328 lines
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328 lines
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// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml;
using MSS = Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
namespace System.Data.SqlClient
public sealed partial class SqlParameter : DbParameter, IDbDataParameter, ICloneable
const string EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter is not supported on the current platform.";
public SqlParameter() : base() {}
public SqlParameter(string parameterName, SqlDbType dbType) : this() {}
public SqlParameter(string parameterName, object value) : this() {}
public SqlParameter(string parameterName, SqlDbType dbType, int size) : this() {}
public SqlParameter(string parameterName, SqlDbType dbType, int size, string sourceColumn) : this() {}
public SqlParameter(
string parameterName,
SqlDbType dbType,
int size,
ParameterDirection direction,
bool isNullable,
byte precision,
byte scale,
string sourceColumn,
DataRowVersion sourceVersion,
object value
) : this(parameterName, dbType, size, sourceColumn)
public SqlParameter(
string parameterName,
SqlDbType dbType,
int size,
ParameterDirection direction,
byte precision,
byte scale,
string sourceColumn,
DataRowVersion sourceVersion,
bool sourceColumnNullMapping,
object value,
string xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase,
string xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema,
string xmlSchemaCollectionName
) : this()
internal SqlCollation Collation
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public string XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public string XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public string XmlSchemaCollectionName
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override DbType DbType
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override void ResetDbType()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal MetaType InternalMetaType
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public int LocaleId
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal MSS.SmiParameterMetaData MetaDataForSmi(out ParameterPeekAheadValue peekAhead)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal bool ParameterIsSqlType
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override string ParameterName
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal string ParameterNameFixed
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public new byte Precision
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal byte PrecisionInternal
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public new byte Scale
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal byte ScaleInternal
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlDbType SqlDbType
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public void ResetSqlDbType()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public object SqlValue
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public string UdtTypeName
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public String TypeName
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override object Value
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal INullable ValueAsINullable
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal bool IsNull
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal int GetActualSize()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
object ICloneable.Clone()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal static object CoerceValue(object value, MetaType destinationType, out bool coercedToDataFeed, out bool typeChanged, bool allowStreaming = true)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal void FixStreamDataForNonPLP()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override DataRowVersion SourceVersion
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal byte GetActualPrecision()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal byte GetActualScale()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal int GetParameterSize()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal object GetCoercedValue()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal bool CoercedValueIsSqlType
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal bool CoercedValueIsDataFeed
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal void AssertCachedPropertiesAreValid()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal void AssertPropertiesAreValid(object value, bool? isSqlType = null, bool? isDataFeed = null, bool? isNull = null)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal void Prepare(SqlCommand cmd)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal void SetSqlBuffer(SqlBuffer buff)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal void SetUdtLoadError(Exception e)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal void Validate(int index, bool isCommandProc)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal MetaType ValidateTypeLengths()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal static string[] ParseTypeName(string typeName, bool isUdtTypeName)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal sealed class SqlParameterConverter : ExpandableObjectConverter
public SqlParameterConverter()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override ParameterDirection Direction
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override bool IsNullable
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public int Offset
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override int Size
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override string SourceColumn
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override bool SourceColumnNullMapping
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal void CopyTo(SqlParameter destination)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlCompareOptions CompareInfo
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal abstract class DataFeed {}
internal class StreamDataFeed : DataFeed
internal Stream _source;
internal StreamDataFeed(Stream source) {}
internal class TextDataFeed : DataFeed
internal TextReader _source;
internal TextDataFeed(TextReader source) {}
internal class XmlDataFeed : DataFeed
internal XmlReader _source;
internal XmlDataFeed(XmlReader source) {}
} |