Former-commit-id: a2155e9bd80020e49e72e86c44da02a8ac0e57a4
413 lines
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413 lines
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// <copyright file="ObjectStateEntry.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
namespace System.Data.Objects
// Detached - nothing
// Added - _entity & _currentValues only for shadowState
// Unchanged - _entity & _currentValues only for shadowState
// Unchanged -> Deleted - _entity & _currentValues only for shadowState
// Modified - _currentValues & _modifiedFields + _originalValues only on change
// Modified -> Deleted - _currentValues & _modifiedFields + _originalValues only on change
/// <summary>
/// Represets either a entity, entity stub or relationship
/// </summary>
public abstract class ObjectStateEntry : IEntityStateEntry, IEntityChangeTracker
#region common entry fields
internal ObjectStateManager _cache;
internal EntitySetBase _entitySet;
internal EntityState _state;
#region Constructor
// ObjectStateEntry will not be detached and creation will be handled from ObjectStateManager
internal ObjectStateEntry(ObjectStateManager cache, EntitySet entitySet, EntityState state)
Debug.Assert(cache != null, "cache cannot be null.");
_cache = cache;
_entitySet = entitySet;
_state = state;
#endregion // Constructor
#region Public members
/// <summary>
/// ObjectStateManager property of ObjectStateEntry.
/// </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns> ObjectStateManager </returns>
public ObjectStateManager ObjectStateManager
return _cache;
/// <summary> Extent property of ObjectStateEntry. </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns> Extent </returns>
public EntitySetBase EntitySet
return _entitySet;
/// <summary>
/// State property of ObjectStateEntry.
/// </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns> DataRowState </returns>
public EntityState State
return _state;
internal set
_state = value;
/// <summary>
/// Entity property of ObjectStateEntry.
/// </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns> The entity encapsulated by this entry. </returns>
abstract public object Entity { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The EntityKey associated with the ObjectStateEntry
/// </summary>
abstract public EntityKey EntityKey { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Determines if this ObjectStateEntry represents a relationship
/// </summary>
abstract public bool IsRelationship { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets bit array indicating which properties are modified.
/// </summary>
abstract internal BitArray ModifiedProperties { get; }
BitArray IEntityStateEntry.ModifiedProperties { get { return this.ModifiedProperties; } }
/// <summary>
/// Original values of entity
/// </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns> DbDataRecord </returns>
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // don't have debugger view expand this
abstract public DbDataRecord OriginalValues { get; }
abstract public OriginalValueRecord GetUpdatableOriginalValues();
/// <summary>
/// Current values of entity/ DataRow
/// </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns> DbUpdatableDataRecord </returns>
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // don't have debugger view expand this
abstract public CurrentValueRecord CurrentValues { get; }
/// <summary>
/// API to accept the current values as original values and mark the entity as Unchanged.
/// </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns></returns>
abstract public void AcceptChanges();
/// <summary>
/// API to mark the entity deleted. if entity is in added state, it will be detached
/// </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns> </returns>
abstract public void Delete();
/// <summary>
/// API to return properties that are marked modified
/// </summary>
/// <param> </param>
/// <returns> IEnumerable of modified properties names, names are in term of c-space </returns>
abstract public IEnumerable<string> GetModifiedProperties();
/// <summary>
/// set the state to Modified.
/// </summary>
/// <param></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">If State is not Modified or Unchanged</exception>
abstract public void SetModified();
/// <summary>
/// Marks specified property as modified.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="propertyName">This API recognizes the names in terms of OSpace</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">If State is not Modified or Unchanged</exception>
abstract public void SetModifiedProperty(string propertyName);
/// <summary>
/// Rejects any changes made to the property with the given name since the property was last loaded,
/// attached, saved, or changes were accepted. The orginal value of the property is stored and the
/// property will no longer be marked as modified.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the result is that no properties of the entity are marked as modified, then the entity will
/// be marked as Unchanged.
/// Changes to properties can only rejected for entities that are in the Modified or Unchanged state.
/// Calling this method for entities in other states (Added, Deleted, or Detached) will result in
/// an exception being thrown.
/// Rejecting changes to properties of an Unchanged entity or unchanged properties of a Modifed
/// is a no-op.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to change.</param>
abstract public void RejectPropertyChanges(string propertyName);
/// <summary>
/// Uses DetectChanges to determine whether or not the current value of the property with the given
/// name is different from its original value. Note that this may be different from the property being
/// marked as modified since a property which has not changed can still be marked as modified.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For complex properties, a new instance of the complex object which has all the same property
/// values as the original instance is not considered to be different by this method.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property.</param>
/// <returns>True if the property has changed; false otherwise.</returns>
abstract public bool IsPropertyChanged(string propertyName);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the RelationshipManager for the entity represented by this ObjectStateEntry.
/// Note that a RelationshipManager objects can only be returned if this entry represents a
/// full entity. Key-only entries (stubs) and entries representing relationships do not
/// have associated RelationshipManagers.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The entry is a stub or represents a relationship</exception>
abstract public RelationshipManager RelationshipManager
/// <summary>
/// Changes state of the entry to the specified <paramref name="state"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state">The requested state</param>
abstract public void ChangeState(EntityState state);
/// <summary>
/// Apply modified properties to the original object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="current">object with modified properties</param>
abstract public void ApplyCurrentValues(object currentEntity);
/// <summary>
/// Apply original values to the entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="original">The object with original values</param>
abstract public void ApplyOriginalValues(object originalEntity);
#endregion // Public members
#region IEntityStateEntry
IEntityStateManager IEntityStateEntry.StateManager
return (IEntityStateManager)this.ObjectStateManager;
// must explicitly implement this because interface is internal & so is the property on the
// class itself -- apparently the compiler won't let anything marked as internal be part of
// an interface (even if the interface is also internal)
bool IEntityStateEntry.IsKeyEntry
return this.IsKeyEntry;
#endregion // IEntityStateEntry
#region Public IEntityChangeTracker
/// <summary>
/// Used to report that a scalar entity property is about to change
/// The current value of the specified property is cached when this method is called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityMemberName">The name of the entity property that is changing</param>
void IEntityChangeTracker.EntityMemberChanging(string entityMemberName)
/// <summary>
/// Used to report that a scalar entity property has been changed
/// The property value that was cached during EntityMemberChanging is now
/// added to OriginalValues
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityMemberName">The name of the entity property that has changing</param>
void IEntityChangeTracker.EntityMemberChanged(string entityMemberName)
/// <summary>
/// Used to report that a complex property is about to change
/// The current value of the specified property is cached when this method is called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityMemberName">The name of the top-level entity property that is changing</param>
/// <param name="complexObject">The complex object that contains the property that is changing</param>
/// <param name="complexObjectMemberName">The name of the property that is changing on complexObject</param>
void IEntityChangeTracker.EntityComplexMemberChanging(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName)
this.EntityComplexMemberChanging(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName);
/// <summary>
/// Used to report that a complex property has been changed
/// The property value that was cached during EntityMemberChanging is now added to OriginalValues
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityMemberName">The name of the top-level entity property that has changed</param>
/// <param name="complexObject">The complex object that contains the property that changed</param>
/// <param name="complexObjectMemberName">The name of the property that changed on complexObject</param>
void IEntityChangeTracker.EntityComplexMemberChanged(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName)
this.EntityComplexMemberChanged(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the EntityState from the ObjectStateEntry
/// </summary>
EntityState IEntityChangeTracker.EntityState
return this.State;
#endregion // IEntityChangeTracker
#region Internal members
abstract internal bool IsKeyEntry { get; }
abstract internal int GetFieldCount(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata);
abstract internal Type GetFieldType(int ordinal, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata);
abstract internal string GetCLayerName(int ordinal, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata);
abstract internal int GetOrdinalforCLayerName(string name, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata);
abstract internal void RevertDelete();
abstract internal void SetModifiedAll();
abstract internal void EntityMemberChanging(string entityMemberName);
abstract internal void EntityMemberChanged(string entityMemberName);
abstract internal void EntityComplexMemberChanging(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName);
abstract internal void EntityComplexMemberChanged(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName);
/// <summary>
/// Reuse or create a new (Entity)DataRecordInfo.
/// </summary>
abstract internal DataRecordInfo GetDataRecordInfo(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, object userObject);
virtual internal void Reset()
_cache = null;
_entitySet = null;
_state = EntityState.Detached;
internal void ValidateState()
if (_state == EntityState.Detached)
throw EntityUtil.ObjectStateEntryinInvalidState();
Debug.Assert(null != _cache, "null ObjectStateManager");
Debug.Assert(null != _entitySet, "null EntitySetBase");
#endregion // Internal members
internal struct StateManagerValue
internal StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata;
internal object userObject;
internal object originalValue;
internal StateManagerValue(StateManagerMemberMetadata metadata, object instance, object value)
memberMetadata = metadata;
userObject = instance;
originalValue = value;
internal enum ObjectStateValueRecord
OriginalReadonly = 0,
CurrentUpdatable = 1,
OriginalUpdatableInternal = 2,
OriginalUpdatablePublic = 3,
// This class is used in Referential Integrity Constraints feature.
// It is used to get around the problem of enumerating dictionary contents,
// but allowing update of the value without breaking the enumerator.
internal sealed class IntBox
private int val;
internal IntBox(int val)
this.val = val;
internal int Value
return val;
val = value;