Disasm ___ appeared! message selection code.

This commit is contained in:
Sanky 2012-07-11 01:40:48 +02:00
parent 43003a4edd
commit 2349c9cd1d

View File

@ -10189,7 +10189,89 @@ MysticalmanTrainerGroupHeader: ; 0x3ba4c
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3C000,$40000 - $3C000
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3C000,$3fc8b - $3C000
; I have no clue what most of this does
ld a, [$d22d]
dec a
jr z, .asm_3fcaa ; 0x3fc8f $19
ld de, $005e
call $3c23
call $3c55
ld c, $14
call $0468
ld a, $e
ld hl, $5939
rst $8
ld hl, $47a9
jr .asm_3fd0e ; 0x3fca8 $64
call $5a79
jr nc, .asm_3fcc2 ; 0x3fcad $13
xor a
ld [$cfca], a
ld a, $1
ld [$ff00+$e4], a
ld a, $1
ld [$c689], a
ld de, $0101
call $6e17
ld a, $f
ld hl, $6b38
rst $8
jr c, .messageSelection ; 0x3fcc8 $21
ld a, $13
ld hl, $6a44
rst $8
jr c, .asm_3fce0 ; 0x3fcd0 $e
ld hl, $c4ac
ld d, $0
ld e, $1
ld a, $47
call $2d83
jr .messageSelection ; 0x3fcde $b
ld a, $f
ld [$c2bd], a
ld a, [$d204]
call $37b6
ld a, [$d230]
cp $4
jr nz, .asm_3fcfd ; 0x3fcf0 $b
ld a, $41
ld hl, $6086
rst $8
ld hl, HookedPokemonAttackedText
jr .asm_3fd0e ; 0x3fcfb $11
ld hl, PokemonFellFromTreeText
cp $8
jr z, .asm_3fd0e ; 0x3fd02 $a
ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText2
cp $b
jr z, .asm_3fd0e ; 0x3fd09 $3
ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText
push hl
ld a, $b
ld hl, $4000
rst $8
pop hl
call $3ad5
call $7830
ret nz
ld c, $2
ld a, $13
ld hl, $6a0a
rst $8
; 0x3fd26
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3fd26,$40000 - $3fd26
SECTION "bank10",DATA,BANK[$10]
@ -50163,14 +50245,14 @@ BattleText_0x80730: ; 0x80730
db $0, "!", $58
; 0x80746
BattleText_0x80746: ; 0x80746
WildPokemonAppearedText: ; 0x80746
db $0, "Wild @"
text_from_ram $c616
db $0, $4f
db "appeared!", $58
; 0x8075c
BattleText_0x8075c: ; 0x8075c
HookedPokemonAttackedText: ; 0x8075c
db $0, "The hooked", $4f
db "@"
text_from_ram $c616
@ -50178,13 +50260,13 @@ BattleText_0x8075c: ; 0x8075c
db "attacked!", $58
; 0x80778
BattleText_0x80778: ; 0x80778
PokemonFellFromTreeText: ; 0x80778
text_from_ram $c616
db $0, " fell", $4f
db "out of the tree!", $58
; 0x80793
BattleText_0x80793: ; 0x80793
WildPokemonAppearedText2: ; 0x80793
db $0, "Wild @"
text_from_ram $c616
db $0, $4f