Merge pull request #98 from Sanky/master

Assorted menu code, will probably regret this.
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Bishop 2013-02-03 01:46:07 -08:00
commit 016174486f
3 changed files with 462 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ dwb: MACRO
db \2 db \2
dbw: MACRO
db \1
dw \2
db \1 << 4 + \2 db \1 << 4 + \2
@ -48,6 +53,25 @@ note: MACRO
db \1 db \1
; It's better to use *coord than FuncCoord.
FuncCoord: MACRO
Coord = $c4a0 + 20 * \2 + \1
bccoord: MACRO
FuncCoord \1, \2
ld bc, Coord
decoord: MACRO
FuncCoord \1, \2
ld de, Coord
hlcoord: MACRO
FuncCoord \1, \2
ld hl, Coord

View File

@ -1969,7 +1969,7 @@ NPlaceChar: ; 0x101e
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1024,$1078 - $1024 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1024,$1078 - $1024
PlaceString: PlaceString: ; $1078
push hl push hl
PlaceNextChar: PlaceNextChar:
ld a, [de] ld a, [de]
@ -4499,7 +4499,7 @@ PredefPointers: ; 856b
dwb $4cdb, $14 dwb $4cdb, $14
dwb $4c50, $14 dwb $4c50, $14
dwb $4bdd, $14 dwb $4bdd, $14
dwb $5c8a, $13 dwb StatsScreenInit, BANK(StatsScreenInit) ; stats screen
dwb $4b0a, $14 dwb $4b0a, $14
dwb $4b0e, $14 dwb $4b0e, $14
dwb $4b7b, $14 dwb $4b7b, $14
@ -5280,8 +5280,129 @@ BoxNameInputUpper:
db "- ? ! ♂ ♀ / . , &" db "- ? ! ♂ ♀ / . , &"
db "lower DEL END " db "lower DEL END "
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$11e5d,$12976 - $11e5d
OpenPartyMenu: ; $12976
ld a, [PartyCount]
and a
jr z, .return ; no pokémon in party
call $2b29 ; fade in?
.choosemenu ; 1297f
xor a
ld [PartyMenuActionText], a ; Choose a POKéMON.
call $31f3 ; this is also a predef/special, something with delayframe
.menu ; 12986
ld a, $14
ld hl, $404f
rst $8 ; load gfx
ld a, $14
ld hl, $4405
rst $8 ; setup menu?
ld a, $14
ld hl, $43e0
rst $8 ; load menu pokémon sprites
.menunoreload ; 12998
ld a, BANK(WritePartyMenuTilemap)
ld hl, WritePartyMenuTilemap
rst $8
ld a, BANK(PrintPartyMenuText)
ld hl, PrintPartyMenuText
rst $8
call $31f6
call $32f9 ; load regular palettes?
call DelayFrame
ld a, BANK(PartyMenuSelect)
ld hl, PartyMenuSelect
rst $8
jr c, .return ; if cancelled or pressed B
call PokemonActionSubmenu
cp $3
jr z, .menu
cp $0
jr z, .choosemenu
cp $1
jr z, .menunoreload
cp $2
jr z, .quit
.return ; 129c8
call $2b3c
ld a, $0
.quit ; 129ce
ld a, b
push af
call $2b4d
pop af
; 0x129d5
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$129d5,$12a88 - $129d5
PokemonActionSubmenu ; 0x12a88
ld hl, $c5cd ; coord
ld bc, $0212 ; box size
call $0fb6 ; draw box
ld a, $9
ld hl, $4d19
rst $8
call $389c
ld a, [$cf74] ; menu selection?
ld hl, PokemonSubmenuActionPointerTable
ld de, $0003 ; skip 3 bytes each time
call IsInArray
jr nc, .nothing
inc hl
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
jp [hl]
ld a, $0
; 0x12ab0
PokemonSubmenuActionPointerTable: ; 0x12ab0
dbw $01, $6e1b
dbw $02, $6e30
dbw $03, $6ebd
dbw $04, $6e6a
dbw $06, $6e55
dbw $07, $6e7f
dbw $08, $6ed1
dbw $09, $6ea9
dbw $0a, $6ee6
dbw $0d, $6ee6
dbw $0b, $6f26
dbw $05, $6e94
dbw $0c, $6f3b
dbw $0e, $6f50
dbw $0f, OpenPartyStats ; stats
dbw $10, $6aec ; switch
dbw $11, $6b60 ; item
dbw $12, $6a79
dbw $13, $6fba ; move
dbw $14, $6d45 ; mail
; no terminator?
; 0x12aec
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$12aec,$12e00 - $12aec
OpenPartyStats: ; 12e00
call $1d6e
call $300b
xor a
ld [MonType], a ; partymon
call LowVolume
ld a, $25
call Predef
call MaxVolume
call $1d7d
ld a, $0
; 0x12e1b
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$12e1b,$14000 - $12e1b
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$11e5d,$14000 - $11e5d
@ -20673,11 +20794,316 @@ CheckPokerus: ; 4d860
ret ret
; 4d87a ; 4d87a
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4d87a,$50000 - $4d87a INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4d87a,$4dc8a - $4d87a
StatsScreenInit: ; 4dc8a
ld hl, StatsScreenMain
jr .gotaddress
ld hl, $5cf7
jr .gotaddress
ld a, [$ffde]
push af
xor a
ld [$ffde], a ; disable overworld tile animations
ld a, [$c2c6] ; whether sprite is to be mirrorred
push af
ld a, [$cf63]
ld b, a
ld a, [$cf64]
ld c, a
push bc
push hl
call $31f3
call $0fc8
call $1ad2
ld a, $3e
ld hl, $753e
rst $8 ; this loads graphics
pop hl
call JpHl
call $31f3
call $0fc8
pop bc
; restore old values
ld a, b
ld [$cf63], a
ld a, c
ld [$cf64], a
pop af
ld [$c2c6], a
pop af
ld [$ffde], a
; 0x4dcd2
StatsScreenMain: ; 0x4dcd2
xor a
ld [$cf63], a
ld [$cf64], a
ld a, [$cf64]
and $fc
or $1
ld [$cf64], a
.loop ; 4dce3
ld a, [$cf63]
and $7f
ld hl, StatsScreenPointerTable
rst $28
call $5d3a ; check for keys?
ld a, [$cf63]
bit 7, a
jr z, .loop
; 0x4dcf7
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4dcf7,$4dd2a - $4dcf7
StatsScreenPointerTable: ; 4dd2a
dw $5d72 ; regular pokémon
dw EggStatsInit ; egg
dw $5de6
dw $5dac
dw $5dc6
dw $5de6
dw $5dd6
dw $5d6c
; 4dd3a
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4dd3a,$4dda1 - $4dd3a
EggStatsInit: ; 4dda1
call EggStatsScreen
ld a, [$cf63]
inc a
ld [$cf63], a
; 0x4ddac
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4ddac,$4e21e - $4ddac
IDNoString: ; 4e21e
db $73, "№.@"
OTString: ; 4e222
db "OT/@"
; 4e226
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4e226,$4e33a - $4e226
EggStatsScreen: ; 4e33a
xor a
ld [$ffd4], a
ld hl, $cda1
call $334e ; SetHPPal
ld b, $3
call GetSGBLayout
call $5f8f
ld de, EggString
hlcoord 8, 1 ; $c4bc
call PlaceString
ld de, IDNoString
hlcoord 8, 3 ; $c4e4
call PlaceString
ld de, OTString
hlcoord 8, 5 ; $c50c
call PlaceString
ld de, FiveQMarkString
hlcoord 11, 3 ; $c4e7
call PlaceString
ld de, FiveQMarkString
hlcoord 11, 5 ; $c50f
call PlaceString
ld a, [$d129] ; egg status
ld de, EggSoonString
cp $6
jr c, .picked
ld de, EggCloseString
cp $b
jr c, .picked
ld de, EggMoreTimeString
cp $29
jr c, .picked
ld de, EggALotMoreTimeString
hlcoord 1, 9 ; $c555
call PlaceString
ld hl, $cf64
set 5, [hl]
call $32f9 ; pals
call $045a
ld hl, TileMap
call $3786
ld a, $41
ld hl, $402d
rst $8
call $6497
ld a, [$d129]
cp $6
ret nc
ld de, $00bb
call StartSFX
; 0x4e3c0
EggString: ; 4e3c0
db "EGG@"
FiveQMarkString: ; 4e3c4
db "?????@"
EggSoonString: ; 0x4e3ca
db "It's making sounds", $4e, "inside. It's going", $4e, "to hatch soon!@"
EggCloseString: ; 0x4e3fd
db "It moves around", $4e, "inside sometimes.", $4e, "It must be close", $4e, "to hatching.@"
EggMoreTimeString: ; 0x4e43d
db "Wonder what's", $4e, "inside? It needs", $4e, "more time, though.@"
EggALotMoreTimeString: ; 0x4e46e
db "This EGG needs a", $4e, "lot more time to", $4e, "hatch.@"
; 0x4e497
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4e497,$50000 - $4e497
SECTION "bank14",DATA,BANK[$14] SECTION "bank14",DATA,BANK[$14]
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$50000,$5097B-$50000 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$50000,$5005f-$50000
WritePartyMenuTilemap: ; 0x5005f
ld hl, Options
ld a, [hl]
push af
set 4, [hl] ; Disable text delay
xor a
ld [$ffd4], a
ld hl, TileMap
ld bc, $0168
ld a, " "
call $3041 ; blank the tilemap
call $4396 ; This reads from a pointer table???
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_50084 ; 0x5007a $8
push hl
ld hl, $4089
rst $28
pop hl
jr .asm_50077 ; 0x50082 $f3
pop af
ld [Options], a
; 0x50089
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$50089,$50457-$50089
PartyMenuSelect: ; 0x50457
; sets carry if exitted menu.
call $1bc9
call $1bee
ld a, [PartyCount]
inc a
ld b, a
ld a, [$cfa9] ; menu selection?
cp b
jr z, .exitmenu ; CANCEL
ld [$d0d8], a
ld a, [$ffa9]
ld b, a
bit 1, b
jr nz, .exitmenu ; B button?
ld a, [$cfa9]
dec a
ld [CurPartyMon], a
ld c, a
ld b, $0
ld hl, PartySpecies
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
ld [CurPartySpecies], a
ld de, $0008
call StartSFX
call WaitSFX
and a
ld de, $0008
call StartSFX
call WaitSFX
; 0x5049a
PrintPartyMenuText: ; 5049a
ld hl, $c5b8
ld bc, $0212
call $0fe8 ; related to TextBoxBorder
ld a, [PartyCount]
and a
jr nz, .haspokemon
ld de, YouHaveNoPKMNString
jr .gotstring
.haspokemon ; 504ae
ld a, [PartyMenuActionText]
and $f ; drop high nibble
ld hl, PartyMenuStrings
ld e, a
ld d, $0
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld d, [hl]
ld e, a
.gotstring ; 504be
ld a, [Options]
push af
set 4, a ; disable text delay
ld [Options], a
ld hl, $c5e1 ; Coord
call PlaceString
pop af
ld [Options], a
; 0x504d2
PartyMenuStrings: ; 0x504d2
dw ChooseAMonString
dw UseOnWhichPKMNString
dw WhichPKMNString
dw TeachWhichPKMNString
dw MoveToWhereString
dw UseOnWhichPKMNString
dw ChooseAMonString ; Probably used to be ChooseAFemalePKMNString
dw ChooseAMonString ; Probably used to be ChooseAMalePKMNString
dw ToWhichPKMNString
ChooseAMonString: ; 0x504e4
db "Choose a #MON.@"
UseOnWhichPKMNString: ; 0x504f3
db "Use on which ", $e1, $e2, "?@"
WhichPKMNString: ; 0x50504
db "Which ", $e1, $e2, "?@"
TeachWhichPKMNString: ; 0x5050e
db "Teach which ", $e1, $e2, "?@"
MoveToWhereString: ; 0x5051e
db "Move to where?@"
ChooseAFemalePKMNString: ; 0x5052d ; UNUSED
db "Choose a ♀", $e1, $e2, ".@"
ChooseAMalePKMNString: ; 0x5053b ; UNUSED
db "Choose a ♂", $e1, $e2, ".@"
ToWhichPKMNString: ; 0x50549
db "To which ", $e1, $e2, "?@"
YouHaveNoPKMNString: ; 0x50556
db "You have no ", $e1, $e2, "!@"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$50566,$5097B-$50566
dw Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bird, Bug, Ghost, Steel dw Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bird, Bug, Ghost, Steel
dw Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal dw Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal

View File

@ -768,7 +768,12 @@ CurPartyMon: ; d109
; 0-5 ; 0-5
ds 1 ds 1
ds 57 ds 55
PartyMenuActionText ; d141
ds 1
ds 1
CurPartyLevel: ; d143 CurPartyLevel: ; d143
ds 1 ds 1