969 lines
22 KiB
969 lines
22 KiB
// repl.cs: Support for using the compiler in interactive mode (read-eval-print loop)
// Authors:
// Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnome.org)
// Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL
// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com)
// Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Novell, Inc
// Copyright 2011-2013 Xamarin Inc
// TODO:
// Do not print results in Evaluate, do that elsewhere in preparation for Eval refactoring.
// Driver.PartialReset should not reset the coretypes, nor the optional types, to avoid
// computing that on every call.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.CSharp;
namespace Mono {
public class Driver {
public static string StartupEvalExpression;
static int? attach;
static string target_host;
static int target_port;
static string agent;
static int Main (string [] args)
var cmd = new CommandLineParser (Console.Out);
cmd.UnknownOptionHandler += HandleExtraArguments;
// Enable unsafe code by default
var settings = new CompilerSettings () {
Unsafe = true
if (!cmd.ParseArguments (settings, args))
return 1;
var startup_files = new string [settings.SourceFiles.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (var source in settings.SourceFiles)
startup_files [i++] = source.FullPathName;
settings.SourceFiles.Clear ();
TextWriter agent_stderr = null;
ReportPrinter printer;
if (agent != null) {
agent_stderr = new StringWriter ();
printer = new StreamReportPrinter (agent_stderr);
} else {
printer = new ConsoleReportPrinter ();
var eval = new Evaluator (new CompilerContext (settings, printer));
eval.InteractiveBaseClass = typeof (InteractiveBaseShell);
eval.DescribeTypeExpressions = true;
eval.WaitOnTask = true;
CSharpShell shell;
if (attach.HasValue) {
shell = new ClientCSharpShell_v1 (eval, attach.Value);
} else if (agent != null) {
new CSharpAgent (eval, agent, agent_stderr).Run (startup_files);
return 0;
} else
if (target_host != null)
shell = new ClientCSharpShell (eval, target_host, target_port);
shell = new CSharpShell (eval);
return shell.Run (startup_files);
static int HandleExtraArguments (string [] args, int pos)
switch (args [pos]) {
case "-e":
if (pos + 1 < args.Length) {
StartupEvalExpression = args[pos + 1];
return pos + 1;
case "--attach":
if (pos + 1 < args.Length) {
attach = Int32.Parse (args[1]);
return pos + 1;
if (args [pos].StartsWith ("--server=")){
var hostport = args [pos].Substring (9);
int p = hostport.IndexOf (':');
if (p == -1){
target_host = hostport;
target_port = 10000;
} else {
target_host = hostport.Substring (0,p);
if (!int.TryParse (hostport.Substring (p), out target_port)){
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Usage is: --server[=host[:port]");
Environment.Exit (1);
return pos + 1;
if (args [pos].StartsWith ("--client")){
target_host = "localhost";
target_port = 10000;
return pos + 1;
if (args [pos].StartsWith ("--agent:")) {
agent = args[pos];
return pos + 1;
} else {
return -1;
return -1;
public class InteractiveBaseShell : InteractiveBase {
static bool tab_at_start_completes;
static InteractiveBaseShell ()
tab_at_start_completes = false;
internal static Mono.Terminal.LineEditor Editor;
public static bool TabAtStartCompletes {
get {
return tab_at_start_completes;
set {
tab_at_start_completes = value;
if (Editor != null)
Editor.TabAtStartCompletes = value;
public static new string help {
get {
return InteractiveBase.help +
" TabAtStartCompletes - Whether tab will complete even on empty lines\n";
public class CSharpShell {
static bool isatty = true, is_unix = false;
protected string [] startup_files;
Mono.Terminal.LineEditor editor;
bool dumb;
readonly Evaluator evaluator;
public CSharpShell (Evaluator evaluator)
this.evaluator = evaluator;
protected virtual void ConsoleInterrupt (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs a)
// Do not about our program
a.Cancel = true;
evaluator.Interrupt ();
void SetupConsole ()
if (is_unix){
string term = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("TERM");
dumb = term == "dumb" || term == null || isatty == false;
} else
dumb = false;
editor = new Mono.Terminal.LineEditor ("csharp", 300) {
HeuristicsMode = "csharp"
InteractiveBaseShell.Editor = editor;
editor.AutoCompleteEvent += delegate (string s, int pos){
string prefix = null;
string complete = s.Substring (0, pos);
string [] completions = evaluator.GetCompletions (complete, out prefix);
return new Mono.Terminal.LineEditor.Completion (prefix, completions);
#if false
// This is a sample of how completions sould be implemented.
editor.AutoCompleteEvent += delegate (string s, int pos){
// Single match: "Substring": Sub-string
if (s.EndsWith ("Sub")){
return new string [] { "string" };
// Multiple matches: "ToString" and "ToLower"
if (s.EndsWith ("T")){
return new string [] { "ToString", "ToLower" };
return null;
Console.CancelKeyPress += ConsoleInterrupt;
string GetLine (bool primary)
string prompt = primary ? InteractiveBase.Prompt : InteractiveBase.ContinuationPrompt;
if (dumb){
if (isatty)
Console.Write (prompt);
return Console.ReadLine ();
} else {
return editor.Edit (prompt, "");
delegate string ReadLiner (bool primary);
void InitializeUsing ()
Evaluate ("using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections;");
void InitTerminal (bool show_banner)
int p = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
is_unix = (p == 4) || (p == 128);
isatty = !Console.IsInputRedirected && !Console.IsOutputRedirected;
// Work around, since Console is not accounting for
// cursor position when writing to Stderr. It also
// has the undesirable side effect of making
// errors plain, with no coloring.
// Report.Stderr = Console.Out;
SetupConsole ();
if (isatty && show_banner)
Console.WriteLine ("Mono C# Shell, type \"help;\" for help\n\nEnter statements below.");
void ExecuteSources (IEnumerable<string> sources, bool ignore_errors)
foreach (string file in sources){
try {
try {
bool first = true;
using (System.IO.StreamReader r = System.IO.File.OpenText (file)){
ReadEvalPrintLoopWith (p => {
var line = r.ReadLine ();
if (first){
if (line.StartsWith ("#!"))
line = r.ReadLine ();
first = false;
return line;
} catch (FileNotFoundException){
Console.Error.WriteLine ("cs2001: Source file `{0}' not found", file);
} catch {
if (!ignore_errors)
protected virtual void LoadStartupFiles ()
string dir = Path.Combine (
Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData),
if (!Directory.Exists (dir))
List<string> sources = new List<string> ();
List<string> libraries = new List<string> ();
foreach (string file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles (dir)){
string l = file.ToLower ();
if (l.EndsWith (".cs"))
sources.Add (file);
else if (l.EndsWith (".dll"))
libraries.Add (file);
foreach (string file in libraries)
evaluator.LoadAssembly (file);
ExecuteSources (sources, true);
void ReadEvalPrintLoopWith (ReadLiner readline)
string expr = null;
while (!InteractiveBase.QuitRequested){
string input = readline (expr == null);
if (input == null)
if (input == "")
expr = expr == null ? input : expr + "\n" + input;
expr = Evaluate (expr);
public int ReadEvalPrintLoop ()
if (startup_files != null && startup_files.Length == 0)
InitTerminal (startup_files.Length == 0 && Driver.StartupEvalExpression == null);
InitializeUsing ();
LoadStartupFiles ();
if (startup_files != null && startup_files.Length != 0) {
ExecuteSources (startup_files, false);
} else {
if (Driver.StartupEvalExpression != null){
ReadEvalPrintLoopWith (p => {
var ret = Driver.StartupEvalExpression;
Driver.StartupEvalExpression = null;
return ret;
} else {
ReadEvalPrintLoopWith (GetLine);
editor.SaveHistory ();
Console.CancelKeyPress -= ConsoleInterrupt;
return 0;
protected virtual string Evaluate (string input)
bool result_set;
object result;
try {
input = evaluator.Evaluate (input, out result, out result_set);
if (result_set){
PrettyPrint (Console.Out, result);
Console.WriteLine ();
} catch (Exception e){
Console.WriteLine (e);
return null;
return input;
static void p (TextWriter output, string s)
output.Write (s);
static void EscapeString (TextWriter output, string s)
foreach (var c in s){
if (c >= 32){
output.Write (c);
switch (c){
case '\"':
output.Write ("\\\""); break;
case '\a':
output.Write ("\\a"); break;
case '\b':
output.Write ("\\b"); break;
case '\n':
output.Write ("\n");
case '\v':
output.Write ("\\v");
case '\r':
output.Write ("\\r");
case '\f':
output.Write ("\\f");
case '\t':
output.Write ("\\t");
output.Write ("\\x{0:x}", (int) c);
static void EscapeChar (TextWriter output, char c)
if (c == '\''){
output.Write ("'\\''");
if (c >= 32){
output.Write ("'{0}'", c);
switch (c){
case '\a':
output.Write ("'\\a'");
case '\b':
output.Write ("'\\b'");
case '\n':
output.Write ("'\\n'");
case '\v':
output.Write ("'\\v'");
case '\r':
output.Write ("'\\r'");
case '\f':
output.Write ("'\\f'");
case '\t':
output.Write ("'\\t");
output.Write ("'\\x{0:x}'", (int) c);
// Some types (System.Json.JsonPrimitive) implement
// IEnumerator and yet, throw an exception when we
// try to use them, helper function to check for that
// condition
static internal bool WorksAsEnumerable (object obj)
IEnumerable enumerable = obj as IEnumerable;
if (enumerable != null){
try {
enumerable.GetEnumerator ();
return true;
} catch {
// nothing, we return false below
return false;
internal static void PrettyPrint (TextWriter output, object result)
if (result == null){
p (output, "null");
if (result is Array){
Array a = (Array) result;
p (output, "{ ");
int top = a.GetUpperBound (0);
for (int i = a.GetLowerBound (0); i <= top; i++){
PrettyPrint (output, a.GetValue (i));
if (i != top)
p (output, ", ");
p (output, " }");
} else if (result is bool){
if ((bool) result)
p (output, "true");
p (output, "false");
} else if (result is string){
p (output, "\"");
EscapeString (output, (string)result);
p (output, "\"");
} else if (result is IDictionary){
IDictionary dict = (IDictionary) result;
int top = dict.Count, count = 0;
p (output, "{");
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dict){
p (output, "{ ");
PrettyPrint (output, entry.Key);
p (output, ", ");
PrettyPrint (output, entry.Value);
if (count != top)
p (output, " }, ");
p (output, " }");
p (output, "}");
} else if (WorksAsEnumerable (result)) {
int i = 0;
p (output, "{ ");
foreach (object item in (IEnumerable) result) {
if (i++ != 0)
p (output, ", ");
PrettyPrint (output, item);
p (output, " }");
} else if (result is char) {
EscapeChar (output, (char) result);
} else {
p (output, result.ToString ());
public virtual int Run (string [] startup_files)
this.startup_files = startup_files;
return ReadEvalPrintLoop ();
// Stream helper extension methods
public static class StreamHelper {
static DataConverter converter = DataConverter.LittleEndian;
static void GetBuffer (this Stream stream, byte [] b)
int n, offset = 0;
int len = b.Length;
do {
n = stream.Read (b, offset, len);
if (n == 0)
throw new IOException ("End reached");
offset += n;
len -= n;
} while (len > 0);
public static int GetInt (this Stream stream)
byte [] b = new byte [4];
stream.GetBuffer (b);
return converter.GetInt32 (b, 0);
public static string GetString (this Stream stream)
int len = stream.GetInt ();
if (len == 0)
return "";
byte [] b = new byte [len];
stream.GetBuffer (b);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString (b);
public static void WriteInt (this Stream stream, int n)
byte [] bytes = converter.GetBytes (n);
stream.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
public static void WriteString (this Stream stream, string s)
stream.WriteInt (s.Length);
byte [] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (s);
stream.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
public enum AgentStatus : byte {
// Received partial input, complete
// The result was set, expect the string with the result
// No result was set, complete
// Errors and warnings string follows
ERROR = 4,
// Stdout
class ClientCSharpShell : CSharpShell {
string target_host;
int target_port;
public ClientCSharpShell (Evaluator evaluator, string target_host, int target_port) : base (evaluator)
this.target_port = target_port;
this.target_host = target_host;
T ConnectServer<T> (Func<NetworkStream,T> callback, Action<Exception> error)
try {
var client = new TcpClient (target_host, target_port);
var ns = client.GetStream ();
T ret = callback (ns);
ns.Flush ();
ns.Close ();
client.Close ();
return ret;
} catch (Exception e){
error (e);
return default(T);
protected override string Evaluate (string input)
return ConnectServer<string> ((ns)=> {
try {
ns.WriteString ("EVALTXT");
ns.WriteString (input);
while (true) {
AgentStatus s = (AgentStatus) ns.ReadByte ();
switch (s){
case AgentStatus.PARTIAL_INPUT:
return input;
case AgentStatus.ERROR:
string err = ns.GetString ();
Console.Error.WriteLine (err);
case AgentStatus.STDOUT:
string stdout = ns.GetString ();
Console.WriteLine (stdout);
case AgentStatus.RESULT_NOT_SET:
return null;
case AgentStatus.RESULT_SET:
string res = ns.GetString ();
Console.WriteLine (res);
return null;
} catch (Exception e){
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error evaluating expression, exception: {0}", e);
return null;
}, (e) => {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error communicating with server {0}", e);
public override int Run (string [] startup_files)
// The difference is that we do not call Evaluator.Init, that is done on the target
this.startup_files = startup_files;
return ReadEvalPrintLoop ();
protected override void ConsoleInterrupt (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs a)
ConnectServer<int> ((ns)=> {
ns.WriteString ("INTERRUPT");
return 0;
}, (e) => { });
// A shell connected to a CSharpAgent running in a remote process.
// - maybe add 'class_name' and 'method_name' arguments to LoadAgent.
// - Support Gtk and Winforms main loops if detected, this should
// probably be done as a separate agent in a separate place.
class ClientCSharpShell_v1 : CSharpShell {
NetworkStream ns, interrupt_stream;
public ClientCSharpShell_v1 (Evaluator evaluator, int pid)
: base (evaluator)
// Create a server socket we listen on whose address is passed to the agent
TcpListener listener = new TcpListener (new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Loopback, 0));
listener.Start ();
TcpListener interrupt_listener = new TcpListener (new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Loopback, 0));
interrupt_listener.Start ();
string agent_assembly = typeof (ClientCSharpShell).Assembly.Location;
string agent_arg = String.Format ("--agent:{0}:{1}" ,
var vm = new Attach.VirtualMachine (pid);
vm.Attach (agent_assembly, agent_arg);
/* Wait for the client to connect */
TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient ();
ns = client.GetStream ();
TcpClient interrupt_client = interrupt_listener.AcceptTcpClient ();
interrupt_stream = interrupt_client.GetStream ();
Console.WriteLine ("Connected.");
// A remote version of Evaluate
protected override string Evaluate (string input)
ns.WriteString (input);
while (true) {
AgentStatus s = (AgentStatus) ns.ReadByte ();
switch (s){
case AgentStatus.PARTIAL_INPUT:
return input;
case AgentStatus.ERROR:
string err = ns.GetString ();
Console.Error.WriteLine (err);
case AgentStatus.RESULT_NOT_SET:
return null;
case AgentStatus.RESULT_SET:
string res = ns.GetString ();
Console.WriteLine (res);
return null;
public override int Run (string [] startup_files)
// The difference is that we do not call Evaluator.Init, that is done on the target
this.startup_files = startup_files;
return ReadEvalPrintLoop ();
protected override void ConsoleInterrupt (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs a)
// Do not about our program
a.Cancel = true;
interrupt_stream.WriteByte (0);
int c = interrupt_stream.ReadByte ();
if (c != -1)
Console.WriteLine ("Execution interrupted");
// This is the agent loaded into the target process when using --attach.
class CSharpAgent
NetworkStream interrupt_stream;
readonly Evaluator evaluator;
TextWriter stderr;
public CSharpAgent (Evaluator evaluator, String arg, TextWriter stderr)
this.evaluator = evaluator;
this.stderr = stderr;
new Thread (new ParameterizedThreadStart (Run)).Start (arg);
public void InterruptListener ()
while (true){
int b = interrupt_stream.ReadByte();
if (b == -1)
evaluator.Interrupt ();
interrupt_stream.WriteByte (0);
public void Run (object o)
string arg = (string)o;
string ports = arg.Substring (8);
int sp = ports.IndexOf (':');
int port = Int32.Parse (ports.Substring (0, sp));
int interrupt_port = Int32.Parse (ports.Substring (sp+1));
Console.WriteLine ("csharp-agent: started, connecting to localhost:" + port);
TcpClient client = new TcpClient ("", port);
TcpClient interrupt_client = new TcpClient ("", interrupt_port);
Console.WriteLine ("csharp-agent: connected.");
NetworkStream s = client.GetStream ();
interrupt_stream = interrupt_client.GetStream ();
new Thread (InterruptListener).Start ();
try {
// Add all assemblies loaded later
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += AssemblyLoaded;
// Add all currently loaded assemblies
foreach (Assembly a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ()) {
// Some assemblies seem to be already loaded, and loading them again causes 'defined multiple times' errors
if (a.GetName ().Name != "mscorlib" && a.GetName ().Name != "System.Core" && a.GetName ().Name != "System")
evaluator.ReferenceAssembly (a);
RunRepl (s);
} finally {
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad -= AssemblyLoaded;
client.Close ();
interrupt_client.Close ();
Console.WriteLine ("csharp-agent: disconnected.");
void AssemblyLoaded (object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs e)
evaluator.ReferenceAssembly (e.LoadedAssembly);
public void RunRepl (NetworkStream s)
string input = null;
while (!InteractiveBase.QuitRequested) {
try {
string error_string;
StringWriter error_output = (StringWriter)stderr;
string line = s.GetString ();
bool result_set;
object result;
if (input == null)
input = line;
input = input + "\n" + line;
try {
input = evaluator.Evaluate (input, out result, out result_set);
} catch (Exception e) {
s.WriteByte ((byte) AgentStatus.ERROR);
s.WriteString (e.ToString ());
s.WriteByte ((byte) AgentStatus.RESULT_NOT_SET);
if (input != null){
s.WriteByte ((byte) AgentStatus.PARTIAL_INPUT);
// Send warnings and errors back
error_string = error_output.ToString ();
if (error_string.Length != 0){
s.WriteByte ((byte) AgentStatus.ERROR);
s.WriteString (error_output.ToString ());
error_output.GetStringBuilder ().Clear ();
if (result_set){
s.WriteByte ((byte) AgentStatus.RESULT_SET);
StringWriter sr = new StringWriter ();
CSharpShell.PrettyPrint (sr, result);
s.WriteString (sr.ToString ());
} else {
s.WriteByte ((byte) AgentStatus.RESULT_NOT_SET);
} catch (IOException) {
} catch (Exception e){
Console.WriteLine (e);
public class UnixUtils {
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport ("libc", EntryPoint="isatty")]
extern static int _isatty (int fd);
public static bool isatty (int fd)
try {
return _isatty (fd) == 1;
} catch {
return false;
namespace Mono.Management
interface IVirtualMachine {
void LoadAgent (string filename, string args);