Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

167 lines
9.8 KiB

// <copyright file="Purpose.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Security.Cryptography {
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
// Represents a purpose that can be passed to a cryptographic routine to control key derivation / ciphertext modification.
// This is hardening the crypto routines to prevent playing ciphertext off of components that didn't generate them.
// !! IMPORTANT !!
// The built-in purposes do not contain privileged information and are not meant to be treated as secrets. Any external
// person can disassemble our code or look directly at our source to see what our Purpose objects are used for.
// PrimaryPurpose: This is a well-known string that identifies the reason for this Purpose. The pattern we use
// is that PrimaryPurpose is the name of the consumer, making each consumer's Purpose unique.
// SpecificPurposes: These are extra optional strings that further differentiate Purpose objects that might have the
// same PrimaryPurpose. The pattern we use is that if a single consumer has multiple Purposes, he can use
// SpecificPurposes to uniquely identify them. The information here is generally not secret (we can put the type of
// the currently executing Page here, for example), but it is valid to seed this property with a secret obtained
// at runtime (such as a nonce shared between two parties).
internal sealed class Purpose {
// predefined purposes
public static readonly Purpose AnonymousIdentificationModule_Ticket = new Purpose("AnonymousIdentificationModule.Ticket");
public static readonly Purpose AssemblyResourceLoader_WebResourceUrl = new Purpose("AssemblyResourceLoader.WebResourceUrl");
public static readonly Purpose FormsAuthentication_Ticket = new Purpose("FormsAuthentication.Ticket");
public static readonly Purpose WebForms_Page_PreviousPageID = new Purpose("WebForms.Page.PreviousPageID");
public static readonly Purpose RolePrincipal_Ticket = new Purpose("RolePrincipal.Ticket");
public static readonly Purpose ScriptResourceHandler_ScriptResourceUrl = new Purpose("ScriptResourceHandler.ScriptResourceUrl");
// predefined ViewState purposes; they won't be used as-is (they're combined with the page information)
public static readonly Purpose WebForms_ClientScriptManager_EventValidation = new Purpose("WebForms.ClientScriptManager.EventValidation");
public static readonly Purpose WebForms_DetailsView_KeyTable = new Purpose("WebForms.DetailsView.KeyTable");
public static readonly Purpose WebForms_GridView_DataKeys = new Purpose("WebForms.GridView.DataKeys");
public static readonly Purpose WebForms_GridView_SortExpression = new Purpose("WebForms.GridView.SortExpression");
public static readonly Purpose WebForms_HiddenFieldPageStatePersister_ClientState = new Purpose("WebForms.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.ClientState");
public static readonly Purpose WebForms_ScriptManager_HistoryState = new Purpose("WebForms.ScriptManager.HistoryState");
public static readonly Purpose WebForms_SessionPageStatePersister_ClientState = new Purpose("WebForms.SessionPageStatePersister.ClientState");
// predefined miscellaneoous purposes; they won't be used as-is (they're combined with other specificPurposes)
public static readonly Purpose User_MachineKey_Protect = new Purpose("User.MachineKey.Protect"); // used by the MachineKey static class Protect / Unprotect methods
public static readonly Purpose User_ObjectStateFormatter_Serialize = new Purpose("User.ObjectStateFormatter.Serialize"); // used by ObjectStateFormatter.Serialize() if called manually
public readonly string PrimaryPurpose;
public readonly string[] SpecificPurposes;
private byte[] _derivedKeyLabel;
private byte[] _derivedKeyContext;
public Purpose(string primaryPurpose, params string[] specificPurposes)
: this(primaryPurpose, specificPurposes, null, null) {
// ctor for unit testing
internal Purpose(string primaryPurpose, string[] specificPurposes, CryptographicKey derivedEncryptionKey, CryptographicKey derivedValidationKey) {
PrimaryPurpose = primaryPurpose;
SpecificPurposes = specificPurposes ?? new string[0];
DerivedEncryptionKey = derivedEncryptionKey;
DerivedValidationKey = derivedValidationKey;
SaveDerivedKeys = (SpecificPurposes.Length == 0);
// The cryptographic keys that were derived from this Purpose.
internal CryptographicKey DerivedEncryptionKey { get; private set; }
internal CryptographicKey DerivedValidationKey { get; private set; }
// Whether the derived key should be saved back to this Purpose object by the ICryptoService,
// e.g. because this Purpose will be used over and over again. We assume that any built-in
// Purpose object that is passed without any specific purposes is intended for repeated use,
// hence the ICryptoService will try to cache cryptographic keys as a performance optimization.
// If specific purposes have been specified, they were likely generated at runtime, hence it
// is not appropriate for the keys to be cached in this instance.
internal bool SaveDerivedKeys { get; set; }
// Returns a new Purpose which is the specified Purpose plus the specified SpecificPurpose.
// Leaves the original Purpose unmodified.
internal Purpose AppendSpecificPurpose(string specificPurpose) {
// Append the specified specificPurpose to the existing list
string[] newSpecificPurposes = new string[SpecificPurposes.Length + 1];
Array.Copy(SpecificPurposes, newSpecificPurposes, SpecificPurposes.Length);
newSpecificPurposes[newSpecificPurposes.Length - 1] = specificPurpose;
return new Purpose(PrimaryPurpose, newSpecificPurposes);
// Returns a new Purpose which is the specified Purpose plus the specified SpecificPurposes.
// Leaves the original Purpose unmodified.
internal Purpose AppendSpecificPurposes(IList<string> specificPurposes) {
// No specific purposes to add
if (specificPurposes == null || specificPurposes.Count == 0) {
return this;
// Append the specified specificPurposes to the existing list
string[] newSpecificPurposes = new string[SpecificPurposes.Length + specificPurposes.Count];
Array.Copy(SpecificPurposes, newSpecificPurposes, SpecificPurposes.Length);
specificPurposes.CopyTo(newSpecificPurposes, SpecificPurposes.Length);
return new Purpose(PrimaryPurpose, newSpecificPurposes);
public CryptographicKey GetDerivedEncryptionKey(IMasterKeyProvider masterKeyProvider, KeyDerivationFunction keyDerivationFunction) {
// has a key already been stored?
CryptographicKey actualDerivedKey = DerivedEncryptionKey;
if (actualDerivedKey == null) {
CryptographicKey masterKey = masterKeyProvider.GetEncryptionKey();
actualDerivedKey = keyDerivationFunction(masterKey, this);
// only save the key back to storage if this Purpose is configured to do so
if (SaveDerivedKeys) {
DerivedEncryptionKey = actualDerivedKey;
return actualDerivedKey;
public CryptographicKey GetDerivedValidationKey(IMasterKeyProvider masterKeyProvider, KeyDerivationFunction keyDerivationFunction) {
// has a key already been stored?
CryptographicKey actualDerivedKey = DerivedValidationKey;
if (actualDerivedKey == null) {
CryptographicKey masterKey = masterKeyProvider.GetValidationKey();
actualDerivedKey = keyDerivationFunction(masterKey, this);
// only save the key back to storage if this Purpose is configured to do so
if (SaveDerivedKeys) {
DerivedValidationKey = actualDerivedKey;
return actualDerivedKey;
// Returns a label and context suitable for passing into the SP800-108 KDF.
internal void GetKeyDerivationParameters(out byte[] label, out byte[] context) {
// The primary purpose can just be used as the label directly, since ASP.NET
// is always in full control of the primary purpose (it's never user-specified).
if (_derivedKeyLabel == null) {
_derivedKeyLabel = CryptoUtil.SecureUTF8Encoding.GetBytes(PrimaryPurpose);
// The specific purposes (which can contain nonce, identity, etc.) are concatenated
// together to form the context. The BinaryWriter class prepends each element with
// a 7-bit encoded length to guarantee uniqueness.
if (_derivedKeyContext == null) {
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream, CryptoUtil.SecureUTF8Encoding)) {
foreach (string specificPurpose in SpecificPurposes) {
_derivedKeyContext = stream.ToArray();
label = _derivedKeyLabel;
context = _derivedKeyContext;