test_rom_until(self):
global rom
address = 0x1337
byte = 0x13
bytes = rom.until(address, byte, strings=True)
self.failUnless(len(bytes) == 3)
self.failUnless(bytes[0] == '0xd5')
bytes = rom.until(address, byte, strings=False)
self.failUnless(len(bytes) == 3)
self.failUnless(bytes[0] == 0xd5)
class TestAsmList(unittest.TestCase):
"""AsmList is a class that should act exactly like list()
except that it never shows the contents of its list
unless explicitly forced"""
def test_equals(self):
base = [1,2,3]
asm = AsmList(base)
self.assertEquals(base, asm)
self.assertEquals(asm, base)
self.assertEquals(base, list(asm))
def test_inheritance(self):
self.failUnless(issubclass(AsmList, list))
def test_length(self):
base = range(0, 10)
asm = AsmList(base)
self.assertEquals(len(base), len(asm))
self.assertEquals(len(base), asm.length())
self.assertEquals(len(base), len(list(asm)))
self.assertEquals(len(asm), asm.length())
def test_remove_quoted_text(self):
x = remove_quoted_text
self.assertEqual(x("hello world"), "hello world")
self.assertEqual(x("hello \"world\""), "hello ")
input = 'hello world "testing 123"'
self.assertNotEqual(x(input), input)
input = "hello world 'testing 123'"
self.assertNotEqual(x(input), input)
self.failIf("testing" in x(input))
def test_line_has_comment_address(self):
x = line_has_comment_address
self.assertFalse(x(" "))
self.assertFalse(x("".join(" " * 5)))
self.assertFalse(x("".join(" " * 10)))
self.assertFalse(x("hello world"))
self.assertFalse(x("hello_world: ;"))
self.assertFalse(x("hello_world: ; "))
self.assertFalse(x("hello_world: ;" + "".join(" " * 5)))
self.assertFalse(x("hello_world: ;" + "".join(" " * 10)))
self.assertTrue(x("; 0x00FF"))
self.assertFalse(x('hello world "how are you today;0x1"'))
self.assertTrue(x('hello world "how are you today:0x1";1'))
returnable = {}
self.assertTrue(x("hello_world: ; 0x4050", returnable=returnable, bank=5))
self.assertTrue(returnable["address"] == 0x14050)
def test_line_has_label(self):
x = line_has_label
self.assertTrue(x("Hello: "))
self.assertTrue(x("MyLabel: ; test xyz"))
def test_get_label_from_line(self):
x = get_label_from_line
self.assertEqual(x("HelloWorld: "), "HelloWorld")
self.assertEqual(x("HiWorld:"), "HiWorld")
self.assertEqual(x("HiWorld"), None)
def test_find_labels_without_addresses(self):
global asm
asm = ["hello_world: ; 0x1", "hello_world2: ;"]
labels = find_labels_without_addresses()
self.failUnless(labels[0]["label"] == "hello_world2")
asm = ["hello world: ;1", "hello_world: ;2"]
labels = find_labels_without_addresses()
self.failUnless(len(labels) == 0)
asm = None
def test_get_labels_between(self):
global asm
x = get_labels_between#(start_line_id, end_line_id, bank)
asm = ["HelloWorld: ;1",
"no label on this line",
labels = x(0, 2, 0x12)
self.assertEqual(len(labels), 1)
self.assertEqual(labels[0]["label"], "HelloWorld")
del asm
def test_scan_for_predefined_labels(self):
# label keys: line_number, bank, label, offset, address
all_labels = scan_for_predefined_labels()
label_names = [x["label"] for x in all_labels]
self.assertIn("GetFarByte", label_names)
self.assertIn("AddNTimes", label_names)
self.assertIn("CheckShininess", label_names)
def test_write_all_labels(self):
"""dumping json into a file"""
filename = "test_labels.json"
# remove the current file
if os.path.exists(filename):
os.system("rm " + filename)
# make up some labels
labels = []
# fake label 1
label = {"line_number": 5, "bank": 0, "label": "SomeLabel", "address": 0x10}
# fake label 2
label = {"line_number": 15, "bank": 2, "label": "SomeOtherLabel", "address": 0x9F0A}
# dump to file
write_all_labels(labels, filename=filename)
# open the file and read the contents
file_handler = open(filename, "r")
contents = file_handler.read()
# parse into json
obj = json.read(contents)
# begin testing
self.assertEqual(len(obj), len(labels))
self.assertEqual(len(obj), 2)
self.assertEqual(obj, labels)
def test_isolate_incbins(self):
global asm
asm = ["123", "456", "789", "abc", "def", "ghi",
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$12DA,$12F8 - $12DA',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$137A,$13D0 - $137A']
lines = isolate_incbins()
self.assertIn(asm[6], lines)
self.assertIn(asm[8], lines)
for line in lines:
self.assertIn("baserom", line)
def test_process_incbins(self):
global incbin_lines, processed_incbins, asm
incbin_lines = ['INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$12DA,$12F8 - $12DA',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$137A,$13D0 - $137A']
asm = copy(incbin_lines)
asm.insert(1, "some other random line")
processed_incbins = process_incbins()
self.assertEqual(len(processed_incbins), len(incbin_lines))
self.assertEqual(processed_incbins[0]["line"], incbin_lines[0])
self.assertEqual(processed_incbins[2]["line"], incbin_lines[1])
def test_reset_incbins(self):
global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins
# temporarily override the functions
global load_asm, isolate_incbins, process_incbins
temp1, temp2, temp3 = load_asm, isolate_incbins, process_incbins
def load_asm(): pass
def isolate_incbins(): pass
def process_incbins(): pass
# call reset
# check the results
self.assertTrue(asm == [] or asm == None)
self.assertTrue(incbin_lines == [])
self.assertTrue(processed_incbins == {})
# reset the original functions
load_asm, isolate_incbins, process_incbins = temp1, temp2, temp3
def test_find_incbin_to_replace_for(self):
global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins
asm = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$90,$200 - $90',
'fifth line', 'last line']
line_num = find_incbin_to_replace_for(0x100)
# must be the 4th line (the INBIN line)
self.assertEqual(line_num, 3)
def test_split_incbin_line_into_three(self):
global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins
asm = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$90,$200 - $90',
'fifth line', 'last line']
content = split_incbin_line_into_three(3, 0x100, 10)
# must end up with three INCBINs in output
self.failUnless(content.count("INCBIN") == 3)
def test_analyze_intervals(self):
global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins
asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins = None, [], {}
asm = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$90,$200 - $90',
'fifth line', 'last line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$33F,$4000 - $33F']
largest = analyze_intervals()
self.assertEqual(largest[0]["line_number"], 6)
self.assertEqual(largest[0]["line"], asm[6])
self.assertEqual(largest[1]["line_number"], 3)
self.assertEqual(largest[1]["line"], asm[3])
def test_generate_diff_insert(self):
global asm
asm = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$90,$200 - $90',
'fifth line', 'last line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$33F,$4000 - $33F']
diff = generate_diff_insert(0, "the real first line", debug=False)
self.assertIn("the real first line", diff)
self.assertIn("INCBIN", diff)
self.assertNotIn("No newline at end of file", diff)
self.assertIn("+"+asm[1], diff)
class TestMapParsing(unittest.TestCase):
def test_parse_all_map_headers(self):
global parse_map_header_at, old_parse_map_header_at, counter
counter = 0
for k in map_names.keys():
if "offset" not in map_names[k].keys():
map_names[k]["offset"] = 0
temp = parse_map_header_at
temp2 = old_parse_map_header_at
def parse_map_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False):
global counter
counter += 1
return {}
old_parse_map_header_at = parse_map_header_at
# parse_all_map_headers is currently doing it 2x
# because of the new/old map header parsing routines
self.assertEqual(counter, 388 * 2)
parse_map_header_at = temp
old_parse_map_header_at = temp2
class TestTextScript(unittest.TestCase):
"""for testing 'in-script' commands, etc."""
#def test_to_asm(self):
# pass # or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
#def test_find_addresses(self):
# pass # or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
#def test_parse_text_at(self):
# pass # or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
class TestEncodedText(unittest.TestCase):
"""for testing chars-table encoded text chunks"""
def test_process_00_subcommands(self):
g = process_00_subcommands(0x197186, 0x197186+601, debug=False)
self.assertEqual(len(g), 42)
self.assertEqual(len(g[0]), 13)
self.assertEqual(g[1], [184, 174, 180, 211, 164, 127, 20, 231, 81])
def test_parse_text_at2(self):
oakspeech = parse_text_at2(0x197186, 601, debug=False)
self.assertIn("encyclopedia", oakspeech)
self.assertIn("researcher", oakspeech)
self.assertIn("dependable", oakspeech)
def test_parse_text_engine_script_at(self):
p = parse_text_engine_script_at(0x197185, debug=False)
self.assertEqual(len(p.commands), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(p.commands[0]["lines"]), 41)
# don't really care about these other two
def test_parse_text_from_bytes(self): pass
def test_parse_text_at(self): pass
class TestScript(unittest.TestCase):
"""for testing parse_script_engine_script_at and script parsing in
general. Script should be a class."""
#def test_parse_script_engine_script_at(self):
# pass # or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
def test_find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(self):
address = 0x197637 # 0x197634
script = parse_script_engine_script_at(address, debug=False)
bank = calculate_bank(address)
r = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, bank=bank, debug=False)
results = list(r)
self.assertIn(0x197661, results)
class TestLabel(unittest.TestCase):
def test_label_making(self):
line_number = 2
address = 0xf0c0
label_name = "poop"
l = Label(name=label_name, address=address, line_number=line_number)
self.failUnless(hasattr(l, "name"))
self.failUnless(hasattr(l, "address"))
self.failUnless(hasattr(l, "line_number"))
self.failIf(isinstance(l.address, str))
self.failIf(isinstance(l.line_number, str))
self.failUnless(isinstance(l.name, str))
self.assertEqual(l.line_number, line_number)
self.assertEqual(l.name, label_name)
self.assertEqual(l.address, address)
class TestByteParams(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.address = 10
cls.sbp = SingleByteParam(address=cls.address)
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.sbp
def test__init__(self):
self.assertEqual(self.sbp.size, 1)
self.assertEqual(self.sbp.address, self.address)
def test_parse(self):
self.assertEqual(str(self.sbp.byte), str(45))
def test_to_asm(self):
self.assertEqual(self.sbp.to_asm(), "$2d")
self.sbp.should_be_decimal = True
self.assertEqual(self.sbp.to_asm(), str(45))
# HexByte and DollarSignByte are the same now
def test_HexByte_to_asm(self):
h = HexByte(address=10)
a = h.to_asm()
self.assertEqual(a, "$2d")
def test_DollarSignByte_to_asm(self):
d = DollarSignByte(address=10)
a = d.to_asm()
self.assertEqual(a, "$2d")
def test_ItemLabelByte_to_asm(self):
i = ItemLabelByte(address=433)
self.assertEqual(i.byte, 54)
self.assertEqual(i.to_asm(), "COIN_CASE")
self.assertEqual(ItemLabelByte(address=10).to_asm(), "$2d")
def test_DecimalParam_to_asm(self):
d = DecimalParam(address=10)
x = d.to_asm()
self.assertEqual(x, str(0x2d))
class TestMultiByteParam(unittest.TestCase):
def setup_for(self, somecls, byte_size=2, address=443, **kwargs):
self.cls = somecls(address=address, size=byte_size, **kwargs)
self.assertEqual(self.cls.address, address)
self.assertEqual(self.cls.bytes, rom_interval(address, byte_size, strings=False))
self.assertEqual(self.cls.size, byte_size)
def test_two_byte_param(self):
self.setup_for(MultiByteParam, byte_size=2)
self.assertEqual(self.cls.to_asm(), "$f0c0")
def test_three_byte_param(self):
self.setup_for(MultiByteParam, byte_size=3)
def test_PointerLabelParam_no_bank(self):
self.setup_for(PointerLabelParam, bank=None)
# assuming no label at this location..
self.assertEqual(self.cls.to_asm(), "$f0c0")
global all_labels
# hm.. maybe all_labels should be using a class?
all_labels = [{"label": "poop", "address": 0xf0c0,
"offset": 0xf0c0, "bank": 0,
"line_number": 2
self.assertEqual(self.cls.to_asm(), "poop")
class TestPostParsing: #(unittest.TestCase):
"""tests that must be run after parsing all maps"""
def setUpClass(cls):
def test_signpost_counts(self):
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[1][1]["signposts"]), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[1][2]["signposts"]), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[10][5]["signposts"]), 7)
def test_warp_counts(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[10][5]["warp_count"], 9)
self.assertEqual(map_names[18][5]["warp_count"], 3)
self.assertEqual(map_names[15][1]["warp_count"], 2)
def test_map_sizes(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[15][1]["height"], 18)
self.assertEqual(map_names[15][1]["width"], 10)
self.assertEqual(map_names[7][1]["height"], 4)
self.assertEqual(map_names[7][1]["width"], 4)
def test_map_connection_counts(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[7][1]["connections"], 0)
self.assertEqual(map_names[10][1]["connections"], 12)
self.assertEqual(map_names[10][2]["connections"], 12)
self.assertEqual(map_names[11][1]["connections"], 9) # or 13?
def test_second_map_header_address(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[11][1]["second_map_header_address"], 0x9509c)
self.assertEqual(map_names[1][5]["second_map_header_address"], 0x95bd0)
def test_event_address(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[17][5]["event_address"], 0x194d67)
self.assertEqual(map_names[23][3]["event_address"], 0x1a9ec9)
def test_people_event_counts(self):
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[23][3]["people_events"]), 4)
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[10][3]["people_events"]), 9)
class TestMetaTesting(unittest.TestCase):
"""test whether or not i am finding at least
some of the tests in this file"""
tests = None
def setUp(self):
if self.tests == None:
self.__class__.tests = assemble_test_cases()
def test_assemble_test_cases_count(self):
"does assemble_test_cases find some tests?"
self.failUnless(len(self.tests) > 0)
def test_assemble_test_cases_inclusion(self):
"is this class found by assemble_test_cases?"
# i guess it would have to be for this to be running?
self.failUnless(self.__class__ in self.tests)
def test_assemble_test_cases_others(self):
"test other inclusions for assemble_test_cases"
self.failUnless(TestRomStr in self.tests)
self.failUnless(TestCram in self.tests)
def test_check_has_test(self):
self.failUnless(check_has_test("beaver", ["test_beaver"]))
self.failUnless(check_has_test("beaver", ["test_beaver_2"]))
self.failIf(check_has_test("beaver_1", ["test_beaver"]))
def test_find_untested_methods(self):
untested = find_untested_methods()
# the return type must be an iterable
self.failUnless(hasattr(untested, "__iter__"))
#.. basically, a list
self.failUnless(isinstance(untested, list))
def test_find_untested_methods_method(self):
"""create a function and see if it is found"""
# setup a function in the global namespace
global some_random_test_method
# define the method
def some_random_test_method(): pass
# first make sure it is in the global scope
members = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isfunction)
func_names = [functuple[0] for functuple in members]
self.assertIn("some_random_test_method", func_names)
# test whether or not it is found by find_untested_methods
untested = find_untested_methods()
self.assertIn("some_random_test_method", untested)
# remove the test method from the global namespace
del some_random_test_method
def test_load_tests(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
suite = load_tests(loader, None, None)
membership_test = lambda member: \
inspect.isclass(member) and issubclass(member, unittest.TestCase)
tests = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], membership_test)
classes = [x[1] for x in tests]
for test in suite._tests:
self.assertIn(test.__class__, classes)
def test_report_untested(self):
untested = find_untested_methods()
output = report_untested()
if len(untested) > 0:
self.assertIn("NOT TESTED", output)
for name in untested:
self.assertIn(name, output)
elif len(untested) == 0:
self.assertNotIn("NOT TESTED", output)
def assemble_test_cases():
"""finds classes that inherit from unittest.TestCase
because i am too lazy to remember to add them to a
global list of tests for the suite runner"""
classes = []
clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
for (name, some_class) in clsmembers:
if issubclass(some_class, unittest.TestCase):
return classes
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for test_class in assemble_test_cases():
tests = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class)
return suite
def check_has_test(func_name, tested_names):
"""checks if there is a test dedicated to this function"""
if "test_"+func_name in tested_names:
return True
for name in tested_names:
if "test_"+func_name in name:
return True
return False
def find_untested_methods():
"""finds all untested functions in this module
by searching for method names in test case
method names."""
untested = []
avoid_funcs = ["main", "run_tests", "run_main", "copy", "deepcopy"]
test_funcs = []
# get a list of all classes in this module
classes = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
# for each class..
for (name, klass) in classes:
# only look at those that have tests
if issubclass(klass, unittest.TestCase):
# look at this class' methods
funcs = inspect.getmembers(klass, inspect.ismethod)
# for each method..
for (name2, func) in funcs:
# store the ones that begin with test_
if "test_" in name2 and name2[0:5] == "test_":
test_funcs.append([name2, func])
# assemble a list of all test method names (test_x, test_y, ..)
tested_names = [funcz[0] for funcz in test_funcs]
# now get a list of all functions in this module
funcs = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isfunction)
# for each function..
for (name, func) in funcs:
# we don't care about some of these
if name in avoid_funcs: continue
# skip functions beginning with _
if name[0] == "_": continue
# check if this function has a test named after it
has_test = check_has_test(name, tested_names)
if not has_test:
return untested
def report_untested():
untested = find_untested_methods()
output = "NOT TESTED: ["
first = True
for name in untested:
if first:
output += name
first = False
else: output += ", "+name
output += "]\n"
output += "total untested: " + str(len(untested))
return output
#### ways to run this file ####
def run_tests(): # rather than unittest.main()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
suite = load_tests(loader, None, None)
print report_untested()
def run_main(): def run_main():
# read the rom and figure out the offsets for maps # read the rom and figure out the offsets for maps
direct_load_rom() direct_load_rom()
@ -8734,9 +7805,8 @@ def run_main():
# just a helpful alias # just a helpful alias
main = run_main main = run_main
# when you run the file.. do unit tests
if __name__ == "__main__":
# when you load the module.. parse everything # when you load the module.. parse everything
elif __name__ == "crystal": pass if __name__ == "crystal":
#run_main() pass

extras/tests.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import inspect
from copy import copy
import hashlib
import random
import json
from romstr import RomStr
from interval_map import IntervalMap
from chars import chars, jap_chars
from crystal import (
# for testing all this crap
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
# check for things we need in unittest
if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'setUpClass'):
sys.stderr.write("The unittest2 module or Python 2.7 is required to run this script.")
class TestCram(unittest.TestCase):
"this is where i cram all of my unit tests together"
def setUpClass(cls):
global rom
cls.rom = direct_load_rom()
rom = cls.rom
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.rom
def test_generic_useless(self):
"do i know how to write a test?"
self.assertEqual(1, 1)
def test_map_name_cleaner(self):
name = "hello world"
cleaned_name = map_name_cleaner(name)
self.assertNotEqual(name, cleaned_name)
self.failUnless(" " not in cleaned_name)
name = "Some Random Pokémon Center"
cleaned_name = map_name_cleaner(name)
self.assertNotEqual(name, cleaned_name)
self.failIf(" " in cleaned_name)
self.failIf("é" in cleaned_name)
def test_grouper(self):
data = range(0, 10)
groups = grouper(data, count=2)
self.assertEquals(len(groups), 5)
data = range(0, 20)
groups = grouper(data, count=2)
self.assertEquals(len(groups), 10)
self.assertNotEqual(data, groups)
self.assertNotEqual(len(data), len(groups))
def test_direct_load_rom(self):
rom = self.rom
self.assertEqual(len(rom), 2097152)
self.failUnless(isinstance(rom, RomStr))
def test_load_rom(self):
global rom
rom = None
self.failIf(rom == None)
rom = RomStr(None)
self.failIf(rom == RomStr(None))
def test_load_asm(self):
asm = load_asm()
joined_lines = "\n".join(asm)
self.failUnless("SECTION" in joined_lines)
self.failUnless("bank" in joined_lines)
self.failUnless(isinstance(asm, AsmList))
def test_rom_file_existence(self):
"ROM file must exist"
self.failUnless("baserom.gbc" in os.listdir("../"))
def test_rom_md5(self):
"ROM file must have the correct md5 sum"
rom = self.rom
correct = "9f2922b235a5eeb78d65594e82ef5dde"
md5 = hashlib.md5()
md5sum = md5.hexdigest()
self.assertEqual(md5sum, correct)
def test_bizarre_http_presence(self):
rom_segment = self.rom[0x112116:0x112116+8]
self.assertEqual(rom_segment, "HTTP/1.0")
def test_rom_interval(self):
address = 0x100
interval = 10
correct_strings = ['0x0', '0xc3', '0x6e', '0x1', '0xce',
'0xed', '0x66', '0x66', '0xcc', '0xd']
byte_strings = rom_interval(address, interval, strings=True)
self.assertEqual(byte_strings, correct_strings)
correct_ints = [0, 195, 110, 1, 206, 237, 102, 102, 204, 13]
ints = rom_interval(address, interval, strings=False)
self.assertEqual(ints, correct_ints)
def test_rom_until(self):
address = 0x1337
byte = 0x13
bytes = rom_until(address, byte, strings=True)
self.failUnless(len(bytes) == 3)
self.failUnless(bytes[0] == '0xd5')
bytes = rom_until(address, byte, strings=False)
self.failUnless(len(bytes) == 3)
self.failUnless(bytes[0] == 0xd5)
def test_how_many_until(self):
how_many = how_many_until(chr(0x13), 0x1337)
self.assertEqual(how_many, 3)
def test_calculate_bank(self):
self.failUnless(calculate_bank(0x8000) == 2)
self.failUnless(calculate_bank("0x9000") == 2)
self.failUnless(calculate_bank(0) == 0)
for address in [0x4000, 0x5000, 0x6000, 0x7000]:
self.assertRaises(Exception, calculate_bank, address)
def test_calculate_pointer(self):
# for offset <= 0x4000
self.assertEqual(calculate_pointer(0x0000), 0x0000)
self.assertEqual(calculate_pointer(0x3FFF), 0x3FFF)
# for 0x4000 <= offset <= 0x7FFFF
self.assertEqual(calculate_pointer(0x430F, bank=5), 0x1430F)
# for offset >= 0x7FFF
self.assertEqual(calculate_pointer(0x8FFF, bank=6), calculate_pointer(0x8FFF, bank=7))
def test_calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self):
addr1 = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(0x100, bank=False)
self.assertEqual(addr1, 0xc300)
addr2 = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(0x100, bank=True)
self.assertEqual(addr2, 0x2ec3)
def test_rom_text_at(self):
self.assertEquals(rom_text_at(0x112116, 8), "HTTP/1.0")
def test_translate_command_byte(self):
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x0) == 0x0)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x10) == 0x10)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x40) == 0x40)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x0) == 0x0)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x10) == 0x10)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x40) == 0x40)
self.assertEqual(translate_command_byte(gold=0x0), translate_command_byte(crystal=0x0))
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x52) == 0x53)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(gold=0x53) == 0x54)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x53) == 0x52)
self.failUnless(translate_command_byte(crystal=0x52) == None)
self.assertRaises(Exception, translate_command_byte, None, gold=0xA4)
def test_pksv_integrity(self):
"does pksv_gs look okay?"
self.assertEqual(pksv_gs[0x00], "2call")
self.assertEqual(pksv_gs[0x2D], "givepoke")
self.assertEqual(pksv_gs[0x85], "waitbutton")
self.assertEqual(pksv_crystal[0x00], "2call")
self.assertEqual(pksv_crystal[0x86], "waitbutton")
self.assertEqual(pksv_crystal[0xA2], "credits")
def test_chars_integrity(self):
self.assertEqual(chars[0x80], "A")
self.assertEqual(chars[0xA0], "a")
self.assertEqual(chars[0xF0], "¥")
self.assertEqual(jap_chars[0x44], "")
def test_map_names_integrity(self):
def map_name(map_group, map_id): return map_names[map_group][map_id]["name"]
self.assertEqual(map_name(2, 7), "Mahogany Town")
self.assertEqual(map_name(3, 0x34), "Ilex Forest")
self.assertEqual(map_name(7, 0x11), "Cerulean City")
def test_load_map_group_offsets(self):
addresses = load_map_group_offsets()
self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 26, msg="there should be 26 map groups")
addresses = load_map_group_offsets()
self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 26, msg="there should still be 26 map groups")
self.assertIn(0x94034, addresses)
for address in addresses:
self.assertGreaterEqual(address, 0x4000)
self.failIf(0x4000 <= address <= 0x7FFF)
self.failIf(address <= 0x4000)
def test_index(self):
self.assertTrue(index([1,2,3,4], lambda f: True) == 0)
self.assertTrue(index([1,2,3,4], lambda f: f==3) == 2)
def test_get_pokemon_constant_by_id(self):
x = get_pokemon_constant_by_id
self.assertEqual(x(1), "BULBASAUR")
self.assertEqual(x(151), "MEW")
self.assertEqual(x(250), "HO_OH")
def test_find_item_label_by_id(self):
x = find_item_label_by_id
self.assertEqual(x(249), "HM_07")
self.assertEqual(x(173), "BERRY")
self.assertEqual(x(45), None)
def test_generate_item_constants(self):
x = generate_item_constants
r = x()
self.failUnless("HM_07" in r)
self.failUnless("EQU" in r)
def test_get_label_for(self):
global all_labels
temp = copy(all_labels)
# this is basd on the format defined in get_labels_between
all_labels = [{"label": "poop", "address": 0x5,
"offset": 0x5, "bank": 0,
"line_number": 2
self.assertEqual(get_label_for(5), "poop")
all_labels = temp
def test_generate_map_constant_labels(self):
ids = generate_map_constant_labels()
self.assertEqual(ids[0]["label"], "OLIVINE_POKECENTER_1F")
self.assertEqual(ids[1]["label"], "OLIVINE_GYM")
def test_get_id_for_map_constant_label(self):
global map_internal_ids
map_internal_ids = generate_map_constant_labels()
self.assertEqual(get_id_for_map_constant_label("OLIVINE_GYM"), 1)
self.assertEqual(get_id_for_map_constant_label("OLIVINE_POKECENTER_1F"), 0)
def test_get_map_constant_label_by_id(self):
global map_internal_ids
map_internal_ids = generate_map_constant_labels()
self.assertEqual(get_map_constant_label_by_id(0), "OLIVINE_POKECENTER_1F")
self.assertEqual(get_map_constant_label_by_id(1), "OLIVINE_GYM")
def test_is_valid_address(self):
addresses = [random.randrange(0,2097153) for i in range(0, 9+1)]
for address in addresses:
class TestIntervalMap(unittest.TestCase):
def test_intervals(self):
i = IntervalMap()
first = "hello world"
second = "testing 123"
i[0:5] = first
i[5:10] = second
self.assertEqual(i[0], first)
self.assertEqual(i[1], first)
self.assertNotEqual(i[5], first)
self.assertEqual(i[6], second)
i[3:10] = second
self.assertEqual(i[3], second)
self.assertNotEqual(i[4], first)
def test_items(self):
i = IntervalMap()
first = "hello world"
second = "testing 123"
i[0:5] = first
i[5:10] = second
results = list(i.items())
self.failUnless(len(results) == 2)
self.assertEqual(results[0], ((0, 5), "hello world"))
self.assertEqual(results[1], ((5, 10), "testing 123"))
class TestRomStr(unittest.TestCase):
"""RomStr is a class that should act exactly like str()
except that it never shows the contents of it string
unless explicitly forced"""
sample_text = "hello world!"
sample = None
def setUp(self):
if self.sample == None:
self.__class__.sample = RomStr(self.sample_text)
def test_equals(self):
"check if RomStr() == str()"
self.assertEquals(self.sample_text, self.sample)
def test_not_equal(self):
"check if RomStr('a') != RomStr('b')"
self.assertNotEqual(RomStr('a'), RomStr('b'))
def test_appending(self):
"check if RomStr()+'a'==str()+'a'"
self.assertEquals(self.sample_text+'a', self.sample+'a')
def test_conversion(self):
"check if RomStr() -> str() works"
self.assertEquals(str(self.sample), self.sample_text)
def test_inheritance(self):
self.failUnless(issubclass(RomStr, str))
def test_length(self):
self.assertEquals(len(self.sample_text), len(self.sample))
self.assertEquals(len(self.sample_text), self.sample.length())
self.assertEquals(len(self.sample), self.sample.length())
def test_rom_interval(self):
global rom
address = 0x100
interval = 10
correct_strings = ['0x0', '0xc3', '0x6e', '0x1', '0xce',
'0xed', '0x66', '0x66', '0xcc', '0xd']
byte_strings = rom.interval(address, interval, strings=True)
self.assertEqual(byte_strings, correct_strings)
correct_ints = [0, 195, 110, 1, 206, 237, 102, 102, 204, 13]
ints = rom.interval(address, interval, strings=False)
self.assertEqual(ints, correct_ints)
def test_rom_until(self):
global rom
address = 0x1337
byte = 0x13
bytes = rom.until(address, byte, strings=True)
self.failUnless(len(bytes) == 3)
self.failUnless(bytes[0] == '0xd5')
bytes = rom.until(address, byte, strings=False)
self.failUnless(len(bytes) == 3)
self.failUnless(bytes[0] == 0xd5)
class TestAsmList(unittest.TestCase):
"""AsmList is a class that should act exactly like list()
except that it never shows the contents of its list
unless explicitly forced"""
def test_equals(self):
base = [1,2,3]
asm = AsmList(base)
self.assertEquals(base, asm)
self.assertEquals(asm, base)
self.assertEquals(base, list(asm))
def test_inheritance(self):
self.failUnless(issubclass(AsmList, list))
def test_length(self):
base = range(0, 10)
asm = AsmList(base)
self.assertEquals(len(base), len(asm))
self.assertEquals(len(base), asm.length())
self.assertEquals(len(base), len(list(asm)))
self.assertEquals(len(asm), asm.length())
def test_remove_quoted_text(self):
x = remove_quoted_text
self.assertEqual(x("hello world"), "hello world")
self.assertEqual(x("hello \"world\""), "hello ")
input = 'hello world "testing 123"'
self.assertNotEqual(x(input), input)
input = "hello world 'testing 123'"
self.assertNotEqual(x(input), input)
self.failIf("testing" in x(input))
def test_line_has_comment_address(self):
x = line_has_comment_address
self.assertFalse(x(" "))
self.assertFalse(x("".join(" " * 5)))
self.assertFalse(x("".join(" " * 10)))
self.assertFalse(x("hello world"))
self.assertFalse(x("hello_world: ;"))
self.assertFalse(x("hello_world: ; "))
self.assertFalse(x("hello_world: ;" + "".join(" " * 5)))
self.assertFalse(x("hello_world: ;" + "".join(" " * 10)))
self.assertTrue(x("; 0x00FF"))
self.assertFalse(x('hello world "how are you today;0x1"'))
self.assertTrue(x('hello world "how are you today:0x1";1'))
returnable = {}
self.assertTrue(x("hello_world: ; 0x4050", returnable=returnable, bank=5))
self.assertTrue(returnable["address"] == 0x14050)
def test_line_has_label(self):
x = line_has_label
self.assertTrue(x("Hello: "))
self.assertTrue(x("MyLabel: ; test xyz"))
def test_get_label_from_line(self):
x = get_label_from_line
self.assertEqual(x("HelloWorld: "), "HelloWorld")
self.assertEqual(x("HiWorld:"), "HiWorld")
self.assertEqual(x("HiWorld"), None)
def test_find_labels_without_addresses(self):
global asm
asm = ["hello_world: ; 0x1", "hello_world2: ;"]
labels = find_labels_without_addresses()
self.failUnless(labels[0]["label"] == "hello_world2")
asm = ["hello world: ;1", "hello_world: ;2"]
labels = find_labels_without_addresses()
self.failUnless(len(labels) == 0)
asm = None
def test_get_labels_between(self):
global asm
x = get_labels_between#(start_line_id, end_line_id, bank)
asm = ["HelloWorld: ;1",
"no label on this line",
labels = x(0, 2, 0x12)
self.assertEqual(len(labels), 1)
self.assertEqual(labels[0]["label"], "HelloWorld")
del asm
# this test takes a lot of time :(
def xtest_scan_for_predefined_labels(self):
# label keys: line_number, bank, label, offset, address
all_labels = scan_for_predefined_labels()
label_names = [x["label"] for x in all_labels]
self.assertIn("GetFarByte", label_names)
self.assertIn("AddNTimes", label_names)
self.assertIn("CheckShininess", label_names)
def test_write_all_labels(self):
"""dumping json into a file"""
filename = "test_labels.json"
# remove the current file
if os.path.exists(filename):
os.system("rm " + filename)
# make up some labels
labels = []
# fake label 1
label = {"line_number": 5, "bank": 0, "label": "SomeLabel", "address": 0x10}
# fake label 2
label = {"line_number": 15, "bank": 2, "label": "SomeOtherLabel", "address": 0x9F0A}
# dump to file
write_all_labels(labels, filename=filename)
# open the file and read the contents
file_handler = open(filename, "r")
contents = file_handler.read()
# parse into json
obj = json.read(contents)
# begin testing
self.assertEqual(len(obj), len(labels))
self.assertEqual(len(obj), 2)
self.assertEqual(obj, labels)
def test_isolate_incbins(self):
global asm
asm = ["123", "456", "789", "abc", "def", "ghi",
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$12DA,$12F8 - $12DA',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$137A,$13D0 - $137A']
lines = isolate_incbins()
self.assertIn(asm[6], lines)
self.assertIn(asm[8], lines)
for line in lines:
self.assertIn("baserom", line)
def test_process_incbins(self):
global incbin_lines, processed_incbins, asm
incbin_lines = ['INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$12DA,$12F8 - $12DA',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$137A,$13D0 - $137A']
asm = copy(incbin_lines)
asm.insert(1, "some other random line")
processed_incbins = process_incbins()
self.assertEqual(len(processed_incbins), len(incbin_lines))
self.assertEqual(processed_incbins[0]["line"], incbin_lines[0])
self.assertEqual(processed_incbins[2]["line"], incbin_lines[1])
def test_reset_incbins(self):
global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins
# temporarily override the functions
global load_asm, isolate_incbins, process_incbins
temp1, temp2, temp3 = load_asm, isolate_incbins, process_incbins
def load_asm(): pass
def isolate_incbins(): pass
def process_incbins(): pass
# call reset
# check the results
self.assertTrue(asm == [] or asm == None)
self.assertTrue(incbin_lines == [])
self.assertTrue(processed_incbins == {})
# reset the original functions
load_asm, isolate_incbins, process_incbins = temp1, temp2, temp3
def test_find_incbin_to_replace_for(self):
global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins
asm = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$90,$200 - $90',
'fifth line', 'last line']
line_num = find_incbin_to_replace_for(0x100)
# must be the 4th line (the INBIN line)
self.assertEqual(line_num, 3)
def test_split_incbin_line_into_three(self):
global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins
asm = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$90,$200 - $90',
'fifth line', 'last line']
content = split_incbin_line_into_three(3, 0x100, 10)
# must end up with three INCBINs in output
self.failUnless(content.count("INCBIN") == 3)
def test_analyze_intervals(self):
global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins
asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins = None, [], {}
asm = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$90,$200 - $90',
'fifth line', 'last line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$33F,$4000 - $33F']
largest = analyze_intervals()
self.assertEqual(largest[0]["line_number"], 6)
self.assertEqual(largest[0]["line"], asm[6])
self.assertEqual(largest[1]["line_number"], 3)
self.assertEqual(largest[1]["line"], asm[3])
def test_generate_diff_insert(self):
global asm
asm = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$90,$200 - $90',
'fifth line', 'last line',
'INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$33F,$4000 - $33F']
diff = generate_diff_insert(0, "the real first line", debug=False)
self.assertIn("the real first line", diff)
self.assertIn("INCBIN", diff)
self.assertNotIn("No newline at end of file", diff)
self.assertIn("+"+asm[1], diff)
class TestMapParsing(unittest.TestCase):
def test_parse_all_map_headers(self):
global parse_map_header_at, old_parse_map_header_at, counter
counter = 0
for k in map_names.keys():
if "offset" not in map_names[k].keys():
map_names[k]["offset"] = 0
temp = parse_map_header_at
temp2 = old_parse_map_header_at
def parse_map_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False):
global counter
counter += 1
return {}
old_parse_map_header_at = parse_map_header_at
# parse_all_map_headers is currently doing it 2x
# because of the new/old map header parsing routines
self.assertEqual(counter, 388 * 2)
parse_map_header_at = temp
old_parse_map_header_at = temp2
class TestTextScript(unittest.TestCase):
"""for testing 'in-script' commands, etc."""
#def test_to_asm(self):
# pass # or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
#def test_find_addresses(self):
# pass # or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
#def test_parse_text_at(self):
# pass # or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
class TestEncodedText(unittest.TestCase):
"""for testing chars-table encoded text chunks"""
def test_process_00_subcommands(self):
g = process_00_subcommands(0x197186, 0x197186+601, debug=False)
self.assertEqual(len(g), 42)
self.assertEqual(len(g[0]), 13)
self.assertEqual(g[1], [184, 174, 180, 211, 164, 127, 20, 231, 81])
def test_parse_text_at2(self):
oakspeech = parse_text_at2(0x197186, 601, debug=False)
self.assertIn("encyclopedia", oakspeech)
self.assertIn("researcher", oakspeech)
self.assertIn("dependable", oakspeech)
def test_parse_text_engine_script_at(self):
p = parse_text_engine_script_at(0x197185, debug=False)
self.assertEqual(len(p.commands), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(p.commands[0]["lines"]), 41)
# don't really care about these other two
def test_parse_text_from_bytes(self): pass
def test_parse_text_at(self): pass
class TestScript(unittest.TestCase):
"""for testing parse_script_engine_script_at and script parsing in
general. Script should be a class."""
#def test_parse_script_engine_script_at(self):
# pass # or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
def test_find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(self):
address = 0x197637 # 0x197634
script = parse_script_engine_script_at(address, debug=False)
bank = calculate_bank(address)
r = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, bank=bank, debug=False)
results = list(r)
self.assertIn(0x197661, results)
class TestLabel(unittest.TestCase):
def test_label_making(self):
line_number = 2
address = 0xf0c0
label_name = "poop"
l = Label(name=label_name, address=address, line_number=line_number)
self.failUnless(hasattr(l, "name"))
self.failUnless(hasattr(l, "address"))
self.failUnless(hasattr(l, "line_number"))
self.failIf(isinstance(l.address, str))
self.failIf(isinstance(l.line_number, str))
self.failUnless(isinstance(l.name, str))
self.assertEqual(l.line_number, line_number)
self.assertEqual(l.name, label_name)
self.assertEqual(l.address, address)
class TestByteParams(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.address = 10
cls.sbp = SingleByteParam(address=cls.address)
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.sbp
def test__init__(self):
self.assertEqual(self.sbp.size, 1)
self.assertEqual(self.sbp.address, self.address)
def test_parse(self):
self.assertEqual(str(self.sbp.byte), str(45))
def test_to_asm(self):
self.assertEqual(self.sbp.to_asm(), "$2d")
self.sbp.should_be_decimal = True
self.assertEqual(self.sbp.to_asm(), str(45))
# HexByte and DollarSignByte are the same now
def test_HexByte_to_asm(self):
h = HexByte(address=10)
a = h.to_asm()
self.assertEqual(a, "$2d")
def test_DollarSignByte_to_asm(self):
d = DollarSignByte(address=10)
a = d.to_asm()
self.assertEqual(a, "$2d")
def test_ItemLabelByte_to_asm(self):
i = ItemLabelByte(address=433)
self.assertEqual(i.byte, 54)
self.assertEqual(i.to_asm(), "COIN_CASE")
self.assertEqual(ItemLabelByte(address=10).to_asm(), "$2d")
def test_DecimalParam_to_asm(self):
d = DecimalParam(address=10)
x = d.to_asm()
self.assertEqual(x, str(0x2d))
class TestMultiByteParam(unittest.TestCase):
def setup_for(self, somecls, byte_size=2, address=443, **kwargs):
self.cls = somecls(address=address, size=byte_size, **kwargs)
self.assertEqual(self.cls.address, address)
self.assertEqual(self.cls.bytes, rom_interval(address, byte_size, strings=False))
self.assertEqual(self.cls.size, byte_size)
def test_two_byte_param(self):
self.setup_for(MultiByteParam, byte_size=2)
self.assertEqual(self.cls.to_asm(), "$f0c0")
def test_three_byte_param(self):
self.setup_for(MultiByteParam, byte_size=3)
def test_PointerLabelParam_no_bank(self):
self.setup_for(PointerLabelParam, bank=None)
# assuming no label at this location..
self.assertEqual(self.cls.to_asm(), "$f0c0")
global all_labels
# hm.. maybe all_labels should be using a class?
all_labels = [{"label": "poop", "address": 0xf0c0,
"offset": 0xf0c0, "bank": 0,
"line_number": 2
self.assertEqual(self.cls.to_asm(), "poop")
class TestPostParsing: #(unittest.TestCase):
"""tests that must be run after parsing all maps"""
def setUpClass(cls):
def test_signpost_counts(self):
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[1][1]["signposts"]), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[1][2]["signposts"]), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[10][5]["signposts"]), 7)
def test_warp_counts(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[10][5]["warp_count"], 9)
self.assertEqual(map_names[18][5]["warp_count"], 3)
self.assertEqual(map_names[15][1]["warp_count"], 2)
def test_map_sizes(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[15][1]["height"], 18)
self.assertEqual(map_names[15][1]["width"], 10)
self.assertEqual(map_names[7][1]["height"], 4)
self.assertEqual(map_names[7][1]["width"], 4)
def test_map_connection_counts(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[7][1]["connections"], 0)
self.assertEqual(map_names[10][1]["connections"], 12)
self.assertEqual(map_names[10][2]["connections"], 12)
self.assertEqual(map_names[11][1]["connections"], 9) # or 13?
def test_second_map_header_address(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[11][1]["second_map_header_address"], 0x9509c)
self.assertEqual(map_names[1][5]["second_map_header_address"], 0x95bd0)
def test_event_address(self):
self.assertEqual(map_names[17][5]["event_address"], 0x194d67)
self.assertEqual(map_names[23][3]["event_address"], 0x1a9ec9)
def test_people_event_counts(self):
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[23][3]["people_events"]), 4)
self.assertEqual(len(map_names[10][3]["people_events"]), 9)
class TestMetaTesting(unittest.TestCase):
"""test whether or not i am finding at least
some of the tests in this file"""
tests = None
def setUp(self):
if self.tests == None:
self.__class__.tests = assemble_test_cases()
def test_assemble_test_cases_count(self):
"does assemble_test_cases find some tests?"
self.failUnless(len(self.tests) > 0)
def test_assemble_test_cases_inclusion(self):
"is this class found by assemble_test_cases?"
# i guess it would have to be for this to be running?
self.failUnless(self.__class__ in self.tests)
def test_assemble_test_cases_others(self):
"test other inclusions for assemble_test_cases"
self.failUnless(TestRomStr in self.tests)
self.failUnless(TestCram in self.tests)
def test_check_has_test(self):
self.failUnless(check_has_test("beaver", ["test_beaver"]))
self.failUnless(check_has_test("beaver", ["test_beaver_2"]))
self.failIf(check_has_test("beaver_1", ["test_beaver"]))
def test_find_untested_methods(self):
untested = find_untested_methods()
# the return type must be an iterable
self.failUnless(hasattr(untested, "__iter__"))
#.. basically, a list
self.failUnless(isinstance(untested, list))
def test_find_untested_methods_method(self):
"""create a function and see if it is found"""
# setup a function in the global namespace
global some_random_test_method
# define the method
def some_random_test_method(): pass
# first make sure it is in the global scope
members = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isfunction)
func_names = [functuple[0] for functuple in members]
self.assertIn("some_random_test_method", func_names)
# test whether or not it is found by find_untested_methods
untested = find_untested_methods()
self.assertIn("some_random_test_method", untested)
# remove the test method from the global namespace
del some_random_test_method
def test_load_tests(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
suite = load_tests(loader, None, None)
membership_test = lambda member: \
inspect.isclass(member) and issubclass(member, unittest.TestCase)
tests = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], membership_test)
classes = [x[1] for x in tests]
for test in suite._tests:
self.assertIn(test.__class__, classes)
def test_report_untested(self):
untested = find_untested_methods()
output = report_untested()
if len(untested) > 0:
self.assertIn("NOT TESTED", output)
for name in untested:
self.assertIn(name, output)
elif len(untested) == 0:
self.assertNotIn("NOT TESTED", output)
def assemble_test_cases():
"""finds classes that inherit from unittest.TestCase
because i am too lazy to remember to add them to a
global list of tests for the suite runner"""
classes = []
clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
for (name, some_class) in clsmembers:
if issubclass(some_class, unittest.TestCase):
return classes
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for test_class in assemble_test_cases():
tests = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class)
return suite
def check_has_test(func_name, tested_names):
"""checks if there is a test dedicated to this function"""
if "test_"+func_name in tested_names:
return True
for name in tested_names:
if "test_"+func_name in name:
return True
return False
def find_untested_methods():
"""finds all untested functions in this module
by searching for method names in test case
method names."""
untested = []
avoid_funcs = ["main", "run_tests", "run_main", "copy", "deepcopy"]
test_funcs = []
# get a list of all classes in this module
classes = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
# for each class..
for (name, klass) in classes:
# only look at those that have tests
if issubclass(klass, unittest.TestCase):
# look at this class' methods
funcs = inspect.getmembers(klass, inspect.ismethod)
# for each method..
for (name2, func) in funcs:
# store the ones that begin with test_
if "test_" in name2 and name2[0:5] == "test_":
test_funcs.append([name2, func])
# assemble a list of all test method names (test_x, test_y, ..)
tested_names = [funcz[0] for funcz in test_funcs]
# now get a list of all functions in this module
funcs = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isfunction)
# for each function..
for (name, func) in funcs:
# we don't care about some of these
if name in avoid_funcs: continue
# skip functions beginning with _
if name[0] == "_": continue
# check if this function has a test named after it
has_test = check_has_test(name, tested_names)
if not has_test:
return untested
def report_untested():
untested = find_untested_methods()
output = "NOT TESTED: ["
first = True
for name in untested:
if first:
output += name
first = False
else: output += ", "+name
output += "]\n"
output += "total untested: " + str(len(untested))
return output
def run_tests(): # rather than unittest.main()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
suite = load_tests(loader, None, None)
print report_untested()
# run the unit tests when this file is executed directly
if __name__ == "__main__":