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975 lines
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// assign.cs: Assignments.
// Author:
// Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com)
// Martin Baulig (martin@ximian.com)
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL
// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc.
// Copyright 2004-2008 Novell, Inc
// Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc
using System;
using IKVM.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
namespace Mono.CSharp {
/// <summary>
/// This interface is implemented by expressions that can be assigned to.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This interface is implemented by Expressions whose values can not
/// store the result on the top of the stack.
/// Expressions implementing this (Properties, Indexers and Arrays) would
/// perform an assignment of the Expression "source" into its final
/// location.
/// No values on the top of the stack are expected to be left by
/// invoking this method.
/// </remarks>
public interface IAssignMethod {
// This is an extra version of Emit. If leave_copy is `true'
// A copy of the expression will be left on the stack at the
// end of the code generated for EmitAssign
void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool leave_copy);
// This method does the assignment
// `source' will be stored into the location specified by `this'
// if `leave_copy' is true, a copy of `source' will be left on the stack
// if `prepare_for_load' is true, when `source' is emitted, there will
// be data on the stack that it can use to compuatate its value. This is
// for expressions like a [f ()] ++, where you can't call `f ()' twice.
void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool isCompound);
For simple assignments, this interface is very simple, EmitAssign is called with source
as the source expression and leave_copy and prepare_for_load false.
For compound assignments it gets complicated.
EmitAssign will be called as before, however, prepare_for_load will be
true. The @source expression will contain an expression
which calls Emit. So, the calls look like:
this.EmitAssign (ec, source, false, true) ->
source.Emit (ec); ->
[...] ->
this.Emit (ec, false); ->
end this.Emit (ec, false); ->
end [...]
end source.Emit (ec);
end this.EmitAssign (ec, source, false, true)
When prepare_for_load is true, EmitAssign emits a `token' on the stack that
Emit will use for its state.
Let's take FieldExpr as an example. assume we are emitting f ().y += 1;
Here is the call tree again. This time, each call is annotated with the IL
it produces:
this.EmitAssign (ec, source, false, true)
call f
Binary.Emit ()
this.Emit (ec, false);
ldfld y
end this.Emit (ec, false);
IntConstant.Emit ()
end IntConstant.Emit
end Binary.Emit ()
end this.EmitAssign (ec, source, false, true)
Observe two things:
1) EmitAssign left a token on the stack. It was the result of f ().
2) This token was used by Emit
leave_copy (in both EmitAssign and Emit) tells the compiler to leave a copy
of the expression at that point in evaluation. This is used for pre/post inc/dec
and for a = x += y. Let's do the above example with leave_copy true in EmitAssign
this.EmitAssign (ec, source, true, true)
call f
Binary.Emit ()
this.Emit (ec, false);
ldfld y
end this.Emit (ec, false);
IntConstant.Emit ()
end IntConstant.Emit
end Binary.Emit ()
stloc temp
ldloc temp
end this.EmitAssign (ec, source, true, true)
And with it true in Emit
this.EmitAssign (ec, source, false, true)
call f
Binary.Emit ()
this.Emit (ec, true);
ldfld y
stloc temp
end this.Emit (ec, true);
IntConstant.Emit ()
end IntConstant.Emit
end Binary.Emit ()
ldloc temp
end this.EmitAssign (ec, source, false, true)
Note that these two examples are what happens for ++x and x++, respectively.
/// <summary>
/// An Expression to hold a temporary value.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The LocalTemporary class is used to hold temporary values of a given
/// type to "simulate" the expression semantics. The local variable is
/// never captured.
/// The local temporary is used to alter the normal flow of code generation
/// basically it creates a local variable, and its emit instruction generates
/// code to access this value, return its address or save its value.
/// If `is_address' is true, then the value that we store is the address to the
/// real value, and not the value itself.
/// This is needed for a value type, because otherwise you just end up making a
/// copy of the value on the stack and modifying it. You really need a pointer
/// to the origional value so that you can modify it in that location. This
/// Does not happen with a class because a class is a pointer -- so you always
/// get the indirection.
/// </remarks>
public class LocalTemporary : Expression, IMemoryLocation, IAssignMethod {
LocalBuilder builder;
public LocalTemporary (TypeSpec t)
type = t;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
public LocalTemporary (LocalBuilder b, TypeSpec t)
: this (t)
builder = b;
public void Release (EmitContext ec)
ec.FreeTemporaryLocal (builder, type);
builder = null;
public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait ()
return false;
public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
args.Add (new Argument (this));
return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", args);
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
return this;
public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side)
return this;
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
if (builder == null)
throw new InternalErrorException ("Emit without Store, or after Release");
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, builder);
#region IAssignMethod Members
public void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool leave_copy)
Emit (ec);
if (leave_copy)
Emit (ec);
public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool isCompound)
if (isCompound)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
source.Emit (ec);
Store (ec);
if (leave_copy)
Emit (ec);
public LocalBuilder Builder {
get { return builder; }
public void Store (EmitContext ec)
if (builder == null)
builder = ec.GetTemporaryLocal (type);
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, builder);
public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode)
if (builder == null)
builder = ec.GetTemporaryLocal (type);
if (builder.LocalType.IsByRef) {
// if is_address, than this is just the address anyways,
// so we just return this.
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, builder);
} else {
ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloca, builder);
/// <summary>
/// The Assign node takes care of assigning the value of source into
/// the expression represented by target.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Assign : ExpressionStatement {
protected Expression target, source;
protected Assign (Expression target, Expression source, Location loc)
this.target = target;
this.source = source;
this.loc = loc;
public Expression Target {
get { return target; }
public Expression Source {
get {
return source;
public override Location StartLocation {
get {
return target.StartLocation;
public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait ()
return target.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || source.ContainsEmitWithAwait ();
public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
ec.Report.Error (832, loc, "An expression tree cannot contain an assignment operator");
return null;
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
bool ok = true;
source = source.Resolve (ec);
if (source == null) {
ok = false;
source = ErrorExpression.Instance;
target = target.ResolveLValue (ec, source);
if (target == null || !ok)
return null;
TypeSpec target_type = target.Type;
TypeSpec source_type = source.Type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
type = target_type;
if (!(target is IAssignMethod)) {
target.Error_ValueAssignment (ec, source);
return null;
if (target_type != source_type) {
Expression resolved = ResolveConversions (ec);
if (resolved != this)
return resolved;
return this;
public override System.Linq.Expressions.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx)
var tassign = target as IDynamicAssign;
if (tassign == null)
throw new InternalErrorException (target.GetType () + " does not support dynamic assignment");
var target_object = tassign.MakeAssignExpression (ctx, source);
// Some hacking is needed as DLR does not support void type and requires
// always have object convertible return type to support caching and chaining
// We do this by introducing an explicit block which returns RHS value when
// available or null
if (target_object.NodeType == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.Block)
return target_object;
System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression source_object;
if (ctx.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.CheckedScope)) {
source_object = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.ConvertChecked (source.MakeExpression (ctx), target_object.Type);
} else {
source_object = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Convert (source.MakeExpression (ctx), target_object.Type);
return System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Assign (target_object, source_object);
protected virtual Expression ResolveConversions (ResolveContext rc)
var ttype = target.Type;
var stackAlloc = source as StackAlloc;
if (stackAlloc != null && ttype.Arity == 1 && ttype.GetDefinition () == rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.SpanGeneric.TypeSpec &&
rc.Module.Compiler.Settings.Version >= LanguageVersion.V_7_2) {
var etype = ttype.TypeArguments [0];
var stype = ((PointerContainer)source.Type).Element;
if (etype == stype && stackAlloc.ResolveSpanConversion (rc, ttype)) {
return this;
source = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (rc, source, ttype, source.Location);
if (source == null)
return null;
return this;
void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool is_statement)
IAssignMethod t = (IAssignMethod) target;
t.EmitAssign (ec, source, !is_statement, this is CompoundAssign);
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
Emit (ec, false);
public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec)
Emit (ec, true);
public override void FlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc)
source.FlowAnalysis (fc);
if (target is ArrayAccess || target is IndexerExpr) {
target.FlowAnalysis (fc);
var pe = target as PropertyExpr;
if (pe != null && !pe.IsAutoPropertyAccess)
target.FlowAnalysis (fc);
protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t)
Assign _target = (Assign) t;
_target.target = target.Clone (clonectx);
_target.source = source.Clone (clonectx);
public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor)
return visitor.Visit (this);
public class SimpleAssign : Assign
public SimpleAssign (Expression target, Expression source)
: this (target, source, target.Location)
public SimpleAssign (Expression target, Expression source, Location loc)
: base (target, source, loc)
bool CheckEqualAssign (Expression t)
if (source is Assign) {
Assign a = (Assign) source;
if (t.Equals (a.Target))
return true;
return a is SimpleAssign && ((SimpleAssign) a).CheckEqualAssign (t);
return t.Equals (source);
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
Expression e = base.DoResolve (ec);
if (e == null || e != this)
return e;
if (CheckEqualAssign (target))
ec.Report.Warning (1717, 3, loc, "Assignment made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?");
return this;
public override void FlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc)
base.FlowAnalysis (fc);
var vr = target as VariableReference;
if (vr != null) {
if (vr.VariableInfo != null)
fc.SetVariableAssigned (vr.VariableInfo);
var fe = target as FieldExpr;
if (fe != null) {
fe.SetFieldAssigned (fc);
var pe = target as PropertyExpr;
if (pe != null) {
pe.SetBackingFieldAssigned (fc);
var td = target as TupleDeconstruct;
if (td != null) {
td.SetGeneratedFieldAssigned (fc);
public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc)
return source.MarkReachable (rc);
public class RuntimeExplicitAssign : Assign
public RuntimeExplicitAssign (Expression target, Expression source)
: base (target, source, target.Location)
protected override Expression ResolveConversions (ResolveContext ec)
source = EmptyCast.Create (source, target.Type);
return this;
// Compiler generated assign
class CompilerAssign : Assign
public CompilerAssign (Expression target, Expression source, Location loc)
: base (target, source, loc)
if (target.Type != null) {
type = target.Type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
var expr = base.DoResolve (ec);
var vr = target as VariableReference;
if (vr != null && vr.VariableInfo != null)
vr.VariableInfo.IsEverAssigned = false;
return expr;
public void UpdateSource (Expression source)
base.source = source;
// Implements fields and events class initializers
public class FieldInitializer : Assign
// Field initializers are tricky for partial classes. They have to
// share same constructor (block) for expression trees resolve but
// they have they own resolve scope
sealed class FieldInitializerContext : BlockContext
readonly ExplicitBlock ctor_block;
public FieldInitializerContext (IMemberContext mc, BlockContext constructorContext)
: base (mc, null, constructorContext.ReturnType)
flags |= Options.FieldInitializerScope | Options.ConstructorScope;
this.ctor_block = constructorContext.CurrentBlock.Explicit;
if (ctor_block.IsCompilerGenerated)
CurrentBlock = ctor_block;
public override ExplicitBlock ConstructorBlock {
get {
return ctor_block;
// Keep resolved value because field initializers have their own rules
ExpressionStatement resolved;
FieldBase mc;
public FieldInitializer (FieldBase mc, Expression expression, Location loc)
: base (new FieldExpr (mc.Spec, expression.Location), expression, loc)
this.mc = mc;
if (!mc.IsStatic)
((FieldExpr)target).InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis (mc.CurrentType, expression.Location);
public int AssignmentOffset { get; private set; }
public FieldBase Field {
get {
return mc;
public override Location StartLocation {
get {
return loc;
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc)
// Field initializer can be resolved (fail) many times
if (source == null)
return null;
if (resolved == null) {
var bc = (BlockContext) rc;
var ctx = new FieldInitializerContext (mc, bc);
resolved = base.DoResolve (ctx) as ExpressionStatement;
AssignmentOffset = ctx.AssignmentInfoOffset - bc.AssignmentInfoOffset;
return resolved;
public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec)
if (resolved == null)
// Emit sequence symbol info even if we are in compiler generated
// block to allow debugging field initializers when constructor is
// compiler generated
if (ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo) && ec.HasMethodSymbolBuilder) {
using (ec.With (BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, false)) {
ec.Mark (loc);
if (resolved != this)
resolved.EmitStatement (ec);
base.EmitStatement (ec);
public override void FlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc)
source.FlowAnalysis (fc);
((FieldExpr) target).SetFieldAssigned (fc);
public bool IsDefaultInitializer {
get {
Constant c = source as Constant;
if (c == null)
return false;
FieldExpr fe = (FieldExpr)target;
return c.IsDefaultInitializer (fe.Type);
public override bool IsSideEffectFree {
get {
return source.IsSideEffectFree;
class PrimaryConstructorAssign : SimpleAssign
readonly Field field;
readonly Parameter parameter;
public PrimaryConstructorAssign (Field field, Parameter parameter)
: base (null, null, parameter.Location)
this.field = field;
this.parameter = parameter;
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc)
target = new FieldExpr (field, loc);
source = rc.CurrentBlock.ParametersBlock.GetParameterInfo (parameter).CreateReferenceExpression (rc, loc);
return base.DoResolve (rc);
public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec)
using (ec.With (BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) {
base.EmitStatement (ec);
// This class is used for compound assignments.
public class CompoundAssign : Assign
// This is just a hack implemented for arrays only
public sealed class TargetExpression : Expression
readonly Expression child;
public TargetExpression (Expression child)
this.child = child;
this.loc = child.Location;
public bool RequiresEmitWithAwait { get; set; }
public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait ()
return RequiresEmitWithAwait || child.ContainsEmitWithAwait ();
public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
throw new NotSupportedException ("ET");
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
type = child.Type;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
return this;
public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
child.Emit (ec);
public override Expression EmitToField (EmitContext ec)
return child.EmitToField (ec);
// Used for underlying binary operator
readonly Binary.Operator op;
Expression right;
Expression left;
public CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator op, Expression target, Expression source)
: base (target, source, target.Location)
right = source;
this.op = op;
public CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator op, Expression target, Expression source, Expression left)
: this (op, target, source)
this.left = left;
public Binary.Operator Operator {
get {
return op;
protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
right = right.Resolve (ec);
if (right == null)
return null;
MemberAccess ma = target as MemberAccess;
using (ec.Set (ResolveContext.Options.CompoundAssignmentScope)) {
target = target.Resolve (ec);
if (target == null)
return null;
if (target is MethodGroupExpr){
ec.Report.Error (1656, loc,
"Cannot assign to `{0}' because it is a `{1}'",
((MethodGroupExpr)target).Name, target.ExprClassName);
return null;
var event_expr = target as EventExpr;
if (event_expr != null) {
source = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, right, target.Type, loc);
if (source == null)
return null;
Expression rside;
if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition)
rside = EmptyExpression.EventAddition;
else if (op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction)
rside = EmptyExpression.EventSubtraction;
rside = null;
target = target.ResolveLValue (ec, rside);
if (target == null)
return null;
eclass = ExprClass.Value;
type = event_expr.Operator.ReturnType;
return this;
// Only now we can decouple the original source/target
// into a tree, to guarantee that we do not have side
// effects.
if (left == null)
left = new TargetExpression (target);
source = new Binary (op, left, right, true);
if (target is DynamicMemberAssignable) {
Arguments targs = ((DynamicMemberAssignable) target).Arguments;
source = source.Resolve (ec);
Arguments args = new Arguments (targs.Count + 1);
args.AddRange (targs);
args.Add (new Argument (source));
var binder_flags = CSharpBinderFlags.ValueFromCompoundAssignment;
// Compound assignment does target conversion using additional method
// call, set checked context as the binary operation can overflow
if (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope))
binder_flags |= CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext;
if (target is DynamicMemberBinder) {
source = new DynamicMemberBinder (ma.Name, binder_flags, args, loc).Resolve (ec);
// Handles possible event addition/subtraction
if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition || op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction) {
args = new Arguments (targs.Count + 1);
args.AddRange (targs);
args.Add (new Argument (right));
string method_prefix = op == Binary.Operator.Addition ?
Event.AEventAccessor.AddPrefix : Event.AEventAccessor.RemovePrefix;
var invoke = DynamicInvocation.CreateSpecialNameInvoke (
new MemberAccess (right, method_prefix + ma.Name, loc), args, loc).Resolve (ec);
args = new Arguments (targs.Count);
args.AddRange (targs);
source = new DynamicEventCompoundAssign (ma.Name, args,
(ExpressionStatement) source, (ExpressionStatement) invoke, loc).Resolve (ec);
} else {
source = new DynamicIndexBinder (binder_flags, args, loc).Resolve (ec);
return source;
return base.DoResolve (ec);
public override void FlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc)
target.FlowAnalysis (fc);
source.FlowAnalysis (fc);
protected override Expression ResolveConversions (ResolveContext ec)
// LAMESPEC: Under dynamic context no target conversion is happening
// This allows more natual dynamic behaviour but breaks compatibility
// with static binding
if (target is RuntimeValueExpression)
return this;
TypeSpec target_type = target.Type;
// 1. the return type is implicitly convertible to the type of target
if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, source, target_type)) {
source = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, source, target_type, loc);
return this;
// Otherwise, if the selected operator is a predefined operator
Binary b = source as Binary;
if (b == null) {
if (source is ReducedExpression)
b = ((ReducedExpression) source).OriginalExpression as Binary;
else if (source is ReducedExpression.ReducedConstantExpression) {
b = ((ReducedExpression.ReducedConstantExpression) source).OriginalExpression as Binary;
} else if (source is Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator) {
var po = ((Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator) source);
if (po.UserOperator == null)
b = po.Binary;
} else if (source is TypeCast) {
b = ((TypeCast) source).Child as Binary;
if (b != null) {
// 2a. the operator is a shift operator
// 2b. the return type is explicitly convertible to the type of x, and
// y is implicitly convertible to the type of x
if ((b.Oper & Binary.Operator.ShiftMask) != 0 ||
Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, right, target_type)) {
source = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, source, target_type, loc);
return this;
if (source.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) {
Arguments arg = new Arguments (1);
arg.Add (new Argument (source));
return new SimpleAssign (target, new DynamicConversion (target_type, CSharpBinderFlags.ConvertExplicit, arg, loc), loc).Resolve (ec);
right.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, target_type, false);
return null;
protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t)
CompoundAssign ctarget = (CompoundAssign) t;
ctarget.right = ctarget.source = source.Clone (clonectx);
ctarget.target = target.Clone (clonectx);
public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor)
return visitor.Visit (this);