756 lines
25 KiB
756 lines
25 KiB
// National Institute Of Standards and Technology
// DTS Version 1.0
// Ported to System.Xml by: Mizrahi Rafael rafim@mainsoft.com
// Mainsoft Corporation (c) 2003-2004
using System;
using System.Xml;
namespace nist_dom
public class XmlNodeArrayList : XmlNodeList
System.Collections.ArrayList _rgNodes;
public XmlNodeArrayList (System.Collections.ArrayList rgNodes)
_rgNodes = rgNodes;
public override int Count { get { return _rgNodes.Count; } }
public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
return _rgNodes.GetEnumerator ();
public override XmlNode Item (int index)
// Return null if index is out of range. by DOM design.
if (index < 0 || _rgNodes.Count <= index)
return null;
return (XmlNode) _rgNodes [index];
public class testResults
public string name;
public string description;
public string expected;
public string actual;
public testResults(string name)
// get the name of the calling function
this.name = name;
// define some methods
//this.description = set_description();
//this.expected = set_expected();
//this.actual = set_actual();
// this.toString = set_toString;
public void set_description(string description) { this.description = description; }
public void set_expected (string expected) { this.expected = expected;}
public void set_actual (string actual) { this.actual = actual; }
public void set_toString()
System.Console.WriteLine("name = "+this.name+"<br>");
System.Console.WriteLine("Description = "+this.description+"<br>");
System.Console.WriteLine("Expected Value = "+this.expected+"<br>");
System.Console.WriteLine("Actual Value = "+this.actual+"<br>");
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for util.
/// </summary>
public class util
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument masterDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();//"files/staff.xml"
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument originalDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();//"files/staff.xml"
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument masterXML = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();//"files/staff.html"
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument otherDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();//"files/otherDoc.xml"
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument HTMLDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();//"files/staff.html"
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument noDTDXMLObject = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();//"files/noDTDXMLfile.xml"
// cWin = self.parent.viewer;
//public static System.Xml.XmlDocument vdoc; // = cWin.document;
public static System.IO.StreamWriter vdoc = null;
// dWin = self.parent.test;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument testdoc; // = dWin.document;
// fWin = self.parent.frameddoc;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument framesetdoc; // = fWin.document;
// oWin = self.parent.original;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument originaldoc; // = oWin.document;
// var Interfaces = new Object();
// iform = parent.interfaces.selectInterface;
// testInterface = iform.interface.options[iform.interface.selectedIndex].Value;
// cform = parent.categories.selectCategory;
// testCategory = cform.category.options[cform.category.selectedIndex].Value;
public static string passColor = "#00FFFF";
public static string failColor = "#FF0000";
// public static System.Xml.XmlNode _node;
// public static System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection _attributes;
// public static System.Xml.XmlNodeList _subNodes;
static util()
catch (System.Exception ex)
// ***********************************************************************
public static string SUCCESS = "Passed";
public static string FAILED = "Failed";
// General defs.
public static string saved = "";
public static int MAXEMPLOYEES = 5;
public static int NODE = 1;
public static int INDEXING = 2;
public static string employee = "employee";
public static string rootNode = "staff";
public static string pass = "Passed";
public static string fail = "Failed";
public static int FIRST = 0;
public static int SECOND = 1;
public static int THIRD = 2;
public static int FOURTH = 3;
public static int FIFTH = 4;
public static int SIXTH = 5;
public static int SEVENTH = 6;
public static int EIGHT = 7;
public static int NINETH = 8;
public static int TENTH = 9;
public static int ELEVENTH = 10;
public static int TWELVETH = 11;
public static int THIRDTEENTH = 12;
public static string BODY = "BODY";
public static string TITLE = "TITLE";
public static string H1 = "H1";
public static string H2 = "H2";
public static string H3 = "H3";
public static string H4 = "H4";
public static string H5 = "H5";
public static string H6 = "H6";
public static string BR = "BR";
public static string TABLE = "TABLE";
public static string IMG = "IMG";
public static string OBJECT = "OBJECT";
public static string FONT = "FONT";
public static string BASEFONT = "BASEFONT";
public static string MAP = "MAP";
public static string AREA = "AREA";
public static string P = "P";
public static string OL = "OL";
public static string UL = "UL";
public static string DL = "DL";
public static string HR = "HR";
public static string HTML = "HTML";
public static string HEAD = "HEAD";
public static string LINK = "LINK";
public static string META = "META";
public static string BASE = "BASE";
public static string FORM = "FORM";
public static string SELECT = "SELECT";
public static string OPTION = "OPTION";
public static string Q = "Q";
public static string BLOCKQUOTE = "BLOCKQUOTE";
public static string COL = "COL";
public static string COLGROUP = "COLGROUP";
public static string PRE = "PRE";
public static string DIV = "DIV";
public static string INS = "INS";
public static string DEL = "DEL";
public static string DIR = "DIR";
public static string APPLET = "APPLET";
public static string OPTGROUP = "OPTGROUP";
public static string SCRIPT = "SCRIPT";
public static string PARAM = "PARAM";
public static string ISINDEX = "ISINDEX";
public static string INPUT = "INPUT";
public static string BUTTON = "BUTTON";
public static string LABEL = "LABEL";
public static string TEXTAREA = "TEXTAREA";
public static string FIELDSET = "FIELDSET";
public static string ANCHOR = "A";
public static string FRAMESET = "FRAMESET";
public static string FRAME = "FRAME";
public static string IFRAME = "IFRAME";
public static string LEGEND = "LEGEND";
public static string MENU = "MENU";
//public static string IFRAME = "IFRAME";
public static string STYLE = "STYLE";
public static string LI = "LI";
public static string SUB = "SUB";
public static string SUP = "SUP";
public static string SPAN = "SPAN";
public static string BDO = "BDO";
public static string TT = "TT";
public static string I = "I";
public static string B = "B";
public static string U = "U";
public static string S = "S";
public static string STRIKE = "STRIKE";
public static string BIG = "BIG";
public static string SMALL = "SMALL";
public static string EM = "EM";
public static string STRONG = "STRONG";
public static string DFN = "DFN";
public static string CODE = "CODE";
public static string SAMP = "SAMP";
public static string KBD = "KBD";
public static string VAR = "VAR";
public static string CITE = "CITE";
public static string ACRONYM = "ACRONYM";
public static string ABBR = "ABBR";
public static string DT = "DT";
public static string DD = "DD";
public static string NOFRAMES = "NOFRAMES";
public static string NOSCRIPT = "NOSCRIPT";
public static string ADDRESS = "ADDRESS";
public static string CENTER = "CENTER";
public static string TD = "TD";
public static string TBODY = "TBODY";
public static string TFOOT = "TFOOT";
public static string THEAD = "THEAD";
public static string TR = "TR";
public static string TH = "TH";
// Base URL's for tests depending on specific URL's
// BASE1 - The URI returned by the "referrer" attribute (Document interface).
// BASE2 - The string returned by the "domain" attribute (Document interface).
// BASE3 - The URI returned by the "URL" attribute (Document interface).
// BASE4 - The URI returned by the "codebase" attribute (Applet interface).
// BASE5 - ThE URI returned by the "codeBase" attribute (Object interface).
// BASE6 - The URI returned by the "href" attribute (Base interface).
public static string BASE2 = "XW2K.SDCT.ITL.NIST.GOV";
public static string BASE4 = "HTTP://XW2K.SDCT.ITL.NIST.GOV/BRADY/DOM/FILES/";
public static string BASE5 = "HTTP://XW2K.SDCT.ITL.NIST.GOV/BRADY/DOM/";
public static string BASE6 = "HTTP://XW2K.SDCT.ITL.NIST.GOV/BRADY/DOM/";
// Exception codes
public static string EOL = "\n"; //String.fromCharCode(13,10);
public static string INDEX_SIZE_ERR = "StartIndex cannot be less than zero.\r\nParameter name: startIndex";
public static string DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = " ";
public static string INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = "A name contained an invalid character." + EOL;
public static string NOT_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = " ";
public static string NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = "Attempt to modify a read-only node." + EOL;
public static string NOT_FOUND1_ERR = "Invalid procedure call or argument";
public static string NOT_FOUND2_ERR = "Insert position Node must be a Child of the Node to " + "insert under." + EOL;
public static string NOT_FOUND3_ERR = "The parameter Node is not a child of this Node." + EOL;
public static string NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = " ";
public static string INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = "The Attribute node cannot be inserted because it is already an attribute of another element.";//"Attributes must be removed before adding them " + "to a different node." + EOL;
// nodeType values
public const int ELEMENT_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element;
public const int ATTRIBUTE_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Attribute;
public const int TEXT_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Text;
public const int CDATA_SECTION_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.CDATA;
public const int ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EntityReference;
public const int ENTITY_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Entity;
public const int PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction;
public const int COMMENT_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Comment;
public const int DOCUMENT_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Document;
public const int DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.DocumentType;
public const int DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment;
public const int NOTATION_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Notation;
public const int XML_DECLARATION_NODE = (int)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument getDOMDocument()
return masterDoc;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument getHTMLDocument()
return testdoc;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument getFramesetDocument()
return framesetdoc;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument getDOMHTMLDocument()
return HTMLDoc;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument getnoDTDXMLDocument()
return noDTDXMLObject;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument getOriginalDOMDocument()
return originalDoc;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocument getOtherDOMDocument()
return otherDoc;
public static System.Xml.XmlNode createNode(int type,string data)
System.Xml.XmlNode node = null;
switch(type) {
node = getDOMDocument().CreateAttribute(data);
node = getDOMDocument().CreateCDataSection(data);
node = getDOMDocument().CreateElement(data);
node = getDOMDocument().CreateEntityReference(data);
node = getDOMDocument().CreateTextNode(data);
return node;
public static void resetData()
if (getDOMDocument().DocumentElement != null)
System.Xml.XmlNode tmpNode = getDOMDocument().ImportNode(getOriginalDOMDocument().DocumentElement,true);
catch (NotImplementedException ex)
throw ex;
/* public static void resetHTMLData()
System.Xml.XmlNode newdoc = originalHTMLDocument(HTML);
testdoc = ( System.Xml.XmlDocument) newdoc.CloneNode(true);
public static System.Xml.XmlElement getRootNode()
return getDOMDocument().DocumentElement;
/* public void HTMLNodeObject(string argFirst,int argSecond)
string tagName = argFirst;//arguments[0];
//int one = 1;
//int two = 2;
System.Xml.XmlNodeList nodeList=null;
if (tagName==FRAMESET || tagName==FRAME)
nodeList = framesetdoc.GetElementsByTagName(tagName);
nodeList = testdoc.GetElementsByTagName(tagName);
if (argFirst != "") //if (arguments.length == one)
this.node = nodeList.Item(util.FIRST);
if (argSecond != -1) //else if (arguments.length == two)
this.node = nodeList.Item(argSecond);//arguments[SECOND]);
public System.Xml.XmlNode originalHTMLDocument(string arg)
string tagName = arg;
//int one = 1;
//int two = 2;
System.Xml.XmlNodeList nodeList = originaldoc.GetElementsByTagName(tagName);
this.node = nodeList.Item(util.FIRST).CloneNode(true);
return this.node;
// public string getTableCaption(object table)
// {
// return table.caption;
// }
// public void getTableHead(object table)
// {
// return table.tHead;
// }
// public void getTableFoot(object table)
// {
// return table.tFoot;
// }
public static System.Xml.XmlNode nodeObject(int argFirst,int argSecond)//args)
string tagName = employee;
System.Xml.XmlNodeList nodeList = null;
System.Xml.XmlNode _node = null;
nodeList = getRootNode().GetElementsByTagName(tagName);
System.Xml.XmlElement parentNode = (System.Xml.XmlElement)nodeList.Item(argFirst);//arguments[FIRST]);
if (argFirst != -1)//if (arguments.length == one)
_node = parentNode;
if (argSecond != -1)//else if (arguments.length == two)
System.Xml.XmlNodeList list = getSubNodes(parentNode);
_node = getElement(getSubNodes(parentNode), argSecond);//arguments[SECOND]);
//_node = getElement((System.Xml.XmlNodeList)getSubNodes(parentNode), argSecond);//arguments[SECOND]);
//_attributes = getAttributes(_node);
//_subNodes = getSubNodes((System.Xml.XmlElement)_node);
return _node;
public static System.Xml.XmlNodeList getSubNodes(System.Xml.XmlDocument node)
// GHT alternative for GetElementsByTagName("*")
// System.Collections.ArrayList nodeArrayList = new System.Collections.ArrayList ();
// getAllNodesRecursively (node, nodeArrayList);
// return new XmlNodeArrayList (nodeArrayList);
// GHT alternative for GetElementsByTagName("*")
return node.GetElementsByTagName("*");
public static System.Xml.XmlNodeList getSubNodes(System.Xml.XmlElement node)
// GHT alternative for GetElementsByTagName("*")
// System.Collections.ArrayList nodeArrayList = new System.Collections.ArrayList ();
// getAllNodesRecursively (node, nodeArrayList);
// return new XmlNodeArrayList (nodeArrayList);
// GHT alternative for GetElementsByTagName("*")
return node.GetElementsByTagName("*");
private static void getAllNodesRecursively (XmlNode argNode, System.Collections.ArrayList argArrayList)
XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = argNode.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlNode node in xmlNodeList)
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
argArrayList.Add (node);
getAllNodesRecursively (node, argArrayList);
public static System.Xml.XmlNode getElement(System.Xml.XmlNodeList subNodes,int elementAt)
return (System.Xml.XmlNode)subNodes.Item(elementAt);
public static System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection getAttributes(System.Xml.XmlNode node)
return node.Attributes;
public static System.Xml.XmlDocumentType getDocType()
return (System.Xml.XmlDocumentType)getDOMDocument().ChildNodes.Item(SECOND);
public static System.Xml.XmlEntity getEntity(string name)
return (System.Xml.XmlEntity)getDocType().Entities.GetNamedItem(name);
public static System.Xml.XmlNode getNotation(string name)
return getDocType().Notations.GetNamedItem(name);
public void specPtr(index)
Spec = new Object();
Spec['DOMImplementation'] = 'ID-102161490';
Spec['DocumentFragment'] = 'ID-B63ED1A3';
Spec['Document'] = 'i-Document';
Spec['Node'] = 'ID-1950641247';
Spec['NodeList'] = 'ID-536297177';
Spec['NamedNodeMap'] = 'ID-1780488922';
Spec['CharacterData'] = 'ID-FF21A306';
Spec['Attr'] = 'ID-637646024';
Spec['Element'] = 'ID-745549614';
Spec['Text'] = 'ID-1312295772';
Spec['Comment'] = 'ID-1728279322';
Spec['CDATASection'] = 'ID-667469212';
Spec['DocumentType'] = 'ID-412266927';
Spec['Notation'] = 'ID-5431D1B9';
Spec['Entity'] = 'ID-527DCFF2';
Spec['EntityReference'] = 'ID-11C98490';
Spec['ProcessingInstruction'] = 'ID-1004215813';
Spec['HTMLCollection'] = 'ID-75708506';
Spec['HTMLDocument'] = 'ID-26809268';
Spec['HTMLElement'] = 'ID-58190037';
Spec['HTMLHtmlElement'] = 'ID-33759296';
Spec['HTMLHeadElement'] = 'ID-77253168';
Spec['HTMLLinkElement'] = 'ID-35143001';
Spec['HTMLTitleElement'] = 'ID-79243169';
Spec['HTMLMetaElement'] = 'ID-37041454';
Spec['HTMLBaseElement'] = 'ID-73629039';
Spec['HTMLIsIndexElement'] = 'ID-85283003';
Spec['HTMLStyleElement'] = 'ID-16428977';
Spec['HTMLBodyElement'] = 'ID-62018039';
Spec['HTMLFormElement'] = 'ID-40002357';
Spec['HTMLSelectElement'] = 'ID-94282980';
Spec['HTMLOptGroupElement'] = 'ID-38450247';
Spec['HTMLOptionElement'] = 'ID-70901257';
Spec['HTMLInputElement'] = 'ID-6043025';
Spec['HTMLTextAreaElement'] = 'ID-24874179';
Spec['HTMLButtonElement'] = 'ID-34812697';
Spec['HTMLLabelElement'] = 'ID-13691394';
Spec['HTMLFieldSetElement'] = 'ID-7365882';
Spec['HTMLLegendElement'] = 'ID-21482039';
Spec['HTMLUListElement'] = 'ID-86834457';
Spec['HTMLOListElement'] = 'ID-58056027';
Spec['HTMLDListElement'] = 'ID-52368974';
Spec['HTMLDirectoryElement'] = 'ID-71600284';
Spec['HTMLMenuElement'] = 'ID-72509186';
Spec['HTMLLIElement'] = 'ID-74680021';
Spec['HTMLBlockquoteElement'] = 'ID-40703765';
Spec['HTMLDivElement'] = 'ID-22445964';
Spec['HTMLParagraphElement'] = 'ID-84675076';
Spec['HTMLHeadingElement'] = 'ID-43345119';
Spec['HTMLQuoteElement'] = 'ID-70319763';
Spec['HTMLPreElement'] = 'ID-11383425';
Spec['HTMLBRElement'] = 'ID-56836063';
Spec['HTMLBaseFontElement'] = 'ID-32774408';
Spec['HTMLFontElement'] = 'ID-43943847';
Spec['HTMLHRElement'] = 'ID-68228811';
Spec['HTMLModElement'] = 'ID-79359609';
Spec['HTMLAnchorElement'] = 'ID-48250443';
Spec['HTMLImageElement'] = 'ID-17701901';
Spec['HTMLObjectElement'] = 'ID-9893177';
Spec['HTMLParamElement'] = 'ID-64077273';
Spec['HTMLAppletElement'] = 'ID-31006348';
Spec['HTMLMapElement'] = 'ID-94109203';
Spec['HTMLAreaElement'] = 'ID-26019118';
Spec['HTMLScriptElement'] = 'ID-81598695';
Spec['HTMLTableElement'] = 'ID-64060425';
Spec['HTMLTableCaptionElement'] = 'ID-12035137';
Spec['HTMLTableColElement'] = 'ID-84150186';
Spec['HTMLTableSectionElement'] = 'ID-67417573';
Spec['HTMLTableRowElement'] = 'ID-6986576';
Spec['HTMLTableCellElement'] = 'ID-82915075';
Spec['HTMLFrameSetElement'] = 'ID-43829095';
Spec['HTMLFrameElement'] = 'ID-97790553';
Spec['HTMLIFrameElement'] = 'ID-50708718';
return Spec[index];
public void setInfo()
dWin = self.parent.info;
infodoc = dWin.document;
iform = parent.interfaces.selectInterface;
testInterface = iform.interface.options[iform.interface.selectedIndex].Value;
cform = parent.categories.selectCategory;
testCategory = cform.category.options[cform.category.selectedIndex].Value;
sr_file = testCategory.toLowerCase()+"/"+testInterface+"/Requirements.html";
src_file = testCategory.toLowerCase()+"/"+testInterface+"/"+testInterface+".html";
util_file = "util.html";
core_file = "spec/level-one-core.html";
html_file = "spec/level-one-html.html";
if (testCategory == "HTML")
spec_ref = html_file + "#" + specPtr(testInterface);
spec_ref = core_file + "#" + specPtr(testInterface);
infodoc.write("<BODY BGCOLOR=#0000FF LINK=#FFFF00 VLINK=#FFFF00>\n");
infodoc.write("<b><A HREF="+spec_ref+" TARGET=viewer>DOM REC</A></B><BR>\n");
infodoc.write("<b><A HREF="+sr_file+" TARGET=viewer>SR's</A></b><BR>\n");
infodoc.write("<b><A HREF="+src_file+" TARGET=viewer>Source</A></b><BR>\n");
infodoc.write("<b><A HREF="+util_file+" TARGET=viewer>Utility</A></B><BR>\n");
public void getInterfaces(option)
var Cats = new Object();
Cats["Fundamental"] = ['DOMImplementation','Node', 'NodeList',
'Document', 'NamedNodeMap', 'CharacterData', 'Attr',
'Element', 'Text', 'Comment'];
Cats["Extended"] = ['CDATASection', 'DocumentType', 'Notation', 'Entity',
'ProcessingInstruction' ];
Cats["HTML"] = [
return Cats[option];
public void displayCategories()
cdoc.write("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#0000FF\" TEXT=\"#FFFF00\">\n");
cdoc.write("<IMG SRC=\"pix/nist.gif\" width=100 height=75>\n");
cdoc.write("<FORM NAME=selectCategory>\n");
cdoc.write("<SELECT NAME=category onClick=displayInterfaces(this.form)>\n");
cdoc.write("<OPTION SELECTED VALUE=Fundamental>Fundamental\n");
cdoc.write("<OPTION VALUE=Extended>Extended\n");
cdoc.write("<OPTION VALUE=HTML>HTML\n");
public void displayInterfaces(form)
cat = form.category.options[form.category.selectedIndex].Value;
interfaces = getInterfaces(cat);
idoc.write("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#0000FF\" TEXT=\"#FFFF00\">\n");
idoc.write("<FORM NAME=selectInterface>\n");
idoc.write("<SELECT NAME=interface onClick=parent.navig()>\n");
for (i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++)
idoc.write("<OPTION VALUE="+interfaces[i]+">"+interfaces[i]+"\n");