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<h3>TestCaseBuilders (NUnit 2.4)</h3>
<p>TestCaseBuilders create Tests based on a MethodInfo. NUnit uses several
TestCaseBuilders internally to create various kinds of TestMethods.
<h4>Extension Point</h4>
Addins use the host to access this extension point by name:
IExtensionPoint testCaseBuilders = host.GetExtensionPoint( "TestCaseBuilders" );</pre>
<p>The extension object passed to Install must implement either the ITestCaseBuilder
or the ITestCaseBuilder2 interface:
public interface ITestCaseBuilder
bool CanBuildFrom( MethodInfo method );
Test BuildFrom( MethodInfo method );
public interface ITestCaseBuilder2 : ITestCaseBuilder
bool CanBuildFrom( MethodInfo method, Test suite );
Test BuildFrom( MethodInfo method, Test suite );
<p>NUnit will call ITestCaseBuilder2 if it is available. Otherwise
ITestCaseBuilder will be used.
<p>The CanBuildFrom method should return true if the addin can build
a test from the MethodInfo provided. Some TestCaseBuilder addins are only
intended to apply to methods within a specific type of fixture. The
suite argument of the ITestCaseBuilder2 interface may be used to make
this determination.
<p>The BuildFrom method should return a test constructed over the MethodInfo
provided as an argument or null if the method cannot be used.
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