393 lines
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393 lines
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// UriBuilderTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.UriBuilder
// Authors:
// Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl)
// Martin Willemoes Hansen (mwh@sysrq.dk)
// (C) 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen
// Copyright (C) 2010 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace MonoTests.System
public class UriBuilderTest
private UriBuilder b, b2, b3;
public bool IriParsing;
public void GetReady()
b = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.ximian.com", 80, "foo/bar/index.html");
//Make sure Uri static constructor is called
Uri.EscapeDataString ("");
FieldInfo iriParsingField = typeof (Uri).GetField ("s_IriParsing",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (iriParsingField != null)
IriParsing = (bool) iriParsingField.GetValue (null);
[Test] // ctor ()
public void Constructor_Empty ()
b = new UriBuilder ();
Assert.AreEqual ("http", b.Scheme, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("localhost", b.Host, "#2");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, b.Port, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Query, "#5");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Fragment, "#6");
[Test] // ctor (string)
public void Constructor1 ()
b = new UriBuilder ("http://www.ximian.com:8001#test?name=50");
Assert.AreEqual ("#test?name=50", b.Fragment, "#A1");
Assert.AreEqual ("www.ximian.com", b.Host, "#A2");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Password, "#A3");
Assert.AreEqual ("/", b.Path, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual (8001, b.Port, "#A5");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Query, "#A5");
Assert.AreEqual ("http", b.Scheme, "#A6");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.ximian.com:8001/#test?name=50", b.Uri.ToString (), "#A7");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.UserName, "#A8");
b = new UriBuilder ("http://www.ximian.com?name=50#test");
Assert.AreEqual ("#test", b.Fragment, "#B1");
Assert.AreEqual ("www.ximian.com", b.Host, "#B2");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Password, "#B3");
Assert.AreEqual ("/", b.Path, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual (80, b.Port, "#B5");
Assert.AreEqual ("?name=50", b.Query, "#B5");
Assert.AreEqual ("http", b.Scheme, "#B6");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.ximian.com/?name=50#test", b.Uri.ToString (), "#B7");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.UserName, "#B8");
[Test] // ctor (string)
public void Constructor1_Uri_Null ()
try {
new UriBuilder ((string) null);
Assert.Fail ("#1");
} catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.ParamName, "#5");
Assert.AreEqual ("uriString", ex.ParamName, "#6");
[Test] // ctor (Uri)
#if NET_4_0
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
[ExpectedException (typeof (NullReferenceException))]
public void Constructor2_Uri_Null ()
new UriBuilder ((Uri) null);
public void Constructor_5 ()
b = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.ximian.com", 80, "foo/bar/index.html", "#extras");
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void Constructor_5_BadExtraValue ()
b = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.ximian.com", 80, "foo/bar/index.html", "extras");
// should have thrown an ArgumentException because extraValue must start with '?' or '#' character.
public void Constructor_StringStringInt ()
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.mono-project.com", 80);
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.mono-project.com/", ub.Uri.AbsoluteUri, "Uri.AbsoluteUri");
[ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))]
public void Constructor_RelativeUri ()
Uri relative = new Uri ("../dir/subdir/file", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder (relative);
public void UserInfo ()
string s = "mailto://myname:mypwd@contoso.com?subject=hello";
b = new UriBuilder (s);
Assert.AreEqual (s, b.ToString (), "1.ToString");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.UserName, "1.UserName");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Password, "1.Password");
Assert.AreEqual ("//myname:mypwd@contoso.com", b.Uri.LocalPath, "1.Uri.LocalPath");
// weird ?caching? issue, UserInfo is not updated if we look at the value of UserName before setting Password
b = new UriBuilder ("mailto", "contoso.com");
b.UserName = "myname";
Assert.AreEqual ("myname", b.Uri.UserInfo, "2.UserName");
b.Password = "mypwd";
Assert.AreEqual ("myname", b.Uri.UserInfo, "2.Password");
Assert.AreEqual ("/", b.Uri.LocalPath, "2.Uri.LocalPath");
b = new UriBuilder ("mailto", "contoso.com");
b.UserName = "myname";
b.Password = "mypwd";
Assert.AreEqual ("myname:mypwd", b.Uri.UserInfo, "3.Uri.UserInfo");
Assert.AreEqual ("/", b.Uri.LocalPath, "3.Uri.LocalPath");
public void Path ()
b.Path = ((char) 0xa9) + " 2002";
Assert.AreEqual ("%C2%A9%202002", b.Path);
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))]
public void BadPort1 ()
b.Port = -12345;
public void DefaultPort ()
b.Port = -1;
Assert.AreEqual (-1, b.Port, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.ximian.com/foo/bar/index.html", b.ToString (), "#2");
public void Query ()
b.Query = ((char) 0xa9) + " 2002";
Assert.AreEqual ("?\xA9 2002", b.Query, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Fragment, "#2");
b.Query = "?test";
Assert.AreEqual ("??test", b.Query, "#3");
b.Query = null;
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Query, "#4");
b.Fragment = "test";
Assert.AreEqual ("#test", b.Fragment, "#5");
b.Query = "name";
Assert.AreEqual ("#test", b.Fragment, "#6");
Assert.AreEqual ("?name", b.Query, "#7");
b.Fragment = "run";
Assert.AreEqual ("#run", b.Fragment, "#8");
b.Query = null;
Assert.AreEqual ("#run", b.Fragment, "#9");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Query, "#10");
public void Fragment ()
b.Fragment = ((char) 0xa9) + " 2002";
Assert.AreEqual ("#\xA9 2002", b.Fragment, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Query, "#2");
b.Fragment = "#test";
Assert.AreEqual ("##test", b.Fragment, "#3");
b.Fragment = null;
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, b.Fragment, "#4");
b.Query = "name";
Assert.AreEqual ("?name", b.Query, "#5");
b.Fragment = null;
Assert.AreEqual ("?name", b.Query, "#6");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Fragment, "#7");
public void Scheme ()
b.Scheme = "http";
Assert.AreEqual ("http", b.Scheme, "#1");
b.Scheme = "http:";
Assert.AreEqual ("http", b.Scheme, "#2");
b.Scheme = "http://";
Assert.AreEqual ("http", b.Scheme, "#3");
b.Scheme = "http://foo/bar";
Assert.AreEqual ("http", b.Scheme, "#4");
b.Scheme = "mailto:";
Assert.AreEqual ("mailto", b.Scheme, "#5");
b.Scheme = "unknown";
Assert.AreEqual ("unknown", b.Scheme, "#6");
b.Scheme = "unknown://";
Assert.AreEqual ("unknown", b.Scheme, "#7");
public void Equals ()
b = new UriBuilder ("http://", "www.ximian.com", 80, "foo/bar/index.html?item=1");
Assert.AreEqual ("foo/bar/index.html%3Fitem=1", b.Path, "1.Path");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.ximian.com:80/foo/bar/index.html%3Fitem=1", b.ToString (), "1.ToString");
b2 = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.ximian.com", 80, "/foo/bar/index.html", "?item=1");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.ximian.com:80/foo/bar/index.html?item=1", b2.ToString (), "2.ToString");
b3 = new UriBuilder (new Uri ("http://www.ximian.com/foo/bar/index.html?item=1"));
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.ximian.com:80/foo/bar/index.html?item=1", b3.ToString (), "3.ToString");
Assert.IsFalse (b.Equals (b2), "#1");
Assert.IsFalse (b.Uri.Equals (b2.Uri), "#2");
Assert.IsFalse (b.Equals (b3), "#3");
Assert.IsFalse (b3.Equals (b), "#4");
Assert.IsTrue (b2.Equals (b3), "#5");
public void ToStringTest ()
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.ximian.com:80/foo/bar/index.html", b.ToString (), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.ximian.com/foo/bar/index.html", b.Uri.ToString (), "#2");
public void EmptyQuery () // bug 57082
b = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.ximian.com", 80, "/lalala/lelele.aspx", null);
string noquery = "http://www.ximian.com/lalala/lelele.aspx";
Assert.AreEqual (noquery, b.Uri.ToString (), "#1");
b = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.ximian.com", 80, "/lalala/lelele.aspx", "?");
Assert.AreEqual (noquery, b.Uri.ToString (), "#2");
b = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.ximian.com", 80, "/lalala/lelele.aspx", "??");
Assert.AreEqual (noquery + "??", b.Uri.ToString (), "#3");
b = new UriBuilder ("http", "www.ximian.com", 80, "/lalala/lelele.aspx", "?something");
Assert.AreEqual (noquery + "?something", b.Uri.ToString (), "#4");
[Test] // bug #76501
public void TestToString76501 ()
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder (
ub.Query = ub.Query.TrimStart (new char [] {'?'}) + "&ticket=bla";
Assert.IsTrue (ub.ToString ().IndexOf ("80//") < 0);
public void TestAppendFragment ()
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder ("http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page");
uri.Fragment = "Features";
Assert.AreEqual ("#Features", uri.Fragment, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page#Features", uri.Uri.ToString (), "#2");
public void IPv6_Host ()
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder ("http", "[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", 8080, "/dir/subdir/file");
Assert.AreEqual ("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", ub.Host, "Host.1");
if (IriParsing)
Assert.AreEqual ("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", ub.Uri.Host, "Uri.Host");
else {
Assert.AreEqual ("[0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008]", ub.Uri.Host, "Uri.Host");
// once the Uri is created then some builder properties may change
Assert.AreEqual ("[0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008]", ub.Host, "Host.2");
public void IPv6_Host_IncompleteAddress ()
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder ("http", "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", 8080, "/dir/subdir/file");
Assert.AreEqual ("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", ub.Host, "1.Host");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]:8080/dir/subdir/file", ub.ToString (), "1.ToString ()");
ub = new UriBuilder ("http", "1:", 8080, "/dir/subdir/file");
Assert.AreEqual ("[1:]", ub.Host, "2.Host");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://[1:]:8080/dir/subdir/file", ub.ToString (), "2.ToString ()");
ub = new UriBuilder ("http", "[1:", 8080, "/dir/subdir/file");
Assert.AreEqual ("[1:", ub.Host, "3.Host");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://[1::8080/dir/subdir/file", ub.ToString (), "3.ToString ()");
ub = new UriBuilder ("http", "1:2]", 8080, "/dir/subdir/file");
Assert.AreEqual ("[1:2]]", ub.Host, "4.Host");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://[1:2]]:8080/dir/subdir/file", ub.ToString (), "4.ToString ()");
public void Path_UriAbsolutePath_Path ()
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder ("http", "", 80, "dir/subdir/file");
Assert.AreEqual ("dir/subdir/file", ub.Path, "Path.1");
Assert.AreEqual ("/dir/subdir/file", ub.Uri.AbsolutePath, "Uri.AbsolutePath");
// once the Uri is created then some builder properties may change
Assert.AreEqual ("/dir/subdir/file", ub.Path, "Path.2");
public void UnparsableUri ()
// some URI can't be parsed by System.Uri but are accepted by UriBuilder
Uri u = null;
string uri = "www.mono-project.com";
Assert.IsFalse (Uri.TryCreate (uri, UriKind.Absolute, out u), "1.Uri.TryCreate");
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder (uri);
Assert.AreEqual ("www.mono-project.com", ub.Host, "1.Host");
Assert.AreEqual ("http", ub.Scheme, "1.Scheme");
Assert.AreEqual (80, ub.Port, "1.Port");
Assert.AreEqual ("/", ub.Path, "1.Path");
// always assume http, port 80
uri = "ftp.novell.com/dir/subdir/file";
ub = new UriBuilder (uri);
Assert.IsFalse (Uri.TryCreate (uri, UriKind.Absolute, out u), "2.Uri.TryCreate");
Assert.AreEqual ("ftp.novell.com", ub.Host, "2.Host");
Assert.AreEqual ("http", ub.Scheme, "2.Scheme");
Assert.AreEqual (80, ub.Port, "2.Port");
Assert.AreEqual ("/dir/subdir/file", ub.Path, "2.Path");
public void AspNetRedirectUsage_Old ()
Uri uri = new Uri ("");
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder (uri);
ub.Path = "error404.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/WebResource.axd";
ub.Fragment = null;
ub.Password = null;
ub.Query = null;
ub.UserName = null;
// a bug in older UriBuilder did not encode the ? - existing ASP.NET depends on buggy behavior
Assert.AreEqual ("", ub.Uri.ToString ());
public void AspNetRedirectUsage_New ()
string path = "error404.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/WebResource.axd";
Uri uri = new Uri ("");
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder (uri);
int qpos = path.IndexOf ('?');
ub.Path = path.Substring (0, qpos);
ub.Fragment = null;
ub.Password = null;
ub.Query = path.Substring (qpos + 1);
ub.UserName = null;
// this is what ASP.NET really means (the ?)
Assert.AreEqual ("", ub.Uri.ToString ());