130 lines
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130 lines
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using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Web.Compilation;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace System.Web.DynamicData {
public class EntityTemplateFactory {
private const string s_defaultTemplateName = "Default";
private TemplateFactory _factory;
private Func<string, EntityTemplateUserControl> _templateInstantiator;
public EntityTemplateFactory()
: this(CreateEntityTemplateInstance, /* trackChanges */ true) {
// for unit testing
internal EntityTemplateFactory(Func<string, EntityTemplateUserControl> templateInstantiator, VirtualPathProvider vpp)
: this(templateInstantiator, /* trackChanges */ false) {
_factory.VirtualPathProvider = vpp;
private EntityTemplateFactory(Func<string, EntityTemplateUserControl> templateInstantiator, bool trackChanges) {
_factory = new TemplateFactory("EntityTemplates", trackChanges);
_templateInstantiator = templateInstantiator;
internal string TemplateFolderVirtualPath {
get {
return _factory.TemplateFolderVirtualPath;
set {
_factory.TemplateFolderVirtualPath = value;
private static EntityTemplateUserControl CreateEntityTemplateInstance(string path) {
return (EntityTemplateUserControl)BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath(
path, typeof(EntityTemplateUserControl));
public virtual EntityTemplateUserControl CreateEntityTemplate(MetaTable table, DataBoundControlMode mode, string uiHint) {
if (table == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
string entityTemplatePath = GetEntityTemplateVirtualPathWithCaching(table, mode, uiHint);
if (entityTemplatePath == null) {
return null;
return _templateInstantiator(entityTemplatePath);
private string GetEntityTemplateVirtualPathWithCaching(MetaTable table, DataBoundControlMode mode, string uiHint) {
long cacheKey = Misc.CombineHashCodes(table, mode, uiHint);
return _factory.GetTemplatePath(cacheKey, delegate() {
return GetEntityTemplateVirtualPath(table, mode, uiHint);
public virtual string GetEntityTemplateVirtualPath(MetaTable table, DataBoundControlMode mode, string uiHint) {
if (table == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
// Fallback order is as follows (where CustomProducts is the uiHint)
// CustomProducts_Insert
// CustomProducts_Edit
// Products_Insert
// Products_Edit
// Default_Insert
// Default_Edit
// CustomProducts_ReadOnly
// Products_ReadOnly
// Default_ReadOnly
// If nothing matches null is returned
return GetVirtualPathFallback(table, mode, uiHint, DataBoundControlMode.Edit) ??
GetVirtualPathFallback(table, DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly, uiHint, DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly);
private string GetVirtualPathFallback(MetaTable table, DataBoundControlMode mode, string uiHint, DataBoundControlMode minModeToFallBack) {
if (mode < minModeToFallBack) {
return null;
// the strategy is to go over each candidate name and try to find an existing template for
// each mode between 'mode' and 'minModeToFallBack'
// note that GetVirtualPathForMode will return null for empty names (e.g. when the uiHint is not specified)
string[] fallbackNames = new string[] { uiHint, table.Name, s_defaultTemplateName };
foreach (var name in fallbackNames) {
for (var currentMode = mode; currentMode >= minModeToFallBack; currentMode--) {
string virtualPath = GetVirtualPathForMode(name, currentMode);
if (virtualPath != null) {
return virtualPath;
return null;
private string GetVirtualPathForMode(string candidateName, DataBoundControlMode mode) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(candidateName)) {
return null;
} else {
string templatePath = BuildEntityTemplateVirtualPath(candidateName, mode);
return _factory.FileExists(templatePath) ? templatePath : null;
public virtual string BuildEntityTemplateVirtualPath(string templateName, DataBoundControlMode mode) {
if (templateName == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("templateName");
string modeString = mode == DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly ? String.Empty : "_" + mode.ToString();
return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, this.TemplateFolderVirtualPath + "{0}{1}.ascx", templateName, modeString);
internal void Initialize(MetaModel model) {
Debug.Assert(model != null);
_factory.Model = model;