Add the logic for selecting the battle music.

This commit is contained in:
IIMarckus 2012-09-10 19:57:41 -06:00
parent f6be64dc7e
commit 047aaff15b

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@ -5617,7 +5617,84 @@ TrainerClassNames: ; 2c1ef
db "ROCKET@"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$2C41a,$30000 - $2C41a
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$2C41a,$2ee8f - $2C41a
; XXX this is not the start of the routine
ld a, [$d22f] ; are we fighting a trainer?
and a
jr nz, .trainermusic
ld a, $72
ld hl, $6ea1
rst $8 ; XXX check region
ld a, e
and a
jr nz, .kantowild
ld de, $0029 ; johto daytime wild battle music
ld a, [$d269] ; check time of day
cp $2 ; nighttime?
jr nz, .done ; if no, then done
ld de, $004a ; johto nighttime wild battle music
jr .done
ld de, $0008 ; kanto wild battle music
jr .done
ld de, $002f ; lance battle music
jr z, .done
cp RED
jr z, .done
; really, they should have included admins and scientists here too...
ld de, $0031 ; rocket battle music
jr z, .done
jr z, .done
ld de, $0006 ; kanto gym leader battle music
ld a, $f
ld hl, $5123
rst $8 ; XXX check if kanto gym leader
jr c, .done
ld de, $002e ; johto gym leader battle music
ld a, $f
ld hl, $5128
rst $8 ; XXX check if johto gym leader / elite four member
jr c, .done
ld de, $0030 ; rival battle music
ld a, [$d22f]
jr z, .done
jr nz, .othertrainer
ld a, [$d231] ; which rival are we fighting?
cp $4
jr c, .done ; if it's not the fight inside Indigo Plateau, we're done
ld de, $002f ; rival indigo plateau battle music
jr .done
ld a, [$c2dc]
and a
jr nz, .linkbattle ; XXX link battle?
ld a, $72
ld hl, $6ea1
rst $8
ld a, e
and a
jr nz, .kantotrainer
ld de, $002a ; johto trainer battle music
jr .done
ld de, $0007 ; kanto trainer battle music
call $3b97
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$2ef18,$30000 - $2ef18