871 lines
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871 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Presharp uses the c# pragma mechanism to supress its warnings.
// These are not recognised by the base compiler so we need to explictly
// disable the following warnings. See http://winweb/cse/Tools/PREsharp/userguide/default.asp
// for details.
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // unknown message, unknown pragma
namespace System.ServiceModel.Security
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IdentityModel.Selectors;
using System.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
// Summary:
// delegate definition for invokation of the GetToken method.
delegate SecurityToken GetInfoCardTokenCallback(bool requiresInfoCard, CardSpacePolicyElement[] chain, SecurityTokenSerializer tokenSerializer);
static class InfoCardHelper
const string WSIdentityNamespace = @"http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2005/05/identity";
const string IsManagedElementName = @"IsManaged";
static Uri selfIssuerUri;
// Summary:
// If interactive support is requested and an IssuedSecurityTokenParameters is specified this method
// will return an instance of an InfoCardTokenProvider.
// Otherwise this method defers to the base implementation.
// Parameters
// parameters - The security token parameters associated with this ChannelFactory.
// Note
// The target and issuer information will not be available in this call
public static bool TryCreateSecurityTokenProvider(SecurityTokenRequirement tokenRequirement, ClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager clientCredentialsTokenManager, out SecurityTokenProvider provider)
if (tokenRequirement == null)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("tokenRequirement");
if (clientCredentialsTokenManager == null)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("clientCredentialsTokenManager");
provider = null;
if (!clientCredentialsTokenManager.ClientCredentials.SupportInteractive
|| (null != clientCredentialsTokenManager.ClientCredentials.IssuedToken.LocalIssuerAddress && null != clientCredentialsTokenManager.ClientCredentials.IssuedToken.LocalIssuerBinding)
|| !clientCredentialsTokenManager.IsIssuedSecurityTokenRequirement(tokenRequirement)
//IDT.TraceDebug("ICARDTOKPROV: Non Issued SecurityToken requirement submitted to InfoCardClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager:\n{0}", tokenRequirement);
//IDT.TraceDebug("ICARDTOKPROV: Defering to the base class to create the token provider");
ChannelParameterCollection channelParameter;
InfoCardChannelParameter infocardChannelParameter = null;
if (tokenRequirement.TryGetProperty<ChannelParameterCollection>(ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement.ChannelParametersCollectionProperty, out channelParameter))
foreach (object obj in channelParameter)
if (obj is InfoCardChannelParameter)
infocardChannelParameter = (InfoCardChannelParameter)obj;
if (null == infocardChannelParameter || !infocardChannelParameter.RequiresInfoCard)
return false;
EndpointAddress target = tokenRequirement.GetProperty<EndpointAddress>(ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement.TargetAddressProperty);
IssuedSecurityTokenParameters issuedTokenParameters = tokenRequirement.GetProperty<IssuedSecurityTokenParameters>(ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement.IssuedSecurityTokenParametersProperty);
Uri privacyNoticeLink;
if (!tokenRequirement.TryGetProperty<Uri>(ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement.PrivacyNoticeUriProperty, out privacyNoticeLink))
privacyNoticeLink = null;
int privacyNoticeVersion;
if (!tokenRequirement.TryGetProperty<int>(ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement.PrivacyNoticeVersionProperty, out privacyNoticeVersion))
privacyNoticeVersion = 0;
// This analysis of this chain indicates that interactive support will be required
// The InternalClientCredentials class handles that.
provider = CreateTokenProviderForNextLeg(tokenRequirement, target, issuedTokenParameters.IssuerAddress, infocardChannelParameter.RelyingPartyIssuer, clientCredentialsTokenManager, infocardChannelParameter);
return provider != null;
public static bool IsInfocardRequired(Binding binding, ClientCredentials clientCreds, SecurityTokenManager clientCredentialsTokenManager, EndpointAddress target, out CardSpacePolicyElement[] infocardChain, out Uri relyingPartyIssuer)
infocardChain = null;
bool requiresInfoCard = false;
relyingPartyIssuer = null;
if (!clientCreds.SupportInteractive
|| (null != clientCreds.IssuedToken.LocalIssuerAddress && null != clientCreds.IssuedToken.LocalIssuerBinding)
return false;
IssuedSecurityTokenParameters parameters = TryGetNextStsIssuedTokenParameters(binding);
if (null != parameters)
Uri privacyNotice;
int privacyVersion;
GetPrivacyNoticeLinkFromIssuerBinding(binding, out privacyNotice, out privacyVersion);
PolicyElement[] policyChain = GetPolicyChain(target, binding, parameters, privacyNotice, privacyVersion, clientCredentialsTokenManager);
relyingPartyIssuer = null;
if (null != policyChain)
requiresInfoCard = RequiresInfoCard(policyChain, out relyingPartyIssuer);
if (requiresInfoCard)
infocardChain = new CardSpacePolicyElement[policyChain.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < policyChain.Length; i++)
infocardChain[i] = policyChain[i].ToCardSpacePolicyElement();
return requiresInfoCard;
static Uri SelfIssuerUri
if (selfIssuerUri == null)
selfIssuerUri = new Uri(WSIdentityNamespace + "/issuer/self");
return selfIssuerUri;
static PolicyElement[] GetPolicyChain(EndpointAddress target, Binding outerBinding, IssuedSecurityTokenParameters parameters, Uri firstPrivacyNoticeLink, int firstPrivacyNoticeVersion, SecurityTokenManager clientCredentialsTokenManager)
EndpointAddress nextTarget = target;
IssuedSecurityTokenParameters nextParameters = parameters;
List<PolicyElement> chain = new List<PolicyElement>();
Uri privacyNoticeLink = firstPrivacyNoticeLink;
int privacyNoticeVersion = firstPrivacyNoticeVersion;
bool isManagedIssuer = false;
// this is the binding to the final STS in the chain. Start from here and walk the
// chain backwards to the 1st STS in the chain
while (null != nextParameters)
MessageSecurityVersion bindingSecurityVersion = null;
if (nextParameters.IssuerBinding == null)
bindingSecurityVersion = GetBindingSecurityVersionOrDefault(outerBinding);
bindingSecurityVersion = GetBindingSecurityVersionOrDefault(nextParameters.IssuerBinding);
chain.Add(new PolicyElement(nextTarget,
nextParameters.CreateRequestParameters(bindingSecurityVersion, clientCredentialsTokenManager.CreateSecurityTokenSerializer(bindingSecurityVersion.SecurityTokenVersion)),
isManagedIssuer = IsReferralToManagedIssuer(nextParameters.IssuerBinding);
GetPrivacyNoticeLinkFromIssuerBinding(nextParameters.IssuerBinding, out privacyNoticeLink, out privacyNoticeVersion);
nextTarget = nextParameters.IssuerAddress;
outerBinding = nextParameters.IssuerBinding;
nextParameters = TryGetNextStsIssuedTokenParameters(nextParameters.IssuerBinding);
// Add the last element for the MCIP case
if (isManagedIssuer)
chain.Add(new PolicyElement(nextTarget,
return chain.ToArray();
// Summary:
// Checks the policy chain to determine which target and issuer in the chain the InfoCard system should be invoked with.
// Cases:
// i Frame(n-1) Frame(n) RP Index
// - ---------- -------- ---------
// 1 empty Self/Anon/null n
// 2 empty mcip error
// 3 empty anything other than self/anon federated token provider
// null/mcip
// 4 any issuer mcip n-1
// 5 any issuer Self/Anon/null n
// 6 any issuer anything other than self/anon federated token provider
// null/mcip
// Parameters
// relyingPartyIssuer - The output Uri of the issuer of the relying party requiring
// interactive support.
// Returns:
// true - A policy frame was identified to require interactive support from the infocard system.
// false - Interactive support not required
static bool RequiresInfoCard(PolicyElement[] chain, out Uri relyingPartyIssuer)
relyingPartyIssuer = null;
//IDT.TraceDebug("ICARDTOKPROV: Attempting to identify the relying party requiring infocard support.");
if (0 == chain.Length)
//IDT.TraceDebug("ICARDTOKPROV: Zero length policy chain, returning false.");
return false;
int n = chain.Length - 1;
int relyingPartyIndex = -1;
bool infocardSupportRequired = false;
// Handle a chain which contains only one element - cases 1 and 2
if (1 == chain.Length)
if (null == chain[n].Issuer
|| chain[n].Issuer.IsAnonymous
|| SelfIssuerUri.Equals(chain[n].Issuer.Uri)
|| (null != chain[n].Issuer && null == chain[n].Binding))
//IDT.TraceDebug("ICARDTOKPROV: Policy frame n was selected (case 1).");
// Case 1: Return frame n
relyingPartyIndex = n;
infocardSupportRequired = true;
// Case 2: Asert if mcip is at the bottom of the chain and is the only element
else if (chain[n].IsManagedIssuer)
Fx.Assert("MCIP was found at the bottom of the chain when the chain length was 1");
// Case 3: Do nothing so that Indigo will use the default federated token provider.
infocardSupportRequired = false;
if (chain[n].IsManagedIssuer)
// Case 4: MCIP followed by a token supported by infocard was found. Return frame n-1.
relyingPartyIndex = n - 1;
infocardSupportRequired = true;
// Case 5: Federated chain ending in self issued/null/anon. Return frame n.
else if (null == chain[n].Issuer ||
chain[n].Issuer.IsAnonymous ||
SelfIssuerUri.Equals(chain[n].Issuer.Uri) ||
(null != chain[n].Issuer && null == chain[n].Binding))
relyingPartyIndex = n;
infocardSupportRequired = true;
// Case 6: Do nothing so that Indigo will use the default federated token provider.
infocardSupportRequired = false;
// Check to make sure that no other leg in the chain specifically requires infocard
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
if (chain[k].IsManagedIssuer
|| SelfIssuerUri.Equals(chain[k].Issuer.Uri)
|| null == chain[k].Issuer
|| chain[k].Issuer.IsAnonymous)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.InfoCardInvalidChain)));
// Get the issuer Uri from the policy chain. Also, handle the case where
// the issuer may not have been specified.
if (infocardSupportRequired)
relyingPartyIssuer = (null == chain[relyingPartyIndex].Issuer) ? null : chain[relyingPartyIndex].Issuer.Uri;
return infocardSupportRequired;
static SecurityTokenProvider CreateTokenProviderForNextLeg(SecurityTokenRequirement tokenRequirement, EndpointAddress target, EndpointAddress issuerAddress, Uri relyingPartyIssuer, ClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager clientCredentialsTokenManager, InfoCardChannelParameter infocardChannelParameter)
if (((null == relyingPartyIssuer && null == issuerAddress) || issuerAddress.Uri == relyingPartyIssuer))
return new InternalInfoCardTokenProvider(infocardChannelParameter);
// create a federation token provider and add an internal client credentials shim that contains the chain
IssuedSecurityTokenProvider federationTokenProvider = (IssuedSecurityTokenProvider)clientCredentialsTokenManager.CreateSecurityTokenProvider(tokenRequirement, true);
federationTokenProvider.IssuerChannelBehaviors.Add(new InternalClientCredentials(clientCredentialsTokenManager.ClientCredentials, target, relyingPartyIssuer, infocardChannelParameter));
return federationTokenProvider;
// Summary:
// Looks for a standards manager on the security binding element of the specified binding.
// If one is not found it returns the default.
// Parameters
// binding - Collection
// parameters - Security parameters for current invocation.
// Returns:
// Always returns an instance of the SecurityVersion class
public static MessageSecurityVersion GetBindingSecurityVersionOrDefault(Binding binding)
if (null != binding)
SecurityBindingElement sbe = binding.CreateBindingElements().Find<SecurityBindingElement>();
if (null != sbe)
return sbe.MessageSecurityVersion;
return MessageSecurityVersion.Default;
// Summary:
// Given an Issuer binding determines whether that issuer is a managed card provider.
static bool IsReferralToManagedIssuer(Binding issuerBinding)
bool bRetVal = false;
if (null != issuerBinding)
// If the UseManagedPresentationBindingElement is present then this is a ManagedCardProvider.
UseManagedPresentationBindingElement useManagedPresentationBE =
if (null != useManagedPresentationBE)
bRetVal = true;
return bRetVal;
// Summary:
// Given an issuer Binding retrieves any privacy notice links that might be present.
static void GetPrivacyNoticeLinkFromIssuerBinding(Binding issuerBinding, out Uri privacyNotice, out int privacyNoticeVersion)
privacyNotice = null;
privacyNoticeVersion = 0;
if (null != issuerBinding)
PrivacyNoticeBindingElement privacyNoticeBE =
if (null != privacyNoticeBE)
privacyNotice = privacyNoticeBE.Url;
privacyNoticeVersion = privacyNoticeBE.Version;
// Summary:
// Searches a binding for a single IssuedSecurityTokenParameters. This method will throw an
// argument exception if more than one is found.
// Parameters:
// currentStsBinding - The Binding to search.
// Return Value:
// Returns an IssuedSecurityTokenParameters if one is found, otherwise null.
static IssuedSecurityTokenParameters TryGetNextStsIssuedTokenParameters(Binding currentStsBinding)
if (null == currentStsBinding)
return null;
BindingElementCollection bindingElements = currentStsBinding.CreateBindingElements();
SecurityBindingElement secBindingElement = bindingElements.Find<SecurityBindingElement>();
return TryGetNextStsIssuedTokenParameters(secBindingElement);
// Summary:
// Searches a security binding element for a single IssuedSecurityTokenParameters. This method will throw an
// argument exception if more than one is found.
// Parameters:
// securityBindingEle - The SecurityBindingElement to search.
// Return Value:
// Returns an IssuedSecurityTokenParameters if one is found, otherwise null.
static IssuedSecurityTokenParameters TryGetNextStsIssuedTokenParameters(SecurityBindingElement securityBindingEle)
if (securityBindingEle == null)
return null;
// This object can have a value assigned to it exactly once. After one assignment of a non-null value
// any other non-null assignment will cause the object to throw an argument excaption.
ThrowOnMultipleAssignment<IssuedSecurityTokenParameters> issuedTokenParameters =
new ThrowOnMultipleAssignment<IssuedSecurityTokenParameters>(SR.GetString(SR.TooManyIssuedSecurityTokenParameters));
FindInfoCardIssuerBinding(securityBindingEle, issuedTokenParameters);
return issuedTokenParameters.Value;
static void FindInfoCardIssuerBinding(SecurityBindingElement secBindingElement, ThrowOnMultipleAssignment<IssuedSecurityTokenParameters> issuedSecurityTokenParameters)
if (secBindingElement == null)
// Go down the list of possible places for an IssuedSecurityTokenParameters, and hope we don't
// miss anything.
SecurityTokenParametersEnumerable tokenParamEnumerator = new SecurityTokenParametersEnumerable(secBindingElement);
foreach (SecurityTokenParameters param in tokenParamEnumerator)
IssuedSecurityTokenParameters issuedTokenParam = param as IssuedSecurityTokenParameters;
if (issuedTokenParam != null &&
((issuedTokenParam.IssuerBinding == null ||
issuedTokenParam.IssuerAddress == null ||
issuedTokenParam.IssuerAddress.IsAnonymous ||
SelfIssuerUri.Equals(issuedTokenParam.IssuerAddress)) ||
if (issuedSecurityTokenParameters != null)
issuedSecurityTokenParameters.Value = issuedTokenParam;
else if (param is SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters)
IssuedSecurityTokenParameters istp = TryGetNextStsIssuedTokenParameters(((SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters)param).BootstrapSecurityBindingElement);
if ((istp != null) && (issuedSecurityTokenParameters != null))
issuedSecurityTokenParameters.Value = istp;
else if ((issuedTokenParam != null) && (issuedTokenParam.IssuerBinding != null))
BindingElementCollection bindingElements = issuedTokenParam.IssuerBinding.CreateBindingElements();
SecurityBindingElement innerSecurityBindingElement = bindingElements.Find<SecurityBindingElement>();
IssuedSecurityTokenParameters istp = TryGetNextStsIssuedTokenParameters(innerSecurityBindingElement);
if ((istp != null) && (issuedSecurityTokenParameters != null))
issuedSecurityTokenParameters.Value = issuedTokenParam;
// Summary:
// This class throws an Argument exception if an attempt is made to assign a non-null
// value to the Value property more than once.
class ThrowOnMultipleAssignment<T>
string m_errorString;
T m_value;
public T Value
get { return m_value; }
if (null != m_value && null != value)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgument(m_errorString);
else if (null == m_value)
m_value = value;
// Parameters:
// errorString - If Value gets assigned to more than once an argument exception will be thrown with this
// string as the Exception string.
public ThrowOnMultipleAssignment(string errorString)
Fx.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorString), "Must have an error string");
m_errorString = errorString;
class InternalInfoCardTokenProvider : SecurityTokenProvider, IDisposable
InfoCardChannelParameter m_infocardChannelParameter;
public InternalInfoCardTokenProvider(InfoCardChannelParameter infocardChannelParameter)
this.m_infocardChannelParameter = infocardChannelParameter;
protected override SecurityToken GetTokenCore(TimeSpan timeout)
if (null != m_infocardChannelParameter && null != m_infocardChannelParameter.Token)
if (m_infocardChannelParameter.Token.ValidTo < DateTime.UtcNow)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ExpiredSecurityTokenException((SR.GetString(SR.ExpiredTokenInChannelParameters))));
return m_infocardChannelParameter.Token;
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new MessageSecurityException((SR.GetString(SR.NoTokenInChannelParameters))));
public void Dispose()
// Don't want to pull the rug under the user when channel is aborted
// as user may be managing cards - nothing to do.
// Summary:
// This class knows how to walk a chain of IssuedSecurityTokenParameters and figure out at what point
// in the chain the InfoCard system should be invoked. The idea is to identify the single most
// appropriate place in the referral chain to involve user selection(if at all) . This decision is affected
// by the previously established relationships that the user has with some issuers. Some issuers may have
// issued "InfoCards" to the user allowing them to choose which collection of claims should be used to generate
// a token for the relying party.
// When asked for a token provider this class will return a FederatedServiceTokenProvider for
// an IssuedSecurityTokenParameters until it reaches the previously identified relyingparty/issuer,
// at which point it will return an InternalTokenProvider instance, which will invoke the infocard
// system allowing the user to get involved in the token generatio process.
class InternalClientCredentials : ClientCredentials
Uri m_relyingPartyIssuer;
ClientCredentials m_clientCredentials;
InfoCardChannelParameter m_infocardChannelParameter;
// Summary:
// Constructs the policy chain and determines the depth at which to invoke the InfoCard system.
// Parameters
// target - Target specified in CreateChannel call. This will fully specify a referral chain.
// parameters - Security parameters for current invocation.
public InternalClientCredentials(
ClientCredentials infocardCredentials,
EndpointAddress target,
Uri relyingPartyIssuer,
InfoCardChannelParameter infocardChannelParameter)
: base(infocardCredentials)
m_relyingPartyIssuer = relyingPartyIssuer;
m_clientCredentials = infocardCredentials;
m_infocardChannelParameter = infocardChannelParameter;
InternalClientCredentials(InternalClientCredentials other)
: base(other)
m_relyingPartyIssuer = other.m_relyingPartyIssuer;
m_clientCredentials = other.m_clientCredentials;
m_infocardChannelParameter = other.InfoCardChannelParameter;
public InfoCardChannelParameter InfoCardChannelParameter
return m_infocardChannelParameter;
public override SecurityTokenManager CreateSecurityTokenManager()
return new InternalClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager(this, m_infocardChannelParameter);
public override void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint, ClientRuntime behavior)
protected override ClientCredentials CloneCore()
return new InternalClientCredentials(this);
class InternalClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager : ClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager
Uri m_relyingPartyIssuer;
InfoCardChannelParameter m_infocardChannelParameter;
public InternalClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager(InternalClientCredentials internalClientCredentials, InfoCardChannelParameter infocardChannelParameter)
: base(internalClientCredentials)
m_relyingPartyIssuer = internalClientCredentials.m_relyingPartyIssuer;
m_infocardChannelParameter = infocardChannelParameter;
public override SecurityTokenProvider CreateSecurityTokenProvider(SecurityTokenRequirement tokenRequirement)
if (IsIssuedSecurityTokenRequirement(tokenRequirement))
EndpointAddress target = tokenRequirement.GetProperty<EndpointAddress>(ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement.TargetAddressProperty);
IssuedSecurityTokenParameters issuedTokenParameters = tokenRequirement.GetProperty<IssuedSecurityTokenParameters>(ServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement.IssuedSecurityTokenParametersProperty);
return InfoCardHelper.CreateTokenProviderForNextLeg(tokenRequirement, target, issuedTokenParameters.IssuerAddress, m_relyingPartyIssuer, this, m_infocardChannelParameter);
return base.CreateSecurityTokenProvider(tokenRequirement);
class PolicyElement
EndpointAddress m_target;
EndpointAddress m_issuer;
Collection<XmlElement> m_parameters;
Uri m_policyNoticeLink;
int m_policyNoticeVersion;
bool m_isManagedIssuer;
Binding m_binding;
public bool IsManagedIssuer
get { return m_isManagedIssuer; }
public EndpointAddress Issuer
get { return m_issuer; }
public Binding Binding
get { return m_binding; }
// Parameters:
// target - The target of the token being described.
// parameters - describes the type of token required by the target.
public PolicyElement(EndpointAddress target, EndpointAddress issuer, Collection<XmlElement> parameters, Uri privacyNoticeLink, int privacyNoticeVersion, bool isManagedIssuer, Binding binding)
m_target = target;
m_issuer = issuer;
m_parameters = parameters;
m_policyNoticeLink = privacyNoticeLink;
m_policyNoticeVersion = privacyNoticeVersion;
m_isManagedIssuer = isManagedIssuer;
m_binding = binding;
// Summary:
// Convert the PolicyElement to an CardSpacePolicyElement
// Returns:
// The CardSpacePolicyElement object
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods, Justification = "The call to CardSpacePolicyElement is safe.")]
public CardSpacePolicyElement ToCardSpacePolicyElement()
return new CardSpacePolicyElement(EndPointAddressToXmlElement(m_target),
// Summary:
// Convert an endpoint address to an XmlElement
// Parameters:
// epr - EndPointAddress that need to be converted
// Returns:
// The XmlElement version of the epr
private XmlElement EndPointAddressToXmlElement(EndpointAddress epr)
if (null == epr)
return null;
using (MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream())
using (XmlWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(buffer, Encoding.UTF8))
epr.WriteTo(AddressingVersion.WSAddressing10, writer);
// Skip the BOM and trailing padding.
buffer.Seek(0, 0);
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(buffer))
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
return (XmlElement)doc.ReadNode(reader);
class SecurityTokenParametersEnumerable : IEnumerable<SecurityTokenParameters>
SecurityBindingElement sbe;
public SecurityTokenParametersEnumerable(SecurityBindingElement sbe)
if (sbe == null)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("sbe");
this.sbe = sbe;
public IEnumerator<SecurityTokenParameters> GetEnumerator()
foreach (SecurityTokenParameters stp in this.sbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing)
if (stp != null)
yield return stp;
foreach (SecurityTokenParameters stp in this.sbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.SignedEndorsing)
if (stp != null)
yield return stp;
foreach (SupportingTokenParameters str in this.sbe.OperationSupportingTokenParameters.Values)
if (str != null)
foreach (SecurityTokenParameters stp in str.Endorsing)
if (stp != null)
yield return stp;
foreach (SecurityTokenParameters stp in str.SignedEndorsing)
if (stp != null)
yield return stp;
if (this.sbe is SymmetricSecurityBindingElement)
SymmetricSecurityBindingElement ssbe = (SymmetricSecurityBindingElement)sbe;
if (ssbe.ProtectionTokenParameters != null)
yield return ssbe.ProtectionTokenParameters;
else if (this.sbe is AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement)
AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement asbe = (AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement)sbe;
if (asbe.RecipientTokenParameters != null)
yield return asbe.RecipientTokenParameters;
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new NotImplementedException());