Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

2515 lines
64 KiB

// constant.cs: Constants.
// Author:
// Miguel de Icaza (
// Marek Safar (
// Copyright 2001-2003 Ximian, Inc.
// Copyright 2003-2008 Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2011-2013 Xamarin Inc
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using IKVM.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
namespace Mono.CSharp {
/// <summary>
/// Base class for constants and literals.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Constant : Expression
static readonly NumberFormatInfo nfi = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat;
protected Constant (Location loc)
this.loc = loc;
override public string ToString ()
return this.GetType ().Name + " (" + GetValueAsLiteral () + ")";
/// <summary>
/// This is used to obtain the actual value of the literal
/// cast into an object.
/// </summary>
public abstract object GetValue ();
public abstract long GetValueAsLong ();
public abstract string GetValueAsLiteral ();
// Returns an object value which is typed to contant type
public virtual object GetTypedValue ()
return GetValue ();
public override void Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec target, bool expl)
if (!expl && IsLiteral && type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double &&
BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveTypeOrDecimal (target) &&
BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveTypeOrDecimal (type)) {
ec.Report.Error (31, loc, "Constant value `{0}' cannot be converted to a `{1}'",
GetValueAsLiteral (), target.GetSignatureForError ());
} else {
base.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, target, expl);
public Constant ImplicitConversionRequired (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec type)
Constant c = ConvertImplicitly (type);
if (c == null)
Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, type, false);
return c;
public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait ()
return false;
public virtual Constant ConvertImplicitly (TypeSpec type)
if (this.type == type)
return this;
if (!Convert.ImplicitNumericConversionExists (this.type, type))
return null;
bool fail;
object constant_value = ChangeType (GetValue (), type, out fail);
if (fail){
// We should always catch the error before this is ever
// reached, by calling Convert.ImplicitStandardConversionExists
throw new InternalErrorException ("Missing constant conversion between `{0}' and `{1}'",
Type.GetSignatureForError (), type.GetSignatureForError ());
return CreateConstantFromValue (type, constant_value, loc);
// Returns a constant instance based on Type
public static Constant CreateConstantFromValue (TypeSpec t, object v, Location loc)
switch (t.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
return new IntConstant (t, (int) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String:
return new StringConstant (t, (string) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
return new UIntConstant (t, (uint) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (t, (long) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
return new ULongConstant (t, (ulong) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (t, (float) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (t, (double) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
return new ShortConstant (t, (short) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
return new UShortConstant (t, (ushort) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
return new SByteConstant (t, (sbyte) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
return new ByteConstant (t, (byte) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
return new CharConstant (t, (char) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool:
return new BoolConstant (t, (bool) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (t, (decimal) v, loc);
if (t.IsEnum) {
var real_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (t);
return new EnumConstant (CreateConstantFromValue (real_type, v, loc), t);
if (v == null) {
if (t.IsNullableType)
return Nullable.LiftedNull.Create (t, loc);
if (TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (t))
return new NullConstant (t, loc);
throw new InternalErrorException ("Constant value `{0}' has unexpected underlying type `{1}'", v, t.GetSignatureForError ());
return null;
// Returns a constant instance based on value and type. This is probing version of
// CreateConstantFromValue
public static Constant ExtractConstantFromValue (TypeSpec t, object v, Location loc)
switch (t.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
if (v is int)
return new IntConstant (t, (int) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String:
if (v is string)
return new StringConstant (t, (string) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (v is uint)
return new UIntConstant (t, (uint) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
if (v is long)
return new LongConstant (t, (long) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
if (v is ulong)
return new ULongConstant (t, (ulong) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
if (v is float)
return new FloatConstant (t, (float) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
if (v is double)
return new DoubleConstant (t, (double) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (v is short)
return new ShortConstant (t, (short) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (v is ushort)
return new UShortConstant (t, (ushort) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (v is sbyte)
return new SByteConstant (t, (sbyte) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (v is byte)
return new ByteConstant (t, (byte) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (v is char)
return new CharConstant (t, (char) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool:
if (v is bool)
return new BoolConstant (t, (bool) v, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
if (v is decimal)
return new DecimalConstant (t, (decimal) v, loc);
if (t.IsEnum) {
var real_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (t);
return new EnumConstant (CreateConstantFromValue (real_type, v, loc), t);
if (v == null) {
if (t.IsNullableType)
return Nullable.LiftedNull.Create (t, loc);
if (TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (t))
return new NullConstant (t, loc);
return null;
public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
Arguments args = new Arguments (2);
args.Add (new Argument (this));
args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc)));
return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", args);
/// <summary>
/// Maybe ConvertTo name is better. It tries to convert `this' constant to target_type.
/// It throws OverflowException
/// </summary>
public abstract Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type);
// This is a custom version of Convert.ChangeType() which works
// with the TypeBuilder defined types when compiling corlib.
static object ChangeType (object value, TypeSpec targetType, out bool error)
IConvertible convert_value = value as IConvertible;
if (convert_value == null) {
error = true;
return null;
// We cannot rely on build-in type conversions as they are
// more limited than what C# supports.
// See char -> float/decimal/double conversion
error = false;
try {
switch (targetType.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool:
return convert_value.ToBoolean (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
return convert_value.ToByte (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
return convert_value.ToChar (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
return convert_value.ToInt16 (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
return convert_value.ToInt32 (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return convert_value.ToInt64 (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
return convert_value.ToSByte (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
if (convert_value.GetType () == typeof (char))
return (decimal) convert_value.ToInt32 (nfi);
return convert_value.ToDecimal (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
if (convert_value.GetType () == typeof (char))
return (double) convert_value.ToInt32 (nfi);
return convert_value.ToDouble (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
if (convert_value.GetType () == typeof (char))
return (float) convert_value.ToInt32 (nfi);
return convert_value.ToSingle (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String:
return convert_value.ToString (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
return convert_value.ToUInt16 (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
return convert_value.ToUInt32 (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
return convert_value.ToUInt64 (nfi);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object:
return value;
} catch {
error = true;
return null;
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc)
return this;
// Attempts to do a compile-time folding of a constant cast and handles
// error reporting for constant overlows only, on normal conversion
// errors returns null
public Constant Reduce (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec target_type)
try {
return TryReduceConstant (ec, target_type);
} catch (OverflowException) {
if (ec.ConstantCheckState && Type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal) {
ec.Report.Error (221, loc,
"Constant value `{0}' cannot be converted to a `{1}' (use `unchecked' syntax to override)",
GetValueAsLiteral (), target_type.GetSignatureForError ());
} else {
Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, target_type, false);
return New.Constantify (target_type, loc);
public Constant TryReduce (ResolveContext rc, TypeSpec targetType)
try {
return TryReduceConstant (rc, targetType);
} catch (OverflowException) {
return null;
Constant TryReduceConstant (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec target_type)
if (Type == target_type) {
// Reducing literal value produces a new constant. Syntactically 10 is not same as (int)10
if (IsLiteral)
return CreateConstantFromValue (target_type, GetValue (), loc);
return this;
Constant c;
if (target_type.IsEnum) {
c = TryReduceConstant (ec, EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (target_type));
if (c == null)
return null;
return new EnumConstant (c, target_type);
return ConvertExplicitly (ec.ConstantCheckState, target_type);
/// <summary>
/// Need to pass type as the constant can require a boxing
/// and in such case no optimization is possible
/// </summary>
public bool IsDefaultInitializer (TypeSpec type)
if (type == Type)
return IsDefaultValue;
return this is NullLiteral;
public abstract bool IsDefaultValue {
public abstract bool IsNegative {
// When constant is declared as literal
public virtual bool IsLiteral {
get { return false; }
public virtual bool IsOneInteger {
get { return false; }
public override bool IsSideEffectFree {
get {
return true;
// Returns true iff 1) the stack type of this is one of Object,
// int32, int64 and 2) this == 0 or this == null.
public virtual bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return false; }
public override void EmitSideEffect (EmitContext ec)
// do nothing
public sealed override Expression Clone (CloneContext clonectx)
// No cloning is not needed for constants
return this;
protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression target)
throw new NotSupportedException ("should not be reached");
public override System.Linq.Expressions.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx)
return base.MakeExpression (ctx);
return System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Constant (GetTypedValue (), type.GetMetaInfo ());
public new bool Resolve (ResolveContext rc)
// It exists only as hint not to call Resolve on constants
return true;
public abstract class IntegralConstant : Constant
protected IntegralConstant (TypeSpec type, Location loc)
: base (loc)
this.type = type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
public override void Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec target, bool expl)
try {
ConvertExplicitly (true, target);
base.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, target, expl);
ec.Report.Error (31, loc, "Constant value `{0}' cannot be converted to a `{1}'",
GetValue ().ToString (), target.GetSignatureForError ());
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
return GetValue ().ToString ();
public abstract Constant Increment ();
public class BoolConstant : Constant {
public readonly bool Value;
public BoolConstant (BuiltinTypes types, bool val, Location loc)
: this (types.Bool, val, loc)
public BoolConstant (TypeSpec type, bool val, Location loc)
: base (loc)
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
this.type = type;
Value = val;
public override object GetValue ()
return (object) Value;
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
return Value ? "true" : "false";
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value ? 1 : 0;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
if (Value)
ec.EmitInt (1);
ec.EmitInt (0);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return !Value;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return false;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == false; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
return null;
public class ByteConstant : IntegralConstant
public readonly byte Value;
public ByteConstant (BuiltinTypes types, byte v, Location loc)
: this (types.Byte, v, loc)
public ByteConstant (TypeSpec type, byte v, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitInt (Value);
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value;
public override Constant Increment ()
return new ByteConstant (type, checked ((byte)(Value + 1)), loc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsOneInteger {
get {
return Value == 1;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return false;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == 0; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context){
if (Value > SByte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public class CharConstant : Constant {
public readonly char Value;
public CharConstant (BuiltinTypes types, char v, Location loc)
: this (types.Char, v, loc)
public CharConstant (TypeSpec type, char v, Location loc)
: base (loc)
this.type = type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode ((ushort) Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitInt (Value);
static string descape (char c)
switch (c){
case '\a':
return "\\a";
case '\b':
return "\\b";
case '\n':
return "\\n";
case '\t':
return "\\t";
case '\v':
return "\\v";
case '\r':
return "\\r";
case '\\':
return "\\\\";
case '\f':
return "\\f";
case '\0':
return "\\0";
case '"':
return "\\\"";
case '\'':
return "\\\'";
return c.ToString ();
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value;
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
return "\"" + descape (Value) + "\"";
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return false;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == '\0'; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Byte.MinValue || Value > Byte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > SByte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > Int16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public class SByteConstant : IntegralConstant
public readonly sbyte Value;
public SByteConstant (BuiltinTypes types, sbyte v, Location loc)
: this (types.SByte, v, loc)
public SByteConstant (TypeSpec type, sbyte v, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitInt (Value);
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value;
public override Constant Increment ()
return new SByteConstant (type, checked((sbyte)(Value + 1)), loc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return Value < 0;
public override bool IsOneInteger {
get {
return Value == 1;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == 0; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public class ShortConstant : IntegralConstant {
public readonly short Value;
public ShortConstant (BuiltinTypes types, short v, Location loc)
: this (types.Short, v, loc)
public ShortConstant (TypeSpec type, short v, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitInt (Value);
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value;
public override Constant Increment ()
return new ShortConstant (type, checked((short)(Value + 1)), loc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == 0; }
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return Value < 0;
public override bool IsOneInteger {
get {
return Value == 1;
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Byte.MinValue || Value > Byte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < SByte.MinValue || Value > SByte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Char.MinValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public class UShortConstant : IntegralConstant
public readonly ushort Value;
public UShortConstant (BuiltinTypes types, ushort v, Location loc)
: this (types.UShort, v, loc)
public UShortConstant (TypeSpec type, ushort v, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitInt (Value);
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value;
public override Constant Increment ()
return new UShortConstant (type, checked((ushort)(Value + 1)), loc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return false;
public override bool IsOneInteger {
get {
return Value == 1;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == 0; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > Byte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > SByte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > Int16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > Char.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public class IntConstant : IntegralConstant
public readonly int Value;
public IntConstant (BuiltinTypes types, int v, Location loc)
: this (types.Int, v, loc)
public IntConstant (TypeSpec type, int v, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitInt (Value);
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value;
public override Constant Increment ()
return new IntConstant (type, checked(Value + 1), loc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return Value < 0;
public override bool IsOneInteger {
get {
return Value == 1;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == 0; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Byte.MinValue || Value > Byte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < SByte.MinValue || Value > SByte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Int16.MinValue || Value > Int16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < UInt16.MinValue || Value > UInt16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < UInt32.MinValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Char.MinValue || Value > Char.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public override Constant ConvertImplicitly (TypeSpec type)
if (this.type == type)
return this;
Constant c = TryImplicitIntConversion (type);
if (c != null)
return c; //.Resolve (rc);
return base.ConvertImplicitly (type);
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to perform an implicit constant conversion of the IntConstant
/// into a different data type using casts (See Implicit Constant
/// Expression Conversions)
/// </summary>
Constant TryImplicitIntConversion (TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (Value >= SByte.MinValue && Value <= SByte.MaxValue)
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (Value >= Byte.MinValue && Value <= Byte.MaxValue)
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (Value >= Int16.MinValue && Value <= Int16.MaxValue)
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (Value >= UInt16.MinValue && Value <= UInt16.MaxValue)
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (Value >= 0)
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
// we can optimize this case: a positive int32
// always fits on a uint64. But we need an opcode
// to do it.
if (Value >= 0)
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, loc);
return null;
public class UIntConstant : IntegralConstant {
public readonly uint Value;
public UIntConstant (BuiltinTypes types, uint v, Location loc)
: this (types.UInt, v, loc)
public UIntConstant (TypeSpec type, uint v, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitInt (unchecked ((int) Value));
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value;
public override Constant Increment ()
return new UIntConstant (type, checked(Value + 1), loc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return false;
public override bool IsOneInteger {
get {
return Value == 1;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == 0; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < 0 || Value > byte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > SByte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > Int16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < UInt16.MinValue || Value > UInt16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value > Int32.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Char.MinValue || Value > Char.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public class LongConstant : IntegralConstant {
public readonly long Value;
public LongConstant (BuiltinTypes types, long v, Location loc)
: this (types.Long, v, loc)
public LongConstant (TypeSpec type, long v, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitLong (Value);
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return Value;
public override Constant Increment ()
return new LongConstant (type, checked(Value + 1), loc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return Value < 0;
public override bool IsOneInteger {
get {
return Value == 1;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == 0; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Byte.MinValue || Value > Byte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < SByte.MinValue || Value > SByte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Int16.MinValue || Value > Int16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < UInt16.MinValue || Value > UInt16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Int32.MinValue || Value > Int32.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < UInt32.MinValue || Value > UInt32.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
if (in_checked_context && Value < 0)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Char.MinValue || Value > Char.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public override Constant ConvertImplicitly (TypeSpec type)
if (Value >= 0 && type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong) {
return new ULongConstant (type, (ulong) Value, loc);
return base.ConvertImplicitly (type);
public class ULongConstant : IntegralConstant {
public readonly ulong Value;
public ULongConstant (BuiltinTypes types, ulong v, Location loc)
: this (types.ULong, v, loc)
public ULongConstant (TypeSpec type, ulong v, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitLong (unchecked ((long) Value));
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return (long) Value;
public override Constant Increment ()
return new ULongConstant (type, checked(Value + 1), loc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return false;
public override bool IsOneInteger {
get {
return Value == 1;
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return Value == 0; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context && Value > Byte.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context && Value > ((ulong) SByte.MaxValue))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (in_checked_context && Value > ((ulong) Int16.MaxValue))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (in_checked_context && Value > UInt16.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
if (in_checked_context && Value > UInt32.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (in_checked_context && Value > UInt32.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
if (in_checked_context && Value > Int64.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context && Value > Char.MaxValue)
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public class FloatConstant : Constant {
// Store constant value as double because float constant operations
// need to work on double value to match JIT
public readonly double DoubleValue;
public FloatConstant (BuiltinTypes types, double v, Location loc)
: this (types.Float, v, loc)
public FloatConstant (TypeSpec type, double v, Location loc)
: base (loc)
this.type = type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
DoubleValue = v;
public override Constant ConvertImplicitly (TypeSpec type)
if (type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double)
return new DoubleConstant (type, DoubleValue, loc);
return base.ConvertImplicitly (type);
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_R4, Value);
public float Value {
get {
return (float) DoubleValue;
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
return Value.ToString ();
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return Value < 0;
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < byte.MinValue || Value > byte.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < sbyte.MinValue || Value > sbyte.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < short.MinValue || Value > short.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < ushort.MinValue || Value > ushort.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < int.MinValue || Value > int.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < uint.MinValue || Value > uint.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < long.MinValue || Value > long.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < ulong.MinValue || Value > ulong.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < (float) char.MinValue || Value > (float) char.MaxValue || float.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) DoubleValue, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) DoubleValue, Location);
return null;
public class DoubleConstant : Constant
public readonly double Value;
public DoubleConstant (BuiltinTypes types, double v, Location loc)
: this (types.Double, v, loc)
public DoubleConstant (TypeSpec type, double v, Location loc)
: base (loc)
this.type = type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
Value = v;
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
enc.Encode (Value);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_R8, Value);
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
return Value.ToString ();
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return Value < 0;
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < Byte.MinValue || Value > Byte.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < SByte.MinValue || Value > SByte.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < short.MinValue || Value > short.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < ushort.MinValue || Value > ushort.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < int.MinValue || Value > int.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < uint.MinValue || Value > uint.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < long.MinValue || Value > long.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < ulong.MinValue || Value > ulong.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
if (in_checked_context) {
if (Value < (double) char.MinValue || Value > (double) char.MaxValue || double.IsNaN (Value))
throw new OverflowException ();
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, Location);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal:
return new DecimalConstant (target_type, (decimal) Value, Location);
return null;
public class DecimalConstant : Constant {
public readonly decimal Value;
public DecimalConstant (BuiltinTypes types, decimal d, Location loc)
: this (types.Decimal, d, loc)
public DecimalConstant (TypeSpec type, decimal d, Location loc)
: base (loc)
this.type = type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
Value = d;
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
MethodSpec m;
int [] words = decimal.GetBits (Value);
int power = (words [3] >> 16) & 0xff;
if (power == 0) {
if (Value <= int.MaxValue && Value >= int.MinValue) {
m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.DecimalCtorInt.Resolve (loc);
if (m == null) {
ec.EmitInt ((int) Value);
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, m);
if (Value <= long.MaxValue && Value >= long.MinValue) {
m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.DecimalCtorLong.Resolve (loc);
if (m == null) {
ec.EmitLong ((long) Value);
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, m);
ec.EmitInt (words [0]);
ec.EmitInt (words [1]);
ec.EmitInt (words [2]);
// sign
ec.EmitInt (words [3] >> 31);
// power
ec.EmitInt (power);
m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.DecimalCtor.Resolve (loc);
if (m != null) {
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, m);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == 0;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return Value < 0;
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
switch (target_type.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte:
return new SByteConstant (target_type, (sbyte) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte:
return new ByteConstant (target_type, (byte) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short:
return new ShortConstant (target_type, (short) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort:
return new UShortConstant (target_type, (ushort) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int:
return new IntConstant (target_type, (int) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt:
return new UIntConstant (target_type, (uint) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long:
return new LongConstant (target_type, (long) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong:
return new ULongConstant (target_type, (ulong) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char:
return new CharConstant (target_type, (char) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float:
return new FloatConstant (target_type, (float) Value, loc);
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double:
return new DoubleConstant (target_type, (double) Value, loc);
return null;
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
return Value.ToString () + "M";
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public class StringConstant : Constant {
public StringConstant (BuiltinTypes types, string s, Location loc)
: this (types.String, s, loc)
public StringConstant (TypeSpec type, string s, Location loc)
: base (loc)
this.type = type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
Value = s;
protected StringConstant (Location loc)
: base (loc)
public string Value { get; protected set; }
public override object GetValue ()
return Value;
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
// FIXME: Escape the string.
return "\"" + Value + "\"";
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
if (Value == null) {
ec.EmitNull ();
// Use string.Empty for both literals and constants even if
// it's not allowed at language level
if (Value.Length == 0 && ec.Module.Compiler.Settings.Optimize) {
var string_type = ec.BuiltinTypes.String;
if (ec.CurrentType != string_type) {
var m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.StringEmpty.Get ();
if (m != null) {
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldsfld, m);
var str = Value;
if (ec.Module.GetResourceStrings != null && !ec.Module.GetResourceStrings.TryGetValue (str, out str)) {
str = Value;
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldstr, str);
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
// cast to object
if (type != targetType)
enc.Encode (type);
enc.Encode (Value);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get {
return Value == null;
public override bool IsNegative {
get {
return false;
public override bool IsNull {
get {
return IsDefaultValue;
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
return null;
public override Constant ConvertImplicitly (TypeSpec type)
if (IsDefaultValue && type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object)
return new NullConstant (type, loc);
return base.ConvertImplicitly (type);
class NameOf : StringConstant
readonly SimpleName name;
public NameOf (SimpleName name)
: base (name.Location)
{ = name;
static void Error_MethodGroupWithTypeArguments (ResolveContext rc, Location loc)
rc.Report.Error (8084, loc, "An argument to nameof operator cannot be method group with type arguments");
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
bool ResolveArgumentExpression (ResolveContext rc, Expression expr)
var sn = expr as SimpleName;
if (sn != null) {
Value = sn.Name;
if (rc.Module.Compiler.Settings.Version < LanguageVersion.V_6)
rc.Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (rc.Module.Compiler, Location, "nameof operator");
var res = sn.LookupNameExpression (rc, MemberLookupRestrictions.IgnoreAmbiguity | MemberLookupRestrictions.NameOfExcluded);
if (sn.HasTypeArguments && res is MethodGroupExpr) {
Error_MethodGroupWithTypeArguments (rc, expr.Location);
return true;
var ma = expr as MemberAccess;
if (ma != null) {
var lexpr = ma.LeftExpression;
var res = ma.LookupNameExpression (rc, MemberLookupRestrictions.IgnoreAmbiguity);
if (res == null) {
return false;
if (rc.Module.Compiler.Settings.Version < LanguageVersion.V_6)
rc.Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (rc.Module.Compiler, Location, "nameof operator");
if (ma is QualifiedAliasMember) {
rc.Report.Error (8083, loc, "An alias-qualified name is not an expression");
return false;
if (!IsLeftExpressionValid (lexpr)) {
rc.Report.Error (8082, lexpr.Location, "An argument to nameof operator cannot include sub-expression");
return false;
var mg = res as MethodGroupExpr;
if (mg != null) {
var emg = res as ExtensionMethodGroupExpr;
if (emg != null && !emg.ResolveNameOf (rc, ma)) {
return true;
if (!mg.HasAccessibleCandidate (rc)) {
ErrorIsInaccesible (rc, ma.GetSignatureForError (), loc);
if (ma.HasTypeArguments) {
Error_MethodGroupWithTypeArguments (rc, ma.Location);
Value = ma.Name;
return true;
rc.Report.Error (8081, loc, "Expression does not have a name");
return false;
static bool IsLeftExpressionValid (Expression expr)
if (expr is SimpleName)
return true;
if (expr is This)
return true;
if (expr is NamespaceExpression)
return true;
if (expr is TypeExpr)
return true;
var ma = expr as MemberAccess;
if (ma != null) {
// TODO: Will conditional access be allowed?
return IsLeftExpressionValid (ma.LeftExpression);
return false;
public Expression ResolveOverload (ResolveContext rc, Arguments args)
if (args == null || args.Count != 1) {
name.Error_NameDoesNotExist (rc);
return null;
var arg = args [0];
var res = ResolveArgumentExpression (rc, arg.Expr);
if (!res) {
return null;
type = rc.BuiltinTypes.String;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
return this;
// Null constant can have its own type, think of `default (Foo)'
public class NullConstant : Constant
public NullConstant (TypeSpec type, Location loc)
: base (loc)
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
this.type = type;
public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
if (type == InternalType.NullLiteral || type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object) {
// Optimized version, also avoids referencing literal internal type
Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
args.Add (new Argument (this));
return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", args);
return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType, TypeSpec parameterType)
switch (targetType.BuiltinType) {
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object:
// Type it as string cast
enc.Encode (rc.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.String);
goto case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String;
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String:
case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Type:
enc.Encode (byte.MaxValue);
var ac = targetType as ArrayContainer;
if (ac != null && ac.Rank == 1 && !ac.Element.IsArray) {
enc.Encode (uint.MaxValue);
base.EncodeAttributeValue (rc, enc, targetType, parameterType);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
ec.EmitNull ();
// Only to make verifier happy
if (type.IsGenericParameter)
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Unbox_Any, type);
public override string ExprClassName {
get {
return GetSignatureForError ();
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool inCheckedContext, TypeSpec targetType)
if (targetType.IsPointer) {
if (IsLiteral || this is NullPointer)
return new NullPointer (targetType, loc);
return null;
// Exlude internal compiler types
if (targetType.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType && targetType.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic)
return null;
if (!IsLiteral && !Convert.ImplicitStandardConversionExists (this, targetType))
return null;
if (TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (targetType))
return new NullConstant (targetType, loc);
if (targetType.IsNullableType)
return Nullable.LiftedNull.Create (targetType, loc);
return null;
public override Constant ConvertImplicitly (TypeSpec targetType)
return ConvertExplicitly (false, targetType);
public override string GetSignatureForError ()
return "null";
public override object GetValue ()
return null;
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
return GetSignatureForError ();
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get { return true; }
public override bool IsNegative {
get { return false; }
public override bool IsNull {
get { return true; }
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return true; }
// A null constant in a pointer context
class NullPointer : NullConstant
public NullPointer (TypeSpec type, Location loc)
: base (type, loc)
public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
Error_PointerInsideExpressionTree (ec);
return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
// Emits null pointer
ec.EmitInt (0);
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_U);
/// <summary>
/// The value is constant, but when emitted has a side effect. This is
/// used by BitwiseAnd to ensure that the second expression is invoked
/// regardless of the value of the left side.
/// </summary>
public class SideEffectConstant : Constant
public readonly Constant value;
Expression side_effect;
public SideEffectConstant (Constant value, Expression side_effect, Location loc)
: base (loc)
this.value = value;
type = value.Type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
while (side_effect is SideEffectConstant)
side_effect = ((SideEffectConstant) side_effect).side_effect;
this.side_effect = side_effect;
public override bool IsSideEffectFree {
get {
return false;
public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait ()
return side_effect.ContainsEmitWithAwait ();
public override object GetValue ()
return value.GetValue ();
public override string GetValueAsLiteral ()
return value.GetValueAsLiteral ();
public override long GetValueAsLong ()
return value.GetValueAsLong ();
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
side_effect.EmitSideEffect (ec);
value.Emit (ec);
public override void EmitSideEffect (EmitContext ec)
side_effect.EmitSideEffect (ec);
value.EmitSideEffect (ec);
public override void FlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc)
side_effect.FlowAnalysis (fc);
public override bool IsDefaultValue {
get { return value.IsDefaultValue; }
public override bool IsNegative {
get { return value.IsNegative; }
public override bool IsZeroInteger {
get { return value.IsZeroInteger; }
public override Constant ConvertExplicitly (bool in_checked_context, TypeSpec target_type)
Constant new_value = value.ConvertExplicitly (in_checked_context, target_type);
if (new_value == null)
return null;
var c = new SideEffectConstant (new_value, side_effect, new_value.Location);
c.type = target_type;
c.eclass = eclass;
return c;