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2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00

945 lines
30 KiB

// OptionSetTest.cs
// Authors:
// Jonathan Pryor <jpryor@novell.com>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Novell (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using NDesk.Options;
using Mono.Options;
using Cadenza.Collections.Tests;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Tests.NDesk.Options
namespace MonoTests.Mono.Options
class FooConverter : TypeConverter {
public override bool CanConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
if (sourceType == typeof (string))
return true;
return base.CanConvertFrom (context, sourceType);
public override object ConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context,
CultureInfo culture, object value)
string v = value as string;
if (v != null) {
switch (v) {
case "A": return Foo.A;
case "B": return Foo.B;
return base.ConvertFrom (context, culture, value);
[TypeConverter (typeof(FooConverter))]
class Foo {
public static readonly Foo A = new Foo ("A");
public static readonly Foo B = new Foo ("B");
string s;
Foo (string s) { this.s = s; }
public override string ToString () {return s;}
class TestArgumentSource : ArgumentSource, IEnumerable {
string[] names;
string desc;
public TestArgumentSource (string[] names, string desc)
this.names = names;
this.desc = desc;
Dictionary<string, string[]> args = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
public void Add (string key, params string[] values)
args.Add (key, values);
public override string[] GetNames ()
return names;
public override string Description {
get {return desc;}
public override bool GetArguments (string value, out IEnumerable<string> replacement)
replacement = null;
string[] values;
if (args.TryGetValue (value, out values)) {
replacement = values;
return true;
return false;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
return args.GetEnumerator ();
public class OptionSetTest : ListContract<Option> {
protected override ICollection<Option> CreateCollection (IEnumerable<Option> values)
OptionSet set = new OptionSet();
foreach (Option value in values)
set.Add (value);
return set;
protected override Option CreateValueA ()
return new CustomOption ("A", null, 0, null);
protected override Option CreateValueB ()
return new CustomOption ("B", null, 0, null);
protected override Option CreateValueC ()
return new CustomOption ("C", null, 0, null);
static IEnumerable<string> _ (params string[] a)
return a;
public void BundledValues ()
BundledValues (_("-DNAME", "-D", "NAME2", "-Debug", "-L/foo", "-L", "/bar", "-EDNAME3"));
BundledValues (_("@s1", "-D", "@s2", "-L/foo", "@s4"));
public void BundledValues (IEnumerable<string> args)
var defines = new List<string> ();
var libs = new List<string> ();
bool debug = false;
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "D|define=", v => defines.Add (v) },
{ "L|library:", v => libs.Add (v) },
{ "Debug", v => debug = v != null },
{ "E", v => { /* ignore */ } },
new TestArgumentSource (null, null) {
{ "@s1", "-DNAME" },
{ "@s2", "NAME2", "@s3" },
{ "@s3", "-Debug" },
{ "@s4", "-L", "/bar", "-EDNAME3" },
p.Parse (args);
Assert.AreEqual (defines.Count, 3);
Assert.AreEqual (defines [0], "NAME");
Assert.AreEqual (defines [1], "NAME2");
Assert.AreEqual (defines [2], "NAME3");
Assert.AreEqual (debug, true);
Assert.AreEqual (libs.Count, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (libs [0], "/foo");
Assert.AreEqual (libs [1], null);
Utils.AssertException (typeof(OptionException),
"Cannot use unregistered option 'V' in bundle '-EVALUENOTSUP'.",
p, v => { v.Parse (_("-EVALUENOTSUP")); });
public void RequiredValues ()
RequiredValues (_("a", "-a", "s", "-n=42", "n"));
RequiredValues (_("@s1", "s", "@s2", "n"));
void RequiredValues (IEnumerable<string> args)
string a = null;
int n = 0;
OptionSet p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a=", v => a = v },
{ "n=", (int v) => n = v },
new TestArgumentSource (null, null) {
{ "@s1", "a", "-a" },
{ "@s2", "-n=42" },
List<string> extra = p.Parse (args);
Assert.AreEqual (extra.Count, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (extra [0], "a");
Assert.AreEqual (extra [1], "n");
Assert.AreEqual (a, "s");
Assert.AreEqual (n, 42);
extra = p.Parse (_("-a="));
Assert.AreEqual (extra.Count, 0);
Assert.AreEqual (a, "");
public void OptionalValues ()
string a = null;
int? n = -1;
Foo f = null;
OptionSet p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a:", v => a = v },
{ "n:", (int? v) => n = v },
{ "f:", (Foo v) => f = v },
p.Parse (_("-a=s"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, "s");
p.Parse (_("-a"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, null);
p.Parse (_("-a="));
Assert.AreEqual (a, "");
p.Parse (_("-f", "A"));
Assert.AreEqual (f, null);
p.Parse (_("-f"));
Assert.AreEqual (f, null);
p.Parse (_("-f=A"));
Assert.AreEqual (f, Foo.A);
f = null;
p.Parse (_("-fA"));
Assert.AreEqual (f, Foo.A);
p.Parse (_("-n42"));
Assert.AreEqual (n.Value, 42);
p.Parse (_("-n", "42"));
Assert.AreEqual (n.HasValue, false);
p.Parse (_("-n=42"));
Assert.AreEqual (n.Value, 42);
p.Parse (_("-n"));
Assert.AreEqual (n.HasValue, false);
Utils.AssertException (typeof(OptionException),
"Could not convert string `' to type Int32 for option `-n'.",
p, v => { v.Parse (_("-n=")); });
public void EnumValues ()
DayOfWeek a = 0;
OptionSet p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a=", (DayOfWeek v) => a = v },
p.Parse (_ ("-a=Monday"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, DayOfWeek.Monday);
p.Parse (_ ("-a=tuesday"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, DayOfWeek.Tuesday);
p.Parse (_ ("-a=3"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, DayOfWeek.Wednesday);
p.Parse (_ ("-a=Monday,Tuesday"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, DayOfWeek.Monday | DayOfWeek.Tuesday);
Utils.AssertException (typeof (OptionException),
"Could not convert string `Noday' to type DayOfWeek for option `-a'.",
p, v => { v.Parse (_ ("-a=Noday")); });
public void BooleanValues ()
bool a = false;
OptionSet p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a", v => a = v != null },
p.Parse (_("-a"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, true);
p.Parse (_("-a+"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, true);
p.Parse (_("-a-"));
Assert.AreEqual (a, false);
public void CombinationPlatter ()
CombinationPlatter (new string[]{"foo", "-v", "-a=42", "/b-",
"-a", "64", "bar", "--f", "B", "/h", "-?", "--help", "-v"});
CombinationPlatter (_("@s1", "-a=42", "@s3", "-a", "64", "bar", "@s4"));
void CombinationPlatter (IEnumerable<string> args)
int a = -1, b = -1;
string av = null, bv = null;
Foo f = null;
int help = 0;
int verbose = 0;
OptionSet p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a=", v => { a = 1; av = v; } },
{ "b", "desc", v => {b = 2; bv = v;} },
{ "f=", (Foo v) => f = v },
{ "v", v => { ++verbose; } },
{ "h|?|help", (v) => { switch (v) {
case "h": help |= 0x1; break;
case "?": help |= 0x2; break;
case "help": help |= 0x4; break;
} } },
new TestArgumentSource (null, null) {
{ "@s1", "foo", "-v", "@s2" },
{ "@s2" },
{ "@s3", "/b-" },
{ "@s4", "--f", "B", "/h", "-?", "--help", "-v" },
List<string> e = p.Parse (args);
Assert.AreEqual (e.Count, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (e[0], "foo");
Assert.AreEqual (e[1], "bar");
Assert.AreEqual (a, 1);
Assert.AreEqual (av, "64");
Assert.AreEqual (b, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (bv, null);
Assert.AreEqual (verbose, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (help, 0x7);
Assert.AreEqual (f, Foo.B);
public void Exceptions ()
string a = null;
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a=", v => a = v },
{ "b", v => { } },
{ "c", v => { } },
{ "n=", (int v) => { } },
{ "f=", (Foo v) => { } },
// missing argument
Utils.AssertException (typeof(OptionException),
"Missing required value for option '-a'.",
p, v => { v.Parse (_("-a")); });
// another named option while expecting one -- follow Getopt::Long
Utils.AssertException (null, null,
p, v => { v.Parse (_("-a", "-a")); });
Assert.AreEqual (a, "-a");
// no exception when an unregistered named option follows.
Utils.AssertException (null, null,
p, v => { v.Parse (_("-a", "-b")); });
Assert.AreEqual (a, "-b");
Utils.AssertException (typeof(ArgumentNullException),
$"Value cannot be null.{Environment.NewLine}Parameter name: option",
p, v => { v.Add ((Option) null); });
Utils.AssertException (typeof(ArgumentNullException),
$"Value cannot be null.{Environment.NewLine}Parameter name: header",
p, v => { v.Add ((string) null); });
// bad type
Utils.AssertException (typeof(OptionException),
"Could not convert string `value' to type Int32 for option `-n'.",
p, v => { v.Parse (_("-n", "value")); });
Utils.AssertException (typeof(OptionException),
"Could not convert string `invalid' to type Foo for option `--f'.",
p, v => { v.Parse (_("--f", "invalid")); });
// try to bundle with an option requiring a value
Utils.AssertException (typeof(OptionException),
"Cannot use unregistered option 'z' in bundle '-cz'.",
p, v => { v.Parse (_("-cz", "extra")); });
Utils.AssertException (typeof(ArgumentNullException),
$"Value cannot be null.{Environment.NewLine}Parameter name: action",
p, v => { v.Add ("foo", (Action<string>) null); });
Utils.AssertException (typeof(ArgumentException),
$"Cannot provide maxValueCount of 2 for OptionValueType.None.{Environment.NewLine}Parameter name: maxValueCount",
p, v => { v.Add ("foo", (k, val) => {/* ignore */}); });
public void WriteOptionDescriptions ()
var p = new OptionSet () {
"\n:Category 1:",
{ "hidden", "hidden option, invisible in help", v => {}, true },
{ "hidden2=", "hidden option, invisible in help", (k, v) => {}, true },
{ "p|indicator-style=", "append / indicator to directories", v => {} },
{ "color:", "controls color info", v => {} },
{ "color2:", "set {color}", v => {} },
{ "rk=", "required key/value option", (k, v) => {} },
{ "rk2=", "required {{foo}} {0:key}/{1:value} option", (k, v) => {} },
{ "rk3=", "required {{foo}} {}", k => {} },
{ "rk4=", "required {{foo}} {0:val}", k => {} },
{ "ok:", "optional key/value option", (k, v) => {} },
{ "long-desc",
"This has a really\nlong, multi-line description that also\ntests\n" +
"the-builtin-supercalifragilisticexpialidicious-break-on-hyphen. " +
"Also, a list:\n" +
" item 1\n" +
" item 2",
v => {} },
{ "long-desc2",
"IWantThisDescriptionToBreakInsideAWordGeneratingAutoWordHyphenation. ",
v => {} },
{ "long-desc3",
v => {} },
{ "long-desc4",
"Lots of spaces in the middle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 and more until the end.",
v => {} },
{ "long-desc5",
"Lots of spaces in the middle - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - and more until the end.",
v => {} },
"==This is a really long category name which will involve line wrapping, just because...==",
{ "o|out=",
"The {DIRECTORY} to place the generated files and directories.\n\n" +
"If not specified, defaults to\n`dirname FILE`/cache/`basename FILE .tree`.",
v => {} },
"Category 3:",
{ "h|?|help", "show help text", v => {} },
{ "version", "output version information and exit", v => {} },
{ "<>", v => {} },
new TestArgumentSource (new[]{"@s1", "@s2"}, "Read Response File for More Options"),
StringWriter expected = new StringWriter ();
expected.WriteLine ("");
expected.WriteLine (":Category 1:");
expected.WriteLine (" -p, --indicator-style=VALUE");
expected.WriteLine (" append / indicator to directories");
expected.WriteLine (" --color[=VALUE] controls color info");
expected.WriteLine (" --color2[=color] set color");
expected.WriteLine (" --rk=VALUE1:VALUE2 required key/value option");
expected.WriteLine (" --rk2=key:value required {foo} key/value option");
expected.WriteLine (" --rk3=VALUE required {foo}");
expected.WriteLine (" --rk4=val required {foo} val");
expected.WriteLine (" --ok[=VALUE1:VALUE2] optional key/value option");
expected.WriteLine (" --long-desc This has a really");
expected.WriteLine (" long, multi-line description that also");
expected.WriteLine (" tests");
expected.WriteLine (" the-builtin-supercalifragilisticexpialidicious-");
expected.WriteLine (" break-on-hyphen. Also, a list:");
expected.WriteLine (" item 1");
expected.WriteLine (" item 2");
expected.WriteLine (" --long-desc2 IWantThisDescriptionToBreakInsideAWordGeneratingAu-");
expected.WriteLine (" toWordHyphenation.");
expected.WriteLine (" --long-desc3 OnlyOnePeriod.");
expected.WriteLine (" AndNoWhitespaceShouldBeSupportedEvenWithLongDesc-");
expected.WriteLine (" riptions");
expected.WriteLine (" --long-desc4 Lots of spaces in the middle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1");
expected.WriteLine (" 2 3 4 5 and more until the end.");
expected.WriteLine (" --long-desc5 Lots of spaces in the middle - . - . - . - . - . -");
expected.WriteLine (" . - . - and more until the end.");
expected.WriteLine ("");
expected.WriteLine ("==This is a really long category name which will involve line wrapping, just");
expected.WriteLine ("because...==");
expected.WriteLine (" -o, --out=DIRECTORY The DIRECTORY to place the generated files and");
expected.WriteLine (" directories.");
expected.WriteLine (" ");
expected.WriteLine (" If not specified, defaults to");
expected.WriteLine (" `dirname FILE`/cache/`basename FILE .tree`.");
expected.WriteLine ("");
expected.WriteLine ("Category 3:");
expected.WriteLine (" -h, -?, --help show help text");
expected.WriteLine (" --version output version information and exit");
expected.WriteLine (" @s1, @s2 Read Response File for More Options");
StringWriter actual = new StringWriter ();
p.WriteOptionDescriptions (actual);
Assert.AreEqual (expected.ToString (), actual.ToString ());
public void NewLines ()
var p = new OptionSet () {
"What is interesting about this is that we are going to use a newli\r\nne that is windows style"
StringWriter expected = new StringWriter ();
expected.NewLine = "\r\n";
expected.WriteLine ("What is interesting about this is that we are going to use a newli");
expected.WriteLine ("ne that is windows style");
StringWriter actual = new StringWriter ();
actual.NewLine = "\r\n";
p.WriteOptionDescriptions (actual);
Assert.AreEqual (expected.ToString (), actual.ToString ());
public void OptionBundling ()
OptionBundling (_ ("-abcf", "foo", "bar"));
OptionBundling (_ ("@s1", "foo", "bar"));
void OptionBundling (IEnumerable<string> args)
string a, b, c, f;
a = b = c = f = null;
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a", v => a = "a" },
{ "b", v => b = "b" },
{ "c", v => c = "c" },
{ "f=", v => f = v },
new TestArgumentSource (null, null) {
{ "@s1", "-abcf" },
List<string> extra = p.Parse (args);
Assert.AreEqual (extra.Count, 1);
Assert.AreEqual (extra [0], "bar");
Assert.AreEqual (a, "a");
Assert.AreEqual (b, "b");
Assert.AreEqual (c, "c");
Assert.AreEqual (f, "foo");
public void HaltProcessing ()
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a", v => {} },
{ "b", v => {} },
new TestArgumentSource (null, null) {
{ "@s1", "-a", "-b" },
List<string> e = p.Parse (_ ("-a", "-b", "--", "-a", "-b"));
Assert.AreEqual (e.Count, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (e [0], "-a");
Assert.AreEqual (e [1], "-b");
e = p.Parse (_ ("@s1", "--", "@s1"));
Assert.AreEqual (e.Count, 1);
Assert.AreEqual (e [0], "@s1");
public void KeyValueOptions ()
var a = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
var b = new Dictionary<int, char> ();
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "a=", (k,v) => a.Add (k, v) },
{ "b=", (int k, char v) => b.Add (k, v) },
{ "c:", (k, v) => {if (k != null) a.Add (k, v);} },
{ "d={=>}{-->}", (k, v) => a.Add (k, v) },
{ "e={}", (k, v) => a.Add (k, v) },
{ "f=+/", (k, v) => a.Add (k, v) },
new TestArgumentSource (null, null) {
{ "@s1", "-a", "A" },
{ "@s2", @"C:\tmp", "-a" },
{ "@s3", "C=D", @"-a=E=F:\tmp" },
{ "@s4", "-a:G:H", "-aI=J" },
{ "@s5", "-b", "1" },
{ "@s6", "a", "-b" },
{ "@s7", "2", "b" },
{ "@s8", "-dA=>B", "-d" },
{ "@s9", "C-->D", "-d:E" },
{ "@s10", "F", "-d" },
{ "@s11", "G", "H" },
{ "@s12", "-dJ-->K" }
p.Parse (_("-a", "A", @"C:\tmp", "-a", "C=D", @"-a=E=F:\tmp", "-a:G:H", "-aI=J", "-b", "1", "a", "-b", "2", "b"));
Action assert = () => {
AssertDictionary (a,
"A", @"C:\tmp",
"C", "D",
"E", @"F:\tmp",
"G", "H",
"I", "J");
AssertDictionary (b,
"1", "a",
"2", "b");
assert ();
a.Clear ();
b.Clear ();
p.Parse (_("@s1", "@s2", "@s3", "@s4", "@s5", "@s6", "@s7"));
assert ();
a.Clear ();
b.Clear ();
p.Parse (_("-c"));
Assert.AreEqual (a.Count, 0);
p.Parse (_("-c", "a"));
Assert.AreEqual (a.Count, 0);
p.Parse (_("-ca"));
AssertDictionary (a, "a", null);
a.Clear ();
p.Parse (_("-ca=b"));
AssertDictionary (a, "a", "b");
a.Clear ();
p.Parse (_("-dA=>B", "-d", "C-->D", "-d:E", "F", "-d", "G", "H", "-dJ-->K"));
assert = () => {
AssertDictionary (a,
"A", "B",
"C", "D",
"E", "F",
"G", "H",
"J", "K");
assert ();
a.Clear ();
p.Parse (_("@s8", "@s9", "@s10", "@s11", "@s12"));
assert ();
a.Clear ();
p.Parse (_("-eA=B", "-eC=D", "-eE", "F", "-e:G", "H"));
AssertDictionary (a,
"A=B", "-eC=D",
"E", "F",
"G", "H");
a.Clear ();
p.Parse (_("-f1/2", "-f=3/4", "-f:5+6", "-f7", "8", "-f9=10", "-f11=12"));
AssertDictionary (a,
"1", "2",
"3", "4",
"5", "6",
"7", "8",
"9=10", "-f11=12");
static void AssertDictionary<TKey, TValue> (Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, params string[] set)
TypeConverter k = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (TKey));
TypeConverter v = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (TValue));
Assert.AreEqual (dict.Count, set.Length / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < set.Length; i += 2) {
TKey key = (TKey) k.ConvertFromString (set [i]);
Assert.AreEqual (dict.ContainsKey (key), true);
if (set [i+1] == null)
Assert.AreEqual (dict [key], default (TValue));
Assert.AreEqual (dict [key], (TValue) v.ConvertFromString (set [i+1]));
class CustomOption : Option {
Action<OptionValueCollection> action;
public CustomOption (string p, string d, int c, Action<OptionValueCollection> a)
: base (p, d, c)
this.action = a;
protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c)
action (c.OptionValues);
public void CustomKeyValue ()
var a = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
var b = new Dictionary<string, string[]> ();
var p = new OptionSet () {
new CustomOption ("a==:", null, 2, v => a.Add (v [0], v [1])),
new CustomOption ("b==:", null, 3, v => b.Add (v [0], new string[]{v [1], v [2]})),
p.Parse (_(@"-a=b=C:\tmp", "-a=d", @"C:\e", @"-a:f=C:\g", @"-a:h:C:\i", "-a", @"j=C:\k", "-a", @"l:C:\m"));
Assert.AreEqual (a.Count, 6);
Assert.AreEqual (a ["b"], @"C:\tmp");
Assert.AreEqual (a ["d"], @"C:\e");
Assert.AreEqual (a ["f"], @"C:\g");
Assert.AreEqual (a ["h"], @"C:\i");
Assert.AreEqual (a ["j"], @"C:\k");
Assert.AreEqual (a ["l"], @"C:\m");
Utils.AssertException (typeof(OptionException),
"Missing required value for option '-a'.",
p, v => {v.Parse (_("-a=b"));});
p.Parse (_("-b", "a", "b", @"C:\tmp", @"-b:d:e:F:\tmp", @"-b=g=h:i:\tmp", @"-b:j=k:l:\tmp"));
Assert.AreEqual (b.Count, 4);
Assert.AreEqual (b ["a"][0], "b");
Assert.AreEqual (b ["a"][1], @"C:\tmp");
Assert.AreEqual (b ["d"][0], "e");
Assert.AreEqual (b ["d"][1], @"F:\tmp");
Assert.AreEqual (b ["g"][0], "h");
Assert.AreEqual (b ["g"][1], @"i:\tmp");
Assert.AreEqual (b ["j"][0], "k");
Assert.AreEqual (b ["j"][1], @"l:\tmp");
public void Localization ()
var p = new OptionSet (f => "hello!") {
{ "n=", (int v) => { } },
Utils.AssertException (typeof(OptionException), "hello!",
p, v => { v.Parse (_("-n=value")); });
StringWriter expected = new StringWriter ();
expected.WriteLine (" -nhello! hello!");
StringWriter actual = new StringWriter ();
p.WriteOptionDescriptions (actual);
Assert.AreEqual (actual.ToString (), expected.ToString ());
class CiOptionSet : OptionSet {
protected override void InsertItem (int index, Option item)
if (item.Prototype.ToLower () != item.Prototype)
throw new ArgumentException ("prototypes must be null!");
base.InsertItem (index, item);
protected override bool Parse (string option, OptionContext c)
if (c.Option != null)
return base.Parse (option, c);
string f, n, s, v;
if (!GetOptionParts (option, out f, out n, out s, out v)) {
return base.Parse (option, c);
return base.Parse (f + n.ToLower () + (v != null && s != null ? s + v : ""), c);
public new Option GetOptionForName (string n)
return base.GetOptionForName (n);
public void CheckOptionParts (string option, bool er, string ef, string en, string es, string ev)
string f, n, s, v;
bool r = GetOptionParts (option, out f, out n, out s, out v);
Assert.AreEqual (r, er);
Assert.AreEqual (f, ef);
Assert.AreEqual (n, en);
Assert.AreEqual (s, es);
Assert.AreEqual (v, ev);
public void DerivedType ()
bool help = false;
var p = new CiOptionSet () {
{ "h|help", v => help = v != null },
p.Parse (_("-H"));
Assert.AreEqual (help, true);
help = false;
p.Parse (_("-HELP"));
Assert.AreEqual (help, true);
Assert.AreEqual (p.GetOptionForName ("h"), p [0]);
Assert.AreEqual (p.GetOptionForName ("help"), p [0]);
Assert.AreEqual (p.GetOptionForName ("invalid"), null);
Utils.AssertException (typeof(ArgumentException), "prototypes must be null!",
p, v => { v.Add ("N|NUM=", (int n) => {}); });
Utils.AssertException (typeof(ArgumentNullException),
$"Value cannot be null.{Environment.NewLine}Parameter name: option",
p, v => { v.GetOptionForName (null); });
public void OptionParts ()
var p = new CiOptionSet ();
p.CheckOptionParts ("A", false, null, null, null, null);
p.CheckOptionParts ("A=B", false, null, null, null, null);
p.CheckOptionParts ("-A=B", true, "-", "A", "=", "B");
p.CheckOptionParts ("-A:B", true, "-", "A", ":", "B");
p.CheckOptionParts ("--A=B", true, "--", "A", "=", "B");
p.CheckOptionParts ("--A:B", true, "--", "A", ":", "B");
p.CheckOptionParts ("/A=B", true, "/", "A", "=", "B");
p.CheckOptionParts ("/A:B", true, "/", "A", ":", "B");
p.CheckOptionParts ("-A=B=C", true, "-", "A", "=", "B=C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("-A:B=C", true, "-", "A", ":", "B=C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("-A:B:C", true, "-", "A", ":", "B:C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("--A=B=C", true, "--", "A", "=", "B=C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("--A:B=C", true, "--", "A", ":", "B=C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("--A:B:C", true, "--", "A", ":", "B:C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("/A=B=C", true, "/", "A", "=", "B=C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("/A:B=C", true, "/", "A", ":", "B=C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("/A:B:C", true, "/", "A", ":", "B:C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("-AB=C", true, "-", "AB", "=", "C");
p.CheckOptionParts ("-AB:C", true, "-", "AB", ":", "C");
class ContextCheckerOption : Option {
string eName, eValue;
int index;
public ContextCheckerOption (string p, string d, string eName, string eValue, int index)
: base (p, d)
this.eName = eName;
this.eValue = eValue;
this.index = index;
protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c)
Assert.AreEqual (c.OptionValues.Count, 1);
Assert.AreEqual (c.OptionValues [0], eValue);
Assert.AreEqual (c.OptionName, eName);
Assert.AreEqual (c.OptionIndex, index);
Assert.AreEqual (c.Option, this);
Assert.AreEqual (c.Option.Description, base.Description);
public void OptionContext ()
var p = new OptionSet () {
new ContextCheckerOption ("a=", "a desc", "/a", "a-val", 1),
new ContextCheckerOption ("b", "b desc", "--b+", "--b+", 2),
new ContextCheckerOption ("c=", "c desc", "--c", "C", 3),
new ContextCheckerOption ("d", "d desc", "/d-", null, 4),
Assert.AreEqual (p.Count, 4);
p.Parse (_("/a", "a-val", "--b+", "--c=C", "/d-"));
public void DefaultHandler ()
var extra = new List<string> ();
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "<>", v => extra.Add (v) },
var e = p.Parse (_("-a", "b", "--c=D", "E"));
Assert.AreEqual (e.Count, 0);
Assert.AreEqual (extra.Count, 4);
Assert.AreEqual (extra [0], "-a");
Assert.AreEqual (extra [1], "b");
Assert.AreEqual (extra [2], "--c=D");
Assert.AreEqual (extra [3], "E");
public void MixedDefaultHandler ()
var tests = new List<string> ();
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "t|<>=", v => tests.Add (v) },
var e = p.Parse (_("-tA", "-t:B", "-t=C", "D", "--E=F"));
Assert.AreEqual (e.Count, 0);
Assert.AreEqual (tests.Count, 5);
Assert.AreEqual (tests [0], "A");
Assert.AreEqual (tests [1], "B");
Assert.AreEqual (tests [2], "C");
Assert.AreEqual (tests [3], "D");
Assert.AreEqual (tests [4], "--E=F");
public void DefaultHandlerRuns ()
var formats = new Dictionary<string, List<string>> ();
string format = "foo";
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "f|format=", v => format = v },
{ "<>",
v => {
List<string> f;
if (!formats.TryGetValue (format, out f)) {
f = new List<string> ();
formats.Add (format, f);
f.Add (v);
} },
var e = p.Parse (_("a", "b", "-fbar", "c", "d", "--format=baz", "e", "f"));
Assert.AreEqual (e.Count, 0);
Assert.AreEqual (formats.Count, 3);
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["foo"].Count, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["foo"][0], "a");
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["foo"][1], "b");
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["bar"].Count, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["bar"][0], "c");
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["bar"][1], "d");
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["baz"].Count, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["baz"][0], "e");
Assert.AreEqual (formats ["baz"][1], "f");
public void ReportInvalidDuplication ()
int verbosity = 0;
var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "v", v => verbosity = v != null ? verbosity + 1 : verbosity },
try {
p.Parse (new []{"-v-v-v"});
Assert.Fail ("Should not be reached.");
} catch (OptionException e) {
Assert.AreEqual (null, e.OptionName);
Assert.AreEqual ("Cannot use unregistered option '-' in bundle '-v-v-v'.", e.Message);