111 lines
4.1 KiB
111 lines
4.1 KiB
@if not defined _echo @echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set __ThisScriptShort=%0
if /i "%1" == "/?" goto HelpVarCall
if /i "%1" == "-?" goto HelpVarCall
if /i "%1" == "/h" goto HelpVarCall
if /i "%1" == "-h" goto HelpVarCall
if /i "%1" == "/help" goto HelpVarCall
if /i "%1" == "-help" goto HelpVarCall
if defined BUILDVARS_DONE goto :AfterVarSetup
goto :NormalVarCall
call %~dp0buildvars-setup.cmd -help
exit /b 1
call %~dp0buildvars-setup.cmd %*
IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto AfterVarSetup
echo Setting build variables failed.
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
rem Explicitly set Platform causes conflicts in managed project files. Clear it to allow building from VS x64 Native Tools Command Prompt
set Platform=
:: Restore the Tools directory
call "%__ProjectDir%\init-tools.cmd"
rem Tell nuget to always use repo-local nuget package cache. The "dotnet restore" invocations use the --packages
rem argument, but there are a few commands in publish and tests that do not.
set "NUGET_PACKAGES=%__PackagesDir%"
echo Using CLI tools version:
dir /b "%__DotNetCliPath%\sdk"
:: Set the environment for the managed build
call "!VS%__VSProductVersion%COMNTOOLS!\VsDevCmd.bat"
echo Commencing build of managed components for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%
%_msbuildexe% /ConsoleLoggerParameters:ForceNoAlign "%__ProjectDir%\build.proj" %__MSBCleanBuildArgs% %__ExtraMsBuildParams% /p:RepoPath="%__ProjectDir%" /p:RepoLocalBuild="true" /p:RelativeProductBinDir="%__RelativeProductBinDir%" /p:NuPkgRid=win7-x64 /p:ToolchainMilestone=%__ToolchainMilestone% /nologo /maxcpucount /verbosity:minimal /nodeReuse:false /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=normal;LogFile="%__BuildLog%"
findstr /ir /c:".*Warning(s)" /c:".*Error(s)" /c:"Time Elapsed.*" "%__BuildLog%"
goto AfterILCompilerBuild
echo ILCompiler build failed with exit code %ERRORLEVEL%. Refer !__BuildLog! for details.
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
if defined __SkipVsDev goto :AfterVsDevGenerateRespFiles
set __GenRespFiles=0
if not exist "%__ObjDir%\ryujit.rsp" set __GenRespFiles=1
if not exist "%__ObjDir%\cpp.rsp" set __GenRespFiles=1
if "%__GenRespFiles%"=="1" (
if exist "%__ReproProjectBinDir%" rd /s /q "%__ReproProjectBinDir%"
if exist "%__ReproProjectObjDir%" rd /s /q "%__ReproProjectObjDir%"
%_msbuildexe% /ConsoleLoggerParameters:ForceNoAlign "/p:IlcPath=%__BinDir%\packaging\publish1" /p:Configuration=%__BuildType% /t:IlcCompile "%__ReproProjectDir%\repro.csproj"
call :CopyResponseFile "%__ReproProjectObjDir%\native\repro.ilc.rsp" "%__ObjDir%\ryujit.rsp"
if exist "%__ReproProjectBinDir%" rd /s /q "%__ReproProjectBinDir%"
if exist "%__ReproProjectObjDir%" rd /s /q "%__ReproProjectObjDir%"
set __ExtraArgs=/p:NativeCodeGen=cpp
if /i "%__BuildType%"=="debug" (
set __ExtraArgs=!__ExtraArgs! "/p:AdditionalCppCompilerFlags=/MTd"
%_msbuildexe% /ConsoleLoggerParameters:ForceNoAlign "/p:IlcPath=%__BinDir%\packaging\publish1" /p:Configuration=%__BuildType% /t:IlcCompile "%__ReproProjectDir%\repro.csproj" !__ExtraArgs!
call :CopyResponseFile "%__ReproProjectObjDir%\native\repro.ilc.rsp" "%__ObjDir%\cpp.rsp"
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
rem Copies the dotnet generated response file while patching up references
rem to System.Private assemblies to the live built ones.
rem This is to make sure that making changes in a private library doesn't require
rem a full rebuild. It also helps with locating the symbols.
> %~2 (
for /f "tokens=*" %%l in (%~1) do (
set line=%%l
if "!line:publish1\sdk=!"=="!line!" (
echo !line!
) ELSE (
set assemblyPath=!line:~3!
call :ExtractFileName !assemblyPath! assemblyFileName
echo -r:%__BinDir%\!assemblyFileName!\!assemblyFileName!.dll
rem Extracts a file name from a full path
rem %1 Full path to the file, %2 Variable to receive the file name
for %%i in ("%1") DO set fileName=%%~ni
endlocal & set "%2=%fileName%"
goto:eof |