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synced 2025-01-23 09:16:20 -08:00
264 lines
4.0 KiB
264 lines
4.0 KiB
Function88248: ; 88248
ld c, CAL
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .okay
ld c, KAREN
ld a, c
ld [TrainerClass], a
MovePlayerPicRight: ; 88258
hlcoord 6, 4
ld de, 1
jr MovePlayerPic
MovePlayerPicLeft: ; 88260
hlcoord 13, 4
ld de, -1
; fallthrough
MovePlayerPic: ; 88266
; Move player pic at hl by de * 7 tiles.
ld c, $8
push bc
push hl
push de
xor a
ld [hBGMapMode], a
lb bc, 7, 7
predef PlaceGraphic
xor a
ld [hBGMapThird], a
call WaitBGMap
call DelayFrame
pop de
pop hl
add hl, de
pop bc
dec c
ret z
push hl
push bc
ld a, l
sub e
ld l, a
ld a, h
sbc d
ld h, a
lb bc, 7, 7
call ClearBox
pop bc
pop hl
jr .loop
ShowPlayerNamingChoices: ; 88297
ld hl, ChrisNameMenuHeader
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .GotGender
ld hl, KrisNameMenuHeader
call LoadMenuDataHeader
call VerticalMenu
ld a, [wMenuCursorY]
dec a
call CopyNameFromMenu
call CloseWindow
ChrisNameMenuHeader: ; 882b5
db $40 ; flags
db 00, 00 ; start coords
db 11, 10 ; end coords
dw .MaleNames
db 1 ; ????
db 0 ; default option
.MaleNames: ; 882be
db $91 ; flags
db 5 ; items
db "NEW NAME@"
MalePlayerNameArray: ; 882c9
db "CHRIS@"
db "MAT@"
db "ALLAN@"
db "JON@"
db 2 ; displacement
db " NAME @" ; title
KrisNameMenuHeader: ; 882e5
db $40 ; flags
db 00, 00 ; start coords
db 11, 10 ; end coords
dw .FemaleNames
db 1 ; ????
db 0 ; default option
.FemaleNames: ; 882ee
db $91 ; flags
db 5 ; items
db "NEW NAME@"
FemalePlayerNameArray: ; 882f9
db "KRIS@"
db "AMANDA@"
db "JUANA@"
db "JODI@"
db 2 ; displacement
db " NAME @" ; title
GetPlayerNameArray: ; 88318 This Function is never called
ld hl, PlayerName
ld de, MalePlayerNameArray
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .done
ld de, FemalePlayerNameArray
call InitName
GetPlayerIcon: ; 8832c
; Get the player icon corresponding to gender
; Male
ld de, ChrisSpriteGFX
ld b, BANK(ChrisSpriteGFX)
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .done
; Female
ld de, KrisSpriteGFX
ld b, BANK(KrisSpriteGFX)
GetCardPic: ; 8833e
ld hl, ChrisCardPic
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .GotClass
ld hl, KrisCardPic
ld de, VTiles2 tile $00
ld bc, $23 tiles
ld a, BANK(ChrisCardPic) ; BANK(KrisCardPic)
call FarCopyBytes
ld hl, CardGFX
ld de, VTiles2 tile $23
ld bc, 6 tiles
ld a, BANK(CardGFX)
call FarCopyBytes
ChrisCardPic: ; 88365
INCBIN "gfx/trainer_card/chris_card.2bpp"
KrisCardPic: ; 88595
INCBIN "gfx/trainer_card/kris_card.2bpp"
CardGFX: ; 887c5
INCBIN "gfx/trainer_card/trainer_card.2bpp"
GetPlayerBackpic: ; 88825
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, GetChrisBackpic
call GetKrisBackpic
GetChrisBackpic: ; 88830
ld hl, ChrisBackpic
ld b, BANK(ChrisBackpic)
ld de, VTiles2 tile $31
ld c, 7 * 7
predef DecompressPredef
HOF_LoadTrainerFrontpic: ; 88840
call WaitBGMap
xor a
ld [hBGMapMode], a
ld e, 0
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .GotClass
ld e, 1
ld a, e
ld [TrainerClass], a
ld de, ChrisPic
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .GotPic
ld de, KrisPic
ld hl, VTiles2
ld b, BANK(ChrisPic) ; BANK(KrisPic)
ld c, 7 * 7
call Get2bpp
call WaitBGMap
ld a, $1
ld [hBGMapMode], a
DrawIntroPlayerPic: ; 88874
; Draw the player pic at (6,4).
; Get class
ld e, CHRIS
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .GotClass
ld e, KRIS
ld a, e
ld [TrainerClass], a
; Load pic
ld de, ChrisPic
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .GotPic
ld de, KrisPic
ld hl, VTiles2
ld b, BANK(ChrisPic) ; BANK(KrisPic)
ld c, 7 * 7 ; dimensions
call Get2bpp
; Draw
xor a
ld [hGraphicStartTile], a
hlcoord 6, 4
lb bc, 7, 7
predef PlaceGraphic
ChrisPic: ; 888a9
INCBIN "gfx/player/chris.2bpp"
KrisPic: ; 88bb9
INCBIN "gfx/player/kris.2bpp"
GetKrisBackpic: ; 88ec9
; Kris's backpic is uncompressed.
ld de, KrisBackpic
ld hl, VTiles2 tile $31
lb bc, BANK(KrisBackpic), 7 * 7 ; dimensions
call Get2bpp
KrisBackpic: ; 88ed6
INCBIN "gfx/player/kris_back.2bpp"