306 lines
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306 lines
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using System;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System {
public class UriPermutationsTest {
// Set this to true to generate the expected values
// The tests should run first on .NET with CreateMode = true
// The generated files should then be used when running the tests in Mono with CreateMode = false
private const bool createMode = false;
// The final location depends on NET_2_0, NET_4_0, NET_4_5.
private const string location = "./Test/System/UriPermutationsTest/";
private const string nonAsciiTestedChars = "☕";
// Chars that can change the current component.
// Those characters are tested alone.
private const string specialTestedChars = "@:?#";
// Scheme news: and custom: are not tested because there is a strange behavior on .NET 4.5
// new Uri("news:a/a%30").ToString() == "news:a/a%30a/a0"
private static readonly string [] schemes = {
"http://", "https://", "file://", "ftp://", "gopher://", "ldap://", "mailto:",
"net.pipe://", "net.tcp://", "nntp://", "telnet://", "custom://",
//"news:", "custom:"
private static readonly string [] componentLocations = {
"a/a{0}?", "b/a{0}#", "c/a?", "d/a#",
"a/a{0}?%30#", "a/a?{0}#%30", "a/a%30?#", // see why on TestChars comment
private static readonly string [] specialCases = {
"a/a#%#", "a/a#%25#", // '%' cause '#' to escape in some cases
"a/%80%81%B8%B9", // invalid utf8 encoding
private static readonly string [] reduceLocations = {
"a/b/{0}", "a/b/{0}a", "a/b/c{0}",
"a/b/{0}/a", "a/b/{0}a/a", "a/b/c{0}/a",
// Test '\\'
"a/b\\{0}", "a/b\\{0}a", "a/b\\c{0}",
"a/b\\{0}\\a", "a/b\\{0}a\\a", "a/b\\c{0}\\a",
// Test '/' %2F
"a/b%2F{0}", "a/b%2F{0}a", "a/b%2Fc{0}",
"a/b/{0}%2Fa", "a/b/{0}a%2Fa", "a/b/c{0}%2Fa",
"a/b%2F{0}/a", "a/b%2F{0}a/a", "a/b%2Fc{0}/a",
// Test '\\' %5C
"a/b%5C{0}", "a/b%5C{0}a", "a/b%5Cc{0}",
"a/b/{0}%5Ca", "a/b/{0}a%5Ca", "a/b/c{0}%5Ca",
"a/b%5C{0}/a", "a/b%5C{0}a/a", "a/b%5Cc{0}/a",
private static readonly string [] reduceElements = {
"", ".", "..", "...", "%2E", "%2E%2E", "%2E%2E%2E"
public void Setup()
StringTester.CreateMode = createMode;
StringTester.Location = location + "NET_4_5";
public void Teardown()
// With IriParsing: http://a/a%21 does not unescape to http://a/a!
// but http://a/a%21%30 does unescape to http://a/a!0
// This happens with alpha numeric characters, non ASCII,'-','.','_' and '~'.
// So we tests characters with and without those characters.
private void TestChars (Action<string> action)
var sb1 = new StringBuilder ();
var sb2 = new StringBuilder ();
for (char c = '\0'; c <= 0x7f; c++) {
if (specialTestedChars.Contains ("" + c))
if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '~') {
sb2.Append (c);
sb1.Append (c);
sb2.Append (c);
foreach (char c in nonAsciiTestedChars)
sb2.Append (c);
action (sb1.ToString ());
action (sb2.ToString ());
foreach (char c in specialTestedChars)
action ("" + c);
internal static string HexEscapeMultiByte (char character, bool upper)
const string hex_upper_chars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
const string hex_lower_chars = "0123456789abcdef";
string hex_chars = (upper)? hex_upper_chars : hex_lower_chars;
string ret = "";
byte [] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (new [] {character});
foreach (byte b in bytes)
ret += "%" + hex_chars [((b & 0xf0) >> 4)] + hex_chars [((b & 0x0f))];
return ret;
private void TestScheme(Action<string> action)
foreach (string scheme in schemes)
private delegate string UriToStringDelegate (Uri uri);
private void TestLocation (string id, string str, UriToStringDelegate toString, bool testRelative = true)
TestScheme (scheme => {
string uri = scheme + str;
string actual = toString (new Uri (scheme + str, UriKind.Absolute));
StringTester.Assert (scheme + id, actual);
if (!testRelative)
string relActual = toString (new Uri ("./" + str, UriKind.Relative));
StringTester.Assert ("./" + id, relActual);
private void TestLocations (string [] locations, string id, string str, UriToStringDelegate toString,
bool testRelative = true)
foreach (string location in locations) {
if (location.Contains ("{0}"))
TestLocation (string.Format (location, id), string.Format (location, str), toString, testRelative);
TestLocation (location + id, location + str, toString, testRelative);
private void TestPercentageEncoding (UriToStringDelegate toString, bool testRelative = false, string id = "")
TestChars (unescapedStr => {
var sbUpper = new StringBuilder ();
var sbLower = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (char c in unescapedStr) {
sbUpper.Append (HexEscapeMultiByte (c, true));
sbLower.Append (HexEscapeMultiByte (c, false));
string escapedUpperStr = sbUpper.ToString ();
string escapedLowerStr = sbLower.ToString ();
TestLocations (componentLocations, unescapedStr+id, unescapedStr, toString, testRelative);
TestLocations (componentLocations, escapedUpperStr+id+"[Upper]", escapedUpperStr, toString, testRelative);
TestLocations (componentLocations, escapedLowerStr+id+"[Lower]", escapedLowerStr, toString, testRelative);
TestLocations (specialCases, id, "", toString, testRelative);
private void TestReduce (UriToStringDelegate toString, bool testRelative = true, string id = "")
foreach(var el in reduceElements)
TestLocations (reduceLocations, el + id, el, toString, testRelative);
private void TestComponent (UriComponents component)
TestPercentageEncoding (uri => uri.GetComponents (component, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped), id: "[SafeUnescaped]");
TestPercentageEncoding (uri => uri.GetComponents (component, UriFormat.Unescaped), id: "[Unescaped]");
TestPercentageEncoding (uri => uri.GetComponents (component, UriFormat.UriEscaped), id: "[UriEscaped]");
private delegate void TestStringDelegate (UriToStringDelegate toString, bool testRelative = true, string id = "");
public void PercentageEncoding_AbsoluteUri ()
TestPercentageEncoding (uri => uri.AbsoluteUri);
public void PercentageEncoding_AbsolutePath ()
TestPercentageEncoding (uri => uri.AbsolutePath);
public void PercentageEncoding_Fragment ()
TestPercentageEncoding (uri => uri.Fragment);
public void PercentageEncoding_GetComponents_AbsoluteUri ()
TestComponent (UriComponents.AbsoluteUri);
public void PercentageEncoding_GetComponents_Fragment ()
TestComponent (UriComponents.Fragment);
public void PercentageEncoding_GetComponents_Host ()
TestComponent (UriComponents.Host);
public void PercentageEncoding_GetComponents_Path ()
TestComponent (UriComponents.Path);
public void PercentageEncoding_GetComponents_PathAndQuery ()
TestComponent (UriComponents.PathAndQuery);
public void PercentageEncoding_GetComponents_Query ()
TestComponent (UriComponents.Query);
public void PercentageEncoding_Query ()
TestPercentageEncoding (uri => uri.Query);
public void PercentageEncoding_ToString ()
TestPercentageEncoding (uri => uri.ToString (), true);
class UriEx : Uri
public UriEx (string s) : base (s)
public string UnescapeString (string s)
return Unescape (s);
public static string UnescapeString (string uri, string target)
return new UriEx (uri).UnescapeString (target);
public void PercentageEncoding_Unescape ()
TestChars (str => {
var sbUpper = new StringBuilder ();
var sbLower = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (char c in str) {
sbUpper.Append (HexEscapeMultiByte (c, true));
sbLower.Append (HexEscapeMultiByte (c, false));
string escapedUpperStr = sbUpper.ToString ();
string escapedLowerStr = sbLower.ToString ();
StringTester.Assert (str + "[Unescaped]", UriEx.UnescapeString ("file://a/", str));
StringTester.Assert (escapedUpperStr + "[EscapedUpper]", UriEx.UnescapeString ("file://a/", escapedUpperStr));
StringTester.Assert (escapedLowerStr + "[EscapedLower]", UriEx.UnescapeString ("file://a/", escapedLowerStr));
foreach (var str in specialCases)
StringTester.Assert (str, UriEx.UnescapeString("file://a/", str));
public void Reduce_AbsoluteUri ()
TestReduce (uri => uri.AbsoluteUri, false);
public void Reduce_ToString ()
TestReduce (uri => uri.ToString (), true);
} |