mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
Replaced "ldtile" and "dwtile" with the "tile" equs macro
This commit is contained in:
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ BattleAnimCmd_D5: ; cc485 (33:4485)
rept 4
add hl, hl
ld de, $8310
ld de, VTiles0 tile $31
add hl, de
ld a, [BattleAnimByte]
call Functionce846
@ -817,13 +817,13 @@ endr
ld a, $49
ld [hl], a
ld hl, $8730
ld de, $9060
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $73
ld de, VTiles2 tile $06
ld a, $70
ld [BattleAnimTemps], a
ld a, $7
call Functioncc561
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
ld a, $60
ld [BattleAnimTemps], a
ld a, $6
@ -873,13 +873,13 @@ endr
ld a, $43
ld [hl], a
ld hl, $8660
ld de, $9050
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $66
ld de, VTiles2 tile $05
ld a, $70
ld [BattleAnimTemps], a
ld a, $7
call Functioncc5b3
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
ld a, $60
ld [BattleAnimTemps], a
ld a, $6
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ BattleAnimCmd_DC: ; cc5dc (33:45dc)
ld [CurPartySpecies], a ; CurPartySpecies
ld hl, BattleMonDVs ; BattleMonDVs
predef GetUnownLetter
ld de, $8000
ld de, VTiles0 tile $00
predef GetFrontpic
jr .done
@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ BattleAnimCmd_DC: ; cc5dc (33:45dc)
ld [CurPartySpecies], a ; CurPartySpecies
ld hl, EnemyMonDVs ; EnemyMonDVs
predef GetUnownLetter
ld de, $8000
ld de, VTiles0 tile $00
predef GetBackpic
@ -953,19 +953,19 @@ BattleAnimCmd_DC: ; cc5dc (33:45dc)
BattleAnimCmd_E8: ; cc622 (33:4622)
ld de, $8000
ld de, VTiles0 tile $00
ld a, [hBattleTurn] ; $ff00+$e4
and a
jr z, .player
ld hl, $9000
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $00
ld b, 0
ld c, $31
call Request2bpp
ld hl, $9310
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $31
ld b, 0
ld c, $24
call Request2bpp
@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ GetSubstitutePic: ; cc64c
ld de, sScratch + $1b0
call CopyMonsterSpriteTile
ld hl, $9000
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $00
ld de, sScratch
lb bc, BANK(GetSubstitutePic), 7 * 7
call Request2bpp
@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ GetSubstitutePic: ; cc64c
ld de, sScratch + $170
call CopyMonsterSpriteTile
ld hl, $9310
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $31
ld de, sScratch
lb bc, BANK(GetSubstitutePic), 6 * 6
call Request2bpp
@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ GetMinimizePic: ; cc6e7 (33:46e7)
ld de, sScratch + $1a0
call CopyMinimizePic
ld hl, $9000
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $00
ld de, sScratch
lb bc, BANK(GetMinimizePic), $31
@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ GetMinimizePic: ; cc6e7 (33:46e7)
ld de, sScratch + $160
call CopyMinimizePic
ld hl, $9310
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $31
ld de, sScratch
lb bc, BANK(GetMinimizePic), $24
@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ BattleAnimCmd_E9: ; cc735 (33:4735)
xor a
call GetSRAMBank
call GetMinimizePic
ld hl, $8000
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $00
call Request2bpp
call CloseSRAM
pop af
@ -1159,14 +1159,14 @@ BattleAnimCmd_E6: ; cc776 (33:4776)
ld hl, BattleMonDVs ; BattleMonDVs
predef GetUnownLetter
ld de, $9000
ld de, VTiles2 tile $00
predef GetFrontpic
jr .done
ld hl, EnemyMonDVs ; EnemyMonDVs
predef GetUnownLetter
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
predef GetBackpic
@ -5348,12 +5348,12 @@ Function3e2f5: ; 3e2f5
Function3e308: ; 3e308
call DisableLCD
ld hl, $9310
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $31
ld de, VTiles0
ld bc, $0110
call CopyBytes
ld hl, VTiles2
ld de, $8110
ld de, VTiles0 tile $11
ld bc, $0310
call CopyBytes
call EnableLCD
@ -5365,10 +5365,10 @@ Function3e308: ; 3e308
call MaxVolume
call DisableLCD
ld hl, VTiles0
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
ld bc, $0110
call CopyBytes
ld hl, $8110
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $11
ld de, VTiles2
ld bc, $0310
call CopyBytes
@ -7210,15 +7210,15 @@ Function3eda6: ; 3eda6
Function3edad: ; 3edad
ld de, GFX_f8ac0
ld hl, $96c0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $6c
lb bc, BANK(GFX_f8ac0), 4
call Get1bpp
ld de, GFX_f8ae0
ld hl, $9730
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $73
lb bc, BANK(GFX_f8ae0), 6
call Get1bpp
ld de, GFX_f8b10
ld hl, $9550
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $55
lb bc, BANK(GFX_f8b10), 8
jp Get2bpp
; 3edd1
@ -8333,7 +8333,7 @@ Function3f447: ; 3f447
ld [CurPartySpecies], a
ld hl, BattleMonDVs
predef GetUnownLetter
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
predef GetBackpic
pop af
ld [CurPartySpecies], a
@ -9411,7 +9411,7 @@ GetBattleBackpic: ; 3fbff
ld hl, ChrisBackpic
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
ld c, $31
predef DecompressPredef
@ -9424,7 +9424,7 @@ Function3fc30: ; 3fc30
ld a, $6
ld [rSVBK], a
ld hl, VTiles0
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
ld a, [hROMBank]
ld b, a
ld c, $31
@ -148,17 +148,17 @@ Function109847:: ; 109847
jr nz, .asm_10986a
ld de, CreditsBorderGFX
ld hl, $9200
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $20
lb bc, BANK(CreditsBorderGFX), $09
call Request2bpp
ld de, CopyrightGFX
ld hl, $9600
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $60
lb bc, BANK(CopyrightGFX), $1d
call Request2bpp
ld de, TheEndGFX
ld hl, $9400
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $40
lb bc, BANK(TheEndGFX), $10
call Request2bpp
@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ endr
ld a, [hli]
ld e, a
ld d, [hl]
ld hl, $9500
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $50
lb bc, BANK(PackGFX), 15
call Request2bpp
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ Function405df: ; 405df (10:45df)
ld hl, PokedexLZ
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
lb bc, BANK(PokedexLZ), $3a
call Functione73
@ -2460,7 +2460,7 @@ Function4147b: ; 4147b
push hl
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld hl, $9620
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $62
lb bc, BANK(Footprints), 2
call Request1bpp
pop hl
@ -2472,7 +2472,7 @@ Function4147b: ; 4147b
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld hl, $9640
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $64
lb bc, BANK(Footprints), 2
call Request1bpp
@ -2488,7 +2488,7 @@ Function414b7: ; 414b7
call ByteFill
call Function414fb
call Functione5f
ld hl, $9600
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $60
ld bc, $0200
call Function41504
call Function41a24
@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@ Function414b7: ; 414b7
ld hl, PokedexLZ
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
call Decompress
@ -2554,7 +2554,7 @@ Function41a2c: ; 41a2c
ld bc, $1b0
call Function41504
ld de, sScratch + $188
ld hl, $9400
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $40
lb bc, BANK(Function41a2c), $1b
call Request2bpp
call CloseSRAM
@ -2575,7 +2575,7 @@ Function41a58: ; 41a58 (10:5a58)
ld a, UNOWN
ld [CurPartySpecies], a
call GetBaseData
ld de, $9000
ld de, VTiles2 tile $00
predef GetFrontpic
pop af
ld [UnownLetter], a
@ -53,27 +53,27 @@ _TitleScreen: ; 10ed67
; Apply logo gradient:
; lines 3-4
ld hl, $9860 ; (0,3)
ld hl, VBGMap0 tile $06 ; (0,3)
ld bc, $0040 ; 2 rows
ld a, 2
call ByteFill
; line 5
ld hl, $98a0 ; (0,5)
ld hl, VBGMap0 tile $0a ; (0,5)
ld bc, $0020 ; 1 row
ld a, 3
call ByteFill
; line 6
ld hl, $98c0 ; (0,6)
ld hl, VBGMap0 tile $0c ; (0,6)
ld bc, $0020 ; 1 row
ld a, 4
call ByteFill
; line 7
ld hl, $98e0 ; (0,7)
ld hl, VBGMap0 tile $0e ; (0,7)
ld bc, $0020 ; 1 row
ld a, 5
call ByteFill
; lines 8-9
ld hl, $9900 ; (0,8)
ld hl, VBGMap0 tile $10 ; (0,8)
ld bc, $0040 ; 2 rows
ld a, 6
call ByteFill
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ _TitleScreen: ; 10ed67
call ByteFill
; Suicune gfx
ld hl, $9980 ; (0,12)
ld hl, VBGMap0 tile $18 ; (0,12)
ld bc, $00c0 ; the rest of the screen
ld a, 8
call ByteFill
@ -162,16 +162,4 @@ ln: MACRO
dwtile: MACRO
dw (\1 << 4) + \2
if _NARG > 2
rept _NARG + -2
dw \3
ldtile: MACRO
ld \1, (\2 << 4) + \3
tile EQUS "+ $10 *"
@ -721,17 +721,17 @@ Function17aba0: ; 17aba0 (5e:6ba0)
push af
ld a, $1
ld [rVBK], a ; $ff00+$4f
ld hl, $9000
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $00
ld de, GFX_17afa5
lb bc, BANK(GFX_17afa5), $80
call Get2bpp
pop af
ld [rVBK], a ; $ff00+$4f
ld hl, $8000
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $00
ld de, GFX_17afa5 + $4c0
lb bc, BANK(GFX_17afa5), 5
call Get2bpp
ld hl, $8050
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $05
ld de, GFX_11601a
lb bc, BANK(GFX_11601a), 4
call Get2bpp
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Function1080b7: ; 1080b7
ld a, $0
ld [rVBK], a
ld hl, LZ_108d27
ld de, $8200
ld de, VTiles0 tile $20
call Decompress
call EnableLCD
xor a
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Function1080b7: ; 1080b7
lb bc, BANK(TradeBallGFX), $06
call Request2bpp
ld de, TradePoofGFX
ld hl, $8060
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $06
lb bc, BANK(TradePoofGFX), $0c
call Request2bpp
xor a
@ -167,11 +167,11 @@ Function1080b7: ; 1080b7
ld [hl], $0
ld a, [$c6d0]
ld hl, $c6fd
ld de, $8300
ld de, VTiles0 tile $30
call Function1081e9
ld a, [wc702]
ld hl, wc72f
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
call Function1081e9
ld a, [$c6d0]
ld de, $c6d1
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ Function10842c: ; 10842c
lb bc, BANK(TradeBallGFX), $06
call Request2bpp
ld de, TradePoofGFX
ld hl, $8060
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $06
lb bc, BANK(TradePoofGFX), $0c
call Request2bpp
ld a, [$c6fd]
@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ Function1084d7: ; 1084d7
lb bc, BANK(TradeBallGFX), $06
call Request2bpp
ld de, TradePoofGFX
ld hl, $8060
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $06
lb bc, BANK(TradePoofGFX), $0c
call Request2bpp
xor a
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ Function108589: ; 108589
lb bc, BANK(TradeBallGFX), $06
call Request2bpp
ld de, TradePoofGFX
ld hl, $8060
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $06
lb bc, BANK(TradePoofGFX), $0c
call Request2bpp
xor a
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ Function108689: ; 108689
ld a, $0
ld [rVBK], a
ld hl, LZ_108d27
ld de, $8200
ld de, VTiles0 tile $20
call Decompress
call Function108c80
call Function108c6d
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ Function1086f4: ; 1086f4
ld a, $0
ld [rVBK], a
ld hl, LZ_108d27
ld de, $8200
ld de, VTiles0 tile $20
call Decompress
call Function108c80
call Function108c6d
@ -1195,11 +1195,11 @@ Function10893d: ; 10893d
; 10895e
Function10895e: ; 10895e
ld de, $8300
ld de, VTiles0 tile $30
jr asm_108966
ld de, $9310
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
call DelayFrame
@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ Function108ad4: ; 108ad4
ld a, $1
ld [rVBK], a
ld hl, $94a0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $4a
lb bc, $42, $10
call Functiondc9
call DelayFrame
@ -5268,7 +5268,7 @@ Function115d80: ; 115d80
Function115d99: ; 115d99
ld de, GFX_11601a
ld hl, $8600
ld hl, VTiles0 tile $60
lb bc, BANK(GFX_11601a), $14
call Get2bpp
xor a
@ -22297,7 +22297,7 @@ Function16d696: ; 16d696
Function16d69a: ; 16d69a
ld de, GFX_16cfc1 + $300
ld hl, $9760
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $76
lb bc, BANK(GFX_16cfc1), 8
call Get2bpp
@ -24486,7 +24486,7 @@ Function170d02: ; 170d02
ld a, $1
ld [rVBK], a
ld de, GFX_171848
ld hl, $8c10
ld hl, VTiles1 tile $41
lb bc, BANK(GFX_171848), $18
call Get2bpp
xor a
@ -24869,11 +24869,11 @@ String_171c73: ; 171c73
Function171c87: ; 171c87 (5c:5c87)
call DisableLCD
ld hl, GFX_171db1
ld de, $9000
ld de, VTiles2 tile $00
ld bc, $6e0
call CopyBytes
ld hl, LZ_172abd
ld de, $8000
ld de, VTiles0 tile $00
call Decompress
call EnableLCD
ld hl, Tilemap_172491
@ -24941,11 +24941,11 @@ endr
Function171d2b: ; 171d2b (5c:5d2b)
call DisableLCD
ld hl, GFX_171db1
ld de, $9000
ld de, VTiles2 tile $00
ld bc, $6e0
call CopyBytes
ld hl, LZ_172abd
ld de, $8000
ld de, VTiles0 tile $00
call Decompress
call EnableLCD
ld hl, Tilemap_172685
@ -25040,7 +25040,7 @@ Function172e78: ; 172e78 (5c:6e78)
call ByteFill
call DisableLCD
ld hl, GFX_172f1f
ld de, $9000
ld de, VTiles2 tile $00
ld bc, $610
call CopyBytes
call EnableLCD
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Function17c000: ; 17c000
ld [rSVBK], a
ld hl, MobileSelectGFX
ld de, $8300
ld de, VTiles0 tile $30
ld bc, $200
call CopyBytes
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ Function17d370: ; 17d370
call ClearScreen
callba Function104061
call DisableLCD
ld hl, $8ee0
ld hl, VTiles1 tile $6e
ld de, $c608
ld bc, $0010
call CopyBytes
@ -640,17 +640,17 @@ Function17d370: ; 17d370
ld bc, $0480
call CopyBytes
xor a
ld hl, $97f0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $7f
ld bc, $0010
call ByteFill
ld hl, $c608
ld de, $8ee0
ld de, VTiles1 tile $6e
ld bc, $0010
call CopyBytes
xor a
ld [rVBK], a
ld hl, GFX_17eb7e
ld de, $9600
ld de, VTiles2 tile $60
ld bc, $0010
call CopyBytes
call EnableLCD
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ Function17d3f6: ; 17d3f6
call DisableLCD
ld hl, $8ee0
ld hl, VTiles1 tile $6e
ld de, $c608
ld bc, $0010
call CopyBytes
@ -688,11 +688,11 @@ Function17d405:
ld bc, $0480
call CopyBytes
xor a
ld hl, $97f0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $7f
ld bc, $0010
call ByteFill
ld hl, $c608
ld de, $8ee0
ld de, VTiles1 tile $6e
ld bc, $0010
call CopyBytes
xor a
@ -2980,7 +2980,7 @@ Function17e2a7: ; 17e2a7
ld [wcf66], a
callba Function118233
ld de, GFX_17eb7e
ld hl, $9600
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $60
lb bc, BANK(GFX_17eb7e), 1
call Get2bpp
ld a, [wc300]
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ endr
Tileset00Anim: ; 0xfc01b
Tileset02Anim: ; 0xfc01b
Tileset03Anim: ; 0xfc01b
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw VTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ Tileset03Anim: ; 0xfc01b
; 0xfc047
Tileset25Anim: ; 0xfc047
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw VTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dwtile $5f, VTiles2, AnimateFountain
dw VTiles2 tile $5f, AnimateFountain
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ Tileset31Anim: ; 0xfc073
dw NULL, ForestTreeLeftAnimation2
dw NULL, ForestTreeRightAnimation2
dw NULL, AnimateFlowerTile
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw VTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
dw NULL, NextTileFrame8
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc0a3
Tileset01Anim: ; 0xfc0a3
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw VTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ Tileset01Anim: ; 0xfc0a3
; 0xfc0d7
TilesetAnimfc0d7: ; 0xfc0d7
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ TilesetAnimfc0d7: ; 0xfc0d7
; 0xfc103
TilesetAnimfc103: ; 0xfc103
dwtile $14, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $14, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dwtile $14, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $14, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ TilesetAnimfc103: ; 0xfc103
; 0xfc12f
Tileset09Anim: ; 0xfc12f
dwtile $14, VTiles2, AnimateWaterTile
dw VTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -152,48 +152,48 @@ Tileset15Anim: ; 0xfc15f
; 0xfc17f
TilesetAnimfc17f: ; 0xfc17f
dwtile $53, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $53, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dwtile $53, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $53, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dwtile $53, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $53, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dwtile $53, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $53, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc1af
TilesetAnimfc1af: ; 0xfc1af
dwtile $54, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $54, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dwtile $54, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $54, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dwtile $03, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dwtile $54, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $54, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dwtile $54, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $54, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc1e7
Tileset24Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
Tileset30Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
dwtile $14, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $14, WriteTileToBuffer
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dwtile $14, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $14, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dwtile $40, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $40, WriteTileToBuffer
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
@ -201,21 +201,21 @@ Tileset30Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dwtile $40, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $40, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc233
Tileset29Anim: ; 0xfc233
dwtile $35, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $35, WriteTileToBuffer
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dwtile $35, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $35, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw NULL, TileAnimationPalette
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dwtile $31, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $31, WriteTileToBuffer
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Tileset29Anim: ; 0xfc233
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw wcf41, ScrollTileDown
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dwtile $31, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $31, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation
; 0xfc27f
@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ Tileset23Anim: ; 0xfc27f
; 0xfc2bf
TilesetAnimfc2bf: ; 0xfc2bf
dwtile $4f, VTiles2, WriteTileToBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $4f, WriteTileToBuffer
dw wcf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
dwtile $4f, VTiles2, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw VTiles2 tile $4f, WriteTileFromBuffer
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ endr
ld sp, hl
ld hl, $90c0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $0c
jp WriteTile
; fc484
@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ endr
ld sp, hl
ld hl, $90f0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $0f
jp WriteTile
; fc4f2
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ endr
ld sp, hl
ld hl, $90c0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $0c
jp WriteTile
; fc51c
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ endr
ld sp, hl
ld hl, $90f0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $0f
jp WriteTile
; fc54c
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ endr
ld hl, SafariFountainFrames
add hl, de
ld sp, hl
ld hl, $95b0
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $5b
jp WriteTile
; fc5eb
@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ endr
ld hl, SafariFountainFrames
add hl, de
ld sp, hl
ld hl, $9380
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $38
jp WriteTile
; fc605
@ -1029,16 +1029,16 @@ FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette: ; fc71e
; fc750
SproutPillarTilePointer1: dwtile $2d, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile1
SproutPillarTilePointer2: dwtile $2f, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile2
SproutPillarTilePointer3: dwtile $3d, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile3
SproutPillarTilePointer4: dwtile $3f, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile4
SproutPillarTilePointer5: dwtile $3c, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile5
SproutPillarTilePointer6: dwtile $2c, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile6
SproutPillarTilePointer7: dwtile $4d, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile7
SproutPillarTilePointer8: dwtile $4f, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile8
SproutPillarTilePointer9: dwtile $5d, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile9
SproutPillarTilePointer10: dwtile $5f, VTiles2, SproutPillarTile10
SproutPillarTilePointer1: dw VTiles2 tile $2d, SproutPillarTile1
SproutPillarTilePointer2: dw VTiles2 tile $2f, SproutPillarTile2
SproutPillarTilePointer3: dw VTiles2 tile $3d, SproutPillarTile3
SproutPillarTilePointer4: dw VTiles2 tile $3f, SproutPillarTile4
SproutPillarTilePointer5: dw VTiles2 tile $3c, SproutPillarTile5
SproutPillarTilePointer6: dw VTiles2 tile $2c, SproutPillarTile6
SproutPillarTilePointer7: dw VTiles2 tile $4d, SproutPillarTile7
SproutPillarTilePointer8: dw VTiles2 tile $4f, SproutPillarTile8
SproutPillarTilePointer9: dw VTiles2 tile $5d, SproutPillarTile9
SproutPillarTilePointer10: dw VTiles2 tile $5f, SproutPillarTile10
SproutPillarTile1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/1.2bpp"
SproutPillarTile2: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/2.2bpp"
@ -1053,10 +1053,10 @@ SproutPillarTile10: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/10.2bpp"
; fca98
WhirlpoolFrames1: dwtile $32, VTiles2, WhirlpoolTiles1
WhirlpoolFrames2: dwtile $33, VTiles2, WhirlpoolTiles2
WhirlpoolFrames3: dwtile $42, VTiles2, WhirlpoolTiles3
WhirlpoolFrames4: dwtile $43, VTiles2, WhirlpoolTiles4
WhirlpoolFrames1: dw VTiles2 tile $32, WhirlpoolTiles1
WhirlpoolFrames2: dw VTiles2 tile $33, WhirlpoolTiles2
WhirlpoolFrames3: dw VTiles2 tile $42, WhirlpoolTiles3
WhirlpoolFrames4: dw VTiles2 tile $43, WhirlpoolTiles4
; fcaa8
WhirlpoolTiles1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/whirlpool/1.2bpp"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ LoadMapGroupRoof:: ; 1c000
ld hl, Roofs
ld bc, $90
call AddNTimes
ld de, $90a0
ld de, VTiles2 tile $0a
ld bc, $90
call CopyBytes
Reference in New Issue
Block a user