Fix some dubious comments about abandoned sram addresses.

This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2015-08-19 21:29:58 -07:00
parent 183845bd73
commit 038166f97c

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@ -881,8 +881,7 @@ Function1509a: ; 1509a
ld bc, wCrystalDataEnd - wCrystalData
call CopyBytes
; XXX $a60e-f is a static address left over from JP Crystal.
; It appears to correspond to event flags 0x160-0x16f in that version.
; XXX SRAM bank 7
ld hl, wd479
ld a, [hli]
ld [$a60e + 0], a
@ -900,8 +899,7 @@ Function150b9: ; 150b9
ld bc, wCrystalDataEnd - wCrystalData
call CopyBytes
; XXX $a60e-f is a static address left over from JP Crystal.
; It appears to correspond to event flags 0x160-0x16f in that version.
; XXX SRAM bank 7
ld hl, wd479
ld a, [$a60e + 0]
ld [hli], a