1222 lines
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1222 lines
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// System.Xml.XmlDocumentTests
// Authors:
// Jason Diamond <jason@injektilo.org>
// Kral Ferch <kral_ferch@hotmail.com>
// Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@sysrq.dk>
// (C) 2002 Jason Diamond, Kral Ferch
// (C) 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
#if NET_2_0
using InvalidNodeTypeArgException = System.ArgumentException;
#else // it makes less sense
using InvalidNodeTypeArgException = System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException;
namespace MonoTests.System.Xml
public class XmlDocumentTests
private XmlDocument document;
private ArrayList eventStrings = new ArrayList();
// These Event* methods support the TestEventNode* Tests in this file.
// Most of them are event handlers for the XmlNodeChangedEventHandler
// delegate.
private void EventStringAdd(string eventName, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
string oldParent = (e.OldParent != null) ? e.OldParent.Name : "<none>";
string newParent = (e.NewParent != null) ? e.NewParent.Name : "<none>";
eventStrings.Add (String.Format ("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", eventName, e.Action.ToString (), e.Node.OuterXml, oldParent, newParent));
private void EventNodeChanged(Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
EventStringAdd ("NodeChanged", e);
private void EventNodeChanging (Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
EventStringAdd ("NodeChanging", e);
private void EventNodeChangingException (Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
throw new Exception ("don't change the value.");
private void EventNodeInserted(Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
EventStringAdd ("NodeInserted", e);
private void EventNodeInserting(Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
EventStringAdd ("NodeInserting", e);
private void EventNodeInsertingException(Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
throw new Exception ("don't insert the element.");
private void EventNodeRemoved(Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
EventStringAdd ("NodeRemoved", e);
private void EventNodeRemoving(Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
EventStringAdd ("NodeRemoving", e);
private void EventNodeRemovingException(Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
throw new Exception ("don't remove the element.");
public void GetReady ()
document = new XmlDocument ();
document.PreserveWhitespace = true;
public void CreateNodeNodeTypeNameEmptyParams ()
try {
document.CreateNode (null, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentException to be thrown.");
} catch (ArgumentException) {}
try {
document.CreateNode ("attribute", null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected a NullReferenceException to be thrown.");
} catch (NullReferenceException) {}
try {
document.CreateNode ("attribute", "", null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentException to be thrown.");
} catch (ArgumentException) {}
try {
document.CreateNode ("element", null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected a NullReferenceException to be thrown.");
} catch (NullReferenceException) {}
try {
document.CreateNode ("element", "", null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentException to be thrown.");
} catch (ArgumentException) {}
try {
document.CreateNode ("entityreference", null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected a NullReferenceException to be thrown.");
} catch (NullReferenceException) {}
public void CreateNodeInvalidXmlNodeType ()
XmlNode node;
try {
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.EndElement, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentOutOfRangeException to be thrown.");
} catch (InvalidNodeTypeArgException) {}
try {
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.EndEntity, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentOutOfRangeException to be thrown.");
} catch (InvalidNodeTypeArgException) {}
try {
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Entity, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentOutOfRangeException to be thrown.");
} catch (InvalidNodeTypeArgException) {}
try {
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.None, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentOutOfRangeException to be thrown.");
} catch (InvalidNodeTypeArgException) {}
try {
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Notation, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentOutOfRangeException to be thrown.");
} catch (InvalidNodeTypeArgException) {}
// TODO: undocumented allowable type.
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, node.NodeType);
public void CreateNodeWhichParamIsUsed ()
XmlNode node;
// No constructor params for Document, DocumentFragment.
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.CDATA, "a", "b", "c");
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, ((XmlCDataSection)node).Value);
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Comment, "a", "b", "c");
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, ((XmlComment)node).Value);
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.DocumentType, "a", "b", "c");
Assert.IsNull (((XmlDocumentType)node).Value);
// TODO: add this back in to test when it's implemented.
// node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.EntityReference, "a", "b", "c");
// Assert.IsNull (((XmlEntityReference)node).Value);
// TODO: add this back in to test when it's implemented.
// node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, "a", "b", "c");
// Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, ((XmlProcessingInstruction)node).Value);
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace, "a", "b", "c");
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, ((XmlSignificantWhitespace)node).Value);
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Text, "a", "b", "c");
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, ((XmlText)node).Value);
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Whitespace, "a", "b", "c");
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, ((XmlWhitespace)node).Value);
node = document.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, "a", "b", "c");
Assert.AreEqual ("version=\"1.0\"", ((XmlDeclaration)node).Value);
#if NET_2_0
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // enbug in 2.0
public void CreateNodeNodeTypeName ()
XmlNode node;
try {
node = document.CreateNode ("foo", null, null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentException to be thrown.");
} catch (ArgumentException) {}
// .NET 2.0 fails here.
node = document.CreateNode("attribute", "foo", null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.Attribute, node.NodeType);
node = document.CreateNode("cdatasection", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.CDATA, node.NodeType);
node = document.CreateNode("comment", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.Comment, node.NodeType);
node = document.CreateNode("document", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.Document, node.NodeType);
// TODO: test which constructor this ended up calling,
// i.e. reuse underlying NameTable or not?
node = document.CreateNode("documentfragment", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment, node.NodeType);
node = document.CreateNode("documenttype", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.DocumentType, node.NodeType);
node = document.CreateNode("element", "foo", null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.Element, node.NodeType);
// TODO: add this back in to test when it's implemented.
// ---> It is implemented, but it is LAMESPEC that allows null entity reference name.
// node = document.CreateNode("entityreference", "foo", null);
// Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.EntityReference, node.NodeType);
// LAMESPEC: null PI name is silly.
// node = document.CreateNode("processinginstruction", null, null);
// Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, node.NodeType);
node = document.CreateNode("significantwhitespace", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace, node.NodeType);
node = document.CreateNode("text", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.Text, node.NodeType);
node = document.CreateNode("whitespace", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.Whitespace, node.NodeType);
public void DocumentElement ()
Assert.IsNull (document.DocumentElement);
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("foo", "bar", "http://foo/");
Assert.IsNotNull (element);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", element.Prefix);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", element.LocalName);
Assert.AreEqual ("http://foo/", element.NamespaceURI);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo:bar", element.Name);
Assert.AreSame (element, document.AppendChild (element));
Assert.AreSame (element, document.DocumentElement);
public void DocumentEmpty()
Assert.AreEqual ("", document.OuterXml, "Incorrect output for empty document.");
public void EventNodeChanged()
XmlElement element;
XmlComment comment;
document.NodeChanged += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeChanged);
// Node that is part of the document.
document.AppendChild (document.CreateElement ("foo"));
comment = document.CreateComment ("bar");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (comment);
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--bar-->", document.DocumentElement.InnerXml);
comment.Value = "baz";
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeChanged, Change, <!--baz-->, foo, foo"));
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--baz-->", document.DocumentElement.InnerXml);
// Node that isn't part of the document but created by the document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
comment = document.CreateComment ("bar");
element.AppendChild (comment);
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--bar-->", element.InnerXml);
comment.Value = "baz";
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeChanged, Change, <!--baz-->, foo, foo"));
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--baz-->", element.InnerXml);
TODO: Insert this when XmlNode.InnerText() and XmlNode.InnerXml() have been implemented.
// Node that is part of the document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
element.InnerText = "bar";
element.InnerText = "baz";
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains("NodeChanged, Change, baz, foo, foo"));
// Node that isn't part of the document but created by the document.
element = document.CreateElement("qux");
element.InnerText = "quux";
element.InnerText = "quuux";
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains("NodeChanged, Change, quuux, qux, qux"));
public void EventNodeChanging()
XmlElement element;
XmlComment comment;
document.NodeChanging += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeChanging);
// Node that is part of the document.
document.AppendChild (document.CreateElement ("foo"));
comment = document.CreateComment ("bar");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (comment);
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--bar-->", document.DocumentElement.InnerXml);
comment.Value = "baz";
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeChanging, Change, <!--bar-->, foo, foo"));
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--baz-->", document.DocumentElement.InnerXml);
// Node that isn't part of the document but created by the document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
comment = document.CreateComment ("bar");
element.AppendChild (comment);
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--bar-->", element.InnerXml);
comment.Value = "baz";
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeChanging, Change, <!--bar-->, foo, foo"));
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--baz-->", element.InnerXml);
// If an exception is thrown the Document returns to original state.
document.NodeChanging += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeChangingException);
element = document.CreateElement("foo");
comment = document.CreateComment ("bar");
element.AppendChild (comment);
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--bar-->", element.InnerXml);
comment.Value = "baz";
Assert.Fail ("Expected an exception to be thrown by the NodeChanging event handler method EventNodeChangingException().");
} catch (Exception) {}
Assert.AreEqual ("<!--bar-->", element.InnerXml);
// Yes it's a bit anal but this tests whether the node changing event exception fires before the
// ArgumentOutOfRangeException. Turns out it does so that means our implementation needs to raise
// the node changing event before doing any work.
comment.ReplaceData(-1, 0, "qux");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an ArgumentOutOfRangeException to be thrown.");
catch (Exception) {}
TODO: Insert this when XmlNode.InnerText() and XmlNode.InnerXml() have been implemented.
// Node that is part of the document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
element.InnerText = "bar";
element.InnerText = "baz";
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains("NodeChanging, Change, bar, foo, foo"));
// Node that isn't part of the document but created by the document.
element = document.CreateElement("foo");
element.InnerText = "bar";
element.InnerText = "baz";
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains("NodeChanging, Change, bar, foo, foo"));
// If an exception is thrown the Document returns to original state.
document.NodeChanging += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeChangingException);
element = document.CreateElement("foo");
element.InnerText = "bar";
try {
element.InnerText = "baz";
Assert.Fail ("Expected an exception to be thrown by the NodeChanging event handler method EventNodeChangingException().");
} catch (Exception) {}
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", element.InnerText);
public void EventNodeInserted()
XmlElement element;
document.NodeInserted += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeInserted);
// Inserted 'foo' element to the document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
document.AppendChild (element);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeInserted, Insert, <foo />, <none>, #document"));
// Append child on node in document
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeInserted, Insert, <foo />, <none>, foo"));
// Append child on node not in document but created by document
element = document.CreateElement ("bar");
element.AppendChild(document.CreateElement ("bar"));
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains("NodeInserted, Insert, <bar />, <none>, bar"));
public void EventNodeInserting()
XmlElement element;
document.NodeInserting += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeInserting);
// Inserting 'foo' element to the document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
document.AppendChild (element);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeInserting, Insert, <foo />, <none>, #document"));
// Append child on node in document
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeInserting, Insert, <foo />, <none>, foo"));
// Append child on node not in document but created by document
element = document.CreateElement ("bar");
Assert.AreEqual (0, element.ChildNodes.Count);
element.AppendChild (document.CreateElement ("bar"));
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeInserting, Insert, <bar />, <none>, bar"));
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
// If an exception is thrown the Document returns to original state.
document.NodeInserting += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeInsertingException);
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
element.AppendChild (document.CreateElement("baz"));
Assert.Fail ("Expected an exception to be thrown by the NodeInserting event handler method EventNodeInsertingException().");
catch (Exception) {}
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
public void EventNodeRemoved()
XmlElement element;
XmlElement element2;
document.NodeRemoved += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeRemoved);
// Removed 'bar' element from 'foo' outside document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
element2 = document.CreateElement ("bar");
element.AppendChild (element2);
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
element.RemoveChild (element2);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeRemoved, Remove, <bar />, foo, <none>"));
Assert.AreEqual (0, element.ChildNodes.Count);
* TODO: put this test back in when AttributeCollection.RemoveAll() is implemented.
// RemoveAll.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
element2 = document.CreateElement ("bar");
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeRemoved, Remove, <bar />, foo, <none>"));
Assert.AreEqual (0, element.ChildNodes.Count);
// Removed 'bar' element from 'foo' inside document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
document.AppendChild (element);
element = document.CreateElement ("bar");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);
Assert.AreEqual (1, document.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveChild (element);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeRemoved, Remove, <bar />, foo, <none>"));
Assert.AreEqual (0, document.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count);
public void EventNodeRemoving()
XmlElement element;
XmlElement element2;
document.NodeRemoving += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeRemoving);
// Removing 'bar' element from 'foo' outside document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
element2 = document.CreateElement ("bar");
element.AppendChild (element2);
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
element.RemoveChild (element2);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeRemoving, Remove, <bar />, foo, <none>"));
Assert.AreEqual (0, element.ChildNodes.Count);
* TODO: put this test back in when AttributeCollection.RemoveAll() is implemented.
// RemoveAll.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
element2 = document.CreateElement ("bar");
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeRemoving, Remove, <bar />, foo, <none>"));
Assert.AreEqual (0, element.ChildNodes.Count);
// Removing 'bar' element from 'foo' inside document.
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
document.AppendChild (element);
element = document.CreateElement ("bar");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);
Assert.AreEqual (1, document.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveChild (element);
Assert.IsTrue (eventStrings.Contains ("NodeRemoving, Remove, <bar />, foo, <none>"));
Assert.AreEqual (0, document.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count);
// If an exception is thrown the Document returns to original state.
document.NodeRemoving += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (this.EventNodeRemovingException);
element.AppendChild (element2);
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an exception to be thrown by the NodeRemoving event handler method EventNodeRemovingException().");
catch (Exception) {}
Assert.AreEqual (1, element.ChildNodes.Count);
public void GetElementsByTagNameNoNameSpace ()
string xml = @"<library><book><title>XML Fun</title><author>John Doe</author>
<price>34.95</price></book><book><title>Bear and the Dragon</title>
<author>Tom Clancy</author><price>6.95</price></book><book>
<title>Bourne Identity</title><author>Robert Ludlum</author>
<title>Bourne Ultimatum</title><author>Robert Ludlum</author>
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (xml));
document = new XmlDocument ();
document.Load (memoryStream);
XmlNodeList bookList = document.GetElementsByTagName ("book");
Assert.AreEqual (4, bookList.Count, "GetElementsByTagName (string) returned incorrect count.");
public void GetElementsByTagNameUsingNameSpace ()
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder ();
xml.Append ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><library xmlns:North=\"http://www.foo.com\" ");
xml.Append ("xmlns:South=\"http://www.goo.com\"><North:book type=\"non-fiction\"> ");
xml.Append ("<North:title type=\"intro\">XML Fun</North:title> " );
xml.Append ("<North:author>John Doe</North:author> " );
xml.Append ("<North:price>34.95</North:price></North:book> " );
xml.Append ("<South:book type=\"fiction\"> " );
xml.Append ("<South:title>Bear and the Dragon</South:title> " );
xml.Append ("<South:author>Tom Clancy</South:author> " );
xml.Append ("<South:price>6.95</South:price></South:book> " );
xml.Append ("<South:book type=\"fiction\"><South:title>Bourne Identity</South:title> " );
xml.Append ("<South:author>Robert Ludlum</South:author> " );
xml.Append ("<South:price>9.95</South:price></South:book></library>");
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (xml.ToString ()));
document = new XmlDocument ();
document.Load (memoryStream);
XmlNodeList bookList = document.GetElementsByTagName ("book", "http://www.goo.com");
Assert.AreEqual (2, bookList.Count, "GetElementsByTagName (string, uri) returned incorrect count.");
public void GetElementsByTagNameNs2 ()
document.LoadXml (@"<root>
<x:a xmlns:x='urn:foo' id='a'>
<y:a xmlns:y='urn:foo' id='b'/>
<x:a id='c' />
<z id='d' />
text node
<?a processing instruction ?>
<x:w id='e'/>
// id='b' has different prefix. Should not caught by (name),
// while should caught by (name, ns).
XmlNodeList nl = document.GetElementsByTagName ("x:a");
Assert.AreEqual (2, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
nl = document.GetElementsByTagName ("a", "urn:foo");
Assert.AreEqual (3, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
// name wildcard
nl = document.GetElementsByTagName ("*");
Assert.AreEqual (6, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("root", nl [0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [3].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("d", nl [4].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("e", nl [5].Attributes ["id"].Value);
// wildcard - local and ns
nl = document.GetElementsByTagName ("*", "*");
Assert.AreEqual (6, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("root", nl [0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [3].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("d", nl [4].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("e", nl [5].Attributes ["id"].Value);
// namespace wildcard - namespace
nl = document.GetElementsByTagName ("*", "urn:foo");
Assert.AreEqual (4, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("e", nl [3].Attributes ["id"].Value);
// namespace wildcard - local only. I dare say, such usage is not XML-ish!
nl = document.GetElementsByTagName ("a", "*");
Assert.AreEqual (3, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
public void Implementation ()
Assert.IsNotNull (new XmlDocument ().Implementation);
public void InnerAndOuterXml ()
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, document.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual (document.InnerXml, document.OuterXml);
XmlDeclaration declaration = document.CreateXmlDeclaration ("1.0", null, null);
document.AppendChild (declaration);
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>", document.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual (document.InnerXml, document.OuterXml);
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
document.AppendChild (element);
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><foo />", document.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual (document.InnerXml, document.OuterXml);
XmlComment comment = document.CreateComment ("bar");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (comment);
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><foo><!--bar--></foo>", document.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual (document.InnerXml, document.OuterXml);
XmlText text = document.CreateTextNode ("baz");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (text);
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><foo><!--bar-->baz</foo>", document.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual (document.InnerXml, document.OuterXml);
element = document.CreateElement ("quux");
element.SetAttribute ("quuux", "squonk");
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><foo><!--bar-->baz<quux quuux=\"squonk\" /></foo>", document.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual (document.InnerXml, document.OuterXml);
public void LoadWithSystemIOStream ()
string xml = @"<library><book><title>XML Fun</title><author>John Doe</author>
<price>34.95</price></book><book><title>Bear and the Dragon</title>
<author>Tom Clancy</author><price>6.95</price></book><book>
<title>Bourne Identity</title><author>Robert Ludlum</author>
<title>Bourne Ultimatum</title><author>Robert Ludlum</author>
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (xml));
document = new XmlDocument ();
document.Load (memoryStream);
Assert.AreEqual (true, document.HasChildNodes, "Not Loaded From IOStream");
public void LoadXmlReaderNamespacesFalse ()
XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader (
"<root xmlns='urn:foo' />", XmlNodeType.Document, null);
xtr.Namespaces = false;
document.Load (xtr); // Don't complain about xmlns attribute with its namespaceURI == String.Empty.
public void LoadXmlCDATA ()
document.LoadXml ("<foo><![CDATA[bar]]></foo>");
Assert.IsTrue (document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Value);
public void LoadXMLComment()
// XmlTextReader needs to throw this exception
// try {
// document.LoadXml("<!--foo-->");
// Assert.Fail ("XmlException should have been thrown.");
// }
// catch (XmlException e) {
// Assert.AreEqual ("The root element is missing.", e.Message, "Exception message doesn't match.");
// }
document.LoadXml ("<foo><!--Comment--></foo>");
Assert.IsTrue (document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment);
Assert.AreEqual ("Comment", document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Value);
document.LoadXml (@"<foo><!--bar--></foo>");
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", ((XmlComment)document.FirstChild.FirstChild).Data, "Incorrect target.");
public void LoadXmlElementSingle ()
Assert.IsNull (document.DocumentElement);
document.LoadXml ("<foo/>");
Assert.IsNotNull (document.DocumentElement);
Assert.AreSame (document.FirstChild, document.DocumentElement);
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, document.DocumentElement.Prefix);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", document.DocumentElement.LocalName);
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, document.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", document.DocumentElement.Name);
public void LoadXmlElementWithAttributes ()
Assert.IsNull (document.DocumentElement);
document.LoadXml ("<foo bar='baz' quux='quuux' hoge='hello & world' />");
XmlElement documentElement = document.DocumentElement;
Assert.AreEqual ("baz", documentElement.GetAttribute ("bar"));
Assert.AreEqual ("quuux", documentElement.GetAttribute ("quux"));
Assert.AreEqual ("hello & world", documentElement.GetAttribute ("hoge"));
Assert.AreEqual ("hello & world", documentElement.Attributes ["hoge"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual (1, documentElement.GetAttributeNode ("hoge").ChildNodes.Count);
public void LoadXmlElementWithChildElement ()
document.LoadXml ("<foo><bar/></foo>");
Assert.IsTrue (document.ChildNodes.Count == 1);
Assert.IsTrue (document.FirstChild.ChildNodes.Count == 1);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", document.DocumentElement.LocalName);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.LocalName);
public void LoadXmlElementWithTextNode ()
document.LoadXml ("<foo>bar</foo>");
Assert.IsTrue (document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Value);
public void LoadXmlExceptionClearsDocument ()
document.LoadXml ("<foo/>");
Assert.IsTrue (document.FirstChild != null);
try {
document.LoadXml ("<123/>");
Assert.Fail ("An XmlException should have been thrown.");
} catch (XmlException) {}
Assert.IsTrue (document.FirstChild == null);
public void LoadXmlProcessingInstruction ()
document.LoadXml (@"<?foo bar='baaz' quux='quuux'?><quuuux></quuuux>");
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", ((XmlProcessingInstruction)document.FirstChild).Target, "Incorrect target.");
Assert.AreEqual ("bar='baaz' quux='quuux'", ((XmlProcessingInstruction)document.FirstChild).Data, "Incorrect data.");
public void OuterXml ()
string xml;
xml = "<root><![CDATA[foo]]></root>";
document.LoadXml (xml);
Assert.AreEqual (xml, document.OuterXml, "XmlDocument with cdata OuterXml is incorrect.");
xml = "<root><!--foo--></root>";
document.LoadXml (xml);
Assert.AreEqual (xml, document.OuterXml, "XmlDocument with comment OuterXml is incorrect.");
xml = "<root><?foo bar?></root>";
document.LoadXml (xml);
Assert.AreEqual (xml, document.OuterXml, "XmlDocument with processing instruction OuterXml is incorrect.");
public void ParentNodes ()
document.LoadXml ("<foo><bar><baz/></bar></foo>");
XmlNode node = document.FirstChild.FirstChild.FirstChild;
Assert.AreEqual ("baz", node.LocalName, "Wrong child found.");
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", node.ParentNode.LocalName, "Wrong parent.");
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", node.ParentNode.ParentNode.LocalName, "Wrong parent.");
Assert.AreEqual ("#document", node.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.LocalName, "Wrong parent.");
Assert.IsNull (node.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode, "Expected parent to be null.");
public void RemovedElementNextSibling ()
XmlNode node;
XmlNode nextSibling;
document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/><child2/></foo>");
node = document.DocumentElement.FirstChild;
document.DocumentElement.RemoveChild (node);
nextSibling = node.NextSibling;
Assert.IsNull (nextSibling, "Expected removed node's next sibling to be null.");
// ImportNode
public void ImportNode ()
XmlNode n;
string xlinkURI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XLink";
string xml1 = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><foo xmlns:xlink='" + xlinkURI + "'><bar a1='v1' xlink:href='#foo'><baz><![CDATA[cdata section.\n\titem 1\n\titem 2\n]]>From here, simple text node.</baz></bar></foo>";
XmlDocument newDoc = new XmlDocument();
newDoc.LoadXml("<hoge><fuga /></hoge>");
XmlElement bar = document.DocumentElement.FirstChild as XmlElement;
// Attribute
n = newDoc.ImportNode(bar.GetAttributeNode("href", xlinkURI), true);
Assert.AreEqual ("href", n.LocalName, "#ImportNode.Attr.NS.LocalName");
Assert.AreEqual (xlinkURI, n.NamespaceURI, "#ImportNode.Attr.NS.NSURI");
Assert.AreEqual ("#foo", n.Value, "#ImportNode.Attr.NS.Value");
n = newDoc.ImportNode(bar.FirstChild.FirstChild, true);
Assert.AreEqual ("cdata section.\n\titem 1\n\titem 2\n", n.Value, "#ImportNode.CDATA");
// Element
XmlElement e = newDoc.ImportNode(bar, true) as XmlElement;
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", e.Name, "#ImportNode.Element.Name");
Assert.AreEqual ("#foo", e.GetAttribute("href", xlinkURI), "#ImportNode.Element.Attr");
Assert.AreEqual ("baz", e.FirstChild.Name, "#ImportNode.Element.deep");
// Entity Reference:
// [2002/10/14] CreateEntityReference was not implemented.
// document.LoadXml("<!DOCTYPE test PUBLIC 'dummy' [<!ENTITY FOOENT 'foo'>]><root>&FOOENT;</root>");
// n = newDoc.ImportNode(document.DocumentElement.FirstChild);
// Assert.AreEqual ("FOOENT", n.Name, "#ImportNode.EntityReference");
// Assert.AreEqual ("foo_", n.Value, "#ImportNode.EntityReference");
// Processing Instruction
document.LoadXml("<foo><?xml-stylesheet href='foo.xsl' ?></foo>");
XmlProcessingInstruction pi = (XmlProcessingInstruction)newDoc.ImportNode(document.DocumentElement.FirstChild, false);
Assert.AreEqual ("xml-stylesheet", pi.Name, "#ImportNode.ProcessingInstruction.Name");
Assert.AreEqual ("href='foo.xsl'", pi.Data.Trim(), "#ImportNode.ProcessingInstruction.Data");
// Text
n = newDoc.ImportNode((XmlText)bar.FirstChild.ChildNodes[1], true);
Assert.AreEqual ("From here, simple text node.", n.Value, "#ImportNode.Text");
// XmlDeclaration
XmlDeclaration decl = (XmlDeclaration)newDoc.ImportNode(document.FirstChild, false);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, decl.NodeType, "#ImportNode.XmlDeclaration.Type");
Assert.AreEqual ("utf-8", decl.Encoding, "#ImportNode.XmlDeclaration.Encoding");
public void NameTable()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
Assert.IsNotNull (doc.NameTable);
public void SingleEmptyRootDocument()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.LoadXml("<root />");
Assert.IsNotNull (doc.DocumentElement);
public void DocumentWithDoctypeDecl ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
// In fact it is invalid, but it doesn't fail with MS.NET 1.0.
doc.LoadXml ("<!DOCTYPE test><root />");
Assert.IsNotNull (doc.DocumentType);
#if NetworkEnabled
doc.LoadXml ("<!DOCTYPE test SYSTEM 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><root />");
} catch (XmlException) {
Assert.Fail ("#DoctypeDecl.System");
try {
doc.LoadXml ("<!DOCTYPE test PUBLIC '-//test' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><root />");
} catch (XmlException) {
Assert.Fail ("#DoctypeDecl.Public");
// Should this be commented out?
doc.LoadXml ("<!DOCTYPE test [<!ELEMENT foo EMPTY>]><test><foo/></test>");
public void CloneNode ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("<foo><bar /><baz hoge='fuga'>TEST Text</baz></foo>");
XmlDocument doc2 = (XmlDocument)doc.CloneNode (false);
Assert.AreEqual (0, doc2.ChildNodes.Count, "ShallowCopy");
doc2 = (XmlDocument)doc.CloneNode (true);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", doc2.DocumentElement.Name, "DeepCopy");
public void OuterXmlWithDefaultXmlns ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("<iq type=\"get\" id=\"ATECLIENT_1\"><query xmlns=\"jabber:iq:auth\"><username></username></query></iq>");
Assert.AreEqual ("<iq type=\"get\" id=\"ATECLIENT_1\"><query xmlns=\"jabber:iq:auth\"><username></username></query></iq>", doc.OuterXml);
public void PreserveWhitespace ()
string input =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><!-- --> <foo/>";
XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument ();
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (input));
dom.Load (reader);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.Element, dom.FirstChild.NextSibling.NextSibling.NodeType);
public void PreserveWhitespace2 ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
Assert.IsTrue (!doc.PreserveWhitespace);
doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
XmlDocument d2 = doc.Clone () as XmlDocument;
Assert.IsTrue (!d2.PreserveWhitespace); // i.e. not cloned
d2.AppendChild (d2.CreateElement ("root"));
d2.DocumentElement.AppendChild (d2.CreateWhitespace (" "));
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
d2.WriteTo (new XmlTextWriter (sw));
Assert.AreEqual ("<root> </root>", sw.ToString ());
public void CreateAttribute ()
XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument ();
// Check that null prefix and namespace are allowed and
// equivalent to ""
XmlAttribute attr = dom.CreateAttribute (null, "FOO", null);
Assert.AreEqual (attr.Prefix, "");
Assert.AreEqual (attr.NamespaceURI, "");
public void DocumentTypeNodes ()
string entities = "<!ENTITY foo 'foo-ent'>";
string dtd = "<!DOCTYPE root [<!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)*> " + entities + "]>";
string xml = dtd + "<root>&foo;</root>";
XmlValidatingReader xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xvr);
Assert.IsNotNull (document.DocumentType);
Assert.AreEqual (1, document.DocumentType.Entities.Count);
XmlEntity foo = document.DocumentType.Entities.GetNamedItem ("foo") as XmlEntity;
Assert.IsNotNull (foo);
Assert.IsNotNull (document.DocumentType.Entities.GetNamedItem ("foo", ""));
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", foo.Name);
Assert.IsNull (foo.Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo-ent", foo.InnerText);
public void DTDEntityAttributeHandling ()
string dtd = "<!DOCTYPE root[<!ATTLIST root hoge CDATA 'hoge-def'><!ENTITY foo 'ent-foo'>]>";
string xml = dtd + "<root>&foo;</root>";
XmlValidatingReader xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document,null);
xvr.EntityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities;
xvr.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
document.Load (xvr);
// Don't include default attributes here.
Assert.AreEqual (xml, document.OuterXml);
Assert.AreEqual ("hoge-def", document.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("hoge"));
// [Test] Comment out in the meantime.
// public void LoadExternalUri ()
// {
// // set any URL of well-formed XML.
// document.Load ("http://www.go-mono.com/index.rss");
// }
// [Test] comment out in the meantime.
// public void LoadDocumentWithIgnoreSection ()
// {
// // set any URL of well-formed XML.
// document.Load ("xmlfiles/test.xml");
// }
[ExpectedException (typeof (XmlException))]
public void LoadThrowsUndeclaredEntity ()
string ent1 = "<!ENTITY ent 'entity string'>";
string ent2 = "<!ENTITY ent2 '<foo/><foo/>'>]>";
string dtd = "<!DOCTYPE root[<!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA|foo)*>" + ent1 + ent2;
string xml = dtd + "<root>&ent3;&ent2;</root>";
XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xtr);
xtr.Close ();
public void CreateEntityReferencesWithoutDTD ()
document.RemoveAll ();
document.AppendChild (document.CreateElement ("root"));
document.DocumentElement.AppendChild (document.CreateEntityReference ("foo"));
public void LoadEntityReference ()
string xml = "<!DOCTYPE root [<!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)*><!ENTITY ent 'val'>]><root attr='a &ent; string'>&ent;</root>";
XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.Load (xtr);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.EntityReference, doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.NodeType, "#text node");
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.EntityReference, doc.DocumentElement.Attributes [0].ChildNodes [1].NodeType, "#attribute");
public void ReadNodeEmptyContent ()
XmlTextReader xr = new XmlTextReader ("", XmlNodeType.Element, null);
xr.Read ();
Console.WriteLine (xr.NodeType);
XmlNode n = document.ReadNode (xr);
Assert.IsNull (n);
public void ReadNodeWhitespace ()
XmlTextReader xr = new XmlTextReader (" ", XmlNodeType.Element, null);
xr.Read ();
Console.WriteLine (xr.NodeType);
document.PreserveWhitespace = false; // Note this line.
XmlNode n = document.ReadNode (xr);
Assert.IsNotNull (n);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.Whitespace, n.NodeType);
public void SavePreserveWhitespace ()
string xml = "<root> <element>text\n</element></root>";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
doc.LoadXml (xml);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
doc.Save (sw);
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>" + xml, sw.ToString ());
doc.PreserveWhitespace = false;
sw = new StringWriter ();
doc.Save (sw);
string NEL = Environment.NewLine;
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>"
+ NEL + "<root> <element>text"
+ "\n</element></root>",
sw.ToString ());
public void ReadNodeEntityReferenceFillsChildren ()
string dtd = "<!DOCTYPE root [<!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)*><!ENTITY ent 'val'>]>";
string xml = dtd + "<root attr='a &ent; string'>&ent;</root>";
XmlValidatingReader reader = new XmlValidatingReader (
xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
reader.EntityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities;
reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
//skip the doctype delcaration
reader.Read ();
reader.Read ();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.Load (reader);
Assert.AreEqual (1,
public void LoadTreatsFixedAttributesAsIfItExisted ()
string xml = @"<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ELEMENT foo EMPTY><!ATTLIST foo xmlns CDATA #FIXED 'urn:foo'>]><foo />";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.Load (new StringReader (xml));
Assert.AreEqual ("urn:foo", doc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
public void Bug79468 () // XmlNameEntryCache bug
string xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+ "<ns0:DebtAmountRequest xmlns:ns0='http://whatever'>"
+ " <Signature xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#' />"
+ "</ns0:DebtAmountRequest>";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml (xml);
XmlNodeList nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName ("Signature");
class MyXmlDocument : XmlDocument
public override XmlAttribute CreateAttribute (string p, string l, string n)
return base.CreateAttribute (p, "hijacked", n);
public void UseOverridenCreateAttribute ()
XmlDocument doc = new MyXmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("<root a='sane' />");
Assert.IsNotNull (doc.DocumentElement.GetAttributeNode ("hijacked"));
Assert.IsNull (doc.DocumentElement.GetAttributeNode ("a"));
public void LoadFromMiddleOfDocument ()
// bug #598953
string xml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<ConsolePort value='9998' />
var r = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml));
r.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All;
r.MoveToContent ();
r.Read ();
var doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.Load (r);
Assert.AreEqual (XmlNodeType.EndElement, r.NodeType, "#1");