mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
update music ptrs + labels and include music files
This commit is contained in:
@ -2284,7 +2284,21 @@ INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$18000,$1C000 - $18000
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1C000,$20000 - $1C000
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1c000, $1f31c - $1c000
Music_Credits: ; 0x1f31c
INCLUDE "music/credits.asm"
; 0x1fa8d
Music_Clair: ; 0x1fa8d
INCLUDE "music/clair.asm"
; 0x1fc87
Music_MobileAdapter: ; 0x1fc87
INCLUDE "music/mobileadapter.asm"
; 0x1ff6c
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1ff6c, $20000 - $1ff6c
@ -18772,7 +18786,7 @@ MapGoldenrodNameRatersHouseSignpost2Script: ; 0x55787
jumpstd $000c
; 0x5578a
INCLUDE "text/sweethoney.tx"
INCLUDE "text/sweethoney.asm"
GoldenrodNameRatersHouse_MapEventHeader: ; 0x55953
; filler
@ -74755,7 +74769,13 @@ INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$C8000,$4000
SECTION "bank33",DATA,BANK[$33]
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$CC000,$4000
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$cc000, $cfd9e - $cc000
Music_PostCredits: ; 0xcfd9e
INCLUDE "music/postcredits.asm"
; 0xcff04
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$cff04, $d0000 - $cff04
SECTION "bank34",DATA,BANK[$34]
@ -77933,107 +77953,107 @@ TrainerEncounterMusic: ; e9027
Music: ; e906e
dbw BANK(Music_Nothing), Music_Nothing ; 0xe91a3
dbw BANK(Music_TitleScreen), Music_TitleScreen ; 0xeb808
dbw $3b, $4000
dbw $3b, $42ca
dbw $3b, $4506
dbw $3b, $75f0
dbw $3b, $4720
dbw $3b, $49fa
dbw $3b, $506d
dbw $3b, $55c6
dbw $3d, $7411
dbw $3b, $579b
dbw $3b, $582d
dbw $3c, $4697
dbw $3b, $772f
dbw $3b, $58dd
dbw $3b, $5b29
dbw $3b, $5bd8
dbw $3b, $5d6d
dbw $3b, $6119
dbw $3c, $45bf
dbw $3d, $4000
dbw $3d, $435b
dbw BANK(Music_Route1), Music_Route1 ; 0xec000
dbw BANK(Music_Route3), Music_Route3 ; 0xec2ca
dbw BANK(Music_Route12), Music_Route12 ; 0xec506
dbw BANK(Music_MagnetTrain), Music_MagnetTrain ; 0xef5f0
dbw BANK(Music_KantoGymLeaderBattle), Music_KantoGymLeaderBattle ; 0xec720
dbw BANK(Music_KantoTrainerBattle), Music_KantoTrainerBattle ; 0xec9fa
dbw BANK(Music_KantoWildPokemonBattle), Music_KantoWildPokemonBattle ; 0xed06d
dbw BANK(Music_PokemonCenter), Music_PokemonCenter ; 0xed5c6
dbw BANK(Music_LookHiker), Music_LookHiker ; 0xf7411
dbw BANK(Music_LookLass), Music_LookLass ; 0xed79b
dbw BANK(Music_LookOfficer), Music_LookOfficer ; 0xed82d
dbw BANK(Music_HealPokemon), Music_HealPokemon ; 0xf0697
dbw BANK(Music_LavenderTown), Music_LavenderTown ; 0xef72f
dbw BANK(Music_Route2), Music_Route2 ; 0xed8dd
dbw BANK(Music_MtMoon), Music_MtMoon ; 0xedb29
dbw BANK(Music_ShowMeAround), Music_ShowMeAround ; 0xedbd8
dbw BANK(Music_GameCorner), Music_GameCorner ; 0xedd6d
dbw BANK(Music_Bicycle), Music_Bicycle ; 0xee119
dbw BANK(Music_HallOfFame), Music_HallOfFame ; 0xf05bf
dbw BANK(Music_ViridianCity), Music_ViridianCity ; 0xf4000
dbw BANK(Music_CeladonCity), Music_CeladonCity ; 0xf435b
dbw BANK(Music_TrainerVictory), Music_TrainerVictory ; 0xebeab
dbw $3d, $4518
dbw $3d, $462c
dbw $3d, $4815
dbw $3d, $48ae
dbw $3d, $4b0c
dbw $3d, $4c9f
dbw $3d, $4dea
dbw $3d, $4f79
dbw $3d, $5127
dbw $3d, $518a
dbw $3c, $46e1
dbw $3d, $54e8
dbw $07, $731c
dbw $3d, $57e8
dbw $3d, $5b03
dbw $3d, $79b8
dbw $3d, $5c60
dbw $3d, $5dc5
dbw $3d, $6096
dbw $3b, $7c01
dbw $3b, $72d0
dbw $3c, $4000
dbw BANK(Music_WildPokemonVictory), Music_WildPokemonVictory ; 0xf4518
dbw BANK(Music_GymLeaderVictory), Music_GymLeaderVictory ; 0xf462c
dbw BANK(Music_MtMoonSquare), Music_MtMoonSquare ; 0xf4815
dbw BANK(Music_Gym), Music_Gym ; 0xf48ae
dbw BANK(Music_PalletTown), Music_PalletTown ; 0xf4b0c
dbw BANK(Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk), Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk ; 0xf4c9f
dbw BANK(Music_ProfOak), Music_ProfOak ; 0xf4dea
dbw BANK(Music_LookRival), Music_LookRival ; 0xf4f79
dbw BANK(Music_AfterTheRivalFight), Music_AfterTheRivalFight ; 0xf5127
dbw BANK(Music_Surf), Music_Surf ; 0xf518a
dbw BANK(Music_Evolution), Music_Evolution ; 0xf06e1
dbw BANK(Music_NationalPark), Music_NationalPark ; 0xf54e8
dbw BANK(Music_Credits), Music_Credits ; 0x1f31c
dbw BANK(Music_AzaleaTown), Music_AzaleaTown ; 0xf57e8
dbw BANK(Music_CherrygroveCity), Music_CherrygroveCity ; 0xf5b03
dbw BANK(Music_LookKimonoGirl), Music_LookKimonoGirl ; 0xf79b8
dbw BANK(Music_UnionCave), Music_UnionCave ; 0xf5c60
dbw BANK(Music_JohtoWildPokemonBattle), Music_JohtoWildPokemonBattle ; 0xf5dc5
dbw BANK(Music_JohtoTrainerBattle), Music_JohtoTrainerBattle ; 0xf6096
dbw BANK(Music_Route30), Music_Route30 ; 0xefc01
dbw BANK(Music_EcruteakCity), Music_EcruteakCity ; 0xef2d0
dbw BANK(Music_VioletCity), Music_VioletCity ; 0xf0000
dbw BANK(Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle), Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle ; 0xea50d
dbw BANK(Music_ChampionBattle), Music_ChampionBattle ; 0xea9c1
dbw BANK(Music_RivalBattle), Music_RivalBattle ; 0xe974f
dbw BANK(Music_RocketBattle), Music_RocketBattle ; 0xe9b6f
dbw BANK(Music_ElmsLab), Music_ElmsLab ; 0xea040
dbw BANK(Music_DarkCave), Music_DarkCave ; 0x
dbw $3c, $4386
dbw BANK(Music_DarkCave), Music_DarkCave ; 0xea2be
dbw BANK(Music_Route29), Music_Route29 ; 0xf0386
dbw BANK(Music_Route36), Music_Route36 ; 0xe94e9
dbw BANK(Music_SSAqua), Music_SSAqua ; 0xead99
dbw $3d, $66c3
dbw $3b, $6e3e
dbw $3d, $74a2
dbw BANK(Music_LookYoungster), Music_LookYoungster ; 0xf66c3
dbw BANK(Music_LookBeauty), Music_LookBeauty ; 0xeee3e
dbw BANK(Music_LookRocket), Music_LookRocket ; 0xf74a2
dbw BANK(Music_LookPokemaniac), Music_LookPokemaniac ; 0xebde1
dbw $3b, $635e
dbw BANK(Music_LookSage), Music_LookSage ; 0xee35e
dbw BANK(Music_NewBarkTown), Music_NewBarkTown ; 0xeb2d3
dbw BANK(Music_GoldenrodCity), Music_GoldenrodCity ; 0xeb453
dbw BANK(Music_VermilionCity), Music_VermilionCity ; 0xeb676
dbw $3b, $645f
dbw $3d, $7b13
dbw $3d, $6811
dbw $3d, $6974
dbw $3d, $6a99
dbw $3b, $6569
dbw $3b, $66c5
dbw $3b, $6852
dbw $3b, $694b
dbw $3b, $6b75
dbw $3b, $6ce8
dbw $3d, $605c
dbw $3b, $6dcb
dbw $3d, $4602
dbw $3b, $6fb2
dbw $3d, $6bf2
dbw $3d, $6c72
dbw $3d, $6d79
dbw $3d, $6e23
dbw $3d, $7055
dbw $3d, $7308
dbw $3d, $78fd
dbw BANK(Music_PokemonChannel), Music_PokemonChannel ; 0xee45f
dbw BANK(Music_PokeFluteChannel), Music_PokeFluteChannel ; 0xf7b13
dbw BANK(Music_TinTower), Music_TinTower ; 0xf6811
dbw BANK(Music_SproutTower), Music_SproutTower ; 0xf6974
dbw BANK(Music_BurnedTower), Music_BurnedTower ; 0xf6a99
dbw BANK(Music_Lighthouse), Music_Lighthouse ; 0xee569
dbw BANK(Music_LakeOfRage), Music_LakeOfRage ; 0xee6c5
dbw BANK(Music_IndigoPlateau), Music_IndigoPlateau ; 0xee852
dbw BANK(Music_Route37), Music_Route37 ; 0xee94b
dbw BANK(Music_RocketHideout), Music_RocketHideout ; 0xeeb75
dbw BANK(Music_DragonsDen), Music_DragonsDen ; 0xeece8
dbw BANK(Music_JohtoWildPokemonBattleNight), Music_JohtoWildPokemonBattleNight ; 0xf605c
dbw BANK(Music_RuinsOfAlphRadioSignal), Music_RuinsOfAlphRadioSignal ; 0xeedcb
dbw BANK(Music_SuccessfulCapture), Music_SuccessfulCapture ; 0xf4602
dbw BANK(Music_Route26), Music_Route26 ; 0xeefb2
dbw BANK(Music_Mom), Music_Mom ; 0xf6bf2
dbw BANK(Music_VictoryRoad), Music_VictoryRoad ; 0xf6c72
dbw BANK(Music_PokemonLullaby), Music_PokemonLullaby ; 0xf6d79
dbw BANK(Music_PokemonMarch), Music_PokemonMarch ; 0xf6e23
dbw BANK(Music_GoldSilverOpening), Music_GoldSilverOpening ; 0xf7055
dbw BANK(Music_GoldSilverOpening2), Music_GoldSilverOpening2 ; 0xf7308
dbw BANK(Music_MainMenu), Music_MainMenu ; 0xf78fd
dbw BANK(Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior), Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior ; 0xebd9e
dbw $3d, $766d
dbw $3b, $79bc
dbw $3b, $7b3e
dbw $3d, $7c16
dbw $3b, $75b1
dbw $3c, $47fd
dbw $33, $7d9e
dbw $07, $7a8d
dbw $5e, $401f
dbw $07, $7c87
dbw $5e, $4153
dbw $5e, $443b
dbw $5e, $46e8
dbw $5e, $4889
dbw $5e, $4b81
dbw $5e, $548b
dbw $5e, $561d
dbw BANK(Music_RocketTheme), Music_RocketTheme ; 0xf766d
dbw BANK(Music_DancingHall), Music_DancingHall ; 0xef9bc
dbw BANK(Music_BugCatchingContestResults), Music_BugCatchingContestResults ; 0xefb3e
dbw BANK(Music_BugCatchingContest), Music_BugCatchingContest ; 0xf7c16
dbw BANK(Music_LakeOfRageRocketsRadioSignal), Music_LakeOfRageRocketsRadioSignal ; 0xef5b1
dbw BANK(Music_Printer), Music_Printer ; 0xf07fd
dbw BANK(Music_PostCredits), Music_PostCredits ; 0xcfd9e
dbw BANK(Music_Clair), Music_Clair ; 0x1fa8d
dbw BANK(Music_MobileAdapterMenu), Music_MobileAdapterMenu ; 0x17801f
dbw BANK(Music_MobileAdapter), Music_MobileAdapter ; 0x1fc87
dbw BANK(Music_BuenasPassword), Music_BuenasPassword ; 0x178153
dbw BANK(Music_LookMysticalMan), Music_LookMysticalMan ; 0x17843b
dbw BANK(Music_CrystalOpening), Music_CrystalOpening ; 0x1786e8
dbw BANK(Music_BattleTowerTheme), Music_BattleTowerTheme ; 0x178889
dbw BANK(Music_SuicuneBattle), Music_SuicuneBattle ; 0x178b81
dbw BANK(Music_BattleTowerLobby), Music_BattleTowerLobby ; 0x17948b
dbw BANK(Music_MobileCenter), Music_MobileCenter ; 0x17961d
; e91a3
Music_Nothing: ; 0xe91a3
@ -78383,15 +78403,313 @@ INCLUDE "music/trainervictory.asm"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$EC000,$4000
Music_Route1: ; 0xec000
INCLUDE "music/route1.asm"
; 0xec2ca
Music_Route3: ; 0xec2ca
INCLUDE "music/route3.asm"
; 0xec506
Music_Route12: ; 0xec506
INCLUDE "music/route12.asm"
; 0xec720
Music_KantoGymLeaderBattle: ; 0xec720
INCLUDE "music/kantogymleaderbattle.asm"
; 0xec9fa
Music_KantoTrainerBattle: ; 0xec9fa
INCLUDE "music/kantotrainerbattle.asm"
; 0xed06d
Music_KantoWildPokemonBattle: ; 0xed06d
INCLUDE "music/kantowildpokemonbattle.asm"
; 0xed5c6
Music_PokemonCenter: ; 0xed5c6
INCLUDE "music/pokemoncenter.asm"
; 0xed79b
Music_LookLass: ; 0xed79b
INCLUDE "music/looklass.asm"
; 0xed82d
Music_LookOfficer: ; 0xed82d
INCLUDE "music/lookofficer.asm"
; 0xed8dd
Music_Route2: ; 0xed8dd
INCLUDE "music/route2.asm"
; 0xedb29
Music_MtMoon: ; 0xedb29
INCLUDE "music/mtmoon.asm"
; 0xedbd8
Music_ShowMeAround: ; 0xedbd8
INCLUDE "music/showmearound.asm"
; 0xedd6d
Music_GameCorner: ; 0xedd6d
INCLUDE "music/gamecorner.asm"
; 0xee119
Music_Bicycle: ; 0xee119
INCLUDE "music/bicycle.asm"
; 0xee35e
Music_LookSage: ; 0xee35e
INCLUDE "music/looksage.asm"
; 0xee45f
Music_PokemonChannel: ; 0xee45f
INCLUDE "music/pokemonchannel.asm"
; 0xee569
Music_Lighthouse: ; 0xee569
INCLUDE "music/lighthouse.asm"
; 0xee6c5
Music_LakeOfRage: ; 0xee6c5
INCLUDE "music/lakeofrage.asm"
; 0xee852
Music_IndigoPlateau: ; 0xee852
INCLUDE "music/indigoplateau.asm"
; 0xee94b
Music_Route37: ; 0xee94b
INCLUDE "music/route37.asm"
; 0xeeb75
Music_RocketHideout: ; 0xeeb75
INCLUDE "music/rockethideout.asm"
; 0xeece8
Music_DragonsDen: ; 0xeece8
INCLUDE "music/dragonsden.asm"
; 0xeedcb
Music_RuinsOfAlphRadioSignal: ; 0xeedcb
INCLUDE "music/ruinsofalphradiosignal.asm"
; 0xeee3e
Music_LookBeauty: ; 0xeee3e
INCLUDE "music/lookbeauty.asm"
; 0xeefb2
Music_Route26: ; 0xeefb2
INCLUDE "music/route26.asm"
; 0xef2d0
Music_EcruteakCity: ; 0xef2d0
INCLUDE "music/ecruteakcity.asm"
; 0xef5b1
Music_LakeOfRageRocketsRadioSignal: ; 0xef5b1
INCLUDE "music/lakeofragerocketsradiosignal.asm"
; 0xef5f0
Music_MagnetTrain: ; 0xef5f0
INCLUDE "music/magnettrain.asm"
; 0xef72f
Music_LavenderTown: ; 0xef72f
INCLUDE "music/lavendertown.asm"
; 0xef9bc
Music_DancingHall: ; 0xef9bc
INCLUDE "music/dancinghall.asm"
; 0xefb3e
Music_BugCatchingContestResults: ; 0xefb3e
INCLUDE "music/bugcatchingcontestresults.asm"
; 0xefc01
Music_Route30: ; 0xefc01
INCLUDE "music/route30.asm"
; 0xefef5
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$F0000,$4000
Music_VioletCity: ; 0xf0000
INCLUDE "music/violetcity.asm"
; 0xf0386
Music_Route29: ; 0xf0386
INCLUDE "music/route29.asm"
; 0xf05bf
Music_HallOfFame: ; 0xf05bf
INCLUDE "music/halloffame.asm"
; 0xf0697
Music_HealPokemon: ; 0xf0697
INCLUDE "music/healpokemon.asm"
; 0xf06e1
Music_Evolution: ; 0xf06e1
INCLUDE "music/evolution.asm"
; 0xf07fd
Music_Printer: ; 0xf07fd
INCLUDE "music/printer.asm"
; 0xf0941
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $f0941, $f3fb6 - $f0941
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$F4000,$4000
Music_ViridianCity: ; 0xf4000
INCLUDE "music/viridiancity.asm"
; 0xf435b
Music_CeladonCity: ; 0xf435b
INCLUDE "music/celadoncity.asm"
; 0xf4518
Music_WildPokemonVictory: ; 0xf4518
INCLUDE "music/wildpokemonvictory.asm"
; 0xf4602
Music_SuccessfulCapture: ; 0xf4602
INCLUDE "music/successfulcapture.asm"
; 0xf462c
Music_GymLeaderVictory: ; 0xf462c
INCLUDE "music/gymleadervictory.asm"
; 0xf4815
Music_MtMoonSquare: ; 0xf4815
INCLUDE "music/mtmoonsquare.asm"
; 0xf48ae
Music_Gym: ; 0xf48ae
INCLUDE "music/gym.asm"
; 0xf4b0c
Music_PalletTown: ; 0xf4b0c
INCLUDE "music/pallettown.asm"
; 0xf4c9f
Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk: ; 0xf4c9f
INCLUDE "music/profoakspokemontalk.asm"
; 0xf4dea
Music_ProfOak: ; 0xf4dea
INCLUDE "music/profoak.asm"
; 0xf4f79
Music_LookRival: ; 0xf4f79
INCLUDE "music/lookrival.asm"
; 0xf5127
Music_AfterTheRivalFight: ; 0xf5127
INCLUDE "music/aftertherivalfight.asm"
; 0xf518a
Music_Surf: ; 0xf518a
INCLUDE "music/surf.asm"
; 0xf54e8
Music_NationalPark: ; 0xf54e8
INCLUDE "music/nationalpark.asm"
; 0xf57e8
Music_AzaleaTown: ; 0xf57e8
INCLUDE "music/azaleatown.asm"
; 0xf5b03
Music_CherrygroveCity: ; 0xf5b03
INCLUDE "music/cherrygrovecity.asm"
; 0xf5c60
Music_UnionCave: ; 0xf5c60
INCLUDE "music/unioncave.asm"
; 0xf5dc5
Music_JohtoWildPokemonBattle: ; 0xf5dc5
INCLUDE "music/johtowildpokemonbattle.asm"
; 0xf605c
Music_JohtoWildPokemonBattleNight: ; 0xf605c
INCLUDE "music/johtowildpokemonbattlenight.asm"
; 0xf6096
Music_JohtoTrainerBattle: ; 0xf6096
INCLUDE "music/johtotrainerbattle.asm"
; 0xf66c3
Music_LookYoungster: ; 0xf66c3
INCLUDE "music/lookyoungster.asm"
; 0xf6811
Music_TinTower: ; 0xf6811
INCLUDE "music/tintower.asm"
; 0xf6974
Music_SproutTower: ; 0xf6974
INCLUDE "music/sprouttower.asm"
; 0xf6a99
Music_BurnedTower: ; 0xf6a99
INCLUDE "music/burnedtower.asm"
; 0xf6bf2
Music_Mom: ; 0xf6bf2
INCLUDE "music/mom.asm"
; 0xf6c72
Music_VictoryRoad: ; 0xf6c72
INCLUDE "music/victoryroad.asm"
; 0xf6d79
Music_PokemonLullaby: ; 0xf6d79
INCLUDE "music/pokemonlullaby.asm"
; 0xf6e23
Music_PokemonMarch: ; 0xf6e23
INCLUDE "music/pokemonmarch.asm"
; 0xf7055
Music_GoldSilverOpening: ; 0xf7055
INCLUDE "music/goldsilveropening.asm"
; 0xf7308
Music_GoldSilverOpening2: ; 0xf7308
INCLUDE "music/goldsilveropening2.asm"
; 0xf7411
Music_LookHiker: ; 0xf7411
INCLUDE "music/lookhiker.asm"
; 0xf74a2
Music_LookRocket: ; 0xf74a2
; RocketTheme borrows heavily from this song
INCLUDE "music/lookrocket.asm"
; 0xf766d
Music_RocketTheme: ; 0xf766d
; borrows heavily from LookRocket
INCLUDE "music/rockettheme.asm"
; 0xf78fd
Music_MainMenu: ; 0xf78fd
INCLUDE "music/mainmenu.asm"
; 0xf79b8
Music_LookKimonoGirl: ; 0xf79b8
INCLUDE "music/lookkimonogirl.asm"
; 0xf7b13
Music_PokeFluteChannel: ; 0xf7b13
INCLUDE "music/pokeflutechannel.asm"
; 0xf7c16
Music_BugCatchingContest: ; 0xf7c16
INCLUDE "music/bugcatchingcontest.asm"
; 0xf7ef3
@ -79090,7 +79408,41 @@ INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$174000,$4000
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$178000,$4000
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $178000, $1f
Music_MobileAdapterMenu: ; 0x17801f
INCLUDE "music/mobileadaptermenu.asm"
; 0x178153
Music_BuenasPassword: ; 0x178153
INCLUDE "music/buenaspassword.asm"
; 0x17843b
Music_LookMysticalMan: ; 0x17843b
INCLUDE "music/lookmysticalman.asm"
; 0x1786e8
Music_CrystalOpening: ; 0x1786e8
INCLUDE "music/crystalopening.asm"
; 0x178889
Music_BattleTowerTheme: ; 0x178889
INCLUDE "music/battletowertheme.asm"
; 0x178b81
Music_SuicuneBattle: ; 0x178b81
INCLUDE "music/suicunebattle.asm"
; 0x17948b
Music_BattleTowerLobby: ; 0x17948b
INCLUDE "music/battletowerlobby.asm"
; 0x17961d
Music_MobileCenter: ; 0x17961d
INCLUDE "music/mobilecenter.asm"
; 0x17982d
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$17982d, $17b629 - $17982d
Reference in New Issue
Block a user