542 lines
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542 lines
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// <copyright file="FileAuthorizationModule.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
* FileAclAuthorizationModule class
* Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
namespace System.Web.Security {
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Web.Management;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Verifies that the remote user has NT permissions to access the
/// file requested.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public sealed class FileAuthorizationModule : IHttpModule {
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Web.Security.FileAuthorizationModule'/>
/// class.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode=true)]
public FileAuthorizationModule() {
private static bool s_EnabledDetermined;
private static bool s_Enabled;
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
public static bool CheckFileAccessForUser(String virtualPath, IntPtr token, string verb) {
if (virtualPath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath");
if (token == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException("token");
if (verb == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("verb");
VirtualPath vPath = VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath);
if (!vPath.IsWithinAppRoot)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Virtual_path_outside_application_not_supported), "virtualPath");
if (!s_EnabledDetermined) {
if (HttpRuntime.UseIntegratedPipeline) {
s_Enabled = true; // always enabled in Integrated Mode
else {
HttpModulesSection modulesSection = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig().HttpModules;
int len = modulesSection.Modules.Count;
for (int iter = 0; iter < len; iter++) {
HttpModuleAction module = modulesSection.Modules[iter];
if (Type.GetType(module.Type, false) == typeof(FileAuthorizationModule)) {
s_Enabled = true;
s_EnabledDetermined = true;
if (!s_Enabled)
return true;
// Step 3: Check the cache for the file-security-descriptor
// for the requested file
bool freeDescriptor;
FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper oSecDesc = GetFileSecurityDescriptorWrapper(vPath.MapPath(), out freeDescriptor);
// Step 4: Check if access is allowed
int iAccess = 3;
if (verb == "GET" || verb == "POST" || verb == "HEAD" || verb == "OPTIONS")
iAccess = 1;
bool fAllowed = oSecDesc.IsAccessAllowed(token, iAccess);
// Step 5: Free the security descriptor if adding to cache failed
if (freeDescriptor)
return fAllowed;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public void Init(HttpApplication app) {
app.AuthorizeRequest += new EventHandler(this.OnEnter);
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public void Dispose() {
void OnEnter(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs) {
if (HttpRuntime.IsOnUNCShareInternal)
return; // don't check on UNC shares -- the user token is bogus anyway
HttpApplication app;
HttpContext context;
app = (HttpApplication)source;
context = app.Context;
if (!IsUserAllowedToFile(context, null)) {
context.Response.SetStatusCode(401, subStatus: 3);
internal static bool IsWindowsIdentity(HttpContext context) {
return context.User != null &&
context.User.Identity != null &&
context.User.Identity is WindowsIdentity;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands", Justification = "This method is not dangerous.")]
private static bool IsUserAllowedToFile(HttpContext context, string fileName) {
// Step 1: Check if this is WindowsLogin
// It's not a windows authenticated user: allow access
if (!IsWindowsIdentity(context)) {
return true;
if (fileName == null) {
fileName = context.Request.PhysicalPathInternal;
bool isAnonymousUser = (context.User == null || !context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated);
CachedPathData pathData = null;
int iAccess = 3;
HttpVerb verb = context.Request.HttpVerb;
if (verb == HttpVerb.GET
|| verb == HttpVerb.POST
|| verb == HttpVerb.HEAD
|| context.Request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS")
iAccess = 1;
// iff it's a GET or POST or HEAD or OPTIONs verb, we can use the cached result
if (!CachedPathData.DoNotCacheUrlMetadata) {
pathData = context.GetConfigurationPathData();
// as a perf optimization, we cache results for annoymous access
// to CachedPathData.PhysicalPath, and avoid doing the full check
if (!StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(fileName, pathData.PhysicalPath)) {
// set to null so we don't attempt to update it after the full check below
pathData = null;
else {
if (pathData.AnonymousAccessAllowed) { // fast path when everyone has access
Debug.Trace("FAM", "IsUserAllowedToFile: pathData.AnonymousAccessAllowed");
return true;
if (pathData.AnonymousAccessChecked && isAnonymousUser) { // fast path for anonymous user
// another thread could be modifying CachedPathData, so return the
// value of AnonymousAccessAllowed instead of assuming it is false
Debug.Trace("FAM", "IsUserAllowedToFile: pathData.AnonymousAccessChecked && isAnonymousUser");
return pathData.AnonymousAccessAllowed;
// Step 3: Check the cache for the file-security-descriptor
// for the requested file
bool freeDescriptor;
FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper oSecDesc = GetFileSecurityDescriptorWrapper(fileName, out freeDescriptor);
// Step 4: Check if access is allowed
bool fAllowed;
if (iAccess == 1) { // iff it's a GET or POST or HEAD or OPTIONs verb, we can cache the result
if (oSecDesc._AnonymousAccessChecked && isAnonymousUser) {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "IsUserAllowedToFile: oSecDesc._AnonymousAccessChecked && isAnonymousUser");
fAllowed = oSecDesc._AnonymousAccess;
else {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "IsUserAllowedToFile: calling oSecDesc.IsAccessAllowed with iAccess == 1");
fAllowed = oSecDesc.IsAccessAllowed(context.WorkerRequest.GetUserToken(), iAccess);
if (!oSecDesc._AnonymousAccessChecked && isAnonymousUser) {
oSecDesc._AnonymousAccess = fAllowed;
oSecDesc._AnonymousAccessChecked = true;
// Cache results in CachedPathData if the file exists and annonymous access has been checked.
// Note that if CachedPathData.Exists is false, then it does not have a dependency on the file path,
// and won't be expunged if the file changes.
if (pathData != null && pathData.Exists && oSecDesc._AnonymousAccessChecked) {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "IsUserAllowedToFile: updating pathData");
pathData.AnonymousAccessAllowed = oSecDesc._AnonymousAccess;
pathData.AnonymousAccessChecked = true;
else {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "IsUserAllowedToFile: calling oSecDesc.IsAccessAllowed with iAccess != 1");
fAllowed = oSecDesc.IsAccessAllowed(context.WorkerRequest.GetUserToken(), iAccess); // don't cache this anywhere
// Step 5: Free the security descriptor if adding to cache failed
if (freeDescriptor)
if (fAllowed) {
WebBaseEvent.RaiseSystemEvent(null, WebEventCodes.AuditFileAuthorizationSuccess);
else {
if (!isAnonymousUser)
WebBaseEvent.RaiseSystemEvent(null, WebEventCodes.AuditFileAuthorizationFailure);
return fAllowed;
private static FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper GetFileSecurityDescriptorWrapper(string fileName, out bool freeDescriptor) {
if (CachedPathData.DoNotCacheUrlMetadata) {
freeDescriptor = true;
return new FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper(fileName);
freeDescriptor = false;
string oCacheKey = CacheInternal.PrefixFileSecurity + fileName;
FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper oSecDesc = HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.Get(oCacheKey) as FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper;
// If it's not present in the cache, then create it and add to the cache
if (oSecDesc == null) {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "GetFileSecurityDescriptorWrapper: cache miss for " + fileName);
oSecDesc = new FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper(fileName);
string cacheDependencyPath = oSecDesc.GetCacheDependencyPath();
if (cacheDependencyPath != null) {
// Add it to the cache: ignore failures, since a different thread may have added it or the file doesn't exist
try {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "GetFileSecurityDescriptorWrapper: inserting into cache with dependency on " + cacheDependencyPath);
CacheDependency dependency = new CacheDependency(0, cacheDependencyPath);
TimeSpan slidingExp = CachedPathData.UrlMetadataSlidingExpiration;
HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.UtcInsert(oCacheKey, oSecDesc, dependency, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, slidingExp,
CacheItemPriority.Default, new CacheItemRemovedCallback(oSecDesc.OnCacheItemRemoved));
} catch (Exception e){
Debug.Trace("internal", e.ToString());
freeDescriptor = true;
return oSecDesc;
private void WriteErrorMessage(HttpContext context) {
if (!context.IsCustomErrorEnabled) {
context.Response.Write((new FileAccessFailedErrorFormatter(context.Request.PhysicalPathInternal)).GetErrorMessage(context, false));
} else {
context.Response.Write((new FileAccessFailedErrorFormatter(null)).GetErrorMessage(context, true));
// In Integrated pipeline, ask for handler headers to be generated. This would be unnecessary
// if we just threw an access denied exception, and used the standard error mechanism
static internal bool RequestRequiresAuthorization(HttpContext context) {
Object sec;
FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper oSecDesc;
string oCacheKey;
if (!IsWindowsIdentity(context)) {
return false;
oCacheKey = CacheInternal.PrefixFileSecurity + context.Request.PhysicalPathInternal;
sec = HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.Get(oCacheKey);
// If it's not present in the cache, then return true
if (sec == null || !(sec is FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper))
return true;
oSecDesc = (FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper) sec;
if (oSecDesc._AnonymousAccessChecked && oSecDesc._AnonymousAccess)
return false;
return true;
internal static bool IsUserAllowedToPath(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath)
return IsUserAllowedToFile(context, virtualPath.MapPath());
internal class FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper : IDisposable {
~FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper() {
internal FileSecurityDescriptorWrapper(String strFile) {
_FileName = FileUtil.RemoveTrailingDirectoryBackSlash(strFile);
_securityDescriptor = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetFileSecurityDescriptor(_FileName);
internal bool IsAccessAllowed(IntPtr iToken, int iAccess) {
if (iToken == IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
if (_SecurityDescriptorBeingFreed)
return IsAccessAllowedUsingNewSecurityDescriptor(iToken, iAccess);
try {
try {
if (!_SecurityDescriptorBeingFreed) {
if (_securityDescriptor == IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
if (_securityDescriptor == UnsafeNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return false;
return (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsAccessToFileAllowed(_securityDescriptor, iToken, iAccess) != 0);
} finally {
} catch {
return IsAccessAllowedUsingNewSecurityDescriptor(iToken, iAccess);
private bool IsAccessAllowedUsingNewSecurityDescriptor(IntPtr iToken, int iAccess) {
if (iToken == IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
IntPtr secDes = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetFileSecurityDescriptor(_FileName);
if (secDes == IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
if (secDes == UnsafeNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return false;
try {
try {
return (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsAccessToFileAllowed(secDes, iToken, iAccess) != 0);
} finally {
} catch {
internal void OnCacheItemRemoved(String key, Object value, CacheItemRemovedReason reason) {
internal void FreeSecurityDescriptor() {
if (!IsSecurityDescriptorValid())
_SecurityDescriptorBeingFreed = true;
try {
try {
if (!IsSecurityDescriptorValid())
// VSWHIDBEY 493667: double free in webengine!FreeFileSecurityDescriptor()
IntPtr temp = _securityDescriptor;
_securityDescriptor = UnsafeNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
} finally {
} catch {
internal bool IsSecurityDescriptorValid() {
_securityDescriptor != UnsafeNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE &&
_securityDescriptor != IntPtr.Zero;
internal string GetCacheDependencyPath() {
// if security descriptor is invalid, we cannot cache it
if (_securityDescriptor == UnsafeNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "GetCacheDependencyPath: invalid security descriptor");
return null;
// if security descriptor is valid (file exists), cache it with a dependency on the file name
if (_securityDescriptor != IntPtr.Zero) {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "GetCacheDependencyPath: valid security descriptor");
return _FileName;
// file does not exist, but if it's path is beneath the app root, we will cache it and
// use the first existing directory as the cache depenedency path
string existingDir = FileUtil.GetFirstExistingDirectory(AppRoot, _FileName);
#if DBG
if (existingDir != null) {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "GetCacheDependencyPath: beneath app root");
else {
Debug.Trace("FAM", "GetCacheDependencyPath: not beneath app root");
return existingDir;
private static string AppRoot {
get {
string appRoot = _AppRoot;
if (appRoot == null) {
appRoot = Path.GetFullPath(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPathInternal);
appRoot = FileUtil.RemoveTrailingDirectoryBackSlash(appRoot);
return appRoot;
void IDisposable.Dispose()
private IntPtr _securityDescriptor;
internal bool _AnonymousAccessChecked = false;
internal bool _AnonymousAccess = false;
private bool _SecurityDescriptorBeingFreed = false;
private string _FileName = null;
private ReadWriteSpinLock _Lock = new ReadWriteSpinLock();
private static string _AppRoot = null;
internal class FileAccessFailedErrorFormatter : ErrorFormatter {
private String _strFile;
internal FileAccessFailedErrorFormatter(string strFile) {
_strFile = strFile;
if (_strFile == null)
_strFile = String.Empty;
protected override string ErrorTitle {
get { return SR.GetString(SR.Assess_Denied_Title);}
//get { return "Access Denied Error";}
protected override string Description {
get {
return SR.GetString(SR.Assess_Denied_Description3);
//return "An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. This typically happens if you do not have permissions to view the file you are trying to access.";
protected override string MiscSectionTitle {
get { return SR.GetString(SR.Assess_Denied_Section_Title3); }
//get { return "Error message 401.3";}
protected override string MiscSectionContent {
get {
string miscContent;
if (_strFile.Length > 0)
miscContent = SR.GetString(SR.Assess_Denied_Misc_Content3, HttpRuntime.GetSafePath(_strFile));
//return "Access is denied due to NT ACLs on the requested file. Ask the web server's administrator to give you access to "+ _strFile + ".";
miscContent = SR.GetString(SR.Assess_Denied_Misc_Content3_2);
return miscContent;
protected override string ColoredSquareTitle {
get { return null;}
protected override string ColoredSquareContent {
get { return null;}
protected override bool ShowSourceFileInfo {
get { return false;}