rename some LCD functions

This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2013-08-27 20:46:15 -04:00
parent 12ab33b37e
commit 25dcc71c4c

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ SECTION "vblank",ROM0[$40] ; vblank interrupt
jp VBlank
SECTION "lcd",ROM0[$48] ; lcd interrupt
jp Function552
jp LCD
SECTION "timer",ROM0[$50] ; timer interrupt
jp Function3e93
@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ Function4a3: ; 4a3
and a
jr z, .asm_4af
ld hl, IncGradGBPalTable_00
ld b, $4
jr Function4c7
ld b, 4
jr FadeOut
ld hl, IncGradGBPalTable_08
ld b, $4
jr Function4c7
ld b, 4
jr FadeOut
; 4b6
Function4b6: ; 4b6
@ -152,16 +152,15 @@ Function4b6: ; 4b6
and a
jr z, .asm_4c2
ld hl, IncGradGBPalTable_05
ld b, $3
jr Function4c7
ld b, 3
jr FadeOut
ld hl, IncGradGBPalTable_13
ld b, $3
ld b, 3
; 4c7
Function4c7: ; 4c7
FadeOut: ; 4c7
push de
ld a, [hli]
call DmgToCgbBGPals
@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ Function4c7: ; 4c7
call DelayFrames
pop de
dec b
jr nz, .asm_4c7
jr nz, FadeOut
; 4dd
@ -183,13 +182,13 @@ Function4dd: ; 4dd
and a
jr z, .asm_4e9
ld hl, IncGradGBPalTable_04 - 1
ld b, $4
jr Function501
ld b, 4
jr FadeIn
ld hl, IncGradGBPalTable_12 - 1
ld b, $4
jr Function501
ld b, 4
jr FadeIn
; 4f0
Function4f0: ; 4f0
@ -197,16 +196,16 @@ Function4f0: ; 4f0
and a
jr z, .asm_4fc
ld hl, IncGradGBPalTable_07 - 1
ld b, $3
jr Function501
ld b, 3
jr FadeIn
ld hl, IncGradGBPalTable_15 - 1
ld b, $3
ld b, 3
; fallthrough
; 501
Function501: ; 501
FadeIn: ; 501
push de
ld a, [hld]
ld d, a
@ -219,7 +218,7 @@ Function501: ; 501
call DelayFrames
pop de
dec b
jr nz, Function501
jr nz, FadeIn
; 517
@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ IncGradGBPalTable_15: db %00000000, %00000000, %00000000
Function547: ; 547
ld a, [hLCDStatCustom]
cp $43
cp rSCX & $ff
ret nz
ld c, a
ld a, [$d100]
@ -255,15 +254,17 @@ Function547: ; 547
; 552
Function552: ; 552
LCD: ; 552
push af
ld a, [hLCDStatCustom]
and a
jr z, .asm_566
jr z, .done
; At this point it's assumed we're in WRAM bank 5!
push bc
ld a, [rLY]
ld c, a
ld b, $d1
ld b, $d100 >> 8
ld a, [bc]
ld b, a
ld a, [hLCDStatCustom]
@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ Function552: ; 552
ld [$ff00+c], a
pop bc
pop af
; 568