254 lines
3.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

PlaceMenuItemName: ; 0x24ab4
push de
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld a, [wMenuSelection]
ld [wNamedObjectIndexBuffer], a
call GetItemName
pop hl
call PlaceString
PlaceMenuItemQuantity: ; 0x24ac3
push de
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld a, [wMenuSelection]
ld [wCurItem], a
2017-12-24 12:47:30 -05:00
farcall _CheckTossableItem
ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer]
pop hl
and a
jr nz, .done
ld de, $15
add hl, de
ld [hl], "×"
inc hl
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld de, wMenuSelectionQuantity
lb bc, 1, 2
call PrintNum
2018-01-02 17:13:57 +01:00
Special_PlaceMoneyTopRight: ; 24ae8
ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x24b15
call CopyMenuDataHeader
jr PlaceMoneyDataHeader
PlaceMoneyBottomLeft: ; 24af0
ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x24b1d
call CopyMenuDataHeader
jr PlaceMoneyDataHeader
PlaceMoneyAtTopLeftOfTextbox: ; 24af8
ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x24b15
lb de, 0, 11
call OffsetMenuDataHeader
PlaceMoneyDataHeader: ; 24b01
call MenuBox
call MenuBoxCoord2Tile
ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH + 1
add hl, de
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld de, wMoney
lb bc, PRINTNUM_MONEY | 3, 6
call PrintNum
MenuDataHeader_0x24b15: ; 0x24b15
menu_coords 11, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, 2
db 1 ; default option
MenuDataHeader_0x24b1d: ; 0x24b1d
menu_coords 0, 11, 8, 13
db 1 ; default option
Special_DisplayCoinCaseBalance: ; 24b25
; Place a text box of size 1x7 at 11, 0.
hlcoord 11, 0
ld b, 1
ld c, 7
call TextBox
hlcoord 12, 0
ld de, CoinString
call PlaceString
hlcoord 17, 1
ld de, ShowMoney_TerminatorString
call PlaceString
ld de, wCoins
lb bc, 2, 4
hlcoord 13, 1
call PrintNum
Special_DisplayMoneyAndCoinBalance: ; 24b4e
hlcoord 5, 0
ld b, 3
ld c, 13
call TextBox
hlcoord 6, 1
ld de, MoneyString
call PlaceString
hlcoord 12, 1
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld de, wMoney
lb bc, PRINTNUM_MONEY | 3, 6
call PrintNum
hlcoord 6, 3
ld de, CoinString
call PlaceString
hlcoord 15, 3
ld de, wCoins
lb bc, 2, 4
call PrintNum
MoneyString: ; 24b83
db "MONEY@"
CoinString: ; 24b89
db "COIN@"
ShowMoney_TerminatorString: ; 24b8e
db "@"
2018-01-02 16:04:21 +01:00
Unreferenced_Function24b8f: ; 24b8f
; related to safari?
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wOptions
ld a, [hl]
push af
set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl]
hlcoord 0, 0
ld b, 3
ld c, 7
call TextBox
hlcoord 1, 1
ld de, wSafariTimeRemaining
lb bc, 2, 3
call PrintNum
hlcoord 4, 1
ld de, .slash_500
call PlaceString
hlcoord 1, 3
ld de, .booru_ko
call PlaceString
hlcoord 5, 3
ld de, wSafariBallsRemaining
lb bc, 1, 2
call PrintNum
pop af
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld [wOptions], a
.slash_500 ; 24bcf
db "@"
.booru_ko ; 24bd4
db "ボール   こ@"
StartMenu_DrawBugContestStatusBox: ; 24bdc
hlcoord 0, 0
ld b, 5
ld c, 17
call TextBox
StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus: ; 24be7
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wOptions
ld a, [hl]
push af
set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl]
call StartMenu_DrawBugContestStatusBox
hlcoord 1, 5
ld de, .Balls_EN
call PlaceString
hlcoord 8, 5
ld de, wParkBallsRemaining
call PrintNum
hlcoord 1, 1
ld de, .CAUGHT
call PlaceString
ld a, [wContestMon]
and a
ld de, .None
jr z, .no_contest_mon
ld [wd265], a
call GetPokemonName
hlcoord 8, 1
call PlaceString
ld a, [wContestMon]
and a
jr z, .skip_level
hlcoord 1, 3
ld de, .LEVEL
call PlaceString
ld a, [wContestMonLevel]
ld h, b
ld l, c
inc hl
ld c, 3
call Print8BitNumRightAlign
pop af
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld [wOptions], a
.Balls_JP: ; 24c43
db "ボール   こ@"
.CAUGHT: ; 24c4b
db "CAUGHT@"
.Balls_EN: ; 24c52
db "BALLS:@"
.None: ; 24c59
db "None@"
.LEVEL: ; 24c5e
db "LEVEL@"
FindApricornsInBag: ; 24c64
; Checks the bag for Apricorns.
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wBuffer1
xor a
ld [hli], a
dec a
ld bc, 10
call ByteFill
2018-01-11 01:45:27 -05:00
ld hl, ApricornBalls
ld a, [hl]
cp -1
jr z, .done
push hl
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld [wCurItem], a
ld hl, wNumItems
call CheckItem
pop hl
jr nc, .nope
ld a, [hl]
call .addtobuffer
inc hl
inc hl
jr .loop
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld a, [wBuffer1]
and a
ret nz
.addtobuffer ; 24c94
push hl
2018-01-23 17:39:09 -05:00
ld hl, wBuffer1
inc [hl]
ld e, [hl]
ld d, 0
add hl, de
ld [hl], a
pop hl
2018-01-11 01:45:27 -05:00
INCLUDE "data/items/apricorn_balls.asm"