- **SafeUpdateSprites**: Set BG map mode to 0 (disabled) and disable OAM update + UpdateSprites + enable OAM update + DelayFrame + restore original state of BG map mode and OAM update
- **UpdateSprites**: Compute state of overworld sprites to wShadowOAM. Disable OAM update while editing wShadowOAM, and restore its original state when finished
- **ApplyPals**: Copy wBGPals1 into wBGPals2 and wOBPals1 into wOBPals2. Does not request pal update during vblank by itself
- **ApplyAttrmap**: Set BG map mode to 2 (pals) and delay 4 frames, and finally restore original state BG map mode. If LCD disabled instead copy all pals at once immediately
- **ApplyTilemap**: Set BG map mode to 1 (tiles) and delay 4 frames. If wSpriteUpdatesEnabled is non-0, instead call CopyTilemapAtOnce to do it all in one frame. This delays the next vblank to LY ~$7f
- **LoadScreenTilemap**: From the metatile-based 24x20 map in wSurroundingTiles, load the corresponding 20x18 tiles to wTilemap. Later, BackupBGMap* from ScrollMap* copies new row/column from wTilemap to wBGMapBuffer. _ScrollBGMapPalettes populates wBGMapPalBuffer based on the tiles at wBGMapBuffer. These are read during vblank by UpdateBGMapBuffer.
- **LoadScreenAttrmapPals**: Load wAttrmap palette numbers based on the tileset palettes of the current map. Called only by LoadScreenTilemapAndAttrmapPals.
- **LoadScreenTilemapAndAttrmapPals**: LoadScreenTilemap + LoadScreenAttrmapPals. Often used to reload screen after closing a text box.
- **ReanchorBGMap_NoOAMUpdate**: LoadScreenTilemapAndAttrmapPals + HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_OpenAndCloseMenu, then fill BG map with all black while Window is displayed, finally anchor map and objects. Shall by followed by CopyTilemapAtOnce or by a HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_* to redraw the screen.
- **HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_OpenAndCloseMenu**, **HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_OverworldEffect**: Similar, but with slightly different scanline timing. So they're essentially like RefreshScreen minus the anchoring part.
- **DisableWindowHUD**: Configure LCD interrupt in hblank mode
- **LoadHUD**: Load the HUD at wWhichHUD to the top of wTilemap and wAttrmap
- **LoadWindowHUD**: Like LoadHUD, but for HUDs that require a Window overlay. Only does anything if hWindowHUDLY is non-0
- **ConstructOverworldHUDTilemap**: Draw the overworld HUD's tilemap into wOverworldHUDTiles
- **TransferOverworldHUDToBGMap**: Transfer overworld HUD to vBGMap1/vBGMap3 during v/hblank(s). Tilemap is read from wOverworldHUDTiles, attrmap is all PAL_BG_TEXT | PRIORITY.
- **reloadmappart**: LoadScreenTilemapAndAttrmapPals + GetMovementPermissions + HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_OverworldEffect + UpdateSprites. Similar to refreshscreen, but does not reanchor. On the other hand, it refreshes movement permissions. Often used after a block change or field move, which can affect collisions.
> HandleCmdQueue <c>runs cmds queued by callbacks of type MAPCALLBACK_CMDQUEUE that execute the writecmdqueue script. Used only for stone tables, where any boulder from that table that is on a pit tile is made to disappear.</c>
>> <f>PlayerEvents (wScriptRunning == FALSE):</f><c>wScriptRunning check not to interrupt a running script command with wait/delay mode like applymovement and deactivatefacing</c>
>>> <f>CheckTrainerBattle:</f>\
>>> *if seen by trainer (if any visible sprite is a trainer not yet beaten facing the player within line of sight)*:\
>>>>> <c>Tile collision checks below consist on reading the current tile *wPlayerTile* and comparing it to a *COLL_* constant or a range of *COLL_* constants.</c>\
>>>>> <c>Tile permission checks below consist on reading the permissions of the tile that the player is walking into: *wTilePermissions* (applies only to *COLL_WALL*s) and *wWalkingTile* (*LAND_TILE*, *WATER_TILE*, or *WALL_TILE* for the tile in the walking direction; *WALL_TILE* permission is not the same as a *COLL_WALL* collision).</c>\
>>>>> $~~~~$*if directions at wWalkingDirection and wPlayerDirection are not the same (turning): DoStep(STEP_TURN), <k>r1_player_movement = PLAYERMOVEMENT_TURN</k>*\
>>>>> $~~~~$*if no bump (land tile permissions or NPC): DoStep(STEP_WALK / STEP_BIKE / STEP_ICE)*\
>>>>> $~~~~~~~~$*if not leaving water: <k>r1_player_movement = PLAYERMOVEMENT_FINISH</k>*\
>>>>> $~~~~~~~~$*if leaving water: wPlayerState <= PLAYER_NORMAL, reload music and sprites, and <k>r1_player_movement = PLAYERMOVEMENT_EXIT_WATER</k>*\
>>>>> $~~~~$*if ledge tile: play sfx, DoStep(STEP_LEDGE), and <k>r1_player_movement = PLAYERMOVEMENT_JUMP</k>*\
>>>>> $~~~~~~~~$*if directions at wWalkingDirection and wPlayerDirection are the same: load warp data, wPlayerTurningDirection <= 0, wMovementAnimation <= movement_step_sleep, and <k>r1_player_movement = PLAYERMOVEMENT_WARP</k>*\
>>>>> $~~~~$*if directions at wWalkingDirection and wPlayerDirection are not the same (turning): DoStep(STEP_TURN), <k>r1_player_movement = PLAYERMOVEMENT_TURN</k>*\
>>>>> $~~~~$*if no bump (water tile permissions or NPC): DoStep(STEP_WALK / STEP_BIKE / STEP_ICE)*\
>>>>> $~~~~~~~~$*if not leaving water: <k>r1_player_movement = PLAYERMOVEMENT_FINISH</k>*\
>>>>> $~~~~~~~~$*if leaving water: wPlayerState <= PLAYER_NORMAL, reload music and sprites, and <k>r1_player_movement = PLAYERMOVEMENT_EXIT_WATER</k>*\
>>> r2_player_event == -1: <k>r3_player_event = 0</k><c>in this case, apart from r2_player_event = -1, PlayerMovement has also returned nc</c>\
>>> r2_player_event == 0: <c>in this case, apart from r2_player_event = 0, PlayerMovement has also returned nc</c>\
>>> $~~~~$*if on ice tile and wPlayerTurningDirection != 0*: <j>[j2]</j>\
>>> $~~~~$if A_BUTTON in hJoyPressed:\
>>> $~~~~~~~~$*if facing to object event*: CallScript(<object'sscript>) and <k>r3_player_event = PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT</k> / <k>r3_player_event = PLAYEREVENT_ITEMBALL</k> / *load trainer data* and <k>r3_player_event = PLAYEREVENT_TALKTOTRAINER</k><c>includes rock and boulder objects (PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT case)</c>\
>>> $~~~~~~~~$*if bg event (signpost) in current coords and facing, and event's flag set if any*: CallScript(<event'sscript> / HiddenItemScript) and <k>r3_player_event = PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT</k>\
>>> $~~~~~~~~$*if facing to collision event (use cut, whirlpool, waterfall, headbutt, surf)*: *call TryXOW, which returns with CallScript(AskXOW / CantXOW) and thus <k>r3_player_event = PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT</k>*\
>>> $~~~~$hJoyPressed[SELECT_F] == TRUE:\
>>> $~~~~~~~~$CallScript(SelectMenuScript) and <k>r3_player_event = PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT</k>\
>>> $~~~~$hJoyPressed[START_F] == TRUE:\
>>> $~~~~~~~~$CallScript(StartMenuScript) and <k>r3_player_event = PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT</k>\
>>> <k>r3_player_event = r2_player_event</k><c>in these instances is where PlayerMovement returned carry, so OWPlayerInput returns early</c>
>>> r3_player_event == 0: <j>[j2]</j>
>> <j>**[j1]**</j>\
>> wScriptMode <= SCRIPT_READ\
>> wScriptRunning <= *loaded script from whatever jumped straight to [j1] OR r3_player_event*
>>> <f>DoPlayerEvent (wScriptRunning == TRUE and wScriptRunning != PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT):</f><c>if there is a non-PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT script requested during this loop iteration, DoPlayerEvent pushes it to make it be executed by ScriptEvents. So the code up to [j2] below here **is actually executed by ScriptEvents and *NOT* right now**.</c>\
>>> <c>All scripts below finish with the *end* script unless otherwise stated (e.g. by the *endall* script)</c>
>> <f>ScriptEvents:</f><c>executes scripts requested this loop by CallScript (PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT)</c>
>> wScriptFlags[SCRIPT_RUNNING] = TRUE\
>> while wScriptFlags[SCRIPT_RUNNING] == TRUE: <c>breaks after *end* or similar script command</c>
>> $~~~~$wScriptMode == SCRIPT_OFF:\
>> $~~~~~~~~$wScriptFlags[SCRIPT_RUNNING] = FALSE
>> $~~~~$wScriptMode == SCRIPT_READ:\
>> $~~~~~~~~$**(...)**
>> $~~~~$wScriptMode == SCRIPT_WAIT_MOVEMENT:\
>> $~~~~~~~~$**(...)**
>> $~~~~$wScriptMode == SCRIPT_WAIT:\
>> $~~~~~~~~$**(...)**
> wMapStatus != MAPSTATUS_HANDLE: <j>[j3]</j> <c>jump if any script during this iteration changed wMapStatus (some warp ocurred)</c>
> <f>**HandleMapObjects**:</f>
>> **HandleNPCStep**<c>**Includes player object!** At the beginning of each object, clears wPlayerStepVectorX, wPlayerStepVectorY, and wPlayerStepFlags, and sets wPlayerStepDirection to STANDING. HandleObjectStep is called for each visible object. This calls HandleStepType, which processes StepTypesJumptable by STEP_TYPE_. These functions manipulate wPlayerStepFlags among other things.</c>
<c>***End of overworld loop. The remainder are intermediate functions***</c>
<c>Every script executed by ScriptEvents finishes with the some form of the **end** command. It returns (by updating wScriptPos and wScriptBank) to a parent script if any, and otherwise:</c>\
wScriptRunning <= FALSE\
wScriptMode <= SCRIPT_OFF\
<c>The **endall** command is like *end*, but also finishes parent scripts regardless.</c>
- **wTurnData** ~ **wTurnDataEnd**: not preserved on save, and cleared at the beginning of BoardMenuScript (i.e. on turn begin). It's part of *wMapStatus* ~ *wMapStatusEnd*, so it's also cleared by *StartMap*. Includes:
- **wTempSpaceStruct**: Temporary scope. Same structure as *wCurSpaceStruct*
- **wTempSpaceBranchStruct**: Temporary scope. The structure is four bytes for next space for each direction (R/L/U/D; -1 if unavailable direction) followed by four bytes for required techniques for each direction (R/L/U/D)
- **wViewMapModeRange**, **wViewMapModeDisplacementY**, **wViewMapModeDisplacementX**: Temporary scope during a Vew Map mode session.
- **wBeforeViewMapYCoord**, **wBeforeViewMapXCoord**, **wBeforeViewMapMapGroup**, **wBeforeViewMapMapNumber**: Temporary scope during a Vew Map mode session. Used to preserve previous player state.
1) ``OverworldLoop`` is called from ``GameMenu_WorldMap`` with either ``hMapEntryMethod`` = ``MAPSETUP_ENTERLEVEL`` or ``hMapEntryMethod`` = ``MAPSETUP_CONTINUE``.
2) ``StartMap`` resets ``wCurTurn`` and ``wCurSpace`` if ``MAPSETUP_ENTERLEVEL``. ``StartMap`` sets ``hCurBoardEvent`` to ``BOARDEVENT_DISPLAY_MENU``. ``wScriptFlags2`` is cleared. ``wMapStatus`` is set to ``MAPSTATUS_HANDLE`` causing ``HandleMap`` to be called.
3) ``MapEvents`` (from ``HandleMap``) calls ``PlayerEvents``. ``CheckBoardEvent`` queues ``BoardMenuScript`` which is executed by ``ScriptEvents``.
- If player exits, the ``exitoverworld`` script sets ``wMapStatus`` to ``MAPSTATUS_DONE``. This causes ``OverworldLoop`` to return back to the game menu. **Exit this workflow**.
5) Player rolls die and the animation plays. After the animation, ``wDisplaySecondarySprites.SECONDARYSPRITES_SPACES_LEFT_F`` is set and ``hCurBoardEvent`` is set to ``BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD``. At the end of this ``HandleMap`` iteration, ``CheckPlayerState`` sets ``wMapEventStatus`` to ``MAPEVENTS_ON`` (``wScriptFlags2`` is not touched so it remains cleared).
6) In the next ``HandleMap`` iteration, ``CheckBoardEvent`` from ``PlayerEvents`` jumps to ``.board`` and then to ``.no_space_effect`` due to ``wScriptFlags2[4]`` not being set.
7) Execution continues in ``PlayerEvents``; ``OWPlayerInput`` is eventually called, and thus ``DoPlayerMovement``. Here, ``StepTowardsNextSpace`` computes based on ``wCurSpaceNextSpace`` what direction key to write to ``wCurInput``, causing the player to begin a movement in that direction.
8) The player may need to turn to a different direction through the ``ChangeDirectionScript`` (when ``DoPlayerMovement`` returns with ``PLAYERMOVEMENT_TURN``). Otherwise or after that, ``CheckPlayerState`` sets ``wMapEventStatus`` to ``MAPEVENTS_OFF``,
9) When the step finishes (i.e. ``PLAYERSTEP_STOP_F`` becomes set) in some ``HandleMap`` iteration, ``CheckPlayerState`` sets ``wScriptFlags2`` to $ff and ``wMapEventStatus`` to ``MAPEVENTS_ON``.
- If ``wCurSpaceNextSpace`` matches ``NEXT_SPACE_IS_ANCHOR_POINT``: If player is at a tile with an anchor event, ``wCurSpaceNextSpace`` is updated with the next space byte of salid anchor event. ``wScriptFlags2[4]`` is reset. **Go back to 7**.
- If player is not above a tile (``wPlayerTile``) with a space collision: ``wScriptFlags2[4]`` is reset. **Go back to 7**.
- If player is above a tile, the corresponding space script is queued to be executed by ``ScriptEvents`` in the current ``HandleMap`` iteration. ``wScriptFlags2[4]`` is reset. **Continue to 11**.
11) The space script loads the value of ``wCurSpaceNextSpace`` into ``wCurSpace``, and loads the new space data to ``wCurSpaceStruct[]``. Unless the space is a Branch Space or a Union Space, ``wSpacesLeft`` is decreased.
- If the space is a Branch Space, the branch data is loaded to ``wTempSpaceBranchStruct``. Then the player is prompted to choose a valid direction. ``wCurSpaceNextSpace`` is populated with the next space that corresponds to the chosen direction. **Go back to 6**.
- If the space is an End Space, a fading out animation plays and then the ``exitoverworld`` script sets ``wMapStatus`` to ``MAPSTATUS_DONE``. This causes ``OverworldLoop`` to return back to the game menu. **Exit this workflow**.
14) The landed-on space is disabled by executing a block change that converts it into a Grey Space. ``hCurBoardEvent`` is set to ``BOARDEVENT_END_TURN``. ``CheckBoardEvent`` does nothing in this state. In the first subsequent ``HandleMap`` iteration where no other kind of event triggers causing ``PlayerEvents`` to return early, ``hCurBoardEvent`` is set to ``BOARDEVENT_DISPLAY_MENU``.
1) Pressing SELECT in the board menu triggers View Map mode. ``hCurBoardEvent`` is set to ``BOARDEVENT_VIEW_MAP_MODE``, player state (coordinates as well as current map in order to support connected maps) is backed up, ``wPlayerFlags[INVISIBLE_F]`` is set, and a static mockup of the player object is loaded to the last ``wMapObject`` and, in the background, to the first ``wObjectStruct`` is available.
2) The board event handler in ``CheckBoardEvent`` listens for the B button being pressed (except when a DPAD key is simultaneously held). When B is pressed, a script (a single ``reloadmapafterviewmapmode``) to exit from View Map mode is queued to be executed by ``ScriptEvents``. Otherwise, ``DoPlayerMovement.ViewMapMode`` handles movement input in this mode.
3) When requested exit of View Map mode via B button, ``reloadmapafterviewmapmode`` sets ``hMapEntryMethod`` to ``MAPSETUP_EXITVIEWMAP``, ``hMapEntryMethod`` to ``SPAWN_FROM_RAM`` (required by the map setup command ``EnterMapSpawnPoint`` to restore the backed up player state), loads ``MAPSTATUS_ENTER`` tp ``wMapStatus``, and resets ``wPlayerFlags[INVISIBLE_F]`` (the mocked player object naturally disappears when the map reloads).
4) Then:
a) If View Map mode was entered from the board menu, ``BOARDEVENT_REDISPLAY_MENU`` is loaded. It is the same as ``BOARDEVENT_DISPLAY_MENU`` but skips ``BoardMenuScript.Upkeep``.
b) If View Map mode was entered from the branch menu, instead ``BOARDEVENT_RESUME_BRANCH`` is loaded, using ``wPlayerSpriteSetupFlags[PLAYERSPRITESETUP_CUSTOM_FACING_F]`` to maintain the facing direction according to the direction (``SPRITEMOVEDATA_*``) of the mocked player object. ``BOARDEVENT_RESUME_BRANCH`` makes sure to shortcut the branch space script by calling ``BranchSpaceScript_PromptPlayer`` directly and avoiding the recomputation of the branch struct that would cause corruption. ``BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD`` is loaded immediately by ``BOARDEVENT_RESUME_BRANCH``.
- In View Map mode, regular collisions are ignored whereas going off-limits (based on map dimensions and connected maps) or off-range is accounted for.
- Events other than warpless connections are ignored in View Map mode (as well as button actions, like while in ``BOARDEVENT_HANDLE_BOARD``).
- ``wTileDown``, ``wTileUp``, etc., otherwise unused, are borrowed by in order to signal valid directions to ``InitSecondarySprites`` (e.g. ``wTileDown=$ff`` means that DOWN direction is not valid).
- In View Map mode, the overworld delay is 1 rather than 2.
- ``UpdatePlayerCoords`` tracks the displacement during View Map mode in the X and Y axes in order to monitor the allowed range.