536 lines
17 KiB
536 lines
17 KiB
// Author:
// Jb Evain (jbevain@gmail.com)
// Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 Jb Evain
// Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011 Novell, Inc.
// Licensed under the MIT/X11 license.
using System;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Collections.Generic;
using RVA = System.UInt32;
namespace Mono.Cecil {
public sealed class MethodDefinition : MethodReference, IMemberDefinition, ISecurityDeclarationProvider, ICustomDebugInformationProvider {
ushort attributes;
ushort impl_attributes;
internal volatile bool sem_attrs_ready;
internal MethodSemanticsAttributes sem_attrs;
Collection<CustomAttribute> custom_attributes;
Collection<SecurityDeclaration> security_declarations;
internal RVA rva;
internal PInvokeInfo pinvoke;
Collection<MethodReference> overrides;
internal MethodBody body;
internal MethodDebugInformation debug_info;
internal Collection<CustomDebugInformation> custom_infos;
public override string Name {
get { return base.Name; }
set {
if (IsWindowsRuntimeProjection && value != base.Name)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
base.Name = value;
public MethodAttributes Attributes {
get { return (MethodAttributes) attributes; }
set {
if (IsWindowsRuntimeProjection && (ushort) value != attributes)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
attributes = (ushort) value;
public MethodImplAttributes ImplAttributes {
get { return (MethodImplAttributes) impl_attributes; }
set {
if (IsWindowsRuntimeProjection && (ushort) value != impl_attributes)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
impl_attributes = (ushort) value;
public MethodSemanticsAttributes SemanticsAttributes {
get {
if (sem_attrs_ready)
return sem_attrs;
if (HasImage) {
ReadSemantics ();
return sem_attrs;
sem_attrs = MethodSemanticsAttributes.None;
sem_attrs_ready = true;
return sem_attrs;
set { sem_attrs = value; }
internal new MethodDefinitionProjection WindowsRuntimeProjection {
get { return (MethodDefinitionProjection) projection; }
set { projection = value; }
internal void ReadSemantics ()
if (sem_attrs_ready)
var module = this.Module;
if (module == null)
if (!module.HasImage)
module.Read (this, (method, reader) => reader.ReadAllSemantics (method));
public bool HasSecurityDeclarations {
get {
if (security_declarations != null)
return security_declarations.Count > 0;
return this.GetHasSecurityDeclarations (Module);
public Collection<SecurityDeclaration> SecurityDeclarations {
get { return security_declarations ?? (this.GetSecurityDeclarations (ref security_declarations, Module)); }
public bool HasCustomAttributes {
get {
if (custom_attributes != null)
return custom_attributes.Count > 0;
return this.GetHasCustomAttributes (Module);
public Collection<CustomAttribute> CustomAttributes {
get { return custom_attributes ?? (this.GetCustomAttributes (ref custom_attributes, Module)); }
public int RVA {
get { return (int) rva; }
public bool HasBody {
get {
return (attributes & (ushort) MethodAttributes.Abstract) == 0 &&
(attributes & (ushort) MethodAttributes.PInvokeImpl) == 0 &&
(impl_attributes & (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.InternalCall) == 0 &&
(impl_attributes & (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Native) == 0 &&
(impl_attributes & (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Unmanaged) == 0 &&
(impl_attributes & (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Runtime) == 0;
public MethodBody Body {
get {
MethodBody localBody = this.body;
if (localBody != null)
return localBody;
if (!HasBody)
return null;
if (HasImage && rva != 0)
return Module.Read (ref body, this, (method, reader) => reader.ReadMethodBody (method));
return body = new MethodBody (this);
set {
var module = this.Module;
if (module == null) {
body = value;
// we reset Body to null in ILSpy to save memory; so we need that operation to be thread-safe
lock (module.SyncRoot) {
body = value;
public MethodDebugInformation DebugInformation {
get {
if (debug_info != null)
return debug_info;
Mixin.Read (Body);
return debug_info ?? (debug_info = new MethodDebugInformation (this));
public bool HasPInvokeInfo {
get {
if (pinvoke != null)
return true;
return IsPInvokeImpl;
public PInvokeInfo PInvokeInfo {
get {
if (pinvoke != null)
return pinvoke;
if (HasImage && IsPInvokeImpl)
return Module.Read (ref pinvoke, this, (method, reader) => reader.ReadPInvokeInfo (method));
return null;
set {
IsPInvokeImpl = true;
pinvoke = value;
public bool HasOverrides {
get {
if (overrides != null)
return overrides.Count > 0;
return HasImage && Module.Read (this, (method, reader) => reader.HasOverrides (method));
public Collection<MethodReference> Overrides {
get {
if (overrides != null)
return overrides;
if (HasImage)
return Module.Read (ref overrides, this, (method, reader) => reader.ReadOverrides (method));
return overrides = new Collection<MethodReference> ();
public override bool HasGenericParameters {
get {
if (generic_parameters != null)
return generic_parameters.Count > 0;
return this.GetHasGenericParameters (Module);
public override Collection<GenericParameter> GenericParameters {
get { return generic_parameters ?? (this.GetGenericParameters (ref generic_parameters, Module)); }
public bool HasCustomDebugInformations {
get {
Mixin.Read (Body);
return !custom_infos.IsNullOrEmpty ();
public Collection<CustomDebugInformation> CustomDebugInformations {
get {
Mixin.Read (Body);
return custom_infos ?? (custom_infos = new Collection<CustomDebugInformation> ());
#region MethodAttributes
public bool IsCompilerControlled {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.CompilerControlled); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.CompilerControlled, value); }
public bool IsPrivate {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.Private); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.Private, value); }
public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem, value); }
public bool IsAssembly {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.Assembly); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.Assembly, value); }
public bool IsFamily {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.Family); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.Family, value); }
public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.FamORAssem); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.FamORAssem, value); }
public bool IsPublic {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.Public); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.Public, value); }
public bool IsStatic {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.Static); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.Static, value); }
public bool IsFinal {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.Final); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.Final, value); }
public bool IsVirtual {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.Virtual); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.Virtual, value); }
public bool IsHideBySig {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.HideBySig); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.HideBySig, value); }
public bool IsReuseSlot {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.VtableLayoutMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.ReuseSlot); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.VtableLayoutMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.ReuseSlot, value); }
public bool IsNewSlot {
get { return attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.VtableLayoutMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.NewSlot); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.VtableLayoutMask, (ushort) MethodAttributes.NewSlot, value); }
public bool IsCheckAccessOnOverride {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.CheckAccessOnOverride); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.CheckAccessOnOverride, value); }
public bool IsAbstract {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.Abstract); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.Abstract, value); }
public bool IsSpecialName {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.SpecialName); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.SpecialName, value); }
public bool IsPInvokeImpl {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.PInvokeImpl); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.PInvokeImpl, value); }
public bool IsUnmanagedExport {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.UnmanagedExport); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.UnmanagedExport, value); }
public bool IsRuntimeSpecialName {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName, value); }
public bool HasSecurity {
get { return attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.HasSecurity); }
set { attributes = attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodAttributes.HasSecurity, value); }
#region MethodImplAttributes
public bool IsIL {
get { return impl_attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.IL); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.IL, value); }
public bool IsNative {
get { return impl_attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Native); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Native, value); }
public bool IsRuntime {
get { return impl_attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Runtime, value); }
public bool IsUnmanaged {
get { return impl_attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.ManagedMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Unmanaged); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.ManagedMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Unmanaged, value); }
public bool IsManaged {
get { return impl_attributes.GetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.ManagedMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Managed); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetMaskedAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.ManagedMask, (ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Managed, value); }
public bool IsForwardRef {
get { return impl_attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.ForwardRef); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.ForwardRef, value); }
public bool IsPreserveSig {
get { return impl_attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig, value); }
public bool IsInternalCall {
get { return impl_attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.InternalCall); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.InternalCall, value); }
public bool IsSynchronized {
get { return impl_attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Synchronized); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.Synchronized, value); }
public bool NoInlining {
get { return impl_attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.NoInlining); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.NoInlining, value); }
public bool NoOptimization {
get { return impl_attributes.GetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.NoOptimization); }
set { impl_attributes = impl_attributes.SetAttributes ((ushort) MethodImplAttributes.NoOptimization, value); }
#region MethodSemanticsAttributes
public bool IsSetter {
get { return this.GetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.Setter); }
set { this.SetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.Setter, value); }
public bool IsGetter {
get { return this.GetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.Getter); }
set { this.SetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.Getter, value); }
public bool IsOther {
get { return this.GetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.Other); }
set { this.SetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.Other, value); }
public bool IsAddOn {
get { return this.GetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.AddOn); }
set { this.SetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.AddOn, value); }
public bool IsRemoveOn {
get { return this.GetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.RemoveOn); }
set { this.SetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.RemoveOn, value); }
public bool IsFire {
get { return this.GetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.Fire); }
set { this.SetSemantics (MethodSemanticsAttributes.Fire, value); }
public new TypeDefinition DeclaringType {
get { return (TypeDefinition) base.DeclaringType; }
set { base.DeclaringType = value; }
public bool IsConstructor {
get {
return this.IsRuntimeSpecialName
&& this.IsSpecialName
&& (this.Name == ".cctor" || this.Name == ".ctor");
public override bool IsDefinition {
get { return true; }
internal MethodDefinition ()
this.token = new MetadataToken (TokenType.Method);
public MethodDefinition (string name, MethodAttributes attributes, TypeReference returnType)
: base (name, returnType)
this.attributes = (ushort) attributes;
this.HasThis = !this.IsStatic;
this.token = new MetadataToken (TokenType.Method);
public override MethodDefinition Resolve ()
return this;
static partial class Mixin {
public static ParameterDefinition GetParameter (this MethodBody self, int index)
var method = self.method;
if (method.HasThis) {
if (index == 0)
return self.ThisParameter;
var parameters = method.Parameters;
if (index < 0 || index >= parameters.size)
return null;
return parameters [index];
public static VariableDefinition GetVariable (this MethodBody self, int index)
var variables = self.Variables;
if (index < 0 || index >= variables.size)
return null;
return variables [index];
public static bool GetSemantics (this MethodDefinition self, MethodSemanticsAttributes semantics)
return (self.SemanticsAttributes & semantics) != 0;
public static void SetSemantics (this MethodDefinition self, MethodSemanticsAttributes semantics, bool value)
if (value)
self.SemanticsAttributes |= semantics;
self.SemanticsAttributes &= ~semantics;