713 lines
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713 lines
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// <copyright file="XmlDocumentValidator.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.Xml {
internal sealed class DocumentSchemaValidator : IXmlNamespaceResolver {
XmlSchemaValidator validator;
XmlSchemaSet schemas;
XmlNamespaceManager nsManager;
XmlNameTable nameTable;
ArrayList defaultAttributes;
XmlValueGetter nodeValueGetter;
XmlSchemaInfo attributeSchemaInfo;
//Element PSVI
XmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo;
//Event Handler
ValidationEventHandler eventHandler;
ValidationEventHandler internalEventHandler;
//Store nodes
XmlNode startNode;
XmlNode currentNode;
XmlDocument document;
//List of nodes for partial validation tree walk
XmlNode[] nodeSequenceToValidate;
bool isPartialTreeValid;
bool psviAugmentation;
bool isValid;
//To avoid SchemaNames creation
private string NsXmlNs;
private string NsXsi;
private string XsiType;
private string XsiNil;
public DocumentSchemaValidator(XmlDocument ownerDocument, XmlSchemaSet schemas, ValidationEventHandler eventHandler) {
this.schemas = schemas;
this.eventHandler = eventHandler;
document = ownerDocument;
this.internalEventHandler = new ValidationEventHandler(InternalValidationCallBack);
this.nameTable = document.NameTable;
nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nameTable);
Debug.Assert(schemas != null && schemas.Count > 0);
nodeValueGetter = new XmlValueGetter(GetNodeValue);
psviAugmentation = true;
//Add common strings to be compared to NameTable
NsXmlNs = nameTable.Add(XmlReservedNs.NsXmlNs);
NsXsi = nameTable.Add(XmlReservedNs.NsXsi);
XsiType = nameTable.Add("type");
XsiNil = nameTable.Add("nil");
public bool PsviAugmentation {
get { return psviAugmentation; }
set { psviAugmentation = value; }
public bool Validate(XmlNode nodeToValidate) {
XmlSchemaObject partialValidationType = null;
XmlSchemaValidationFlags validationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.AllowXmlAttributes;
Debug.Assert(nodeToValidate.SchemaInfo != null);
startNode = nodeToValidate;
switch (nodeToValidate.NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.Document:
validationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints;
case XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment:
case XmlNodeType.Element: //Validate children of this element
IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo = nodeToValidate.SchemaInfo;
XmlSchemaElement schemaElement = schemaInfo.SchemaElement;
if (schemaElement != null) {
if (!schemaElement.RefName.IsEmpty) { //If it is element ref,
partialValidationType = schemas.GlobalElements[schemaElement.QualifiedName]; //Get Global element with correct Nillable, Default etc
else { //local element
partialValidationType = schemaElement;
//Verify that if there was xsi:type, the schemaElement returned has the correct type set
Debug.Assert(schemaElement.ElementSchemaType == schemaInfo.SchemaType);
else { //Can be an element that matched xs:any and had xsi:type
partialValidationType = schemaInfo.SchemaType;
if (partialValidationType == null) { //Validated against xs:any with pc= lax or skip or undeclared / not validated element
if (nodeToValidate.ParentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document) {
//If this is the documentElement and it has not been validated at all
nodeToValidate = nodeToValidate.ParentNode;
else {
partialValidationType = FindSchemaInfo(nodeToValidate as XmlElement);
if (partialValidationType == null) {
throw new XmlSchemaValidationException(Res.XmlDocument_NoNodeSchemaInfo, null, nodeToValidate);
case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
if (nodeToValidate.XPNodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace) goto default;
partialValidationType = nodeToValidate.SchemaInfo.SchemaAttribute;
if (partialValidationType == null) { //Validated against xs:anyAttribute with pc = lax or skip / undeclared attribute
partialValidationType = FindSchemaInfo(nodeToValidate as XmlAttribute);
if (partialValidationType == null) {
throw new XmlSchemaValidationException(Res.XmlDocument_NoNodeSchemaInfo, null, nodeToValidate);
throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlDocument_ValidateInvalidNodeType, null));
isValid = true;
CreateValidator(partialValidationType, validationFlags);
if (psviAugmentation) {
if (schemaInfo == null) { //Might have created it during FindSchemaInfo
schemaInfo = new XmlSchemaInfo();
attributeSchemaInfo = new XmlSchemaInfo();
return isValid;
public IDictionary<string,string> GetNamespacesInScope(XmlNamespaceScope scope) {
IDictionary<string,string> dictionary = nsManager.GetNamespacesInScope(scope);
if (scope != XmlNamespaceScope.Local) {
XmlNode node = startNode;
while (node != null) {
switch (node.NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.Element:
XmlElement elem = (XmlElement)node;
if (elem.HasAttributes) {
XmlAttributeCollection attrs = elem.Attributes;
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) {
XmlAttribute attr = attrs[i];
if (Ref.Equal(attr.NamespaceURI, document.strReservedXmlns)) {
if (attr.Prefix.Length == 0) {
// xmlns='' declaration
if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Empty)) {
dictionary.Add(string.Empty, attr.Value);
else {
// xmlns:prefix='' declaration
if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(attr.LocalName)) {
dictionary.Add(attr.LocalName, attr.Value);
node = node.ParentNode;
case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
node = ((XmlAttribute)node).OwnerElement;
node = node.ParentNode;
return dictionary;
public string LookupNamespace(string prefix) {
string namespaceName = nsManager.LookupNamespace(prefix);
if (namespaceName == null) {
namespaceName = startNode.GetNamespaceOfPrefixStrict(prefix);
return namespaceName;
public string LookupPrefix(string namespaceName) {
string prefix = nsManager.LookupPrefix(namespaceName);
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = startNode.GetPrefixOfNamespaceStrict(namespaceName);
return prefix;
private IXmlNamespaceResolver NamespaceResolver {
get {
if ((object)startNode == (object)document) {
return nsManager;
return this;
private void CreateValidator(XmlSchemaObject partialValidationType, XmlSchemaValidationFlags validationFlags) {
validator = new XmlSchemaValidator(nameTable, schemas, NamespaceResolver, validationFlags);
validator.SourceUri = XmlConvert.ToUri(document.BaseURI);
validator.XmlResolver = null;
validator.ValidationEventHandler += internalEventHandler;
validator.ValidationEventSender = this;
if (partialValidationType != null) {
else {
private void ValidateNode(XmlNode node) {
currentNode = node;
switch (currentNode.NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.Document:
XmlElement docElem = ((XmlDocument)node).DocumentElement;
if (docElem == null) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_InvalidXmlDocument, Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NoRootEle)));
case XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment:
case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
for (XmlNode child = node.FirstChild; child != null; child = child.NextSibling) {
case XmlNodeType.Element:
case XmlNodeType.Attribute: //Top-level attribute
XmlAttribute attr = currentNode as XmlAttribute;
validator.ValidateAttribute(attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, nodeValueGetter, attributeSchemaInfo);
if (psviAugmentation) {
attr.XmlName = document.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, attributeSchemaInfo);
case XmlNodeType.Text:
case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
case XmlNodeType.Comment:
case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
throw new InvalidOperationException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_UnexpectedNodeType, new string[]{ currentNode.NodeType.ToString() } ) );
// SxS: This function calls ValidateElement on XmlSchemaValidator which is annotated with ResourceExposure attribute.
// Since the resource names passed to ValidateElement method are null and the function does not expose any resources
// it is fine to suppress the SxS warning.
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
private void ValidateElement() {
XmlElement elementNode = currentNode as XmlElement;
Debug.Assert(elementNode != null);
XmlAttributeCollection attributes = elementNode.Attributes;
XmlAttribute attr = null;
//Find Xsi attributes that need to be processed before validating the element
string xsiNil = null;
string xsiType = null;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) {
attr = attributes[i];
string objectNs = attr.NamespaceURI;
string objectName = attr.LocalName;
Debug.Assert(nameTable.Get(attr.NamespaceURI) != null);
Debug.Assert(nameTable.Get(attr.LocalName) != null);
if (Ref.Equal(objectNs, NsXsi)) {
if (Ref.Equal(objectName, XsiType)) {
xsiType = attr.Value;
else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, XsiNil)) {
xsiNil = attr.Value;
else if (Ref.Equal(objectNs,NsXmlNs)) {
nsManager.AddNamespace(attr.Prefix.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : attr.LocalName, attr.Value);
validator.ValidateElement(elementNode.LocalName, elementNode.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo, xsiType, xsiNil, null, null);
//If element has children, drill down
for (XmlNode child = elementNode.FirstChild; child != null; child = child.NextSibling) {
//Validate end of element
currentNode = elementNode; //Reset current Node for validation call back
//Get XmlName, as memberType / validity might be set now
if (psviAugmentation) {
elementNode.XmlName = document.AddXmlName(elementNode.Prefix, elementNode.LocalName, elementNode.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo);
if (schemaInfo.IsDefault) { //the element has a default value
XmlText textNode = document.CreateTextNode(schemaInfo.SchemaElement.ElementDecl.DefaultValueRaw);
nsManager.PopScope(); //Pop current namespace scope
private void ValidateAttributes(XmlElement elementNode) {
XmlAttributeCollection attributes = elementNode.Attributes;
XmlAttribute attr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) {
attr = attributes[i];
currentNode = attr; //For nodeValueGetter to pick up the right attribute value
if (Ref.Equal(attr.NamespaceURI,NsXmlNs)) { //Do not validate namespace decls
validator.ValidateAttribute(attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, nodeValueGetter, attributeSchemaInfo);
if (psviAugmentation) {
attr.XmlName = document.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, attributeSchemaInfo);
if (psviAugmentation) {
//Add default attributes to the attributes collection
if (defaultAttributes == null) {
defaultAttributes = new ArrayList();
else {
XmlSchemaAttribute schemaAttribute = null;
XmlQualifiedName attrQName;
attr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < defaultAttributes.Count; i++) {
schemaAttribute = defaultAttributes[i] as XmlSchemaAttribute;
attrQName = schemaAttribute.QualifiedName;
Debug.Assert(schemaAttribute != null);
attr = document.CreateDefaultAttribute(GetDefaultPrefix(attrQName.Namespace), attrQName.Name, attrQName.Namespace);
attr.XmlName = document.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, attributeSchemaInfo);
XmlUnspecifiedAttribute defAttr = attr as XmlUnspecifiedAttribute;
if (defAttr != null) {
private void SetDefaultAttributeSchemaInfo(XmlSchemaAttribute schemaAttribute) {
Debug.Assert(attributeSchemaInfo != null);
attributeSchemaInfo.IsDefault = true;
attributeSchemaInfo.IsNil = false;
attributeSchemaInfo.SchemaType = schemaAttribute.AttributeSchemaType;
attributeSchemaInfo.SchemaAttribute = schemaAttribute;
//Get memberType for default attribute
SchemaAttDef attributeDef = schemaAttribute.AttDef;
if (attributeDef.Datatype.Variety == XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety.Union) {
XsdSimpleValue simpleValue = attributeDef.DefaultValueTyped as XsdSimpleValue;
Debug.Assert(simpleValue != null);
attributeSchemaInfo.MemberType = simpleValue.XmlType;
attributeSchemaInfo.Validity = XmlSchemaValidity.Valid;
private string GetDefaultPrefix(string attributeNS) {
IDictionary<string,string> namespaceDecls = NamespaceResolver.GetNamespacesInScope(XmlNamespaceScope.All);
string defaultPrefix = null;
string defaultNS;
attributeNS = nameTable.Add(attributeNS); //atomize ns
foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> pair in namespaceDecls) {
defaultNS = nameTable.Add(pair.Value);
if (object.ReferenceEquals(defaultNS, attributeNS)) {
defaultPrefix = pair.Key;
if (defaultPrefix.Length != 0) { //Locate first non-empty prefix
return defaultPrefix;
return defaultPrefix;
private object GetNodeValue() {
return currentNode.Value;
//Code for finding type during partial validation
private XmlSchemaObject FindSchemaInfo(XmlElement elementToValidate) {
isPartialTreeValid = true;
Debug.Assert(elementToValidate.ParentNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Document); //Handle if it is the documentElement seperately
//Create nodelist to navigate down again
XmlNode currentNode = elementToValidate;
IXmlSchemaInfo parentSchemaInfo = null;
int nodeIndex = 0;
//Check common case of parent node first
XmlNode parentNode = currentNode.ParentNode;
do {
parentSchemaInfo = parentNode.SchemaInfo;
if (parentSchemaInfo.SchemaElement != null || parentSchemaInfo.SchemaType != null) {
break; //Found ancestor with schemaInfo
nodeSequenceToValidate[nodeIndex++] = parentNode;
parentNode = parentNode.ParentNode;
} while (parentNode != null);
if (parentNode == null) { //Did not find any type info all the way to the root, currentNode is Document || DocumentFragment
nodeIndex = nodeIndex - 1; //Subtract the one for document and set the node to null
nodeSequenceToValidate[nodeIndex] = null;
return GetTypeFromAncestors(elementToValidate, null, nodeIndex);
else {
//Start validating down from the parent or ancestor that has schema info and shallow validate all previous siblings
//to correctly ascertain particle for current node
nodeSequenceToValidate[nodeIndex++] = parentNode;
XmlSchemaObject ancestorSchemaObject = parentSchemaInfo.SchemaElement;
if (ancestorSchemaObject == null) {
ancestorSchemaObject = parentSchemaInfo.SchemaType;
return GetTypeFromAncestors(elementToValidate, ancestorSchemaObject, nodeIndex);
/*private XmlSchemaElement GetTypeFromParent(XmlElement elementToValidate, XmlSchemaComplexType parentSchemaType) {
XmlQualifiedName elementName = new XmlQualifiedName(elementToValidate.LocalName, elementToValidate.NamespaceURI);
XmlSchemaElement elem = parentSchemaType.LocalElements[elementName] as XmlSchemaElement;
if (elem == null) { //Element not found as direct child of the content model. It might be invalid at this position or it might be a substitution member
SchemaInfo compiledSchemaInfo = schemas.CompiledInfo;
XmlSchemaElement memberElem = compiledSchemaInfo.GetElement(elementName);
if (memberElem != null) {
private void CheckNodeSequenceCapacity(int currentIndex) {
if (nodeSequenceToValidate == null) { //Normally users would call Validate one level down, this allows for 4
nodeSequenceToValidate = new XmlNode[4];
else if (currentIndex >= nodeSequenceToValidate.Length -1 ) { //reached capacity of array, Need to increase capacity to twice the initial
XmlNode[] newNodeSequence = new XmlNode[nodeSequenceToValidate.Length * 2];
Array.Copy(nodeSequenceToValidate, 0, newNodeSequence, 0, nodeSequenceToValidate.Length);
nodeSequenceToValidate = newNodeSequence;
private XmlSchemaAttribute FindSchemaInfo(XmlAttribute attributeToValidate) {
XmlElement parentElement = attributeToValidate.OwnerElement;
XmlSchemaObject schemaObject = FindSchemaInfo(parentElement);
XmlSchemaComplexType elementSchemaType = GetComplexType(schemaObject);
if (elementSchemaType == null) {
return null;
XmlQualifiedName attName = new XmlQualifiedName(attributeToValidate.LocalName, attributeToValidate.NamespaceURI);
XmlSchemaAttribute schemaAttribute = elementSchemaType.AttributeUses[attName] as XmlSchemaAttribute;
if (schemaAttribute == null) {
XmlSchemaAnyAttribute anyAttribute = elementSchemaType.AttributeWildcard;
if (anyAttribute != null) {
if (anyAttribute.NamespaceList.Allows(attName)){ //Match wildcard against global attribute
schemaAttribute = schemas.GlobalAttributes[attName] as XmlSchemaAttribute;
return schemaAttribute;
private XmlSchemaObject GetTypeFromAncestors(XmlElement elementToValidate, XmlSchemaObject ancestorType, int ancestorsCount) {
//schemaInfo is currentNode's schemaInfo
validator = CreateTypeFinderValidator(ancestorType);
schemaInfo = new XmlSchemaInfo();
//start at the ancestor to start validating
int startIndex = ancestorsCount - 1;
bool ancestorHasWildCard = AncestorTypeHasWildcard(ancestorType);
for (int i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
XmlNode node = nodeSequenceToValidate[i];
XmlElement currentElement = node as XmlElement;
ValidateSingleElement(currentElement, false, schemaInfo);
if (!ancestorHasWildCard) { //store type if ancestor does not have wildcard in its content model
currentElement.XmlName = document.AddXmlName(currentElement.Prefix, currentElement.LocalName, currentElement.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo);
//update wildcard flag
ancestorHasWildCard = AncestorTypeHasWildcard(schemaInfo.SchemaElement);
if (i > 0) {
ValidateChildrenTillNextAncestor(node, nodeSequenceToValidate[i - 1]);
else { //i == 0
ValidateChildrenTillNextAncestor(node, elementToValidate);
Debug.Assert(nodeSequenceToValidate[0] == elementToValidate.ParentNode);
//validate element whose type is needed,
ValidateSingleElement(elementToValidate, false, schemaInfo);
XmlSchemaObject schemaInfoFound = null;
if (schemaInfo.SchemaElement != null) {
schemaInfoFound = schemaInfo.SchemaElement;
else {
schemaInfoFound = schemaInfo.SchemaType;
if (schemaInfoFound == null) { //Detect if the node was validated lax or skip
if (validator.CurrentProcessContents == XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Skip) {
if (isPartialTreeValid) { //Then node assessed as skip; if there was error we turn processContents to skip as well. But this is not the same as validating as skip.
return XmlSchemaComplexType.AnyTypeSkip;
else if (validator.CurrentProcessContents == XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax) {
return XmlSchemaComplexType.AnyType;
return schemaInfoFound;
private bool AncestorTypeHasWildcard(XmlSchemaObject ancestorType) {
XmlSchemaComplexType ancestorSchemaType = GetComplexType(ancestorType);
if (ancestorType != null) {
return ancestorSchemaType.HasWildCard;
return false;
private XmlSchemaComplexType GetComplexType(XmlSchemaObject schemaObject) {
if (schemaObject == null) {
return null;
XmlSchemaElement schemaElement = schemaObject as XmlSchemaElement;
XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = null;
if (schemaElement != null) {
complexType = schemaElement.ElementSchemaType as XmlSchemaComplexType;
else {
complexType = schemaObject as XmlSchemaComplexType;
return complexType;
// SxS: This function calls ValidateElement on XmlSchemaValidator which is annotated with ResourceExposure attribute.
// Since the resource names passed to ValidateElement method are null and the function does not expose any resources
// it is fine to supress the warning.
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
private void ValidateSingleElement(XmlElement elementNode, bool skipToEnd, XmlSchemaInfo newSchemaInfo) {
Debug.Assert(elementNode != null);
XmlAttributeCollection attributes = elementNode.Attributes;
XmlAttribute attr = null;
//Find Xsi attributes that need to be processed before validating the element
string xsiNil = null;
string xsiType = null;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) {
attr = attributes[i];
string objectNs = attr.NamespaceURI;
string objectName = attr.LocalName;
Debug.Assert(nameTable.Get(attr.NamespaceURI) != null);
Debug.Assert(nameTable.Get(attr.LocalName) != null);
if (Ref.Equal(objectNs, NsXsi)) {
if (Ref.Equal(objectName, XsiType)) {
xsiType = attr.Value;
else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, XsiNil)) {
xsiNil = attr.Value;
else if (Ref.Equal(objectNs,NsXmlNs)) {
nsManager.AddNamespace(attr.Prefix.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : attr.LocalName, attr.Value);
validator.ValidateElement(elementNode.LocalName, elementNode.NamespaceURI, newSchemaInfo, xsiType, xsiNil, null, null);
//Validate end of element
if (skipToEnd) {
nsManager.PopScope(); //Pop current namespace scope
private void ValidateChildrenTillNextAncestor(XmlNode parentNode, XmlNode childToStopAt) {
XmlNode child;
for (child = parentNode.FirstChild; child != null; child = child.NextSibling) {
if (child == childToStopAt) {
switch (child.NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
ValidateChildrenTillNextAncestor(child, childToStopAt);
case XmlNodeType.Element: //Flat validation, do not drill down into children
ValidateSingleElement(child as XmlElement, true, null);
case XmlNodeType.Text:
case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
case XmlNodeType.Comment:
case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
throw new InvalidOperationException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_UnexpectedNodeType, new string[]{ currentNode.NodeType.ToString() } ) );
Debug.Assert(child == childToStopAt);
private XmlSchemaValidator CreateTypeFinderValidator(XmlSchemaObject partialValidationType) {
XmlSchemaValidator findTypeValidator = new XmlSchemaValidator(document.NameTable, document.Schemas, this.nsManager, XmlSchemaValidationFlags.None);
findTypeValidator.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(TypeFinderCallBack);
if (partialValidationType != null) {
else { //If we walked up to the root and no schemaInfo was there, start validating from root
return findTypeValidator;
private void TypeFinderCallBack(object sender, ValidationEventArgs arg) {
if (arg.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Error) {
isPartialTreeValid = false;
private void InternalValidationCallBack(object sender, ValidationEventArgs arg) {
if (arg.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Error) {
isValid = false;
XmlSchemaValidationException ex = arg.Exception as XmlSchemaValidationException;
Debug.Assert(ex != null);
if (this.eventHandler != null) { //Invoke user's event handler
eventHandler(sender, arg);
else if (arg.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Error) {
throw ex;