2008 lines
80 KiB
2008 lines
80 KiB
// <copyright file="ContentValidator.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Xml.Schema {
#region ExceptionSymbolsPositions
/// <summary>
/// UPA violations will throw this exception
/// </summary>
class UpaException : Exception {
object particle1;
object particle2;
public UpaException(object particle1, object particle2) {
this.particle1 = particle1;
this.particle2 = particle2;
public object Particle1 { get { return particle1; } }
public object Particle2 { get { return particle2; } }
/// <summary>
/// SymbolsDictionary is a map between names that ContextValidator recognizes and symbols - int symbol[XmlQualifiedName name].
/// There are two types of name - full names and wildcards (namespace is specified, local name is anythig).
/// Wildcard excludes all full names that would match by the namespace part.
/// SymbolsDictionry alwas recognizes all the symbols - the last one is a true wildcard -
/// both name and namespace can be anything that none of the other symbols matched.
/// </summary>
class SymbolsDictionary {
int last = 0;
Hashtable names;
Hashtable wildcards = null;
ArrayList particles;
object particleLast = null;
bool isUpaEnforced = true;
public SymbolsDictionary() {
names = new Hashtable();
particles = new ArrayList();
public int Count {
// last one is a "*:*" any wildcard
get { return last + 1; }
public int CountOfNames {
get { return names.Count; }
/// <summary>
/// True is particle can be deterministically attributed from the symbol and conversion to DFA is possible.
/// </summary>
public bool IsUpaEnforced {
get { return isUpaEnforced; }
set { isUpaEnforced = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Add name and return it's number
/// </summary>
public int AddName(XmlQualifiedName name, object particle) {
object lookup = names[name];
if (lookup != null) {
int symbol = (int)lookup;
if (particles[symbol] != particle) {
isUpaEnforced = false;
return symbol;
else {
names.Add(name, last);
Debug.Assert(particles.Count == last + 1);
return last ++;
public void AddNamespaceList(NamespaceList list, object particle, bool allowLocal) {
switch (list.Type) {
case NamespaceList.ListType.Any:
particleLast = particle;
case NamespaceList.ListType.Other:
// Create a symbol for the excluded namespace, but don't set a particle for it.
AddWildcard(list.Excluded, null);
if (!allowLocal) {
AddWildcard(string.Empty, null); //##local is not allowed
case NamespaceList.ListType.Set:
foreach(string wildcard in list.Enumerate) {
AddWildcard(wildcard, particle);
private void AddWildcard(string wildcard, object particle) {
if (wildcards == null) {
wildcards = new Hashtable();
object lookup = wildcards[wildcard];
if (lookup == null) {
wildcards.Add(wildcard, last);
Debug.Assert(particles.Count == last + 1);
last ++;
else if (particle != null) {
particles[(int)lookup] = particle;
public ICollection GetNamespaceListSymbols(NamespaceList list) {
ArrayList match = new ArrayList();
foreach(XmlQualifiedName name in names.Keys) {
if (name != XmlQualifiedName.Empty && list.Allows(name)) {
if (wildcards != null) {
foreach(string wildcard in wildcards.Keys) {
if (list.Allows(wildcard)) {
if (list.Type == NamespaceList.ListType.Any || list.Type == NamespaceList.ListType.Other) {
match.Add(last); // add wildcard
return match;
/// <summary>
/// Find the symbol for the given name. If neither names nor wilcards match it last (*.*) symbol will be returned
/// </summary>
public int this[XmlQualifiedName name] {
get {
object lookup = names[name];
if (lookup != null) {
return (int)lookup;
if (wildcards != null) {
lookup = wildcards[name.Namespace];
if (lookup != null) {
return (int)lookup;
return last; // true wildcard
/// <summary>
/// Check if a name exists in the symbol dictionary
/// </summary>
public bool Exists(XmlQualifiedName name) {
object lookup = names[name];
if (lookup != null) {
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Return content processing mode for the symbol
/// </summary>
public object GetParticle(int symbol) {
return symbol == last ? particleLast : particles[symbol];
/// <summary>
/// Output symbol's name
/// </summary>
public string NameOf(int symbol) {
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in names) {
if ((int)de.Value == symbol) {
return ((XmlQualifiedName)de.Key).ToString();
if (wildcards != null) {
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in wildcards) {
if ((int)de.Value == symbol) {
return (string)de.Key + ":*";
return "##other:*";
struct Position {
public int symbol;
public object particle;
public Position(int symbol, object particle) {
this.symbol = symbol;
this.particle = particle;
class Positions {
ArrayList positions = new ArrayList();
public int Add(int symbol, object particle) {
return positions.Add(new Position(symbol, particle));
public Position this[int pos] {
get { return (Position)positions[pos]; }
public int Count {
get { return positions.Count; }
#region SystaxTree
/// <summary>
/// Base class for the systax tree nodes
/// </summary>
abstract class SyntaxTreeNode {
/// <summary>
/// Expand NamesapceListNode and RangeNode nodes. All other nodes
/// </summary>
public abstract void ExpandTree(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions);
/// <summary>
/// Clone the syntaxTree. We need to pass symbolsByPosition because leaf nodes have to add themselves to it.
/// </summary>
public abstract SyntaxTreeNode Clone(Positions positions);
/// <summary>
/// From a regular expression to a DFA
/// Compilers by Aho, Sethi, Ullman.
/// ISBN 0-201-10088-6, p135
/// Construct firstpos, lastpos and calculate followpos
/// </summary>
public abstract void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos);
/// <summary>
/// Returns nullable property that is being used by ConstructPos
/// </summary>
public abstract bool IsNullable { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if node is a range node
/// </summary>
public virtual bool IsRangeNode {
get {
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Print syntax tree
/// </summary>
public abstract void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions);
/// <summary>
/// Terminal of the syntax tree
/// </summary>
class LeafNode : SyntaxTreeNode {
int pos;
public LeafNode(int pos) {
this.pos = pos;
public int Pos {
get { return pos;}
set { pos = value; }
public override void ExpandTree(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
// do nothing
public override SyntaxTreeNode Clone(Positions positions) {
return new LeafNode(positions.Add(positions[pos].symbol, positions[pos].particle));
public override void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
public override bool IsNullable {
get { return false; }
public override void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
bb.Append("\"" + symbols.NameOf(positions[pos].symbol) + "\"");
/// <summary>
/// Temporary node to represent NamespaceList. Will be expended as a choice of symbols
/// </summary>
class NamespaceListNode : SyntaxTreeNode {
protected NamespaceList namespaceList;
protected object particle;
public NamespaceListNode(NamespaceList namespaceList, object particle) {
this.namespaceList = namespaceList;
this.particle = particle;
public override SyntaxTreeNode Clone(Positions positions) {
// NamespaceListNode nodes have to be removed prior to that
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public virtual ICollection GetResolvedSymbols(SymbolsDictionary symbols) {
return symbols.GetNamespaceListSymbols(namespaceList);
public override void ExpandTree(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
SyntaxTreeNode replacementNode = null;
foreach(int symbol in GetResolvedSymbols(symbols)) {
if (symbols.GetParticle(symbol) != particle) {
symbols.IsUpaEnforced = false;
LeafNode node = new LeafNode(positions.Add(symbol, particle));
if (replacementNode == null) {
replacementNode = node;
else {
InteriorNode choice = new ChoiceNode();
choice.LeftChild = replacementNode;
choice.RightChild = node;
replacementNode = choice;
if (parent.LeftChild == this) {
parent.LeftChild = replacementNode;
else {
parent.RightChild = replacementNode;
public override void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
// NamespaceListNode nodes have to be removed prior to that
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public override bool IsNullable {
// NamespaceListNode nodes have to be removed prior to that
get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
public override void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
bb.Append("[" + namespaceList.ToString() + "]");
/// <summary>
/// Base class for all internal node. Note that only sequence and choice have right child
/// </summary>
abstract class InteriorNode : SyntaxTreeNode {
SyntaxTreeNode leftChild;
SyntaxTreeNode rightChild;
public SyntaxTreeNode LeftChild {
get { return leftChild;}
set { leftChild = value;}
public SyntaxTreeNode RightChild {
get { return rightChild;}
set { rightChild = value;}
public override SyntaxTreeNode Clone(Positions positions) {
InteriorNode other = (InteriorNode)this.MemberwiseClone();
other.LeftChild = leftChild.Clone(positions);
if (rightChild != null) {
other.RightChild = rightChild.Clone(positions);
return other;
//no recursive version of expand tree for Sequence and Choice node
protected void ExpandTreeNoRecursive(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
Stack<InteriorNode> nodeStack = new Stack<InteriorNode>();
InteriorNode this_ = this;
while (true) {
if (this_.leftChild is ChoiceNode || this_.leftChild is SequenceNode) {
this_ = (InteriorNode)this_.leftChild;
this_.leftChild.ExpandTree(this_, symbols, positions);
if (this_.rightChild != null) {
this_.rightChild.ExpandTree(this_, symbols, positions);
if (nodeStack.Count == 0)
this_ = nodeStack.Pop();
goto ProcessRight;
public override void ExpandTree(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
leftChild.ExpandTree(this, symbols, positions);
if (rightChild != null) {
rightChild.ExpandTree(this, symbols, positions);
sealed class SequenceNode : InteriorNode {
struct SequenceConstructPosContext {
public SequenceNode this_;
public BitSet firstpos;
public BitSet lastpos;
public BitSet lastposLeft;
public BitSet firstposRight;
public SequenceConstructPosContext(SequenceNode node, BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos) {
this_ = node;
this.firstpos = firstpos;
this.lastpos = lastpos;
lastposLeft = null;
firstposRight = null;
public override void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
Stack<SequenceConstructPosContext> contextStack = new Stack<SequenceConstructPosContext>();
SequenceConstructPosContext context = new SequenceConstructPosContext(this, firstpos, lastpos);
while (true) {
SequenceNode this_ = context.this_;
context.lastposLeft = new BitSet(lastpos.Count);
if (this_.LeftChild is SequenceNode) {
context = new SequenceConstructPosContext((SequenceNode)this_.LeftChild, context.firstpos, context.lastposLeft);
this_.LeftChild.ConstructPos(context.firstpos, context.lastposLeft, followpos);
context.firstposRight = new BitSet(firstpos.Count);
this_.RightChild.ConstructPos(context.firstposRight, context.lastpos, followpos);
if (this_.LeftChild.IsNullable && !this_.RightChild.IsRangeNode) {
if (this_.RightChild.IsNullable) {
for (int pos = context.lastposLeft.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = context.lastposLeft.NextSet(pos)) {
if (this_.RightChild.IsRangeNode) { //firstpos is leftchild.firstpos as the or with firstposRight has not been done as it is a rangenode
((LeafRangeNode)this_.RightChild).NextIteration = context.firstpos.Clone();
if (contextStack.Count == 0)
context = contextStack.Pop();
this_ = context.this_;
goto ProcessRight;
public override bool IsNullable {
get {
SyntaxTreeNode n;
SequenceNode this_ = this;
do {
if (this_.RightChild.IsRangeNode && ((LeafRangeNode)this_.RightChild).Min == 0)
return true;
if (!this_.RightChild.IsNullable && !this_.RightChild.IsRangeNode)
return false;
n = this_.LeftChild;
this_ = n as SequenceNode;
while (this_ != null);
return n.IsNullable;
public override void ExpandTree(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
ExpandTreeNoRecursive(parent, symbols, positions);
internal static void WritePos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "FirstPos: ");
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "LastPos: ");
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "Followpos: ");
for(int i =0; i < followpos.Length; i++) {
internal static void WriteBitSet(BitSet curpos) {
int[] list = new int[curpos.Count];
for (int pos = curpos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = curpos.NextSet(pos)) {
list[pos] = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) {
Debug.WriteIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, list[i] + " ");
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "");
public override void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
Stack<SequenceNode> nodeStack = new Stack<SequenceNode>();
SequenceNode this_ = this;
while (true) {
if (this_.LeftChild is SequenceNode) {
this_ = (SequenceNode)this_.LeftChild;
this_.LeftChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
bb.Append(", ");
this_.RightChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
if (nodeStack.Count == 0)
this_ = nodeStack.Pop();
goto ProcessRight;
sealed class ChoiceNode : InteriorNode {
private static void ConstructChildPos(SyntaxTreeNode child, BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
BitSet firstPosTemp = new BitSet(firstpos.Count);
BitSet lastPosTemp = new BitSet(lastpos.Count);
child.ConstructPos(firstPosTemp, lastPosTemp, followpos);
public override void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
BitSet firstPosTemp = new BitSet(firstpos.Count);
BitSet lastPosTemp = new BitSet(lastpos.Count);
SyntaxTreeNode n;
ChoiceNode this_ = this;
do {
ConstructChildPos(this_.RightChild, firstPosTemp, lastPosTemp, followpos);
n = this_.LeftChild;
this_ = n as ChoiceNode;
} while (this_ != null);
n.ConstructPos(firstpos, lastpos, followpos);
public override bool IsNullable {
get {
SyntaxTreeNode n;
ChoiceNode this_ = this;
do {
if (this_.RightChild.IsNullable)
return true;
n = this_.LeftChild;
this_ = n as ChoiceNode;
while (this_ != null);
return n.IsNullable;
public override void ExpandTree(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
ExpandTreeNoRecursive(parent, symbols, positions);
public override void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
Stack<ChoiceNode> nodeStack = new Stack<ChoiceNode>();
ChoiceNode this_ = this;
while (true) {
if (this_.LeftChild is ChoiceNode) {
this_ = (ChoiceNode)this_.LeftChild;
this_.LeftChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
bb.Append(" | ");
this_.RightChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
if (nodeStack.Count == 0)
this_ = nodeStack.Pop();
goto ProcessRight;
sealed class PlusNode : InteriorNode {
public override void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
LeftChild.ConstructPos(firstpos, lastpos, followpos);
for (int pos = lastpos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = lastpos.NextSet(pos)) {
public override bool IsNullable {
get { return LeftChild.IsNullable; }
public override void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
LeftChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
sealed class QmarkNode : InteriorNode {
public override void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
LeftChild.ConstructPos(firstpos, lastpos, followpos);
public override bool IsNullable {
get { return true; }
public override void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
LeftChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
sealed class StarNode : InteriorNode {
public override void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
LeftChild.ConstructPos(firstpos, lastpos, followpos);
for (int pos = lastpos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = lastpos.NextSet(pos)) {
public override bool IsNullable {
get { return true; }
public override void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
LeftChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
/// <summary>
/// Temporary node to occurance range. Will be expended to a sequence of terminals
/// </summary>
sealed class RangeNode : InteriorNode {
int min;
int max;
public RangeNode(int min, int max) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
public int Max {
get { return max;}
public int Min {
get { return min;}
public override SyntaxTreeNode Clone(Positions positions) {
// range nodes have to be removed prior to that
throw new InvalidOperationException();
/// <summary>
/// Expand tree will replace a{min, max} using following algorithm. Bare in mind that this sequence will have at least two leaves
/// if min == 0 (max cannot be unbounded)
/// a?, ... a?
/// \__ __/
/// max
/// else
/// if max == unbounded
/// a, ... a, a*
/// \__ __/
/// min
/// else
/// a, ... a, a?, ... a?
/// \__ __/ \__ __/
/// min max - min
/// </summary>
public override void ExpandTree(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
LeftChild.ExpandTree(this, symbols, positions);
SyntaxTreeNode replacementNode = null;
if (min == 0) {
Debug.Assert(max != int.MaxValue);
replacementNode = NewQmark(LeftChild);
for (int i = 0; i < max - 1; i ++) {
replacementNode = NewSequence(replacementNode, NewQmark(LeftChild.Clone(positions)));
else {
replacementNode = LeftChild;
for (int i = 0; i < min - 1; i ++) {
replacementNode = NewSequence(replacementNode, LeftChild.Clone(positions));
if (max == int.MaxValue) {
replacementNode = NewSequence(replacementNode, NewStar(LeftChild.Clone(positions)));
else {
for (int i = 0; i < max - min; i ++) {
replacementNode = NewSequence(replacementNode, NewQmark(LeftChild.Clone(positions)));
if (parent.LeftChild == this) {
parent.LeftChild = replacementNode;
else {
parent.RightChild = replacementNode;
private SyntaxTreeNode NewSequence(SyntaxTreeNode leftChild, SyntaxTreeNode rightChild) {
InteriorNode sequence = new SequenceNode();
sequence.LeftChild = leftChild;
sequence.RightChild = rightChild;
return sequence;
private SyntaxTreeNode NewStar(SyntaxTreeNode leftChild) {
InteriorNode star = new StarNode();
star.LeftChild = leftChild;
return star;
private SyntaxTreeNode NewQmark(SyntaxTreeNode leftChild) {
InteriorNode qmark = new QmarkNode();
qmark.LeftChild = leftChild;
return qmark;
public override void ConstructPos(BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public override bool IsNullable {
get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
public override void Dump(StringBuilder bb, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
LeftChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
bb.Append("{" + Convert.ToString(min, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + ", " + Convert.ToString(max, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "}");
/// <summary>
/// Using range node as one of the terminals
/// </summary>
sealed class LeafRangeNode : LeafNode {
decimal min;
decimal max;
BitSet nextIteration;
public LeafRangeNode(decimal min, decimal max) : this(-1, min, max) {}
public LeafRangeNode(int pos, decimal min, decimal max) : base(pos) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
public decimal Max {
get { return max;}
public decimal Min {
get { return min;}
public BitSet NextIteration {
get {
return nextIteration;
set {
nextIteration = value;
public override SyntaxTreeNode Clone(Positions positions) {
return new LeafRangeNode(this.Pos, this.min, this.max);
public override bool IsRangeNode {
get {
return true;
public override void ExpandTree(InteriorNode parent, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions) {
Debug.Assert(parent is SequenceNode);
Debug.Assert(this == parent.RightChild);
//change the range node min to zero if left is nullable
if (parent.LeftChild.IsNullable) {
min = 0;
#region ContentValidator
/// <summary>
/// Basic ContentValidator
/// </summary>
class ContentValidator {
XmlSchemaContentType contentType;
bool isOpen; //For XDR Content Models or ANY
bool isEmptiable;
public static readonly ContentValidator Empty = new ContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType.Empty);
public static readonly ContentValidator TextOnly = new ContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly, false, false);
public static readonly ContentValidator Mixed = new ContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType.Mixed);
public static readonly ContentValidator Any = new ContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType.Mixed, true, true);
public ContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType contentType) {
this.contentType = contentType;
this.isEmptiable = true;
protected ContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType contentType, bool isOpen, bool isEmptiable) {
this.contentType = contentType;
this.isOpen = isOpen;
this.isEmptiable = isEmptiable;
public XmlSchemaContentType ContentType {
get { return contentType; }
public bool PreserveWhitespace {
get { return contentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly || contentType == XmlSchemaContentType.Mixed; }
public virtual bool IsEmptiable {
get { return isEmptiable; }
public bool IsOpen {
get {
if (contentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly || contentType == XmlSchemaContentType.Empty)
return false;
return isOpen;
set { isOpen = value; }
public virtual void InitValidation(ValidationState context) {
// do nothin'
public virtual object ValidateElement(XmlQualifiedName name, ValidationState context, out int errorCode) {
if (contentType == XmlSchemaContentType.TextOnly || contentType == XmlSchemaContentType.Empty) { //Cannot have elements in TextOnly or Empty content
context.NeedValidateChildren = false;
errorCode = -1;
return null;
public virtual bool CompleteValidation(ValidationState context) {
return true;
public virtual ArrayList ExpectedElements(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly) {
return null;
public virtual ArrayList ExpectedParticles(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) {
return null;
public static void AddParticleToExpected(XmlSchemaParticle p, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet, ArrayList particles) {
AddParticleToExpected(p, schemaSet, particles, false);
public static void AddParticleToExpected(XmlSchemaParticle p, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet, ArrayList particles, bool global) {
if (!particles.Contains(p)) {
//Only then it can be head of substitutionGrp, if it is, add its members
XmlSchemaElement elem = p as XmlSchemaElement;
if (elem != null && (global ||!elem.RefName.IsEmpty)) {
XmlSchemaObjectTable substitutionGroups = schemaSet.SubstitutionGroups;
XmlSchemaSubstitutionGroup grp = (XmlSchemaSubstitutionGroup)substitutionGroups[elem.QualifiedName];
if (grp != null) {
//Grp members wil contain the head as well, so filter head as we added it already
for (int i = 0; i < grp.Members.Count; ++i) {
XmlSchemaElement member = (XmlSchemaElement)grp.Members[i];
if (!elem.QualifiedName.Equals(member.QualifiedName) && !particles.Contains(member)) { //A member might have been directly present as an element in the content model
sealed class ParticleContentValidator : ContentValidator {
SymbolsDictionary symbols;
Positions positions;
Stack stack; // parsing context
SyntaxTreeNode contentNode; // content model points to syntax tree
bool isPartial; // whether the closure applies to partial or the whole node that is on top of the stack
int minMaxNodesCount;
bool enableUpaCheck;
public ParticleContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType contentType) : this(contentType, true) {
public ParticleContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType contentType, bool enableUpaCheck) : base(contentType) {
this.enableUpaCheck = enableUpaCheck;
public override void InitValidation(ValidationState context) {
// ParticleContentValidator cannot be used during validation
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public override object ValidateElement(XmlQualifiedName name, ValidationState context, out int errorCode) {
// ParticleContentValidator cannot be used during validation
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public override bool CompleteValidation(ValidationState context) {
// ParticleContentValidator cannot be used during validation
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void Start() {
symbols = new SymbolsDictionary();
positions = new Positions();
stack = new Stack();
public void OpenGroup() {
public void CloseGroup() {
SyntaxTreeNode node = (SyntaxTreeNode)stack.Pop();
if (node == null) {
if (stack.Count == 0) {
contentNode = node;
isPartial = false;
else {
// some collapsing to do...
InteriorNode inNode = (InteriorNode)stack.Pop();
if (inNode != null) {
inNode.RightChild = node;
node = inNode;
isPartial = true;
else {
isPartial = false;
public bool Exists(XmlQualifiedName name) {
if (symbols.Exists(name)) {
return true;
return false;
public void AddName(XmlQualifiedName name, object particle) {
AddLeafNode(new LeafNode(positions.Add(symbols.AddName(name, particle), particle)));
public void AddNamespaceList(NamespaceList namespaceList, object particle) {
symbols.AddNamespaceList(namespaceList, particle, false);
AddLeafNode(new NamespaceListNode(namespaceList, particle));
private void AddLeafNode(SyntaxTreeNode node) {
if (stack.Count > 0) {
InteriorNode inNode = (InteriorNode)stack.Pop();
if (inNode != null) {
inNode.RightChild = node;
node = inNode;
stack.Push( node );
isPartial = true;
public void AddChoice() {
SyntaxTreeNode node = (SyntaxTreeNode)stack.Pop();
InteriorNode choice = new ChoiceNode();
choice.LeftChild = node;
public void AddSequence() {
SyntaxTreeNode node = (SyntaxTreeNode)stack.Pop();
InteriorNode sequence = new SequenceNode();
sequence.LeftChild = node;
public void AddStar() {
Closure(new StarNode());
public void AddPlus() {
Closure(new PlusNode());
public void AddQMark() {
Closure(new QmarkNode());
public void AddLeafRange(decimal min, decimal max) {
LeafRangeNode rNode = new LeafRangeNode(min, max);
int pos = positions.Add(-2, rNode);
rNode.Pos = pos;
InteriorNode sequence = new SequenceNode();
sequence.RightChild = rNode;
public void AddRange(int min, int max) {
Closure(new RangeNode(min, max));
private void Closure(InteriorNode node) {
if (stack.Count > 0) {
SyntaxTreeNode topNode = (SyntaxTreeNode)stack.Pop();
InteriorNode inNode = topNode as InteriorNode;
if (isPartial && inNode != null) {
// need to reach in and wrap right hand side of element.
// and n remains the same.
node.LeftChild = inNode.RightChild;
inNode.RightChild = node;
else {
// wrap terminal or any node
node.LeftChild = topNode;
topNode = node;
else if (contentNode != null) { //If there is content to wrap
// wrap whole content
node.LeftChild = contentNode;
contentNode = node;
public ContentValidator Finish() {
return Finish(true);
public ContentValidator Finish(bool useDFA) {
Debug.Assert(ContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.ElementOnly || ContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.Mixed);
if (contentNode == null) {
if (ContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.Mixed) {
string ctype = IsOpen ? "Any" : "TextOnly";
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "\t\t\tContentType: " + ctype);
return IsOpen ? ContentValidator.Any : ContentValidator.TextOnly;
else {
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "\t\t\tContent: EMPTY");
return ContentValidator.Empty;
StringBuilder bb = new StringBuilder();
contentNode.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "\t\t\tContent : " + bb.ToString());
// Add end marker
InteriorNode contentRoot = new SequenceNode();
contentRoot.LeftChild = contentNode;
LeafNode endMarker = new LeafNode(positions.Add(symbols.AddName(XmlQualifiedName.Empty, null), null));
contentRoot.RightChild = endMarker;
// Eliminate NamespaceListNode(s) and RangeNode(s)
contentNode.ExpandTree(contentRoot, symbols, positions);
bb = new StringBuilder();
contentRoot.LeftChild.Dump(bb, symbols, positions);
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "\t\t\tExpended: " + bb.ToString());
// calculate followpos
int symbolsCount = symbols.Count;
int positionsCount = positions.Count;
BitSet firstpos = new BitSet(positionsCount);
BitSet lastpos = new BitSet(positionsCount);
BitSet[] followpos = new BitSet[positionsCount];
for (int i = 0; i < positionsCount; i++) {
followpos[i] = new BitSet(positionsCount);
contentRoot.ConstructPos(firstpos, lastpos, followpos);
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "firstpos, lastpos, followpos");
SequenceNode.WritePos(firstpos, lastpos, followpos);
if (minMaxNodesCount > 0) { //If the tree has any terminal range nodes
BitSet positionsWithRangeTerminals;
BitSet[] minMaxFollowPos = CalculateTotalFollowposForRangeNodes(firstpos, followpos, out positionsWithRangeTerminals);
if (enableUpaCheck) {
CheckCMUPAWithLeafRangeNodes(GetApplicableMinMaxFollowPos(firstpos, positionsWithRangeTerminals, minMaxFollowPos));
for (int i = 0; i < positionsCount; i++) {
CheckCMUPAWithLeafRangeNodes(GetApplicableMinMaxFollowPos(followpos[i], positionsWithRangeTerminals, minMaxFollowPos));
return new RangeContentValidator(firstpos, followpos, symbols, positions, endMarker.Pos, this.ContentType, contentRoot.LeftChild.IsNullable, positionsWithRangeTerminals, minMaxNodesCount);
else {
int[][] transitionTable = null;
// if each symbol has unique particle we are golden
if (!symbols.IsUpaEnforced) {
if (enableUpaCheck) {
// multiple positions that match the same symbol have different particles, but they never follow the same position
CheckUniqueParticleAttribution(firstpos, followpos);
else if (useDFA) {
// Can return null if the number of states reaches higher than 8192 / positionsCount
transitionTable = BuildTransitionTable(firstpos, followpos, endMarker.Pos);
bb = new StringBuilder();
Dump(bb, followpos, transitionTable);
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, bb.ToString());
if (transitionTable != null) {
return new DfaContentValidator(transitionTable, symbols,this.ContentType, this.IsOpen, contentRoot.LeftChild.IsNullable);
} else {
return new NfaContentValidator(firstpos, followpos, symbols, positions, endMarker.Pos, this.ContentType, this.IsOpen, contentRoot.LeftChild.IsNullable);
private BitSet[] CalculateTotalFollowposForRangeNodes(BitSet firstpos, BitSet[] followpos, out BitSet posWithRangeTerminals) {
int positionsCount = positions.Count; //terminals
posWithRangeTerminals = new BitSet(positionsCount);
//Compute followpos for each range node
//For any range node that is surrounded by an outer range node, its follow positions will include those of the outer range node
BitSet[] minmaxFollowPos = new BitSet[minMaxNodesCount];
int localMinMaxNodesCount = 0;
for (int i = positionsCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Position p = positions[i];
if (p.symbol == -2) { //P is a LeafRangeNode
LeafRangeNode lrNode = p.particle as LeafRangeNode;
Debug.Assert(lrNode != null);
BitSet tempFollowPos = new BitSet(positionsCount);
tempFollowPos.Or(followpos[i]); //Add the followpos of the range node
if (lrNode.Min != lrNode.Max) { //If they are the same, then followpos cannot include the firstpos
tempFollowPos.Or(lrNode.NextIteration); //Add the nextIteration of the range node (this is the firstpos of its parent's leftChild)
//For each position in the bitset, if it is a outer range node (pos > i), then add its followpos as well to the current node's followpos
for (int pos = tempFollowPos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = tempFollowPos.NextSet(pos)) {
if (pos > i) {
Position p1 = positions[pos];
if (p1.symbol == -2) {
LeafRangeNode lrNode1 = p1.particle as LeafRangeNode;
Debug.Assert(lrNode1 != null);
//set the followpos built to the index in the BitSet[]
minmaxFollowPos[localMinMaxNodesCount] = tempFollowPos;
lrNode.Pos = localMinMaxNodesCount++;
return minmaxFollowPos;
private void CheckCMUPAWithLeafRangeNodes(BitSet curpos) {
object[] symbolMatches = new object[symbols.Count];
for (int pos = curpos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = curpos.NextSet(pos)) {
Position currentPosition = positions[pos];
int symbol = currentPosition.symbol;
if (symbol >= 0) { //its not a range position
if (symbolMatches[symbol] != null) {
throw new UpaException(symbolMatches[symbol], currentPosition.particle);
else {
symbolMatches[symbol] = currentPosition.particle;
//For each position, this method calculates the additional follows of any range nodes that need to be added to its followpos
//((ab?)2-4)c, Followpos of a is b as well as that of node R(2-4) = c
private BitSet GetApplicableMinMaxFollowPos(BitSet curpos, BitSet posWithRangeTerminals, BitSet[] minmaxFollowPos) {
if (curpos.Intersects(posWithRangeTerminals)) {
BitSet newSet = new BitSet(positions.Count); //Doing work again
curpos = curpos.Clone();
for (int pos = newSet.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = newSet.NextSet(pos)) {
LeafRangeNode lrNode = positions[pos].particle as LeafRangeNode;
return curpos;
private void CheckUniqueParticleAttribution(BitSet firstpos, BitSet[] followpos) {
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++) {
private void CheckUniqueParticleAttribution(BitSet curpos) {
// particles will be attributed uniquely if the same symbol never poins to two different ones
object[] particles = new object[symbols.Count];
for (int pos = curpos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = curpos.NextSet(pos)) {
// if position can follow
int symbol = positions[pos].symbol;
if (particles[symbol] == null) {
// set particle for the symbol
particles[symbol] = positions[pos].particle;
else if (particles[symbol] != positions[pos].particle) {
throw new UpaException(particles[symbol], positions[pos].particle);
// two different position point to the same symbol and particle - that's OK
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm 3.5 Construction of a DFA from a regular expression
/// </summary>
private int[][] BuildTransitionTable(BitSet firstpos, BitSet[] followpos, int endMarkerPos) {
const int TimeConstant = 8192; //(MaxStates * MaxPositions should be a constant)
int positionsCount = positions.Count;
int MaxStatesCount = TimeConstant / positionsCount;
int symbolsCount = symbols.Count;
// transition table (Dtran in the book)
ArrayList transitionTable = new ArrayList();
// state lookup table (Dstate in the book)
Hashtable stateTable = new Hashtable();
// Add empty set that would signal an error
stateTable.Add(new BitSet(positionsCount), -1);
// lists unmarked states
Queue unmarked = new Queue();
// initially, the only unmarked state in Dstates is firstpo(root)
int state = 0;
stateTable.Add(firstpos, 0);
transitionTable.Add(new int[symbolsCount + 1]);
// while there is an umnarked state T in Dstates do begin
while (unmarked.Count > 0) {
BitSet statePosSet = (BitSet)unmarked.Dequeue(); // all positions that constitute DFA state
Debug.Assert(state == (int)stateTable[statePosSet]); // just make sure that statePosSet is for correct state
int[] transition = (int[])transitionTable[state];
if (statePosSet[endMarkerPos]) {
transition[symbolsCount] = 1; // accepting
// for each input symbol a do begin
for (int symbol = 0; symbol < symbolsCount; symbol ++) {
// let U be the set of positions that are in followpos(p)
// for some position p in T
// such that the symbol at position p is a
BitSet newset = new BitSet(positionsCount);
for (int pos = statePosSet.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = statePosSet.NextSet(pos)) {
if (symbol == positions[pos].symbol) {
// if U is not empty and is not in Dstates then
// add U as an unmarked state to Dstates
object lookup = stateTable[newset];
if (lookup != null) {
transition[symbol] = (int)lookup;
else {
// construct new state
int newState = stateTable.Count - 1;
if (newState >= MaxStatesCount) {
return null;
stateTable.Add(newset, newState);
transitionTable.Add(new int[symbolsCount + 1]);
transition[symbol] = newState;
// now convert transition table to array
return (int[][])transitionTable.ToArray(typeof(int[]));
private void Dump(StringBuilder bb, BitSet[] followpos, int[][] transitionTable) {
// Temporary printout
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i ++) {
bb.AppendLine(i + " " + positions[i].symbol.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " " + symbols.NameOf(positions[i].symbol));
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < positions.Count; j++) {
bb.Append(followpos[i][j] ? "X" : "O");
if (transitionTable != null) {
// Temporary printout
for (int i = 0; i < transitionTable.Length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < symbols.Count; j++) {
if (transitionTable[i][j] == -1) {
bb.Append(" x ");
else {
bb.AppendFormat(" {0:000} ", transitionTable[i][j]);
bb.AppendLine(transitionTable[i][symbols.Count] == 1 ? "+" : "");
/// <summary>
/// Deterministic Finite Automata
/// Compilers by Aho, Sethi, Ullman.
/// ISBN 0-201-10088-6, pp. 115, 116, 140
/// </summary>
sealed class DfaContentValidator : ContentValidator {
int[][] transitionTable;
SymbolsDictionary symbols;
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm 3.5 Construction of a DFA from a regular expression
/// </summary>
internal DfaContentValidator(
int[][] transitionTable, SymbolsDictionary symbols,
XmlSchemaContentType contentType, bool isOpen, bool isEmptiable) : base(contentType, isOpen, isEmptiable) {
this.transitionTable = transitionTable;
this.symbols = symbols;
public override void InitValidation(ValidationState context) {
context.CurrentState.State = 0;
context.HasMatched = transitionTable[0][symbols.Count] > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm 3.1 Simulating a DFA
/// </summary>
public override object ValidateElement(XmlQualifiedName name, ValidationState context, out int errorCode) {
int symbol = symbols[name];
int state = transitionTable[context.CurrentState.State][symbol];
errorCode = 0;
if (state != -1) {
context.CurrentState.State = state;
context.HasMatched = transitionTable[context.CurrentState.State][symbols.Count] > 0;
return symbols.GetParticle(symbol); // OK
if (IsOpen && context.HasMatched) {
// XDR allows any well-formed contents after matched.
return null;
context.NeedValidateChildren = false;
errorCode = -1;
return null; // will never be here
public override bool CompleteValidation(ValidationState context) {
if (!context.HasMatched) {
return false;
return true;
public override ArrayList ExpectedElements(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly) {
ArrayList names = null;
int[] transition = transitionTable[context.CurrentState.State];
if (transition != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < transition.Length - 1; i ++) {
if (transition[i] != -1) {
if (names == null) {
names = new ArrayList();
XmlSchemaParticle p = (XmlSchemaParticle)symbols.GetParticle(i);
if (p == null) {
string s = symbols.NameOf(i);
if (s.Length != 0) {
else {
string s = p.NameString;
if (!names.Contains(s)) {
return names;
public override ArrayList ExpectedParticles(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) {
ArrayList particles = new ArrayList();
int[] transition = transitionTable[context.CurrentState.State];
if (transition != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < transition.Length - 1; i ++) {
if (transition[i] != -1) {
XmlSchemaParticle p = (XmlSchemaParticle)symbols.GetParticle(i);
if (p == null) {
AddParticleToExpected(p, schemaSet, particles);
return particles;
/// <summary>
/// Nondeterministic Finite Automata
/// Compilers by Aho, Sethi, Ullman.
/// ISBN 0-201-10088-6, pp. 126,140
/// </summary>
sealed class NfaContentValidator : ContentValidator {
BitSet firstpos;
BitSet[] followpos;
SymbolsDictionary symbols;
Positions positions;
int endMarkerPos;
internal NfaContentValidator(
BitSet firstpos, BitSet[] followpos, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions, int endMarkerPos,
XmlSchemaContentType contentType, bool isOpen, bool isEmptiable) : base(contentType, isOpen, isEmptiable) {
this.firstpos = firstpos;
this.followpos = followpos;
this.symbols = symbols;
this.positions = positions;
this.endMarkerPos = endMarkerPos;
public override void InitValidation(ValidationState context) {
context.CurPos[0] = firstpos.Clone();
context.CurPos[1] = new BitSet(firstpos.Count);
context.CurrentState.CurPosIndex = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm 3.4 Simulation of an NFA
/// </summary>
public override object ValidateElement(XmlQualifiedName name, ValidationState context, out int errorCode) {
BitSet curpos = context.CurPos[context.CurrentState.CurPosIndex];
int next = (context.CurrentState.CurPosIndex + 1) % 2;
BitSet nextpos = context.CurPos[next];
int symbol = symbols[name];
object particle = null;
errorCode = 0;
for (int pos = curpos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = curpos.NextSet(pos)) {
// if position can follow
if (symbol == positions[pos].symbol) {
particle = positions[pos].particle; //Between element and wildcard, element will be in earlier pos than wildcard since we add the element nodes to the list of positions first
break; // and then ExpandTree for the namespace nodes which adds the wildcards to the positions list
if (!nextpos.IsEmpty) {
context.CurrentState.CurPosIndex = next;
return particle;
if (IsOpen && curpos[endMarkerPos]) {
// XDR allows any well-formed contents after matched.
return null;
context.NeedValidateChildren = false;
errorCode = -1;
return null; // will never be here
private bool FindUPAParticle(ref object originalParticle, object newParticle) {
if (originalParticle == null) {
originalParticle = newParticle;
if (originalParticle is XmlSchemaElement) { //if the first particle is element, then break, otherwise try to find an element
return true;
else if (newParticle is XmlSchemaElement) {
if (originalParticle is XmlSchemaAny) { //Weak wildcards, element takes precendence over any
originalParticle = newParticle;
return true;
return false;
public override bool CompleteValidation(ValidationState context) {
if (!context.CurPos[context.CurrentState.CurPosIndex][endMarkerPos]) {
return false;
return true;
public override ArrayList ExpectedElements(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly) {
ArrayList names = null;
BitSet curpos = context.CurPos[context.CurrentState.CurPosIndex];
for (int pos = curpos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = curpos.NextSet(pos)) {
if (names == null) {
names = new ArrayList();
XmlSchemaParticle p = (XmlSchemaParticle)positions[pos].particle;
if (p == null) {
string s = symbols.NameOf(positions[pos].symbol);
if (s.Length != 0) {
else {
string s = p.NameString;
if (!names.Contains(s)) {
return names;
public override ArrayList ExpectedParticles(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) {
ArrayList particles = new ArrayList();
BitSet curpos = context.CurPos[context.CurrentState.CurPosIndex];
for (int pos = curpos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = curpos.NextSet(pos)) {
XmlSchemaParticle p = (XmlSchemaParticle)positions[pos].particle;
if (p == null) {
else {
AddParticleToExpected(p, schemaSet, particles);
return particles;
internal struct RangePositionInfo {
public BitSet curpos;
public decimal[] rangeCounters;
sealed class RangeContentValidator : ContentValidator {
BitSet firstpos;
BitSet[] followpos;
BitSet positionsWithRangeTerminals;
SymbolsDictionary symbols;
Positions positions;
int minMaxNodesCount;
int endMarkerPos;
internal RangeContentValidator(
BitSet firstpos, BitSet[] followpos, SymbolsDictionary symbols, Positions positions, int endMarkerPos, XmlSchemaContentType contentType, bool isEmptiable, BitSet positionsWithRangeTerminals, int minmaxNodesCount) : base(contentType, false, isEmptiable) {
this.firstpos = firstpos;
this.followpos = followpos;
this.symbols = symbols;
this.positions = positions;
this.positionsWithRangeTerminals = positionsWithRangeTerminals;
this.minMaxNodesCount = minmaxNodesCount;
this.endMarkerPos = endMarkerPos;
public override void InitValidation(ValidationState context) {
int positionsCount = positions.Count;
List<RangePositionInfo> runningPositions = context.RunningPositions;
if (runningPositions != null) {
Debug.Assert(minMaxNodesCount != 0);
else {
runningPositions = new List<RangePositionInfo>();
context.RunningPositions = runningPositions;
RangePositionInfo rposInfo = new RangePositionInfo();
rposInfo.curpos = firstpos.Clone();
rposInfo.rangeCounters = new decimal[minMaxNodesCount];
context.CurrentState.NumberOfRunningPos = 1;
context.HasMatched = rposInfo.curpos.Get(endMarkerPos);
public override object ValidateElement(XmlQualifiedName name, ValidationState context, out int errorCode) {
errorCode = 0;
int symbol = symbols[name];
bool hasSeenFinalPosition = false;
List<RangePositionInfo> runningPositions = context.RunningPositions;
int matchCount = context.CurrentState.NumberOfRunningPos;
int k = 0;
RangePositionInfo rposInfo;
int pos = -1;
int firstMatchedIndex = -1;
bool matched = false;
WriteRunningPositions("Current running positions to match", runningPositions, name, matchCount);
while (k < matchCount) { //we are looking for the first match in the list of bitsets
rposInfo = runningPositions[k];
BitSet curpos = rposInfo.curpos;
for (int matchpos = curpos.NextSet(-1); matchpos != -1; matchpos = curpos.NextSet(matchpos)) { //In all sets, have to scan all positions because of Disabled UPA possibility
if (symbol == positions[matchpos].symbol) {
pos = matchpos;
if (firstMatchedIndex == -1) { // get the first match for this symbol
firstMatchedIndex = k;
matched = true;
if (matched && positions[pos].particle is XmlSchemaElement) { //We found a match in the list, break at that bitset
else {
if (k == matchCount && pos != -1) { // we did find a match but that was any and hence continued ahead for element
k = firstMatchedIndex;
if (k < matchCount) { //There is a match
if (k != 0) { //If the first bitset itself matched, then no need to remove anything
WriteRunningPositions("Removing unmatched entries till the first match", runningPositions, XmlQualifiedName.Empty, k);
runningPositions.RemoveRange(0, k); //Delete entries from 0 to k-1
matchCount = matchCount - k;
k = 0; // Since we re-sized the array
while (k < matchCount) {
rposInfo = runningPositions[k];
matched = rposInfo.curpos.Get(pos); //Look for the bitset that matches the same position as pos
if (matched) { //If match found, get the follow positions of the current matched position
Debug.WriteIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "Matched position: " + pos + " "); SequenceNode.WriteBitSet(rposInfo.curpos);
Debug.WriteIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "Follow pos of Matched position: "); SequenceNode.WriteBitSet(followpos[pos]);
rposInfo.curpos = followpos[pos]; //Note that we are copying the same counters of the current position to that of the follow position
runningPositions[k] = rposInfo;
else { //Clear the current pos and get another position from the list to start matching
if (matchCount > 0) {
RangePositionInfo lastrpos = runningPositions[matchCount];
runningPositions[matchCount] = runningPositions[k];
runningPositions[k] = lastrpos;
else { //There is no match
matchCount = 0;
if (matchCount > 0) {
Debug.Assert(minMaxNodesCount > 0);
if (matchCount >= 10000) {
context.TooComplex = true;
matchCount /= 2;
WriteRunningPositions("Matched positions to expand ", runningPositions, name, matchCount);
for (k = matchCount - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
int j = k;
BitSet currentRunningPosition = runningPositions[k].curpos;
hasSeenFinalPosition = hasSeenFinalPosition || currentRunningPosition.Get(endMarkerPos); //Accepting position reached if the current position BitSet contains the endPosition
while (matchCount < 10000 && currentRunningPosition.Intersects(positionsWithRangeTerminals)) {
//Now might add 2 more positions to followpos
//1. nextIteration of the rangeNode, which is firstpos of its parent's leftChild
//2. Followpos of the range node
BitSet countingPosition = currentRunningPosition.Clone();
int cPos = countingPosition.NextSet(-1); //Get the first position where leaf range node appears
LeafRangeNode lrNode = positions[cPos].particle as LeafRangeNode; //For a position with leaf range node, the particle is the node itself
Debug.Assert(lrNode != null);
rposInfo = runningPositions[j];
if (matchCount + 2 >= runningPositions.Count) {
runningPositions.Add(new RangePositionInfo());
runningPositions.Add(new RangePositionInfo());
RangePositionInfo newRPosInfo = runningPositions[matchCount];
if (newRPosInfo.rangeCounters == null) {
newRPosInfo.rangeCounters = new decimal[minMaxNodesCount];
Array.Copy(rposInfo.rangeCounters, 0, newRPosInfo.rangeCounters, 0, rposInfo.rangeCounters.Length);
decimal count = ++newRPosInfo.rangeCounters[lrNode.Pos];
if (count == lrNode.Max) {
newRPosInfo.curpos = followpos[cPos]; //since max has been reached, Get followposition of range node
newRPosInfo.rangeCounters[lrNode.Pos] = 0; //reset counter
runningPositions[matchCount] = newRPosInfo;
j = matchCount++;
else if (count < lrNode.Min) {
newRPosInfo.curpos = lrNode.NextIteration;
runningPositions[matchCount] = newRPosInfo;
else { // min <= count < max
newRPosInfo.curpos = lrNode.NextIteration; //set currentpos to firstpos of node which has the range
runningPositions[matchCount] = newRPosInfo;
j = matchCount + 1;
newRPosInfo = runningPositions[j];
if (newRPosInfo.rangeCounters == null) {
newRPosInfo.rangeCounters = new decimal[minMaxNodesCount];
Array.Copy(rposInfo.rangeCounters, 0, newRPosInfo.rangeCounters, 0, rposInfo.rangeCounters.Length);
newRPosInfo.curpos = followpos[cPos];
newRPosInfo.rangeCounters[lrNode.Pos] = 0;
runningPositions[j] = newRPosInfo;
matchCount += 2;
currentRunningPosition = runningPositions[j].curpos;
hasSeenFinalPosition = hasSeenFinalPosition || currentRunningPosition.Get(endMarkerPos);
context.HasMatched = hasSeenFinalPosition;
context.CurrentState.NumberOfRunningPos = matchCount;
return positions[pos].particle;
} //matchcount > 0
errorCode = -1;
context.NeedValidateChildren = false;
return null;
private void WriteRunningPositions(string text, List<RangePositionInfo> runningPositions, XmlQualifiedName name, int length) {
int counter = 0;
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "");
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "");
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, text + name.Name);
while (counter < length) {
BitSet curpos = runningPositions[counter].curpos;
for(int rcnt = 0; rcnt < runningPositions[counter].rangeCounters.Length; rcnt++) {
Debug.WriteIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "RangeCounter[" + rcnt + "]" + runningPositions[counter].rangeCounters[rcnt] + " ");
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "");
Debug.WriteLineIf(DiagnosticsSwitches.XmlSchemaContentModel.Enabled, "");
public override bool CompleteValidation(ValidationState context) {
return context.HasMatched;
public override ArrayList ExpectedElements(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly) {
ArrayList names = null;
BitSet expectedPos;
if (context.RunningPositions != null) {
List<RangePositionInfo> runningPositions = context.RunningPositions;
expectedPos = new BitSet(positions.Count);
for (int i = context.CurrentState.NumberOfRunningPos - 1; i >=0; i--) {
Debug.Assert(runningPositions[i].curpos != null);
for (int pos = expectedPos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = expectedPos.NextSet(pos)) {
if (names == null) {
names = new ArrayList();
int symbol = positions[pos].symbol;
if (symbol >= 0) { //non range nodes
XmlSchemaParticle p = positions[pos].particle as XmlSchemaParticle;
if (p == null) {
string s = symbols.NameOf(positions[pos].symbol);
if (s.Length != 0) {
else {
string s = p.NameString;
if (!names.Contains(s)) {
return names;
public override ArrayList ExpectedParticles(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) {
ArrayList particles = new ArrayList();
BitSet expectedPos;
if (context.RunningPositions != null) {
List<RangePositionInfo> runningPositions = context.RunningPositions;
expectedPos = new BitSet(positions.Count);
for (int i = context.CurrentState.NumberOfRunningPos - 1; i >=0; i--) {
Debug.Assert(runningPositions[i].curpos != null);
for (int pos = expectedPos.NextSet(-1); pos != -1; pos = expectedPos.NextSet(pos)) {
int symbol = positions[pos].symbol;
if (symbol >= 0) { //non range nodes
XmlSchemaParticle p = positions[pos].particle as XmlSchemaParticle;
if (p == null) {
AddParticleToExpected(p, schemaSet, particles);
return particles;
sealed class AllElementsContentValidator : ContentValidator {
Hashtable elements; // unique terminal names to positions in Bitset mapping
object[] particles;
BitSet isRequired; // required flags
int countRequired = 0;
public AllElementsContentValidator(XmlSchemaContentType contentType, int size, bool isEmptiable) : base(contentType, false, isEmptiable) {
elements = new Hashtable(size);
particles = new object[size];
isRequired = new BitSet(size);
public bool AddElement(XmlQualifiedName name, object particle, bool isEmptiable) {
if (elements[name] != null) {
return false;
int i = elements.Count;
elements.Add(name, i);
particles[i] = particle;
if (!isEmptiable) {
countRequired ++;
return true;
public override bool IsEmptiable {
get { return base.IsEmptiable || countRequired == 0; }
public override void InitValidation(ValidationState context) {
Debug.Assert(elements.Count > 0);
context.AllElementsSet = new BitSet(elements.Count); //
context.CurrentState.AllElementsRequired = -1; // no elements at all
public override object ValidateElement(XmlQualifiedName name, ValidationState context, out int errorCode) {
object lookup = elements[name];
errorCode = 0;
if (lookup == null) {
context.NeedValidateChildren = false;
return null;
int index = (int)lookup;
if (context.AllElementsSet[index]) {
errorCode = -2;
return null;
if (context.CurrentState.AllElementsRequired == -1) {
context.CurrentState.AllElementsRequired = 0;
if (isRequired[index]) {
return particles[index];
public override bool CompleteValidation(ValidationState context) {
if (context.CurrentState.AllElementsRequired == countRequired || IsEmptiable && context.CurrentState.AllElementsRequired == -1) {
return true;
return false;
public override ArrayList ExpectedElements(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly) {
ArrayList names = null;
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in elements) {
if (!context.AllElementsSet[(int)entry.Value] && (!isRequiredOnly || isRequired[(int)entry.Value])) {
if (names == null) {
names = new ArrayList();
return names;
public override ArrayList ExpectedParticles(ValidationState context, bool isRequiredOnly, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) {
ArrayList expectedParticles = new ArrayList();
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in elements) {
if (!context.AllElementsSet[(int)entry.Value] && (!isRequiredOnly || isRequired[(int)entry.Value])) {
AddParticleToExpected(this.particles[(int)entry.Value] as XmlSchemaParticle, schemaSet, expectedParticles);
return expectedParticles;