Merge pull request #217 from yenatch/more-objects

compile and link multiple objects
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Bishop 2013-12-07 00:50:26 -08:00
commit 0fdbdb43a7
17 changed files with 2320 additions and 1887 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ globals.asm
# rgbds extras
# generated

View File

@ -6,7 +6,18 @@ PYTHON := python
TEXTFILES := $(shell find ./ -type f -name '*.asm' | grep -v globals.asm)
OBJS := pokecrystal.o
wram.o \
main.o \
engine/events.o \
engine/scripting_crystal.o \
engine/events_2.o \
stats/egg_moves_crystal.o \
ROMS := pokecrystal.gbc
PNGS := $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.png')
LZS := $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.lz')
@ -21,10 +32,11 @@ $(shell \
) \
all: baserom.gbc globals.asm pokecrystal.gbc
all: baserom.gbc globals.asm $(ROMS)
cmp baserom.gbc pokecrystal.gbc
rm -f pokecrystal.o pokecrystal.gbc
rm -f $(ROMS)
rm -f $(OBJS)
rm -f globals.asm globals.tx
@echo 'Removing preprocessed .tx files...'
@rm -f $(TEXTFILES:.asm=.tx)
@ -45,7 +57,7 @@ globals.asm: $(TEXTFILES:.asm=.tx)
$(OBJS): $$(patsubst %.o,%.tx,$$@) $$(patsubst %.asm,%.tx,$$(OBJ_$$(patsubst %.o,%,$$@)))
rgbasm -o $@ $(@:.o=.tx)
pokecrystal.gbc: $(OBJS)
pokecrystal.gbc: $(CRYSTAL_OBJS)
rgblink -n pokecrystal.sym -m -o pokecrystal.gbc $^
rgbfix -Cjv -i BYTE -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x10 -p 0 -r 3 -t PM_CRYSTAL $@

View File

@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
; wram constants
; MonType: ; cf5f

engine/events.asm Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

engine/events_2.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
INCLUDE "includes.asm"
; More overworld event handling.
SECTION "events2", ROMX, BANK[$25]
Function97c28: ; 97c28
ld hl, StatusFlags2
res 1, [hl]
res 2, [hl]
; 97c30
Function97c30: ; 97c30
ld a, [$d45c]
and a
ret z
ld hl, $d45e
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld a, [$d45d]
call CallScript
push af
xor a
ld hl, $d45c
ld bc, 8
call ByteFill
pop af
; 97c4f
Function97c4f: ; 97c4f
ld hl, $d45c
ld a, [hl]
and a
ret nz
ld [hl], 1
inc hl
ld [hl], b
inc hl
ld [hl], e
inc hl
ld [hl], d
; 97c5f
Function97c5f: ; 97c5f
call GetFacingTileCoord
ld [EngineBuffer1], a
ld c, a
callba Function1365b
jr c, .asm_97cb9
call CheckCutTreeTile
jr nz, .whirlpool
callba TryCutOW
jr .asm_97cb9
ld a, [EngineBuffer1]
call CheckWhirlpoolTile
jr nz, .waterfall
callba TryWhirlpoolOW
jr .asm_97cb9
ld a, [EngineBuffer1]
call CheckWaterfallTile
jr nz, .headbutt
callba TryWaterfallOW
jr .asm_97cb9
ld a, [EngineBuffer1]
call CheckHeadbuttTreeTile
jr nz, .surf
callba TryHeadbuttOW
jr c, .asm_97cb9
jr .asm_97cb7
callba TrySurfOW
jr nc, .asm_97cb7
jr .asm_97cb9
xor a
call PlayClickSFX
ld a, $ff
; 97cc0
Function97cc0: ; 97cc0
; Rock Smash encounter
call Function968c7
jr c, .asm_97ce2
call Function97cfd
jr nc, .asm_97ce2
ld hl, StatusFlags2
bit 2, [hl]
jr nz, .asm_97cdb
callba Function2a0e7
jr nz, .asm_97ce2
jr .asm_97ce6
call Function97d23
jr nc, .asm_97ce2
jr .asm_97ced
ld a, 1
and a
ld a, BANK(RockSmashBattleScript)
ld hl, RockSmashBattleScript
jr .asm_97cf4
ld a, BANK(UnknownScript_0x135eb)
ld hl, UnknownScript_0x135eb
jr .asm_97cf4
call CallScript
; 97cf9
RockSmashBattleScript: ; 97cf9
; 97cfd
Function97cfd: ; 97cfd
ld hl, StatusFlags
bit 5, [hl]
jr nz, .asm_97d21
ld a, [$d19a]
cp $4
jr z, .asm_97d17
cp $7
jr z, .asm_97d17
callba Function149dd
jr nc, .asm_97d21
ld a, [StandingTile]
call CheckIceTile
jr z, .asm_97d21
and a
; 97d23
Function97d23: ; 97d23
call Function97d64
ret nc
call Function97d31
callba Function2a1df
; 97d31
Function97d31: ; 97d31
; Pick a random mon out of ContestMons.
call Random
cp 100 << 1
jr nc, .asm_97d31
srl a
ld hl, ContestMons
ld de, 4
sub [hl]
jr c, .GotMon
add hl, de
jr .CheckMon
inc hl
; Species
ld a, [hli]
ld [$d22e], a
; Min level
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
; Max level
ld a, [hl]
sub d
jr nz, .RandomLevel
; If min and max are the same.
ld a, d
jr .GotLevel
; Get a random level between the min and max.
ld c, a
inc c
call Random
ld a, [hRandomAdd]
call SimpleDivide
add d
ld [CurPartyLevel], a
xor a
; 97d64
Function97d64: ; 97d64
ld a, [StandingTile]
call Function188e
ld b, $66
jr z, .asm_97d70
ld b, $33
callba Function2a124
callba Function2a138
call Random
ld a, [hRandomAdd]
cp b
ret c
ld a, 1
and a
; 97d87
ContestMons: ; 97d87
; %, species, min, max
db 20, CATERPIE, 7, 18
db 20, WEEDLE, 7, 18
db 10, METAPOD, 9, 18
db 10, KAKUNA, 9, 18
db 5, BUTTERFREE, 12, 15
db 5, BEEDRILL, 12, 15
db 10, VENONAT, 10, 16
db 10, PARAS, 10, 17
db 5, SCYTHER, 13, 14
db 5, PINSIR, 13, 14
db -1, VENOMOTH, 30, 40
; 97db3
Function97db3: ; 97db3
; fallthrough
; 97db5
Function97db5: ; 97db5
ld hl, StatusFlags2
bit 4, [hl]
jr z, .asm_97df7
ld a, [PlayerState]
cp $1
jr nz, .asm_97df7
call Function2d05
and a
jr nz, .asm_97df7
ld hl, $dca2
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
ld e, [hl]
cp $ff
jr nz, .asm_97dd8
ld a, e
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_97ddc
inc de
ld [hl], e
dec hl
ld [hl], d
ld a, d
cp $4
jr c, .asm_97df7
ld a, [$dc31]
and a
jr nz, .asm_97df7
ld a, $6
ld [$dc31], a
xor a
ld [$dc32], a
ld hl, StatusFlags2
res 4, [hl]
xor a
; 97df9
Function97df9: ; 97df9
ld hl, $d6de
ld de, $0006
ld c, $4
xor a
ld [hl], a
add hl, de
dec c
jr nz, .asm_97e02
; 97e08
Function97e08: ; 97e08
ld hl, $d6de
xor a
ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
ld a, [hl]
and a
jr z, .asm_97e19
push hl
ld b, h
ld c, l
call Function97e79
pop hl
ld de, $0006
add hl, de
ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
inc a
cp $4
jr nz, .asm_97e0c
; 97e25
Function97e25: ; 97e25
ld hl, $d6de
ld bc, 6
call AddNTimes
ld b, h
ld c, l
; 97e31
Function97e31: ; 97e31
push bc
push de
call Function97e45
ld d, h
ld e, l
pop hl
pop bc
ret c
ld a, b
ld bc, $0005
call FarCopyBytes
xor a
ld [hl], a
; 97e45
Function97e45: ; 97e45
ld hl, $d6de
ld de, $0006
ld c, $4
ld a, [hl]
and a
jr z, .asm_97e57
add hl, de
dec c
jr nz, .asm_97e4d
ld a, $4
sub c
and a
; 97e5c
Function97e5c: ; 97e5c
ld hl, $d6de
ld de, $0006
ld c, $4
ld a, [hl]
cp b
jr z, .asm_97e6e
add hl, de
dec c
jr nz, .asm_97e64
and a
xor a
ld [hl], a
; 97e72
Function97e72: ; 97e72
ld hl, $0000
add hl, bc
ld [hl], 0
; 97e79
Function97e79: ; 97e79
ld hl, $0000
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
cp 5
jr c, .asm_97e83
xor a
ld e, a
ld d, 0
ld hl, Table97e94
add hl, de
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
push af
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
pop af
rst FarCall
; 97e94
Table97e94: ; 97e94
dbw BANK(Function97eb7), Function97eb7
dbw BANK(Function97eb8), Function97eb8
dbw BANK(Function97f42), Function97f42
dbw BANK(Function97ef9), Function97ef9
dbw BANK(Function97ebc), Function97ebc
; 97ea3
Function97ea3: ; 97ea3
ld hl, $0005
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
pop hl
rst JumpTable
; 97eab
Function97eab: ; 97eab
ld hl, $0005
add hl, bc
inc [hl]
; 97eb1
Function97eb1: ; 97eb1
ld hl, $0005
add hl, bc
dec [hl]
; 97eb7
Function97eb7: ; 97eb7
; 97eb8
Function97eb8: ; 97eb8
call Function2f3e
; 97ebc
Function97ebc: ; 97ebc
call Function97ea3
dw Function97ec3
dw Function97ecd
; 97ec3
Function97ec3: ; 97ec3
ld a, [hSCY]
ld hl, $0004
add hl, bc
ld [hl], a
call Function97eab
; 97ecd
Function97ecd: ; 97ecd
ld hl, $0001
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
dec a
ld [hl], a
jr z, .asm_97eee
and $1
jr z, .asm_97ee4
ld hl, $0002
add hl, bc
ld a, [hSCY]
sub [hl]
ld [hSCY], a
ld hl, $0002
add hl, bc
ld a, [hSCY]
add [hl]
ld [hSCY], a
ld hl, $0004
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
ld [hSCY], a
call Function97e72
; 97ef9
Function97ef9: ; 97ef9
call Function97ea3
dw Function97f02
dw Function97f0a
dw Function97f1b
; 97f02
Function97f02: ; 97f02
call Function97f38
jr z, Function97f2c
call Function97eab
; 97f0a
Function97f0a: ; 97f0a
call Function97f38
jr z, Function97f2c
call Function97eab
ld hl, $0002
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
ld [$d173], a
; 97f1b
Function97f1b: ; 97f1b
call Function97f38
jr z, Function97f2c
call Function97eb1
ld hl, $0003
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
ld [$d173], a
; 97f2c
Function97f2c: ; 97f2c
ld a, $7f
ld [$d173], a
ld hl, $0005
add hl, bc
ld [hl], 0
; 97f38
Function97f38: ; 97f38
push bc
ld bc, $d4d6
call GetSpriteDirection
and a
pop bc
; 97f42
Function97f42: ; 97f42
ld de, $d4d6
ld a, $d
push af
ld hl, $0000
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
and a
jr z, .asm_97f71
ld hl, $0003
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
cp $19
jr nz, .asm_97f71
ld hl, $000e
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
call CheckPitTile
jr nz, .asm_97f71
ld hl, $0007
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
cp $ff
jr nz, .asm_97f71
call Function3567
jr c, .asm_97f7c
ld hl, $0028
add hl, de
ld d, h
ld e, l
pop af
dec a
jr nz, .asm_97f47
pop af
; 97f7e

View File

@ -1,3 +1,75 @@
; Event scripting commands.
Function96c56: ; 96c56
push af
ld a, 1
ld [ScriptMode], a
pop af
; 96c5e
ScriptEvents: ; 96c5e
call StartScript
ld a, [ScriptMode]
ld hl, .modes
rst JumpTable
call CheckScript
jr nz, .loop
; 96c6e
.modes ; 96c6e
dw EndScript
dw RunScriptCommand
dw WaitScriptMovement
dw WaitScript
EndScript: ; 96c76
call StopScript
; 96c7a
WaitScript: ; 96c7a
call StopScript
ld hl, ScriptDelay
dec [hl]
ret nz
callba Function58b9
ld [ScriptMode], a
call StartScript
; 96c91
WaitScriptMovement: ; 96c91
call StopScript
ld hl, VramState
bit 7, [hl]
ret nz
callba Function58b9
ld [ScriptMode], a
call StartScript
; 96ca9
RunScriptCommand: ; 96ca9
call GetScriptByte
ld hl, ScriptCommandTable
rst JumpTable
; 96cb1
ScriptCommandTable: ; 0x96cb1
dw Script_2call
dw Script_3call
@ -81,7 +153,9 @@ ScriptCommandTable: ; 0x96cb1
dw Script_loadmenudata
dw Script_writebackup
dw Script_jumptextfaceplayer
dw Script_3jumptext
dw Script_jumptext
dw Script_closetext
dw Script_keeptextopen
@ -279,6 +353,9 @@ JumpTextScript: ; 0x96e7a
; 0x96e81
Script_3jumptext: ; 0x96e81
; script command 0x52
; parameters:
@ -295,6 +372,9 @@ Script_3jumptext: ; 0x96e81
jp ScriptJump
; 0x96e9b
Script_2writetext: ; 0x96e9b
; script command 0x4c
; parameters:
@ -3117,7 +3197,7 @@ DisplayCredits:
call Function261b
call StopScript
; 0x97c05
; 0x97c051
Script_wait: ; 0x97c05
; script command 0xa8
@ -3146,3 +3226,13 @@ Script_unknown0xa9: ; 0x97c15
; 0x97c20
Function97c20: ; 97c20
ld a, [.byte]
ld [ScriptVar], a
db 0
; 97c28

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
INCLUDE "pokecrystal.asm"
INCLUDE "includes.asm"
SECTION "scripting", ROMX, BANK[$25]
INCLUDE "engine/scripting.asm"

includes.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
INCLUDE "globals.asm"
INCLUDE "constants.asm"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,3 +1,32 @@
MapGroupPointers: ; 0x94000
; pointers to the first map header of each map group
dw MapGroup1
dw MapGroup2
dw MapGroup3
dw MapGroup4
dw MapGroup5
dw MapGroup6
dw MapGroup7
dw MapGroup8
dw MapGroup9
dw MapGroup10
dw MapGroup11
dw MapGroup12
dw MapGroup13
dw MapGroup14
dw MapGroup15
dw MapGroup16
dw MapGroup17
dw MapGroup18
dw MapGroup19
dw MapGroup20
dw MapGroup21
dw MapGroup22
dw MapGroup23
dw MapGroup24
dw MapGroup25
dw MapGroup26

View File

@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
INCLUDE "globals.asm"
INCLUDE "constants.asm"
INCLUDE "wram.asm"
INCLUDE "main.asm"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
EggMovePointers: ; 0x23b11
dw BulbasaurEggMoves
dw NoEggMoves
dw NoEggMoves

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
INCLUDE "pokecrystal.asm"
INCLUDE "includes.asm"
SECTION "eggmoves", ROMX, BANK[$8]
INCLUDE "stats/egg_move_pointers.asm"
INCLUDE "stats/egg_moves.asm"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
INCLUDE "pokecrystal.asm"
INCLUDE "includes.asm"
SECTION "evosattacks", ROMx, BANK[$10]
INCLUDE "stats/evos_attacks_pointers.asm"
INCLUDE "stats/evos_attacks.asm"

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
; These are grouped together since they're both checked at level-up.
EvosAttacksPointers: ; 0x425b1
dw BulbasaurEvosAttacks
dw IvysaurEvosAttacks
dw VenusaurEvosAttacks

text/buena.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
UnknownText_0xa0c28: ; 0xa0c28
db $0, "Hi, this is BUENA…", $51
db "Oh! Good morning,", $4f
db $14, "!", $51
db "I'm kind of foggy", $4f
db "in the morning…", $57
; 0xa0c72
UnknownText_0xa0c72: ; 0xa0c72
db $0, "Hi, this is BUENA…", $4f
db "Oh! Hi, ", $14, "!", $51
db "Do you tune into", $4f
db "BUENA's show?", $57
; 0xa0caf
UnknownText_0xa0caf: ; 0xa0caf
db $0, "This is BUENA.", $4f
db "I can't come to", $51
db "the phone right", $4f
db "now.", $51
db "If you want to", $4f
db "chat, tune into", $51
db "BUENA's PASSWORD", $4f
db "on the radio and", $51
db "give me a call", $4f
db "after midnight!", $57
; 0xa0d42
UnknownText_0xa0d42: ; 0xa0d42
db $0, "Hi, this is BUENA…", $4f
db "Oh! Hi, ", $14, "!", $51
db "I just got off", $4f
db "work. ", $51
db "Let me tell you,", $4f
db "I'm exhausted!", $57
; 0xa0d96
UnknownText_0xa0d96: ; 0xa0d96
db $0, $14, "!", $4f
db "Hi, it's BUENA!", $51
db "I got up early, so", $4f
db "I decided to call!", $57
; 0xa0dcf
UnknownText_0xa0dcf: ; 0xa0dcf
db $0, $14, "!", $4f
db "Hi, it's BUENA!", $51
db "I needed someone", $4f
db "to chat with!", $57
; 0xa0e01
UnknownText_0xa0e01: ; 0xa0e01
db $0, $14, "!", $4f
db "Hi, it's BUENA!", $51
db "I'm just on my", $4f
db "break.", $57
; 0xa0e29
UnknownText_0xa0e29: ; 0xa0e29
db $0, $14, "!", $4f
db "Hi, it's BUENA!", $51
db "I couldn't sleep,", $4f
db "so I called you.", $57
; 0xa0e5e
UnknownText_0xa0e5e: ; 0xa0e5e
db $0, "Oh. Hi, ", $14, "!", $51
db "You are how?", $51
db "Aiyee! This isn't", $4f
db "the time for me to", $51
db "be cracking silly", $4f
db "gag greetings!", $51
db "The RADIO TOWER is", $4f
db "in deep trouble!", $51
db $14, ", you'd", $4f
db "better be careful!", $57
; 0xa0efb
UnknownText_0xa0efb: ; 0xa0efb
db $0, "The other day, I", $4f
db "went out to eat", $51
db "with DJ BEN!", $4f
db "Isn't it great?", $51
db "Not only that, he", $4f
db "said the music on", $51
db "my program is", $4f
db "cool!", $51
db "Oh, wow! Like,", $4f
db "what should I do?", $51
db "…Oops, I have to", $4f
db "get ready for my", $51
db "show! I'll catch", $4f
db "you later!", $57
; 0xa0fcf
UnknownText_0xa0fcf: ; 0xa0fcf
db $0, "You know the", $4f
db "receptionist at", $55
db "the RADIO TOWER?", $51
db "'Welcome,' is all", $4f
db "she ever says.", $51
db "But she's really", $4f
db "the chattiest", $51
db "person at the", $4f
db "RADIO TOWER.", $51
db "So she must be", $4f
db "holding back.", $51
db "Isn't that fun to", $4f
db "know?", $51
db "Catch you later!", $57
; 0xa109d
UnknownText_0xa109d: ; 0xa109d
db $0, "Tell me, ", $14, ".", $4f
db "Have you ever won", $51
db "a prize on the", $4f
db "REED moans that", $4f
db "he's never won, so", $51
db "he vows to keep", $4f
db "the show on the", $55
db "air till he does.", $51
db "Let's chat again!", $57
; 0xa1143
UnknownText_0xa1143: ; 0xa1143
db $0, "You know, last", $4f
db "night…", $51
db "I was so stressed", $4f
db "out from work, I", $51
db "ate a ton of junk", $4f
db "food!", $51
db "MARY and I have", $4f
db "this deal about", $55
db "losing weight…", $51
db "This won't do…", $51
db "Huh? What's the", $4f
db "weight?", $51
db "This has to be a", $4f
db "total secret!", $51
db "MARY weighs…", $51
db "Aiyee! M-MARY!", $51
db "Uh… Um… I… Sorry,", $4f
db "wrong number!", $57
; 0xa1244
UnknownText_0xa1244: ; 0xa1244
db $0, "Yesterday, PROF.", $4f
db "OAK was in the", $51
db "studio to tape his", $4f
db "show.", $51
db "So I went over and", $4f
db "introduced myself.", $51
db "Get this--he tunes", $4f
db "in to my program!", $51
db "Oh! Here comes", $4f
db "PROF.OAK again!", $51
db "I'm going to chat", $4f
db "him up again!", $51
db "Catch you later!", $57
; 0xa1318
UnknownText_0xa1318: ; 0xa1318
db $0, "…Cough, cough!", $51
db "Uhm sorry uh got", $4f
db "uh code dite now.", $51
db "Buh uma pro so uh", $4f
db "hav to cover id ub", $51
db "so no un notice", $4f
db "while uhm on air.", $51
db "Uh fidz muh voice", $4f
db "now.", $51
db "I'll catch you on", $4f
db "the fly. This has", $55
db "been BUENA!", $57
; 0xa13d8
UnknownText_0xa13d8: ; 0xa13d8
db $0, "Hey, ", $14, ".", $4f
db "You won that RADIO", $51
db "CARD by beating", $4f
db "the quiz at the", $51
db "reception desk,", $4f
db "didn't you?", $51
db "Guess what? I made", $4f
db "up the questions!", $51
db "…Were they too", $4f
db "easy for you?", $51
db "Well, let's chat", $4f
db "again!", $57
; 0xa1488
UnknownText_0xa1488: ; 0xa1488
db $0, "I'm elated that", $4f
db "more people are", $51
db "taking part in my", $4f
db "PASSWORD show.", $51
db "But when PIKACHU", $4f
db "was the password,", $51
db "it was uh… whew…", $4f
db "overwhelming.", $51
db "FAN CLUB people", $4f
db "came in out in", $51
db "droves, shouting", $4f
db "'PIKACHU!' over", $51
db "and over. I mean,", $4f
db "they were loud.", $51
db "Anyone tuning in", $4f
db "around then must", $51
db "have been shocked", $4f
db "by the racket!", $51
db "Anyway, back to", $4f
db "work for me!", $51
db "Let's chat again!", $57
; 0xa15de
UnknownText_0xa15de: ; 0xa15de
db $0, "Guess what?", $4f
db "The RADIO TOWER's", $51
db "DIRECTOR is a big", $4f
db "fan of TV!", $51
db "A while ago, a", $4f
db "fashion show on TV", $51
db "said that black", $4f
db "suits were in.", $51
db "Now all he wears", $4f
db "are black suits.", $51
db "But it's a secret", $4f
db "that our DIRECTOR", $51
db "is a TV fan, so if", $4f
db "you see him, don't", $51
db "you dare mention", $4f
db "it!", $51
db "Oh! The DIRECTOR", $4f
db "will be here soon!", $51
db "Later! Tune into", $4f
db "my show!", $57
; 0xa1717
UnknownText_0xa1717: ; 0xa1717
db $0, $14, ", tell me.", $51
db "When do you relax", $4f
db "the most?", $51
db "For me, it has to", $4f
db "be in the studio", $51
db "right after my", $4f
db "show, enjoying a", $51
db "nice cup of tea.", $4f
db "It's so pleasant", $51
db "that it gradually", $4f
db "makes me drowsy…", $51
db $56, " ", $56, " ", $56, $51
db $56, " ", $56, " ", $56, "Zzz", $51
db "Oops, I drifted", $4f
db "off just thinking", $51
db "about it! How, uh…", $4f
db "embarrassing!", $51
db "Please forget this", $4f
db "happened! Later!", $57
; 0xa183d
UnknownText_0xa183d: ; 0xa183d
db $0, $14, ", what was", $4f
db "the first #MON", $55
db "you ever caught?", $51
db "…Oh, really?", $51
db "I've seen lots of", $4f
db "#MON around,", $51
db "but I've never", $4f
db "caught one.", $51
db "I should give it a", $4f
db "try sometime.", $51
db "Did you know that", $4f
db "the first #MON", $51
db "MARY caught was a", $4f
db "DROWZEE?", $51
db "Isn't that so out", $4f
db "of character?", $51
db "But MARY's DROWZEE", $4f
db "kept making her", $51
db "fall asleep on the", $4f
db "job, so she traded", $51
db "with a fan for a", $4f
db "MEOWTH.", $51
db "Let's chat about", $4f
db "#MON again!", $51
db "Bye-bye!", $57
; 0xa19b1
UnknownText_0xa19b1: ; 0xa19b1
db $0, "Guess what? All of", $4f
db "us from the RADIO", $51
db "TOWER are going on", $4f
db "a company vacation", $51
db "to the RADIO TOWER", $4f
db "in LAVENDER.", $51
db "We're wasting our", $4f
db "vacation on a trip", $51
db "to another RADIO", $4f
db "TOWER?", $51
db "I'd much rather go", $4f
db "to the beach!", $51
db $14, ", I hope", $4f
db "you have enough", $51
db "fun for both of us", $4f
db "on your journey!", $51
db "Bye-bye!", $57
; 0xa1ac0
UnknownText_0xa1ac0: ; 0xa1ac0
db $0, "Did you know…?", $51
db "BEN and FERN talk", $4f
db "on the phone for", $51
db "hours about what", $4f
db "#MON music they", $51
db "should play on", $4f
db "different days of", $55
db "the week.", $51
db "One time, FERN's", $4f
db "rapping style kind", $51
db "of rubbed off on", $4f
db "BEN weirdly.", $51
db "So we ended up", $4f
db "enduring BEN's", $51
db "silly, chilly, a", $4f
db "willy-nilly jive-", $55
db "talking shtick for", $55
db "a while.", $51
db "Let's chat again!", $57
; 0xa1bed
UnknownText_0xa1bed: ; 0xa1bed
db $0, "I'm going shopping", $4f
db "with MARY and LILY", $55
db "soon.", $51
db "It'll be great if", $4f
db "STORE has a sale", $4f
db "on when we go…", $51
db $14, ", maybe we", $4f
db "can hook up too!", $51
db "Catch you later!", $57
; 0xa1c88
UnknownText_0xa1c88: ; 0xa1c88
db $0, "I'm thinking of", $4f
db "going to the GAME", $51
db "CORNER tomorrow.", $4f
db "It's been a while.", $51
db "You see, I have my", $4f
db "favorite machine…", $51
db "It pays out a lot,", $4f
db "I kid you not!", $51
db "Huh? Nuh-uh, it's", $4f
db "my secret!", $51
db "You have to find", $4f
db "it yourself!", $51
db "Catch you later!", $57
; 0xa1d5f
UnknownText_0xa1d5f: ; 0xa1d5f
db $0, "Hey, ", $14, ". You", $4f
db "use your #GEAR", $51
db "to listen to the", $4f
db "radio, right?", $51
db "I heard that you", $4f
db "can even display", $51
db "town maps with", $4f
db "#GEAR.", $51
db "I have a bad sense", $4f
db "of direction, so", $51
db "#GEAR would be", $4f
db "handy…", $51
db "Anyway, thanks for", $4f
db "calling! Later!", $57
; 0xa1e2f
UnknownText_0xa1e2f: ; 0xa1e2f
db $0, "Is it sunny", $4f
db "outside today?", $51
db "When you're cooped", $4f
db "up in the RADIO", $51
db "TOWER as much as I", $4f
db "am, you lose touch", $51
db "with the outside.", $4f
db "It can be boring.", $51
db "Please call again!", $57
; 0xa1eca

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