Former-commit-id: 0a113cb3a6feb7873f632839b1307cc6033cd595
772 lines
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772 lines
23 KiB
// System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationTest.cs
// Author: Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ximian.com)
// (C) Ximian, Inc.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Collections;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap
public class SerializationTest
MemoryStream ms;
public void TestSerialization ()
MethodTester mt = new MethodTester();
RemotingServices.Marshal (mt, "myuri");
RemotingServices.Disconnect (mt);
public static void Main()
SerializationTest test = new SerializationTest();
void WriteData ()
StreamingContext context = new StreamingContext (StreamingContextStates.Other);
SurrogateSelector sel = new SurrogateSelector();
sel.AddSurrogate (typeof (Point), context, new PointSurrogate());
List list = CreateTestData();
BinderTester_A bta = CreateBinderTestData();
ms = new MemoryStream();
SoapFormatter f = new SoapFormatter (sel, new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other));
f.Serialize (ms, list);
// ProcessMessages (ms, null);
// f.Serialize (ms, bta);
ms.Flush ();
ms.Position = 0;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ms);
ms.Position = 0;
void ReadData()
StreamingContext context = new StreamingContext (StreamingContextStates.Other);
SurrogateSelector sel = new SurrogateSelector();
sel.AddSurrogate (typeof (Point), context, new PointSurrogate());
SoapFormatter f = new SoapFormatter (sel, context);
object list = f.Deserialize (ms);
object[][] originalMsgData = null;
IMessage[] calls = null;
IMessage[] resps = null;
// originalMsgData = ProcessMessages (null, null);
// calls = new IMessage[originalMsgData.Length];
// resps = new IMessage[originalMsgData.Length];
// for (int n=0; n<originalMsgData.Length; n++)
// {
// calls[n] = (IMessage) f.Deserialize (ms);
// resps[n] = (IMessage) f.DeserializeMethodResponse (ms, null, (IMethodCallMessage)calls[n]);
// }
// f.Binder = new TestBinder ();
// object btbob = f.Deserialize (ms);
// BinderTester_A bta = CreateBinderTestData();
// Assertion.AssertEquals ("BinderTest.class", btbob.GetType(), typeof (BinderTester_B));
// BinderTester_B btb = btbob as BinderTester_B;
// if (btb != null)
// {
// Assertion.AssertEquals ("BinderTest.x", btb.x, bta.x);
// Assertion.AssertEquals ("BinderTest.y", btb.y, bta.y);
// }
// CheckMessages ("MethodCall", originalMsgData, ProcessMessages (null, calls));
// CheckMessages ("MethodResponse", originalMsgData, ProcessMessages (null, resps));
BinderTester_A CreateBinderTestData ()
BinderTester_A bta = new BinderTester_A();
bta.x = 11;
bta.y = "binder tester";
return bta;
List CreateTestData()
List list = new List();
list.name = "my list";
list.values = new SomeValues();
ListItem item1 = new ListItem();
ListItem item2 = new ListItem();
ListItem item3 = new ListItem();
item1.label = "value label 1";
item1.next = item2;
item1.value.color = 111;
item1.value.point = new Point();
item1.value.point.x = 11;
item1.value.point.y = 22;
item2.label = "value label 2";
item2.next = item3;
item2.value.color = 222;
item2.value.point = new Point();
item2.value.point.x = 33;
item2.value.point.y = 44;
item3.label = "value label 3";
item3.value.color = 333;
item3.value.point = new Point();
item3.value.point.x = 55;
item3.value.point.y = 66;
list.children = new ListItem[3];
list.children[0] = item1;
list.children[1] = item2;
list.children[2] = item3;
return list;
object[][] ProcessMessages (Stream stream, IMessage[] messages)
object[][] results = new object[9][];
AuxProxy prx = new AuxProxy (stream, "myuri");
MethodTester mt = (MethodTester)prx.GetTransparentProxy();
object res;
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[0]);
res = mt.OverloadedMethod();
results[0] = new object[] {res};
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[1]);
res = mt.OverloadedMethod(22);
results[1] = new object[] {res};
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[2]);
int[] par1 = new int[] {1,2,3};
res = mt.OverloadedMethod(par1);
results[2] = new object[] { res, par1 };
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[3]);
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[4]);
res = mt.Simple ("hello",44);
results[4] = new object[] { res };
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[5]);
res = mt.Simple2 ('F');
results[5] = new object[] { res };
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[6]);
char[] par2 = new char[] { 'G' };
res = mt.Simple3 (par2);
results[6] = new object[] { res, par2 };
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[7]);
res = mt.Simple3 (null);
results[7] = new object[] { res };
if (messages != null) prx.SetTestMessage (messages[8]);
SimpleClass b = new SimpleClass ('H');
res = mt.SomeMethod (123456, b);
results[8] = new object[] { res, b };
return results;
void CheckMessages (string label, object[][] original, object[][] serialized)
for (int n=0; n<original.Length; n++)
EqualsArray (label + " " + n, original[n], serialized[n]);
public static void AssertEquals(string message, Object expected, Object actual)
if (expected != null && expected.GetType().IsArray)
EqualsArray (message, (Array)expected, (Array)actual);
Assertion.AssertEquals (message, expected, actual);
public static void EqualsArray (string message, object oar1, object oar2)
if (oar1 == null || oar2 == null || !(oar1 is Array) || !(oar2 is Array))
SerializationTest.AssertEquals (message, oar1, oar2);
Array ar1 = (Array) oar1;
Array ar2 = (Array) oar2;
SerializationTest.AssertEquals(message + ".Length", ar1.Length,ar2.Length);
for (int n=0; n<ar1.Length; n++)
object av1 = ar1.GetValue(n);
object av2 = ar2.GetValue(n);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals (message + "[" + n + "]", av1, av2);
class PointSurrogate: ISerializationSurrogate
public void GetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
Point p = (Point)obj;
info.AddValue ("xv",p.x);
info.AddValue ("yv",p.y);
public object SetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
typeof (Point).GetField ("x").SetValue (obj, info.GetInt32 ("xv"));
typeof (Point).GetField ("y").SetValue (obj, info.GetInt32 ("yv"));
return obj;
public class List
public string name = null;
public ListItem[] children = null;
public SomeValues values;
public void CheckEquals(List val)
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("List.children.Length", children.Length, val.children.Length);
for (int n=0; n<children.Length; n++)
children[n].CheckEquals (val.children[n]);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("List.name", name, val.name);
values.CheckEquals (val.values);
public class ListItem: ISerializable
public ListItem()
ListItem (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx)
next = (ListItem)info.GetValue ("next", typeof (ListItem));
value = (ListValue)info.GetValue ("value", typeof (ListValue));
label = info.GetString ("label");
public void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx)
info.AddValue ("next", next);
info.AddValue ("value", value);
info.AddValue ("label", label);
public void CheckEquals(ListItem val)
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("ListItem.next", next, val.next);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("ListItem.label", label, val.label);
value.CheckEquals (val.value);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
ListItem val = (ListItem)obj;
if ((next == null || val.next == null) && (next != val.next)) return false;
if (next == null) return true;
if (!next.Equals(val.next)) return false;
return value.Equals (val.value) && label == val.label;
public override int GetHashCode ()
return base.GetHashCode ();
public ListItem next;
public ListValue value;
public string label;
public struct ListValue
public int color;
public Point point;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
ListValue val = (ListValue)obj;
return (color == val.color && point.Equals(val.point));
public void CheckEquals(ListValue val)
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("ListValue.color", color, val.color);
point.CheckEquals (val.point);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return base.GetHashCode ();
// [Serializable]
public struct Point
public int x;
public int y;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
Point p = (Point)obj;
return (x == p.x && y == p.y);
public void CheckEquals(Point p)
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("Point.x", x, p.x);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("Point.y", y, p.y);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return base.GetHashCode ();
public class SimpleClass
public SimpleClass (char v) { val = v; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
return val == ((SimpleClass)obj).val;
public override int GetHashCode()
return val.GetHashCode();
public int SampleCall (string str, SomeValues sv, ref int acum)
acum += (int)val;
return (int)val;
public char val;
enum IntEnum { aaa, bbb, ccc }
enum ByteEnum: byte { aaa=221, bbb=3, ccc=44 }
delegate int SampleDelegate (string str, SomeValues sv, ref int acum);
public class SomeValues
Type _type;
Type _type2;
DBNull _dbnull;
Assembly _assembly;
IntEnum _intEnum;
ByteEnum _byteEnum;
bool _bool;
bool _bool2;
byte _byte;
char _char;
// DateTime _dateTime;
decimal _decimal;
double _double;
short _short;
int _int;
long _long;
sbyte _sbyte;
float _float;
ushort _ushort;
uint _uint;
ulong _ulong;
object[] _objects;
string[] _strings;
int[] _ints;
public int[,,] _intsMulti;
int[][] _intsJagged;
SimpleClass[] _simples;
SimpleClass[,] _simplesMulti;
SimpleClass[][] _simplesJagged;
double[] _doubles;
object[] _almostEmpty;
object[] _emptyObjectArray;
Type[] _emptyTypeArray;
SimpleClass[] _emptySimpleArray;
int[] _emptyIntArray;
string[] _emptyStringArray;
SampleDelegate _sampleDelegate;
SampleDelegate _sampleDelegate2;
SampleDelegate _sampleDelegate3;
SampleDelegate _sampleDelegateStatic;
SampleDelegate _sampleDelegateCombined;
SimpleClass _shared1;
SimpleClass _shared2;
SimpleClass _shared3;
public void Init()
_type = typeof (string);
_type2 = typeof (SomeValues);
_dbnull = DBNull.Value;
_assembly = typeof (SomeValues).Assembly;
_intEnum = IntEnum.bbb;
_byteEnum = ByteEnum.ccc;
_bool = true;
_bool2 = false;
_byte = 254;
_char = 'A';
// _dateTime = new DateTime (1972,7,13,1,20,59);
_decimal = (decimal)101010.10101;
_double = 123456.6789;
_short = -19191;
_int = -28282828;
_long = 37373737373;
_sbyte = -123;
_float = (float)654321.321;
_ushort = 61616;
_uint = 464646464;
_ulong = 55555555;
Point p = new Point();
p.x = 56; p.y = 67;
object boxedPoint = p;
long i = 22;
object boxedLong = i;
_objects = new object[] { "string", (int)1234, null , /*boxedPoint, boxedPoint,*/ boxedLong, boxedLong};
_strings = new string[] { "an", "array", "of", "strings","I","repeat","an", "array", "of", "strings" };
_ints = new int[] { 4,5,6,7,8 };
_intsMulti = new int[2,3,4] { { {1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8},{9,10,11,12}}, { {13,14,15,16},{17,18,19,20},{21,22,23,24} } };
_intsJagged = new int[2][] { new int[3] {1,2,3}, new int[2] {4,5} };
_simples = new SimpleClass[] { new SimpleClass('a'),new SimpleClass('b'),new SimpleClass('c') };
_simplesMulti = new SimpleClass[2,3] {{new SimpleClass('d'),new SimpleClass('e'),new SimpleClass('f')}, {new SimpleClass('g'),new SimpleClass('j'),new SimpleClass('h')}};
_simplesJagged = new SimpleClass[2][] { new SimpleClass[1] { new SimpleClass('i') }, new SimpleClass[2] {null, new SimpleClass('k')}};
_almostEmpty = new object[2000];
_almostEmpty[1000] = 4;
_emptyObjectArray = new object[0];
_emptyTypeArray = new Type[0];
_emptySimpleArray = new SimpleClass[0];
_emptyIntArray = new int[0];
_emptyStringArray = new string[0];
// FIXME: Once double.ToString("G17") is implemented
// we'll be able to serialize double.MaxValue and double.MinValue.
// Currently, it throws a System.OverflowException.
//_doubles = new double[] { 1010101.101010, 292929.29292, 3838383.38383, 4747474.474, 56565.5656565, 0, Double.NaN, Double.MaxValue, Double.MinValue, Double.NegativeInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity };
_doubles = new double[] { 1010101.101010, 292929.29292, 3838383.38383, 4747474.474, 56565.5656565, 0, Double.NaN, Double.NegativeInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity };
_sampleDelegate = new SampleDelegate(SampleCall);
_sampleDelegate2 = new SampleDelegate(_simples[0].SampleCall);
_sampleDelegate3 = new SampleDelegate(new SimpleClass('x').SampleCall);
_sampleDelegateStatic = new SampleDelegate(SampleStaticCall);
_sampleDelegateCombined = (SampleDelegate)Delegate.Combine (new Delegate[] {_sampleDelegate, _sampleDelegate2, _sampleDelegate3, _sampleDelegateStatic });
// This is to test that references are correctly solved
_shared1 = new SimpleClass('A');
_shared2 = new SimpleClass('A');
_shared3 = _shared1;
public int SampleCall (string str, SomeValues sv, ref int acum)
acum += _int;
return _int;
public static int SampleStaticCall (string str, SomeValues sv, ref int acum)
acum += 99;
return 99;
public void CheckEquals(SomeValues obj)
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._type", _type, obj._type);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._type2", _type2, obj._type2);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._dbnull", _dbnull, obj._dbnull);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._assembly", _assembly, obj._assembly);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._intEnum", _intEnum, obj._intEnum);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._byteEnum", _byteEnum, obj._byteEnum);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._bool", _bool, obj._bool);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._bool2", _bool2, obj._bool2);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._byte", _byte, obj._byte);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._char", _char, obj._char);
// SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._dateTime", _dateTime, obj._dateTime);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._decimal", _decimal, obj._decimal);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._int", _int, obj._int);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._long", _long, obj._long);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sbyte", _sbyte, obj._sbyte);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._float", _float, obj._float);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._ushort", _ushort, obj._ushort);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._uint", _uint, obj._uint);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._ulong", _ulong, obj._ulong);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._objects", _objects, obj._objects);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._strings", _strings, obj._strings);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._doubles", _doubles, obj._doubles);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._ints", _ints, obj._ints);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._simples", _simples, obj._simples);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._almostEmpty", _almostEmpty, obj._almostEmpty);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._emptyObjectArray", _emptyObjectArray, obj._emptyObjectArray);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._emptyTypeArray", _emptyTypeArray, obj._emptyTypeArray);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._emptySimpleArray", _emptySimpleArray, obj._emptySimpleArray);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._emptyIntArray", _emptyIntArray, obj._emptyIntArray);
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._emptyStringArray", _emptyStringArray, obj._emptyStringArray);
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
for (int k=0; k<4; k++)
SerializationTest.AssertEquals("SomeValues._intsMulti[" + i + "," + j + "," + k + "]", _intsMulti[i,j,k], obj._intsMulti[i,j,k]);
for (int i=0; i<_intsJagged.Length; i++)
for (int j=0; j<_intsJagged[i].Length; j++)
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._intsJagged[" + i + "][" + j + "]", _intsJagged[i][j], obj._intsJagged[i][j]);
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._simplesMulti[" + i + "," + j + "]", _simplesMulti[i,j], obj._simplesMulti[i,j]);
for (int i=0; i<_simplesJagged.Length; i++)
SerializationTest.EqualsArray ("SomeValues._simplesJagged", _simplesJagged[i], obj._simplesJagged[i]);
int acum = 0;
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sampleDelegate", _sampleDelegate ("hi", this, ref acum), _int);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sampleDelegate_bis", _sampleDelegate ("hi", this, ref acum), obj._sampleDelegate ("hi", this, ref acum));
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sampleDelegate2", _sampleDelegate2 ("hi", this, ref acum), (int)_simples[0].val);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sampleDelegate2_bis", _sampleDelegate2 ("hi", this, ref acum), obj._sampleDelegate2 ("hi", this, ref acum));
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sampleDelegate3", _sampleDelegate3 ("hi", this, ref acum), (int)'x');
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sampleDelegate3_bis", _sampleDelegate3 ("hi", this, ref acum), obj._sampleDelegate3 ("hi", this, ref acum));
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sampleDelegateStatic", _sampleDelegateStatic ("hi", this, ref acum), 99);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._sampleDelegateStatic_bis", _sampleDelegateStatic ("hi", this, ref acum), obj._sampleDelegateStatic ("hi", this, ref acum));
int acum1 = 0;
int acum2 = 0;
_sampleDelegateCombined ("hi", this, ref acum1);
obj._sampleDelegateCombined ("hi", this, ref acum2);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("_sampleDelegateCombined", acum1, _int + (int)_simples[0].val + (int)'x' + 99);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("_sampleDelegateCombined_bis", acum1, acum2);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._shared1", _shared1, _shared2);
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._shared1_bis", _shared1, _shared3);
_shared1.val = 'B';
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._shared2", _shared2.val, 'A');
SerializationTest.AssertEquals ("SomeValues._shared3", _shared3.val, 'B');
class MethodTester : MarshalByRefObject
public int OverloadedMethod ()
return 123456789;
public int OverloadedMethod (int a)
return a+2;
public int OverloadedMethod (int[] a)
return a.Length;
public void NoReturn ()
public string Simple (string a, int b)
return a + b;
public SimpleClass Simple2 (char c)
return new SimpleClass(c);
public SimpleClass Simple3 (char[] c)
if (c != null) return new SimpleClass(c[0]);
else return null;
public int SomeMethod (int a, SimpleClass b)
object[] d;
string c = "hi";
int r = a + c.Length;
c = "bye";
d = new object[3];
d[1] = b;
return r;
class AuxProxy: RealProxy
public static bool useHeaders = false;
Stream _stream;
string _uri;
IMethodMessage _testMsg;
public AuxProxy(Stream stream, string uri): base(typeof(MethodTester))
_stream = stream;
_uri = uri;
public void SetTestMessage (IMessage msg)
_testMsg = (IMethodMessage)msg;
_testMsg.Properties["__Uri"] = _uri;
public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg)
IMethodCallMessage call = (IMethodCallMessage)msg;
if (call.MethodName.StartsWith ("Initialize")) return new ReturnMessage(null,null,0,null,(IMethodCallMessage)msg);
call.Properties["__Uri"] = _uri;
if (_stream != null)
SerializeCall (call);
IMessage response = ChannelServices.SyncDispatchMessage (call);
SerializeResponse (response);
return response;
else if (_testMsg != null)
if (_testMsg is IMethodCallMessage)
return ChannelServices.SyncDispatchMessage (_testMsg);
return _testMsg;
return ChannelServices.SyncDispatchMessage (call);
void SerializeCall (IMessage call)
RemotingSurrogateSelector rss = new RemotingSurrogateSelector();
IRemotingFormatter fmt = new SoapFormatter (rss, new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Remoting));
fmt.Serialize (_stream, call, GetHeaders());
void SerializeResponse (IMessage resp)
RemotingSurrogateSelector rss = new RemotingSurrogateSelector();
IRemotingFormatter fmt = new SoapFormatter (rss, new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Remoting));
fmt.Serialize (_stream, resp, GetHeaders());
Header[] GetHeaders()
Header[] hs = null;
if (useHeaders)
hs = new Header[1];
hs[0] = new Header("unom",new SimpleClass('R'));
return hs;
public class TestBinder : SerializationBinder
public override Type BindToType (string assemblyName, string typeName)
if (typeName.IndexOf("BinderTester_A") != -1)
typeName = typeName.Replace ("BinderTester_A", "BinderTester_B");
return Assembly.Load (assemblyName).GetType (typeName);
public class BinderTester_A
public int x;
public string y;
public class BinderTester_B
public string y;
public int x;