Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

357 lines
16 KiB

// <copyright file="RowToParametersTransformer.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
[WebPartTransformer(typeof(IWebPartRow), typeof(IWebPartParameters))]
public sealed class RowToParametersTransformer : WebPartTransformer, IWebPartParameters {
private IWebPartRow _provider;
private string[] _consumerFieldNames;
private string[] _providerFieldNames;
private PropertyDescriptorCollection _consumerSchema;
private ParametersCallback _callback;
public override Control CreateConfigurationControl() {
return new RowToParametersConfigurationWizard(this);
public string[] ConsumerFieldNames {
get {
return (_consumerFieldNames != null) ? (string[])_consumerFieldNames.Clone() : new string[0];
set {
_consumerFieldNames = (value != null) ? (string[])value.Clone() : null;
private PropertyDescriptorCollection ConsumerSchema {
get {
return _consumerSchema;
public string[] ProviderFieldNames {
get {
return (_providerFieldNames != null) ? (string[])_providerFieldNames.Clone() : new string[0];
set {
_providerFieldNames = (value != null) ? (string[])value.Clone() : null;
private PropertyDescriptorCollection ProviderSchema {
get {
return (_provider != null) ? _provider.Schema : null;
// Schema containing property descriptors associated with each name in ProviderFieldNames
private PropertyDescriptorCollection SelectedProviderSchema {
get {
PropertyDescriptorCollection props = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
PropertyDescriptorCollection providerSchema = ProviderSchema;
if (providerSchema != null && _providerFieldNames != null && _providerFieldNames.Length > 0) {
foreach (string fieldName in _providerFieldNames) {
PropertyDescriptor prop = providerSchema.Find(fieldName, /* ignoreCase */ true);
if (prop == null) {
// If any provider field name is not in the schema, return an empty schema
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
else {
return props;
// Throws an exception if the ConsumerFieldNames and ProviderFieldNames have different length
private void CheckFieldNamesLength() {
int consumerFieldNamesLength = (_consumerFieldNames != null) ? _consumerFieldNames.Length : 0;
int providerFieldNamesLength = (_providerFieldNames != null) ? _providerFieldNames.Length : 0;
if (consumerFieldNamesLength != providerFieldNamesLength) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.RowToParametersTransformer_DifferentFieldNamesLength));
private void GetRowData(object rowData) {
Debug.Assert(_callback != null);
// Only return null if rowData is null. Else, return an empty dictionary. (VSWhidbey 381264)
IDictionary parametersData = null;
// For perf, check in decreasing order of likeliness that an object is null
if (rowData != null) {
PropertyDescriptorCollection consumerSchema = ((IWebPartParameters)this).Schema;
parametersData = new HybridDictionary(consumerSchema.Count);
if (consumerSchema.Count > 0) {
PropertyDescriptorCollection providerSchema = SelectedProviderSchema;
if (providerSchema != null && providerSchema.Count > 0) {
if (providerSchema.Count == consumerSchema.Count) {
for (int i=0; i < providerSchema.Count; i++) {
PropertyDescriptor providerProp = providerSchema[i];
PropertyDescriptor consumerProp = consumerSchema[i];
parametersData[consumerProp.Name] = providerProp.GetValue(rowData);
protected internal override void LoadConfigurationState(object savedState) {
if (savedState != null) {
string[] fieldNames = (string[])savedState;
int fieldNamesLength = fieldNames.Length;
if (fieldNamesLength % 2 != 0) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.RowToParametersTransformer_DifferentFieldNamesLength));
int length = fieldNamesLength / 2;
_consumerFieldNames = new string[length];
_providerFieldNames = new string[length];
for (int i=0; i < length; i++) {
_consumerFieldNames[i] = fieldNames[2*i];
_providerFieldNames[i] = fieldNames[2*i + 1];
protected internal override object SaveConfigurationState() {
int consumerFieldNamesLength = (_consumerFieldNames != null) ? _consumerFieldNames.Length : 0;
if (consumerFieldNamesLength > 0) {
string[] fieldNames = new string[consumerFieldNamesLength * 2];
for (int i=0; i < consumerFieldNamesLength; i++) {
fieldNames[2*i] = _consumerFieldNames[i];
fieldNames[2*i + 1] = _providerFieldNames[i];
return fieldNames;
return null;
public override object Transform(object providerData) {
_provider = (IWebPartRow)providerData;
return this;
#region Implementation of IWebPartParameters
void IWebPartParameters.GetParametersData(ParametersCallback callback) {
if (callback == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("callback");
if (_provider != null) {
_callback = callback;
_provider.GetRowData(new RowCallback(GetRowData));
else {
PropertyDescriptorCollection IWebPartParameters.Schema {
get {
PropertyDescriptorCollection props = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
if (_consumerSchema != null && _consumerFieldNames != null && _consumerFieldNames.Length > 0) {
foreach (string fieldName in _consumerFieldNames) {
PropertyDescriptor prop = _consumerSchema.Find(fieldName, true);
if (prop == null) {
// If any consumer field name is not in the schema, return an empty schema
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
else {
return props;
void IWebPartParameters.SetConsumerSchema(PropertyDescriptorCollection schema) {
_consumerSchema = schema;
private sealed class RowToParametersConfigurationWizard : TransformerConfigurationWizardBase {
private DropDownList[] _consumerFieldNames;
private RowToParametersTransformer _owner;
private const string consumerFieldNameID = "ConsumerFieldName";
public RowToParametersConfigurationWizard(RowToParametersTransformer owner) {
Debug.Assert(owner != null);
_owner = owner;
protected override PropertyDescriptorCollection ConsumerSchema {
get {
return _owner.ConsumerSchema;
protected override PropertyDescriptorCollection ProviderSchema {
get {
return _owner.ProviderSchema;
protected override void CreateWizardSteps() {
// The WizardSteps should be empty when this is called
Debug.Assert(WizardSteps.Count == 0);
int oldProviderNamesLength = (OldProviderNames != null) ? OldProviderNames.Length : 0;
if (oldProviderNamesLength > 0) {
_consumerFieldNames = new DropDownList[oldProviderNamesLength / 2];
ListItem[] consumerItems = null;
int oldConsumerNamesLength = (OldConsumerNames != null) ? OldConsumerNames.Length : 0;
if (oldConsumerNamesLength > 0) {
consumerItems = new ListItem[oldConsumerNamesLength / 2];
for (int i=0; i < oldConsumerNamesLength / 2; i++) {
consumerItems[i] = new ListItem(OldConsumerNames[2*i], OldConsumerNames[2*i + 1]);
for (int i=0; i < oldProviderNamesLength / 2; i++) {
WizardStep s = new WizardStep();
s.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(
SR.GetString(SR.RowToParametersTransformer_ProviderFieldName) + " "));
Label label = new Label();
// HtmlEncode the string, since it comes from the provider schema and it may contain
// unsafe characters.
label.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(OldProviderNames[2*i]);
label.Font.Bold = true;
s.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));
DropDownList consumerFieldName = new DropDownList();
consumerFieldName.ID = consumerFieldNameID + i;
if (consumerItems != null) {
consumerFieldName.Items.Add(new ListItem());
// Calculate consumerFieldValue based on the current providerFieldValue,
// and the ProviderFieldNames and ConsumerFieldNames on the Transformer
string[] providerFieldNames = _owner._providerFieldNames;
string[] consumerFieldNames = _owner._consumerFieldNames;
string providerFieldValue = OldProviderNames[2*i + 1];
string consumerFieldValue = null;
if (providerFieldNames != null) {
for (int j=0; j < providerFieldNames.Length; j++) {
// Ignore case when getting the value, since we ignore case when
// returing the connection data. (VSWhidbey 434566)
if (String.Equals(providerFieldNames[j], providerFieldValue,
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
consumerFieldNames != null && consumerFieldNames.Length > j) {
consumerFieldValue = consumerFieldNames[j];
foreach (ListItem consumerItem in consumerItems) {
ListItem item = new ListItem(consumerItem.Text, consumerItem.Value);
// Ignore case when setting selected value, since we ignore case when
// returing the connection data. (VSWhidbey 434566)
if (String.Equals(item.Value, consumerFieldValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
item.Selected = true;
else {
consumerFieldName.Items.Add(new ListItem(
consumerFieldName.Enabled = false;
_consumerFieldNames[i] = consumerFieldName;
Label consumerFieldNameLabel = new Label();
consumerFieldNameLabel.Text = SR.GetString(SR.RowToParametersTransformer_ConsumerFieldName);
consumerFieldNameLabel.AssociatedControlID = consumerFieldName.ID;
s.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" "));
else {
WizardStep s = new WizardStep();
s.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(SR.GetString(SR.RowToParametersTransformer_NoProviderSchema)));
// We should always have at least 1 WizardStep when we return
Debug.Assert(WizardSteps.Count > 0);
protected override void OnFinishButtonClick(WizardNavigationEventArgs e) {
ArrayList providerFieldNames = new ArrayList();
ArrayList consumerFieldNames = new ArrayList();
int oldProviderNamesLength = (OldProviderNames != null) ? OldProviderNames.Length : 0;
if (oldProviderNamesLength > 0) {
Debug.Assert(_consumerFieldNames != null);
Debug.Assert(oldProviderNamesLength == 2 * _consumerFieldNames.Length);
for (int i=0; i < _consumerFieldNames.Length; i++) {
DropDownList consumerFieldName = _consumerFieldNames[i];
if (consumerFieldName.Enabled) {
string selectedConsumerFieldName = consumerFieldName.SelectedValue;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedConsumerFieldName)) {
providerFieldNames.Add(OldProviderNames[2*i + 1]);
_owner.ConsumerFieldNames = (string[])consumerFieldNames.ToArray(typeof(string));
_owner.ProviderFieldNames = (string[])providerFieldNames.ToArray(typeof(string));